AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-01-22docs: fix typo0.8.0ClementTsang
2023-01-22docs: update manual installation dl linkClementTsang
2023-01-22uptick: 0.8.0 (#996)Clement Tsang
2023-01-21docs: update README section for unofficial supportClement Tsang
2023-01-20other: explicitly style dd text colours (#995)Clement Tsang
2023-01-20other: bump to 0.8.0ClementTsang
2023-01-20bug: fix axis labels not being styled (#994)Clement Tsang
2023-01-20refactor: change name of some stuff, add some comments (#992)Clement Tsang
2023-01-20other: refresh cpu for sysinfo users if proc is used (#991)Clement Tsang
2023-01-19other: re-enable disk usage split, update help menu (#963)Clement Tsang
2023-01-18docs: add felipesuri as a contributor for doc (#989)allcontributors[bot]
2023-01-18docs: Update ArchLinux install command (#988)felipesuri
2023-01-18other: bump edition to 2021 (#987)Clement Tsang
2023-01-18other: fix missing memory feature for heim on linux (#986)Clement Tsang
2023-01-18other: switch to windows-rs for process killing (#985)Clement Tsang
2023-01-17docs: add note about individual autocompletion filesClement Tsang
2023-01-15docs: update changelog and all contrib sections (#984)Clement Tsang
2023-01-15docs: add NitrogenDev as a contributor for code (#983)allcontributors[bot]
2023-01-15other: Dynamic battery widget (#975)RareČ™ Constantin
2023-01-15other: skip battery duration draw if unknown (#974)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: update more dependencies as of 2022-01-14 (#982)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: update regex to 1.7.1 (#981)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: updates unicode deps to support unicode 15 (#980)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: updates some minor deps as of 2023-01-14 (#979)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: update indexmap to 1.9.2 (#978)Clement Tsang
2023-01-14deps: update procfs to 0.14.2 (#977)Clement Tsang
2023-01-13ci: add schedule to clear PR caches (#973)Clement Tsang
2023-01-13ci: try removing cache from build workflow (#972)Clement Tsang
2023-01-12ci: remove git hash and nightly tag from deb file name (#970)Clement Tsang
2023-01-12other: bump up version in Cargo.toml to 0.7.2ClementTsang
2023-01-12ci: follow .deb naming conventions (#969)Clement Tsang
2023-01-09docs: minor update of Windows installation docs (#966)Clement Tsang
2023-01-07docs: fix debian/ubuntu download links (#965)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05docs: update screenshots for 0.7.1 (#964)0.7.1Clement Tsang
2023-01-05uptick: 0.7.1 (#959)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05other: revert disk usage change for now (#962)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05ci: fix CI concurrency grouping (#961)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05bug: further shrink battery time-to text (#960)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05docs: make stable docs the default (#958)Clement Tsang
2023-01-05ci: add timeout to build workflow caching (#957)Clement Tsang
2023-01-04docs: shrink GIF caption textClement Tsang
2023-01-04docs: update changelogClement Tsang
2023-01-04bug: fix CPU 'all' label missing on small sizes (#953)Clement Tsang
2023-01-04bug: reduce battery text cutoff in small windows (#952)Clement Tsang
2023-01-02docs: update note on unofficial FreeBSD supportClement Tsang
2023-01-02ci: add build hash to nightly builds for version (#951)Clement Tsang
2023-01-01feature: split usage into usage percentage and value (#950)Clement Tsang
2023-01-01other: run rustfmt (#949)Clement Tsang
2023-01-01ci: use a better way of getting branch from tagged builds for CirrusCI (#948)Clement Tsang
2023-01-01docs: [ImgBot] Optimize images (#947)imgbot[bot]