path: root/deps_index/src
diff options
authorKornel <>2020-02-27 19:34:21 +0000
committerKornel <>2020-02-27 22:19:37 +0000
commitca018e8cec2f5b96044a87c66f32913b8c40c126 (patch)
tree5b72d40de19b82ce9cb452cb43fbe818e9c4a12a /deps_index/src
parentdb676cddcc1984bb84c89c81c3bb84fc91d4cda6 (diff)
Move deps stats
Diffstat (limited to 'deps_index/src')
4 files changed, 825 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/deps_index/src/ b/deps_index/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c641f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps_index/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+use crate::index::*;
+use crate::DepsErr;
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use rayon::prelude::*;
+use string_interner::Sym;
+type FxHashMap<K, V> = std::collections::HashMap<K, V, ahash::RandomState>;
+type FxHashSet<V> = std::collections::HashSet<V, ahash::RandomState>;
+pub type DepInfMap = FxHashMap<Box<str>, (DepInf, MiniVer)>;
+pub struct DepsStats {
+ pub total: usize,
+ pub counts: FxHashMap<Box<str>, RevDependencies>,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct RevDepCount {
+ pub def: u16,
+ pub opt: u16,
+impl RevDepCount {
+ pub fn all(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.def as u32 + self.opt as u32
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct DirectDepCount {
+ pub runtime: u16,
+ pub build: u16,
+ pub dev: u16,
+impl DirectDepCount {
+ pub fn all(&self) -> u32 {
+ self.runtime as u32 + as u32 + as u32
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct RevDependencies {
+ /// Default, optional
+ pub runtime: RevDepCount,
+ pub build: RevDepCount,
+ pub dev: u16,
+ pub direct: DirectDepCount,
+ pub versions: FxHashMap<MiniVer, u16>,
+ pub rev_dep_names: CompactStringSet,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+pub enum DepTy {
+ Runtime,
+ Build,
+ Dev,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+pub struct DepInf {
+ pub direct: bool,
+ pub default: bool,
+ pub ty: DepTy,
+pub struct DepVisitor {
+ node_visited: FxHashSet<(DepInf, *const Mutex<DepSet>)>,
+impl DepVisitor {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Self {
+ node_visited: FxHashSet::with_capacity_and_hasher(120, Default::default()),
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn visit(&mut self, depset: &ArcDepSet, depinf: DepInf, mut cb: impl FnMut(&mut Self, &DepName, &Dep)) {
+ let target_addr: &Mutex<FxHashMap<DepName, Dep>> = &*depset;
+ if self.node_visited.insert((depinf, target_addr as *const _)) {
+ if let Some(depset) = depset.try_lock() {
+ for (name, dep) in depset.iter() {
+ cb(self, name, dep);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn start(&mut self, dep: &Dep, depinf: DepInf, cb: impl FnMut(&mut DepVisitor, &ArcDepSet, DepInf)) {
+ self.recurse_inner(dep, DepInf { direct: true, ..depinf }, cb)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn recurse(&mut self, dep: &Dep, depinf: DepInf, cb: impl FnMut(&mut DepVisitor, &ArcDepSet, DepInf)) {
+ self.recurse_inner(dep, DepInf { direct: false, ..depinf }, cb)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn recurse_inner(&mut self, dep: &Dep, depinf: DepInf, mut cb: impl FnMut(&mut DepVisitor, &ArcDepSet, DepInf)) {
+ cb(self, &dep.runtime, depinf);
+ let ty = if depinf.ty == DepTy::Dev { DepTy::Dev } else { DepTy::Build };
+ cb(self, &, DepInf { ty, ..depinf });
+ }
+impl Index {
+ pub fn all_dependencies_flattened(&self, c: &impl ICrate) -> Result<DepInfMap, DepsErr> {
+ let mut collected = FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(120, Default::default());
+ let mut visitor = DepVisitor::new();
+ flatten(&self.deps_of_crate(c, DepQuery {
+ default: true,
+ all_optional: false,
+ dev: false,
+ })?, DepInf {
+ default: true,
+ direct: true,
+ ty: DepTy::Runtime,
