AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-07-28Re-sync with internal repositoryfixup-T158371708-mainFacebook Community Bot
2023-07-27Fix outdated recording daemon instruction (#8198)Mohit Mayank
2023-07-26Update serde from 1.0.167 to 1.0.176David Tolnay
2023-07-20Remove superfluous unsafe in below_deriveDan Schatzberg
2023-07-20Fix segfault when iterating nested FieldIdLeon Yang (Containers)
2023-07-17scripts: Use llvm 16 (#8197)Daniel Xu
2023-07-10Update Cargo.lock (#8196)Brian Chen
2023-07-09Update proc-macro2 from 1.0.63 to 1.0.64David Tolnay
2023-07-08Updates of dtolnay crate-o-matic universeDavid Tolnay
2023-07-08Update serde and serde_jsonDavid Tolnay
2023-07-08Update syn from 2.0.16 to 2.0.23David Tolnay
2023-07-07Deprecate Stat::cpus fieldBrian Chen
2023-07-06Apply RUSTFIXAndres Suarez
2023-07-05Bump libbpf-rs to 0.21.0Daniel Mueller
2023-06-28contrib: grafana: Add below-grafana scripts (#8194)Daniel Xu
2023-06-23Bump to 0.7.0v0.7.0Brian Chen
2023-06-23Update below model and UI to support new format for CPUsBrian Chen
2023-06-22Support for offlined CPUs in /proc/stat (#8193)Brian Chen
2023-06-22Fix exitstat BPF program to support change to mm_struct.rss_stat type (#8191)Brian Chen
2023-06-22Update vmlinux.hBrian Chen
2023-06-22Update Dockerfile and CI to use Ubuntu 22.04 and Clang 15Brian Chen
2023-06-21docs: Mention OpenMetrics (#8187)Daniel Xu
2023-06-21Migrate "resctl/below" from LLVM-12 to LLVM-15generatedunixname89002005320047
2023-06-12Skipping tests to unblock our contbuild (#8189)Antonis Manousis
2023-05-19update clap-3 and clap_complete-3Andres Suarez
2023-05-17upgrade packages from toml-5 (0.5.8 fork) -> toml (0.7.3)Dimitris Iliopoulos
2023-05-02Daily `common/rust/cargo_from_buck/bin/autocargo`generatedunixname89002005287564
2023-05-01update indicatif and tracing-indicatif cratesEmerson Ford
2023-04-25Add support for dumping in OpenMetrics format (#8186)Daniel Xu
2023-04-19Remove unused dependencies (#8185)Brian Chen
2023-04-19Add switch in configBrian Chen
2023-04-14Bump libbpf-rs to 0.20.1Daniel Mueller
2023-04-12Update memory.stat workingset countersLeon Yang (Containers)
2023-04-10Fix build (#8184)Brian Chen
2023-04-04(reland) rust/third-party: update to futures 0.3.28Thomas Orozco
2023-04-03Revert D44623815: rust/third-party: update to futures 0.3.28Mark Isaacson
2023-04-03rust/third-party: update to futures 0.3.28Thomas Orozco
2023-03-31Fix view not clearing alert on selecting new rowsLeon Yang (Containers)
2023-03-30Update tempfile from 3.4 to 3.5Andres Suarez
2023-03-28Add multiple hot keys per command and bind help to 'h' and '?'Sterling Hughes
2023-03-24Remove security setting flagsOliver Albertini
2023-03-21third-party/rust: update tempfile to 3.4Jeremy Fitzhardinge
2023-03-16Update libbpf-rs and libbpf-cargo to 0.20.0Daniel Mueller
2023-03-15snapshot: Support specifying snapshot output file (#8181)Daniel Xu
2023-03-15dump: Support dumping snapshots (#8182)Daniel Xu
2023-03-14Add cpu.max supportBrian Chen
2023-03-10Add support for clippy.toml configuration fileDavid Tolnay
2023-03-09command palette shows selected field name and raw valueLeon Yang (Containers)
2023-03-09Add a short option -s for --host for remote featuresLeon Yang (Containers)
2023-03-08turn off Crypto CAT check in AclCheckerModuleOliver Albertini