path: root/src/package/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-13Add LICENSE file and license headersMatthias Beyer
2020-10-13Split files for more structureMatthias Beyer
2020-10-13Remove VersionParser, which is implemented with a simple TryInto<>Matthias Beyer
2020-10-13Mark unused elements as allow(unused)Matthias Beyer
2020-10-13Implement with undecided for nowMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Let types derive Clone for simplicity for nowMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Deserialize these types transparentlyMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12BuildDependency should impl CloneMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Derive Clone for Package{Name, Version}Matthias Beyer
2020-10-12Implement From<String> for PackageNameMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Add VersionParser trait (plus helpers)Matthias Beyer
2020-10-12Implement Display and Conversion for utility typesMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Implement first draft of package loading mechanismMatthias Beyer
2020-10-12Initial importMatthias Beyer