+ }, &mut collected, &mut visitor);
+ flatten(&self.deps_of_crate(c, DepQuery {
+ default: true,
+ all_optional: true,
+ dev: false,
+ })?, DepInf {
+ default: false, // false, because real defaults have already been set
+ direct: true,
+ ty: DepTy::Runtime,
+ }, &mut collected, &mut visitor);
+ flatten(&self.deps_of_crate(c, DepQuery {
+ default: true,
+ all_optional: true,
+ dev: true,
+ })?, DepInf {
+ default: false, // false, because real defaults have already been set
+ direct: true,
+ ty: DepTy::Dev,
+ }, &mut collected, &mut visitor);
+ if collected.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(FxHashMap::default());
+ }
+ let inter =;
+ let mut converted = FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(collected.len(), Default::default());
+ converted.extend(collected.into_iter().map(|(k, v)| {
+ let name = inter.resolve(k).expect("resolve");
+ debug_assert_eq!(name, name.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ (name.into(), v)
+ }));
+ Ok(converted)
+ }
+ pub async fn get_deps_stats(&self) -> DepsStats {
+ let crates = self.crates_io_crates();
+ let crates: Vec<(Box<str>, FxHashMap<_,_>)> = crates
+ .par_iter()
+ .filter_map(|(_, c)| {
+ self.all_dependencies_flattened(c)
+ .ok()
+ .filter(|collected| !collected.is_empty())
+ .map(|dep| {
+ (, dep)
+ })
+ }).collect();
+ self.clear_cache();
+ let total = crates.len();
+ let mut counts = FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(total, Default::default());
+ for (parent_name, deps) in crates {
+ for (name, (depinf, semver)) in deps {
+ let n = counts.entry(name).or_insert_with(RevDependencies::default);
+ let t = n.versions.entry(semver).or_insert(0);
+ *t = t.checked_add(1).expect("overflow");
+ if {
+ n.rev_dep_names.push(&parent_name);
+ }
+ match depinf.ty {
+ DepTy::Runtime => {
+ if { ="overflow"); }
+ if depinf.default {
+ n.runtime.def = n.runtime.def.checked_add(1).expect("overflow");
+ } else {
+ n.runtime.opt = n.runtime.opt.checked_add(1).expect("overflow");
+ }
+ },
+ DepTy::Build => {
+ if { ="overflow"); }
+ if depinf.default {
+ ="overflow");
+ } else {
+ ="overflow");
+ }
+ },
+ DepTy::Dev => {
+ if { ="overflow"); }
+ ="overflow");
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ DepsStats { total, counts }
+ }
+fn flatten(dep: &Dep, depinf: DepInf, collected: &mut FxHashMap<Sym, (DepInf, MiniVer)>, visitor: &mut DepVisitor) {
+ visitor.start(dep, depinf, |vis, dep, depinf| flatten_set(dep, depinf, collected, vis));
+fn flatten_set(depset: &ArcDepSet, depinf: DepInf, collected: &mut FxHashMap<Sym, (DepInf, MiniVer)>, visitor: &mut DepVisitor) {
+ visitor.visit(depset, depinf, |vis, (name, _), dep| {
+ collected.entry(name.clone())
+ .and_modify(|(old, semver)| {
+ if depinf.default {old.default = true;}
+ if {
+ = true;
+ *semver = dep.semver.clone(); // direct version is most important; used for estimating out-of-date versions
+ }
+ match (old.ty, depinf.ty) {
+ (_, DepTy::Runtime) => {old.ty = DepTy::Runtime;},
+ (DepTy::Dev, DepTy::Build) => {old.ty = DepTy::Build;},
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ })
+ .or_insert((depinf, dep.semver.clone()));
+ vis.recurse(dep, depinf, |vis, dep, depinf| flatten_set(dep, depinf, collected, vis));
+ })
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
+pub struct CompactStringSet(String);
+impl CompactStringSet {
+ pub fn push(&mut self, s: &str) {
+ if !self.0.is_empty() {
+ self.0.reserve(1 + s.len());
+ self.0.push('\0');
+ }
+ self.0.push_str(s);
+ }
+ pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &str> {
+ self.0.split('\0')
+ }
diff --git a/deps_index/src/ b/deps_index/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b3adb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps_index/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+use crate::DepsErr;
