AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-04-17other: directly implement procfs functionality with small optimizationsoptimize_procfsClement Tsang
2023-04-16deps: migrate from tui to ratatui (#1086)Clement Tsang
2023-04-15other: update default config generation to show cache (#1102)Clement Tsang
2023-04-15refactor: clean up data init sleep duration code (#1101)Clement Tsang
2023-04-15other: Speed up first draw and first data collection (#1100)Clement Tsang
2023-04-14deps: update starship-battery to 0.8.0 (#1098)Clement Tsang
2023-04-13deps: bump serde to 1.0.160 (#1095)Clement Tsang
2023-04-12docs: add aragonnetje6 as a contributor for code (#1096)allcontributors[bot]
2023-04-12feature: add buffer and cache memory (#1063)Twan Stok
2023-04-12deps: Switch to using hashbrown for general hashmap usage (#1092)Clement Tsang
2023-04-11ci: run black on Python scripts (#1094)Clement Tsang
2023-04-11ci: run wf cache clear script twice with delays (#1093)Clement Tsang
2023-04-11deps: bump once_cell and related dependencies (#1090)Clement Tsang
2023-04-10refactor: migrate disk collection code off of heim, remove heim (#1064)Clement Tsang
2023-04-09docs: update binary install instructionClement Tsang
2023-04-08docs: fix typo in cargo install instructionsClement Tsang
2023-04-08docs: update cargo install instructionsClement Tsang
2023-04-08docs: update mkdocs-material to 9.1.6 (#1089)Clement Tsang
2023-04-08docs: fix typo for Powershell auto-completion installationClement Tsang
2023-04-07deps: update some minor dependency versions (#1087)Clement Tsang
2023-04-05other: add clippy lints to deny todo and unimplemented (#1085)Clement Tsang
2023-04-04docs: update mkdocs-material to 9.1.5 (#1084)Clement Tsang
2023-04-03ci: run build on unsupported platforms instead of check, bump cross version (...Clement Tsang
2023-04-03other: add test for multiple regexes in filter (#1082)Clement Tsang
2023-04-02github: change workflow cache clear to weeklyClement Tsang
2023-03-31docs: update note on FreeBSD/M1Clement Tsang
2023-03-30docs: bump mkdocs-material to 9.1.4 (#1081)Clement Tsang
2023-03-29docs: update font issue troubleshooting headerClementTsang
2023-03-29docs: add mention for braille font issues on Linux (#1080)Clement Tsang
2023-03-28deps: bump various dependencies as of 2023-03-27 (#1079)Clement Tsang
2023-03-27deps: bump sysinfo to 0.28 (#1078)Clement Tsang
2023-03-26refactor: unify on using bytes for the memory unit when harvesting (#1077)Clement Tsang
2023-03-25refactor: clean up some data collection refresh code, refresh sysinfo lists o...Clement Tsang
2023-03-24github: update issue template orderingClement Tsang
2023-03-19docs: words and capitalizationClement Tsang
2023-03-17docs: bump mkdocs-material to 9.1.3 (#1070)Clement Tsang
2023-03-15deps: forgot to bump crossterm back to 0.26.1 (#1069)Clement Tsang
2023-03-15deps: switch back to crossterm 0.26.1 with fix to double keypress (#1068)Clement Tsang
2023-03-14deps: revert crossterm 0.26.1 to fix double input bug on Windows (#1066)Clement Tsang
2023-03-14docs: link to support section in spielClement Tsang
2023-03-13ci: add musl build targets for .deb generation (#1061)Clement Tsang
2023-03-13ci: bump fkirc/skip-duplicate-actions to v5.3.0 (#1059)Clement Tsang
2023-03-13ci: go back to using default cache key + target, update to 2.2.1 (#1058)Clement Tsang
2023-03-12ci: use sparse registries in CI (#1057)Clement Tsang
2023-03-11clippy: appease clippy as of Rust 1.68.0 (#1055)Clement Tsang
2023-03-10ci: update the upload artifact action to v3.1.2 (#1054)Clement Tsang
2023-03-08refactor: use internal committed memory calculation for Windows (#1051)Clement Tsang
2023-03-08other: deny missing safety docs and add them (#1053)Clement Tsang
2023-03-07ci: do no feature first in cirrus (#1048)Clement Tsang
2023-03-07refactor: more data collection cleanup (#1047)Clement Tsang