path: root/src/file/source/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-10-23Change FileExtensions (rename, make subtrait)Radosław Kot
2021-10-23Satisfy clippy's type_complexity lintRadosław Kot
2021-10-23Make File generic over Format and FileExtensionsRadosław Kot
2021-04-09Ensure order in the galaxy... I mean the importsMatthias Beyer
2021-04-09Remove unused importsMatthias Beyer
2020-03-14General upgrade for clippy fix and remove of deprecated methods for errorsFederico Pasqua
2018-07-02Run rustfmt (nightly)Ryan Leckey
2017-07-30Remove ConfigResult; close #36Ryan Leckey
2017-06-23Make boxed errors Send + SyncJascha
2017-06-22Add builder API to ConfigRyan Leckey
2017-06-14Merge branch 'feature/with_name' of in...Ryan Leckey
2017-06-01Move things around and get some tests in placeRyan Leckey