+use crate::Origin;
+use std::fs;
+use std::path::Path;
+type FxHashSet<V> = std::collections::HashSet<V, ahash::RandomState>;
+pub struct GitIndex {
+ index: FxHashSet<Origin>,
+impl GitIndex {
+ pub fn new(dir: &Path) -> Result<Self, DepsErr> {
+ let path = dir.join("git_crates.txt");
+ let index = if path.exists() {
+ match fs::read_to_string(&path) {
+ Ok(file) => file.split('\n').map(|s| s.trim()).filter(|s| !s.is_empty()).map(Origin::from_str).collect(),
+ Err(e) => return Err(DepsErr::GitIndexFile(path, e.to_string())),
+ }
+ } else {
+ Default::default()
+ };
+ Ok(Self { index })
+ }
+ pub fn has(&self, origin: &Origin) -> bool {
+ self.index.get(origin).is_some()
+ }
+ pub fn crates(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Origin> {
+ self.index.iter()
+ }
diff --git a/deps_index/src/ b/deps_index/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53ab8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps_index/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+use crate::deps_stats::DepsStats;
+use crate::git_crates_index::*;
+use crate::DepsErr;
+use crates_index;
+use crates_index::Crate;
+use crates_index::Dependency;
+pub use crates_index::Version;
+use double_checked_cell_async::DoubleCheckedCell;
+use parking_lot::Mutex;
+use parking_lot::RwLock;
+use rich_crate::Origin;
+use rich_crate::RichCrateVersion;
+use rich_crate::RichDep;
+use semver::Version as SemVer;
+use semver::VersionReq;
+use std::iter;
+use std::path::Path;
+use std::sync::Arc;
+use string_interner::StringInterner;
+use string_interner::Sym;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use rayon::prelude::*;
+use serde_derive::*;
+type FxHashMap<K, V> = std::collections::HashMap<K, V, ahash::RandomState>;
+type FxHashSet<V> = std::collections::HashSet<V, ahash::RandomState>;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+pub struct MiniVer {
+ pub major: u16,
+ pub minor: u16,
+ pub patch: u16,
+ pub build: u16,
+ pub pre: Box<[semver::Identifier]>,
+impl MiniVer {
+ pub fn to_semver(&self) -> SemVer {
+ SemVer {
+ major: self.major.into(),
+ minor: self.minor.into(),
+ patch: self.patch.into(),
+ pre: self.pre.clone().into(),
+ build: if > 0 { vec![semver::Identifier::Numeric(] } else { Vec::new() },
+ }
+ }
+pub trait FeatureGetter {
+ fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&Vec<String>>;
+impl FeatureGetter for std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<String>> {
+ fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&Vec<String>> {
+ self.get(key)
+ }
+impl FeatureGetter for std::collections::BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>> {
+ fn get(&self, key: &str) -> Option<&Vec<String>> {
+ self.get(key)
+ }
+pub trait IVersion {
+ type Features: FeatureGetter;
+ fn name(&self) -> &str;
+ fn version(&self) -> &str;
+ fn dependencies(&self) -> Fudge;
+ fn features(&self) -> &Self::Features;
+ fn is_yanked(&self) -> bool;
+impl IVersion for Version {
+ type Features = std::collections::HashMap<String, Vec<String>>;
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {}
+ fn version(&self) -> &str {self.version()}
+ fn dependencies(&self) -> Fudge {Fudge::CratesIo(self.dependencies())}
+ fn features(&self) -> &Self::Features {self.features()}
+ fn is_yanked(&self) -> bool {self.is_yanked()}
+pub trait ICrate {
+ type Ver: IVersion;
+ fn latest_version_with_features(&self, all_optional: bool) -> (&Self::Ver, Box<[Box<str>]>);
+impl ICrate for Crate {
+ type Ver = Version;
+ fn latest_version_with_features(&self, all_optional: bool) -> (&Self::Ver, Box<[Box<str>]>) {
+ let latest = Index::highest_crates_io_version(self, true);
+ let mut features = Vec::with_capacity(if all_optional {
+ latest.features().len() + latest.dependencies().iter().filter(|d| d.is_optional()).count()
+ } else { 0 });
