AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-11-08fixup! Add test for new rebase interfacerebase-functionalityMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add test for new rebase interfaceMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Make member pub(crate) for tests in other moduleMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Rebase functionality via nice build patternMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add test for rebasingMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Merge #1bors[bot]
2022-11-08Fix clippy: Do not clone copy typeMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Fix clippy: Outsource complex type definitionMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Fix clippy: redundant file namesMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08cargo-fmtMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add flake update workflowMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add commit-lint workflowMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add CI workflowMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add (default) rustfmt configMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Add bors configuration fileMatthias Beyer
2022-11-08Remove sourcehut build infraMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add getters for backendMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add AsycnDag::head() to get current HEAD idMatthias Beyer
2021-04-05Add AsyncDag::load()Matthias Beyer
2021-04-05impl Merger for Fn(Id, Id) -> Result<Node>Matthias Beyer
2021-04-04Remove AsyncDag::get_next()Matthias Beyer
2021-04-04Remove unused variables, importsMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Remove NodeId:: std::hash::HashMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Remove Node::id() requirementMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Add documentationMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Merging should be possible without consuming the merged DAGMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Make merging handler into own traitMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Add AsyncDag::merge() functionMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Because were using the same backend here now, this is actually 2Matthias Beyer
2021-04-04Make test backend multithreading capableMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Implement branchingMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Add license headersMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Add AsyncDag::update_head{,_unchecked}() functionsMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Fix: Make AsyncDag::stream() pubMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Fix: Make AsyncDag::get_next() pubMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04AsyncDag should store Id instead of a NodeMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Add sourcehut build fileMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Extend READMEMatthias Beyer
2021-04-04Import rewrite from distrox repositoryMatthias Beyer
2019-06-25Rewrite Repository trait to fit needs betterMatthias Beyer
2019-06-25Be more explicit about names hereMatthias Beyer
2019-06-25Add minimal required interfacesMatthias Beyer
2019-06-25Initial importMatthias Beyer