AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-04-23Create version 1.3.4v1.3.4Ryan Geary
2022-04-23Fix field separator issue with no EOFRyan Geary
2022-04-23Fix positive start, negative end, length 1 choice is emptyRyan Geary
2022-04-18Rename test files for Windows compatibilityPaul Moore
2021-12-16README: add MacPorts install infoHerby Gillot
2021-07-26Create version 1.3.3v1.3.3Ryan Geary
2021-07-23Improve error handling38-unwrap-on-empty-choiceRyan Geary
2021-07-12Bump to version 1.3.2v1.3.2Ryan Geary
2021-07-12Apply clippy suggestionsRyan Geary
2021-07-12Update github workflowsRyan Geary
2021-07-12Apply clippy suggestionsRyan Geary
2021-07-12Propogate BrokenPipe error up to main and exit gracefullyRyan Geary
2020-08-16Add GitHub action to create GitHub releaseRyan Geary
2020-08-13Bump to version 1.3.1v1.3.1Ryan Geary
2020-08-13Fix blank line getting printed with field_separatorRyan Geary
2020-08-13Move `make release` rule to be defaultRyan Geary
2020-06-26Bump to version 1.3.0v1.3.0Ryan Geary
2020-06-26add brew package to readme.mdCollin Reilly Clark
2020-06-24Use LineWriter when input is stdin (#10)Ryan Geary
2020-06-17Move backslash escaping to separate crateRyan Geary
2020-06-17Add backslash escape parsing (#26)Ryan Geary
2020-06-16Add GitHub actionRyan Geary
2020-06-15Add one_indexed flag (#23)Ryan Geary
2020-06-08Bump version to 1.2.0v1.2.0Ryan Geary
2020-06-08Add regression tests for #16Ryan Geary
2020-06-08Create rust.ymlRyan Geary
2020-06-08Add alternate Rust-y range syntax (#11)Ryan Geary
2020-06-08Fix readme exclusivity mistakeRyan Geary
2020-06-08Add CONTRIBUTING.mdRyan Geary
2020-06-07Prepare for releaseRyan Geary
2020-06-07Add license line to Cargov1.1.2Ryan Geary
2020-06-02Add updated documentationv1.1.1Ryan Geary
2020-06-02Advance to v1.1.0v1.1.0Ryan Geary
2020-06-02Add character-wise `choose`ingRyan Geary
2020-04-13Add Arch Linux installation to readmeRyan Geary
2020-04-06[FEATURE] specify output field delimiter (#8)Ryan Geary
2020-04-04Non-greedy String Splitting (#7)Ryan Geary
2020-04-04Update readme.mdArtem Polishchuk
2020-04-04Add packaging statusArtem Polishchuk
2020-04-04Move Cargo.toml to v1.0.0v1.0.0Ryan Geary
2020-04-02Create LICENSERyan Geary
2020-04-02Fix documentation inconsistencyRyan Geary
2020-04-02Update documentation for v0.1.4v0.1.4Ryan Geary
2020-04-01Add negative choice and parsing testsRyan Geary
2020-03-17Cargo fmtRyan Geary
2020-03-17Handle failure to open input fileRyan Geary
2020-03-17Reassign exit codes and clean up e2e_testRyan Geary
2020-03-16Use debuginfo only for flamegraph buildsRyan Geary
2020-03-15Separate Opt into separate modRyan Geary
2020-03-15Use lazy_static for parse_choice regexRyan Geary