path: root/src/commands/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-19Update Copyright string to 2020-2022Matthias Beyer
2021-09-16Add tests for DAG-building with conditional dependencyMatthias Beyer
2021-09-16Add CLI parameters for tree-of subcommand to add condition-checking dataMatthias Beyer
2021-09-16Add passing of data for condition-checkMatthias Beyer
2021-07-27Merge branch 'optional-dag-loading-progress'Matthias Beyer
2021-07-21Sort importsMatthias Beyer
2021-06-18Remove progressbar for tree-of subcommandMatthias Beyer
2021-06-18Make progress bar for loading DAG optionalMatthias Beyer
2021-05-11Add module-level docsMatthias Beyer
2021-03-18Rewrite PackageVersionConstraint constructingMatthias Beyer
2021-03-04Do not pass progress bars by value, but by referenceMatthias Beyer
2021-02-06Rewrite package organizational structure using DAGMatthias Beyer
2021-01-18Run `cargo fmt`Matthias Beyer
2021-01-18Add comments on subcommand implementationsMatthias Beyer
2021-01-15Fix clippy: you should consider adding a `Default` implementation for `packag...Matthias Beyer
2021-01-15Reimplement tree printing using 'ptree'Matthias Beyer
2021-01-13Add LICENSE file and license headersMatthias Beyer
2020-12-11Add "tree-of" subcommand to print dependency tree of a packageMatthias Beyer