+ if all_optional {
+ features.extend(latest.features().iter().filter(|(_, v)| !v.is_empty()).map(|(c, _)| c.to_string().into_boxed_str()));
+ // optional dependencis make implicit features
+ features.extend(latest.dependencies().iter().filter(|d| d.is_optional()).map(|d|;
+ };
+ let features = features.into_boxed_slice();
+ (latest, features)
+ }
+pub enum Fudge<'a> {
+ CratesIo(&'a [Dependency]),
+ Manifest((Vec<RichDep>, Vec<RichDep>, Vec<RichDep>)),
+impl IVersion for RichCrateVersion {
+ type Features = std::collections::BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>;
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {self.short_name()}
+ fn version(&self) -> &str {self.version()}
+ fn dependencies(&self) -> Fudge {Fudge::Manifest(self.direct_dependencies().unwrap())}
+ fn features(&self) -> &Self::Features {self.features()}
+ fn is_yanked(&self) -> bool {self.is_yanked()}
+impl ICrate for RichCrateVersion {
+ type Ver = RichCrateVersion;
+ fn latest_version_with_features(&self, all_optional: bool) -> (&Self::Ver, Box<[Box<str>]>) {
+ let mut features = Vec::with_capacity(if all_optional { self.features().len() } else { 0 });
+ if all_optional {
+ features.extend(self.features().iter().filter(|(_, v)| !v.is_empty()).map(|(c, _)| c.to_string().into_boxed_str()));
+ };
+ let features = features.into_boxed_slice();
+ (self, features)
+ }
+pub struct Index {
+ indexed_crates: FxHashMap<Box<str>, Crate>,
+ pub crates_io_index: crates_index::Index,
+ git_index: GitIndex,
+ pub inter: RwLock<StringInterner<Sym>>,
+ pub cache: RwLock<FxHashMap<(Box<str>, Features), ArcDepSet>>,
+ deps_stats: DoubleCheckedCell<DepsStats>,
+impl Index {
+ pub fn new(data_dir: &Path) -> Result<Self, DepsErr> {
+ let crates_io_index = crates_index::Index::new(data_dir.join("index"));
+ let indexed_crates = crates_io_index.crate_index_paths().par_bridge()
+ .filter_map(|path| {
+ let c = crates_index::Crate::new_checked(path).ok()?;
+ Some((, c))
+ })
+ .collect();
+ Ok(Self {
+ git_index: GitIndex::new(data_dir)?,
+ cache: RwLock::new(FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(5000, Default::default())),
+ inter: RwLock::new(StringInterner::new()),
+ deps_stats: DoubleCheckedCell::new(),
+ indexed_crates,
+ crates_io_index,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn update(&self) {
+ let _ = self.crates_io_index.update().map_err(|e| eprintln!("{}", e));
+ }
+ /// Crates available in the index
+ ///
+ /// It returns only a thin and mostly useless data from the index itself,
+ /// so `rich_crate`/`rich_crate_version` is needed to do more.
+ pub fn crates_io_crates(&self) -> &FxHashMap<Box<str>, Crate> {
+ &self.indexed_crates
+ }
+ pub fn crate_exists(&self, origin: &Origin) -> bool {
+ match origin {
+ Origin::CratesIo(lowercase_name) => self.crates_io_crate_by_lowercase_name(lowercase_name).is_ok(),
+ Origin::GitHub { .. } | Origin::GitLab { .. } => self.git_index.has(origin),
+ }
+ }
+ /// All crates available in the index and our index
+ ///
+ pub fn all_crates(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Origin> + '_ {
+ self.git_index.crates().cloned().chain(self.crates_io_crates().keys().map(|n| Origin::from_crates_io_name(&n)))
+ }
+ pub async fn deps_stats(&self) -> Result<&DepsStats, DepsErr> {
+ Ok(tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(30), self.deps_stats.get_or_init(self.get_deps_stats())).await
+ .map_err(|_| DepsErr::DepsNotAvailable)?)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn crates_io_crate_by_lowercase_name(&self, name: &str) -> Result<&Crate, DepsErr> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(name, name.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ self.crates_io_crates()
+ .get(name)
+ .ok_or_else(|| DepsErr::CrateNotFound(Origin::from_crates_io_name(name)))
+ }
