path: root/src/app/data_harvester/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-06-18other: use f32 for process percentage values (#1212)Clement Tsang
2023-06-10refactor: redo how we do get processes between different OSes (#1197)Clement Tsang
2023-05-02feature: show running time of processes (#801)Yuxuan Shui
2023-02-10feature: Add support for displaying process usernames on Windows (#1016)Michael Bikovitsky
2022-09-16deps: update sysinfo to 0.26.2 (#806)Clement Tsang
2022-07-23Implement support for FreeBSD (#766)Wesley Moore
2022-06-02refactor: unify all structure to 2018 style (#742)Clement Tsang
2021-05-15refactor: split up data collection by OS (#482)Clement Tsang
2021-05-13refactor: switch to procfs library (#479)Clement Tsang
2021-05-08deps: Update dependencies 2021-05-08 (#466)Clement Tsang
2021-04-04refactor: Switch from fnv to fxhash (#444)Clement Tsang
2021-04-04feature: Rework network y-axis, linear interpolation for off-screen data (#437)Clement Tsang
2021-03-23bug: Fix getpwuid segfault (#440)Zeb Piasecki
2021-02-28feature: User info in proc widget for Unix-based systems (#425)Clement Tsang
2021-01-21feature: Use `ps` as fallback to query CPU usage under macOS (#390)Frederick Zhang
2020-12-27feature: Adds uid and gid collection (no GUI yet) (#375)Clement Tsang
2020-12-11refactor: Another small optimization pass (#350)Clement Tsang
2020-12-10bug: Fix some performance regressions (#344)Clement Tsang
2020-12-03refactor: Clean up some parts of data harvesting (#336)Clement Tsang
2020-11-30refactor: Simplify data harvesting (#335)Clement Tsang
2020-11-22other: Switch to once_cell (#324)Clement Tsang
2020-10-02bug: terminate threads, fix blocking poll in input (#262)Clement Tsang
2020-10-01bug: use cmdline for Linux proc name if >=15 chars (#261)Clement Tsang
2020-09-30Use tmp_dir rather than /tmp/ (#260)Clement Tsang
2020-09-09refactor: rename data harvesting fns to what archs/oses they support (#229)Clement Tsang
2020-09-06feature: Adds tree view (#223)Clement Tsang
2020-08-31refactor: Update error messages w/ anyhow and thiserror (#216)Clement Tsang
2020-08-25bug: fix grouping being broken after refactor (#201)0.4.6Clement Tsang
2020-08-22feature: allow searching by state, add more keyword variantsClement Tsang
2020-08-21feature: Support memb (mem bytes) searching in processesClement Tsang
2020-08-21refactor: Remove ps callsClement Tsang
2020-08-17feature: Add appox. total mem as an option for processes and basic memClement Tsang
2020-08-16bug: Fix bug w/ parsing `/proc/{pid}/stats` Clement Tsang
2020-08-15feature: Allow sorting by any columnClement Tsang
2020-08-07feature: add full command to process widgetClement Tsang
2020-05-21bug: fix incorrect parsing for process i/o calcClementTsang
2020-05-16change: remove slash, change scroll behaviour on cpuClement Tsang
2020-05-14deps: update sysinfoClementTsang
2020-05-13bug: add extra check for process cpu value to be >= 0ClementTsang
2020-04-11feature: Show process state (#114)Clement Tsang
2020-04-10feature: add io and io/s for processes (#113)Clement Tsang
2020-04-01Add modularity to widget placement and inclusion (#95)Clement Tsang
2020-03-13Cleanup before modularity (#84)Clement Tsang
2020-02-28Optimized imports as per clionClementTsang
2020-02-17Some clippy and refactoring.ClementTsang
2020-02-15Some refactoring... I also tried to make the processes part mutlithreaded, bu...ClementTsang
2020-02-11Potential fix for strange use% in macos...?ClementTsang