AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-11Some intrinsic width tweaks. Min thresholds now determined by header title O...v0.1.2ClementTsang
2020-01-11Rewrote scroll to be a bit more simple and less buggyClementTsang
2020-01-11Potential fix for a panic with time comparisonsClementTsang
2020-01-10[skip travis] Fixed slight typo with missing column width ratio in disks.ClementTsang
2020-01-10Added new way of calculating the table widths in order to avoid some tui-rs b...ClementTsang
2020-01-10Bit of a hack, change back to non-percent based for disks to prevent some jum...ClementTsang
2020-01-09Merge branch 'master' of
2020-01-09Update Cargo to 0.2 (again), and update READMEClementTsang
2020-01-09Update Cargo to 0.2 (again), and update READMEClementTsang
2020-01-09(cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.1.2-alpha.0ClementTsang
2020-01-09[skip travis] typo.v0.1.1Clement Tsang
2020-01-09[skip travis] Update readmeClementTsang
2020-01-09[skip travis] Update recording.ClementTsang
2020-01-09Fix a quite large bug with disks table display.ClementTsang
2020-01-09Change how we call time in data_collection stepClementTsang
2020-01-08Add flag to enable by default, documentationClementTsang
2020-01-08Implemented dd for grouped processes.ClementTsang
2020-01-08Traded some mem + cpu for more smoothness while toggling.ClementTsang
2020-01-07Formatting changes to be a bit more strict on line lengthClementTsang
2020-01-07Base building blocks of grouped process functionalityClementTsang
2020-01-06Merge branch 'master' of
2020-01-06Some basic cleaningClementTsang
2020-01-05[skip travis] temporarily reverted readmeClement Tsang
2020-01-04[skip travis] Add Home/End keys to navigate tablesClementTsang
2020-01-04Some cleaning up in the data_conversion area for cpuClementTsang
2020-01-04Add optimization to Cargo.tomlClementTsang
2020-01-03Update README.mdClement Tsang
2020-01-03(cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.1.1-alpha.0ClementTsang
2020-01-03[skip travis] Some travis tweakingv0.1.0ClementTsang
2020-01-03[skip travis] More documentation tweakingClementTsang
2020-01-02[skip travis] More documentation tweakingClementTsang
2020-01-02Some documentation changesClementTsang
2020-01-02Fix mouse scrolling in windowsClement Tsang
2020-01-02[skip travis] Update README with compatibility chartClement Tsang
2020-01-02Add highlighting rows only when you are on that widget, and tweaked table spa...Clement Tsang
2020-01-02Fix bug with network legend on windowsClement Tsang
2020-01-02Fix problem on windows with ddClementTsang
2020-01-01Added dialog for dd, added error message if fail to dd, cleaned up some stuffClementTsang
2020-01-01[skip travis] Add check to prevent improper dd while on another panelClementTsang
2020-01-01Expand cpu chart sizeClementTsang
2020-01-01Add scrolling to CPU list.ClementTsang
2020-01-01Fix issue with network legend, by moving it down.ClementTsang
2019-12-31Add new option to allow for seeing cpu usage in processes as a percentage of ...ClementTsang
2019-12-30Quick error change for processes to be a bit more graceful, fix testsClement Tsang
2019-12-30Fixed flaw in bash scripting...Clement Tsang
2019-12-30Travis fails to catch if statement... try to fixClement Tsang
2019-12-30Forgot semicolons... jeezClement Tsang
2019-12-30Another attemptClement Tsang
2019-12-30travis problemsClement Tsang
2019-12-30Travis tuningClement Tsang