+ pub fn crate_highest_version(&self, name: &str, stable_only: bool) -> Result<&Version, DepsErr> {
+ debug_assert_eq!(name, name.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ Ok(Self::highest_crates_io_version(self.crates_io_crate_by_lowercase_name(name)?, stable_only))
+ }
+ fn highest_crates_io_version(krate: &Crate, stable_only: bool) -> &Version {
+ krate.versions()
+ .iter()
+ .max_by_key(|a| {
+ let ver = SemVer::parse(a.version())
+ .map_err(|e| eprintln!("{} has invalid version {}: {}",, a.version(), e))
+ .ok();
+ let bad = a.is_yanked() || (stable_only && !ver.as_ref().map_or(false, |v| v.pre.is_empty()));
+ (!bad, ver)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| krate.latest_version()) // latest_version = most recently published version
+ }
+ pub fn deps_of_crate(&self, krate: &impl ICrate, query: DepQuery) -> Result<Dep, DepsErr> {
+ let (latest, features) = krate.latest_version_with_features(query.all_optional);
+ self.deps_of_crate_int(latest, features, query)
+ }
+ fn deps_of_crate_int(&self, latest: &impl IVersion, features: Box<[Box<str>]>, DepQuery { default, all_optional, dev }: DepQuery) -> Result<Dep, DepsErr> {
+ Ok(Dep {
+ semver: semver_parse(latest.version()).into(),
+ runtime: self.deps_of_ver(latest, Features {
+ all_targets: all_optional,
+ default,
+ build: false,
+ dev,
+ features: features.clone(),
+ })?,
+ build: self.deps_of_ver(latest, Features {
+ all_targets: all_optional,
+ default,
+ build: true,
+ dev,
+ features,
+ })?,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn deps_of_ver<'a>(&self, ver: &'a impl IVersion, wants: Features) -> Result<ArcDepSet, DepsErr> {
+ let key = (format!("{}-{}",, ver.version()).into(), wants);
+ if let Some(cached) = {
+ return Ok(cached.clone());
+ }
+ let (key_id_part, wants) = key;
+ let ver_features = ver.features(); // available features
+ let mut to_enable = FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(wants.features.len(), Default::default());
+ let all_wanted_features = wants.features.iter()
+ .map(|s| s.as_ref())
+ .chain(iter::repeat("default").take(if wants.default {1} else {0}));
+ for feat in all_wanted_features {
+ if let Some(enable) = ver_features.get(feat) {
+ for enable in enable {
+ let mut t = enable.splitn(2, '/');
+ let dep_name =;
+ let enabled = to_enable.entry(dep_name.to_owned())
+ .or_insert(FxHashSet::default());
+ if let Some(enable) = {
+ enabled.insert(enable);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ to_enable.entry(feat.to_owned()).or_insert_with(FxHashSet::default);
+ }
+ }
+ let deps = ver.dependencies();
+ let mut set: FxHashMap<DepName, (_, _, SemVer, FxHashSet<String>)> = FxHashMap::with_capacity_and_hasher(60, Default::default());
+ let mut iter1;
+ let mut iter2;
+ let deps: &mut dyn Iterator<Item=_> = match deps {
+ Fudge::CratesIo(dep) => {
+ iter1 = dep.iter().map(|d| {
+ (d.crate_name().to_ascii_lowercase(), d.kind().unwrap_or("normal"),, d.is_optional(), d.requirement(), d.has_default_features(), d.features())
+ });
+ &mut iter1
+ },
+ Fudge::Manifest((ref run, ref dev, ref build)) => {
+ iter2 = run.iter().map(|r| (r, "normal"))
+ .chain(dev.iter().map(|r| (r, "dev")))
+ .chain(build.iter().map(|r| (r, "build")))
+ .map(|(r, kind)| {
+ (r.package.to_ascii_lowercase(), kind, !r.only_for_targets.is_empty(), r.is_optional(), r.dep.req(), true, &r.with_features[..])
+ });
+ &mut iter2
+ },
+ };
+ for (crate_name, kind, target_specific, is_optional, requirement, has_default_features, features) in deps {
+ debug_assert_eq!(crate_name, crate_name.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ // people forget to include winapi conditionally
+ let is_target_specific = crate_name == "winapi" || target_specific;
+ if !wants.all_targets && is_target_specific {
+ continue; // FIXME: allow common targets?
