path: root/src/file/format/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2021-08-15Rename MapImpl to MapDavid Orchard
2021-08-15Move order preservation under a feature gateDavid Orchard
2021-08-15Use LinkedHashMap in place of HashMapDavid Orchard
2021-04-09Ensure order in the galaxy... I mean the importsMatthias Beyer
This patch sorts the imports: 1. std imports 2. external crate imports 3. own module imports In three blocks, each alphabetically (with is also enforced by rustfmt). As well as it prefixes the imports of own modules with crate:: This is just a quality-of-life patch :-) Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <>
2021-04-09Remove unused importsMatthias Beyer
Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <>
2021-03-18port to rust-ini 0.16Fabio Valentini
2020-10-01Run cargo-fmtMatthias Beyer
Signed-off-by: Matthias Beyer <>
2020-03-14General upgrade for clippy fix and remove of deprecated methods for errorsFederico Pasqua
2019-12-07Remove automatic lowercaseRyan Leckey
2018-07-02Run rustfmt (nightly)Ryan Leckey
2018-06-15support inisaber.wu