path: root/src/commands/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-12-07Deny macro_use from external crateMatthias Beyer
2020-12-07Cleanup: Add missing "dyn" keywordMatthias Beyer
2020-12-07Remove unused variableMatthias Beyer
2020-12-03Remove variable interpolation in config fileMatthias Beyer
2020-12-03Move verification implementation to dedicated functionMatthias Beyer
2020-12-03Allow multiple sources per packageMatthias Beyer
2020-12-03Cleanup importsMatthias Beyer
2020-11-26Update dependency: clap: 3.0.0-beta.1 -> 3.0.0-beta.2Matthias Beyer
2020-11-11Fix: Flush file buffer after download completedMatthias Beyer
2020-11-11Add subcommand "source download"Matthias Beyer
2020-11-11Add optional version filtering for "source" subcommandsMatthias Beyer
2020-11-11Add "source url" subcommandMatthias Beyer
2020-11-11Add "source list-missing" subcommandMatthias Beyer
2020-11-11Move to have "source" subcommandMatthias Beyer