+ }
+ // hopefully nobody uses clippy at runtime, they just fail to make it dev dep
+ if ! && crate_name == "clippy" && is_optional {
+ continue;
+ }
+ match kind {
+ "normal" => (),
+ "build" if => (),
+ "dev" if => (),
+ _ => continue,
+ }
+ let enable_dep_features = to_enable.get(&crate_name);
+ if is_optional && enable_dep_features.is_none() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let req = VersionReq::parse(requirement).map_err(|_| DepsErr::SemverParsingError)?;
+ let krate = match self.crates_io_crate_by_lowercase_name(&crate_name) {
+ Ok(k) => k,
+ Err(e) => {
+ eprintln!("{}@{} depends on missing crate {} (@{}): {}",, ver.version(), crate_name, req, e);
+ continue;
+ },
+ };
+ let (matched, semver) = krate.versions().iter().rev()
+ .filter(|v| !v.is_yanked())
+ .filter_map(|v| Some((v, SemVer::parse(v.version()).ok()?)))
+ .find(|(_, semver)| {
+ req.matches(&semver)
+ })
+ .unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ let fallback = krate.latest_version(); // bad version, but it shouldn't happen anyway
+ let semver = semver_parse(fallback.version());
+ (fallback, semver)
+ });
+ let key = {
+ let mut inter = self.inter.write();
+ debug_assert_eq!(crate_name, crate_name.to_ascii_lowercase());
+ (inter.get_or_intern(crate_name), inter.get_or_intern(matched.version()))
+ };
+ let (_, _, _, all_features) = set.entry(key)
+ .or_insert_with(|| (has_default_features, matched.clone(), semver, FxHashSet::default()));
+ all_features.extend(features.iter().cloned());
+ if let Some(s) = enable_dep_features {
+ all_features.extend(s.iter().map(|s| s.to_string()));
+ }
+ }
+ // break infinite recursion. Must be inserted first, since depth-first search
+ // may end up requesting it.
+ let result = Arc::new(Mutex::new(FxHashMap::default()));
+ let key = (key_id_part, wants.clone());
+ self.cache.write().insert(key, result.clone());
+ let set: Result<_,_> = set.into_iter().map(|(k, (has_default_features, matched, semver, all_features))| {
+ let all_features = all_features.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect::<Vec<_>>().into_boxed_slice();
+ let runtime = self.deps_of_ver(&matched, Features {
+ all_targets: wants.all_targets,
+ build: false,
+ dev: false, // dev is only for top-level
+ default: has_default_features,
+ features: all_features.clone(),
+ })?;
+ let build = self.deps_of_ver(&matched, Features {
+ all_targets: wants.all_targets,
+ build: true,
+ dev: false, // dev is only for top-level
+ default: has_default_features,
+ features: all_features,
+ })?;
+ Ok((k, Dep {
+ semver: semver.into(),
+ runtime,
+ build,
+ }))
+ }).collect();
+ *result.lock() = set?;
+ Ok(result)
+ }
+ pub fn clear_cache(&self) {
+ self.cache.write().clear();
+ *self.inter.write() = StringInterner::new();
+ }
+ /// For crate being outdated. Returns (is_latest, popularity)
+ /// 0 = not used *or deprecated*
+ /// 1 = everyone uses it
+ pub async fn version_popularity(&self, crate_name: &str, requirement: &VersionReq) -> Result<Option<(bool, f32)>, DepsErr> {
+ if is_deprecated(crate_name) {
+ return Ok(Some((false, 0.)));
+ }
+ let krate = self.crates_io_crate_by_lowercase_name(&crate_name.to_ascii_lowercase())?;
+ fn matches(ver: &Version, req: &VersionReq) -> bool {
+ ver.version().parse().ok().map_or(false, |ver| req.matches(&ver))
+ }
+ let matches_latest = matches(Self::highest_crates_io_version(krate, true), requirement) ||
+ // or match latest unstable
+ matches(Self::highest_crates_io_version(krate, false), requirement);
+ let stats = self.deps_stats().await?;
+ let pop = stats.counts.get(crate_name)
+ .map(|stats| {
+ let mut matches = 0;
+ let mut unmatches = 0;
+ for (ver, count) in &stats.versions {
+ if requirement.matches(&ver.to_semver()) {
+ matches += count; // TODO: this should be (slighly) weighed by crate's popularity?
+ } else {
+ unmatches += count;
+ }
+ }
+ matches += 1; // one to denoise unpopular crates; div/0
+ matches as f32 / (matches + unmatches) as f32
+ })
+ .unwrap_or(0.);
+ Ok(Some((matches_latest, pop)))
+ }
+ /// How likely it is that this exact crate will be installed in any project
+ pub async fn version_global_popularity(&self, crate_name: &str, version: &MiniVer) -> Result<Option<f32>, DepsErr> {
+ match crate_name {
+ // bindings' SLoC looks heavier than actual overhead of standard system libs
+ "libc" | "winapi" | "kernel32-sys" | "winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu" | "winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu" => return Ok(Some(0.99)),
+ _ => {},
+ }
+ let stats = self.deps_stats().await?;
+ Ok(stats.counts.get(crate_name)
+ .and_then(|c| {
+ c.versions.get(&version)
+ .map(|&ver| ver as f32 / as f32)
+ }))
+ }
+use std::fmt;
+impl fmt::Debug for Dep {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "Dep {{ {}, runtime: x{}, build: x{} }}", self.semver, self.runtime.lock().len(),
+ }
+/// TODO: check if the repo is rust-lang-deprecated.
+/// Note: the repo URL in the crate is outdated, and it may be a redirect to the deprecated
+pub fn is_deprecated(name: &str) -> bool {
+ match name {
+ "rustc-serialize" | "gcc" | "rustc-benchmarks" | "time" | "rust-crypto" |
+ "flate2-crc" | "complex" | "simple_stats" | "concurrent" | "feed" |
+ "isatty" | "thread-scoped" | "target_build_utils" | "chan" | "chan-signal" |
+ "glsl-to-spirv" => true,
+ // fundamentally unsound
+ "str-concat" => true,
+ // uses old winapi
+ "user32-sys" | "shell32-sys" | "advapi32-sys" | "gdi32-sys" | "ole32-sys" | "ws2_32-sys" | "kernel32-sys" | "userenv-sys" => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+fn semver_parse(ver: &str) -> SemVer {
+ SemVer::parse(ver).unwrap_or_else(|_| SemVer::parse("0.0.0").expect("must parse"))
+impl From<SemVer> for MiniVer {
+ fn from(s: SemVer) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ major: s.major as u16,
+ minor: s.minor as u16,
+ patch: s.patch as u16,
+ pre: s.pre.into_boxed_slice(),
+ build: if let Some(semver::Identifier::Numeric(m)) = { *m as u16 } else { 0 },
+ }
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for MiniVer {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}.{}.{}-{}", self.major, self.minor, self.patch,
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+pub struct Features {
+ pub all_targets: bool,
+ pub default: bool,
+ pub build: bool,
+ pub dev: bool,
+ pub features: Box<[Box<str>]>,
+pub type DepName = (Sym, Sym);
+pub type DepSet = FxHashMap<DepName, Dep>;
+pub type ArcDepSet = Arc<Mutex<DepSet>>;
+pub struct Dep {
+ pub semver: MiniVer,
+ pub runtime: ArcDepSet,
+ pub build: ArcDepSet,
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub struct DepQuery {
+ pub default: bool,
+ pub all_optional: bool,
+ pub dev: bool,
diff --git a/deps_index/src/ b/deps_index/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e6ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/deps_index/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+mod index;
+use rich_crate::Origin;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+pub use index::*;
+use failure::Fail;
+mod deps_stats;
+mod git_crates_index;
+pub use deps_stats::*;
+pub use crates_index::Crate as CratesIndexCrate;
+pub use crates_index::Version as CratesIndexVersion;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Fail)]
+pub enum DepsErr {
+ #[fail(display = "crate not found: {:?}", _0)]
+ CrateNotFound(Origin),
+ #[fail(display = "crate {} not found in repo {}", _0, _1)]
+ CrateNotFoundInRepo(String, String),
+ #[fail(display = "crate is not a package: {:?}", _0)]
+ NotAPackage(Origin),
+ #[fail(display = "Error when parsing verison")]
+ SemverParsingError,
+ #[fail(display = "Stopped")]
+ Stopped,
+ #[fail(display = "Deps stats timeout")]
+ DepsNotAvailable,
+ #[fail(display = "Crate timeout")]
+ GitIndexFile(PathBuf, String),
+ #[fail(display = "Git crate '{:?}' can't be indexed, because it's not on the list", _0)]
+ GitCrateNotAllowed(Origin),