AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-11-24Bump version to 0.17.1v0.17.1sharkdp
2020-11-24Revert "Add cycle detection integration tests"sharkdp
2020-11-24Revert "Add io cycle detection with clircle"sharkdp
2020-11-23add new syntax test filesv0.17.0henil
2020-11-23Revert "Update dependencies"sharkdp
2020-11-23Update syntax cachesharkdp
2020-11-23Update dependenciessharkdp
2020-11-23Bump version to v0.17.0sharkdp
2020-11-23Revert "invoke gzip with -n"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "remove leading article from description"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "ensure copyright is mode 644"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "include years in copyright notice"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "include changelog in package"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "add Depends line"David Peter
2020-11-23Revert "change docs dir name to match package name"David Peter
2020-11-23Use unreachable!(…)sharkdp
2020-11-23remove all matchesMarcoIeni
2020-11-23remove unuseful matches expressionMarcoIeni
2020-11-23fix some clippy warningsMarcoIeni
2020-11-23Change Robot syntax name to 'Robot Framework'sharkdp
2020-11-23Add cycle detection integration testsNiklas Mohrin
2020-11-23Add io cycle detection with clircleNiklas Mohrin
2020-11-21Merge pull request #1389 from nstickney/masterEthan P
2020-11-20explain how to use bat as cat (no paging)Stick
2020-11-06Update bug_report.mdJanek
2020-11-06Add zsh completion fix to CHANGELOGsharkdp
2020-11-01Bump git2 from 0.13.11 to 0.13.12dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Terraform from `64208ea` to `54d8350`dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Elixir from `4ee539b` to `4fb0189`dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump assets/themes/onehalf from `3aa42a3` to `8992311`dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/CMake from `aba96a0` to `21e9698`dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump serde from 1.0.116 to 1.0.117dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump serde_yaml from 0.8.13 to 0.8.14dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Import syntax regression test for Ruby HamlByron Alley
2020-11-01Add sshd_config syntax highlighting testByron Alley
2020-11-01Bump console from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-11-01Bump globset from 0.4.5 to 0.4.6dependabot-preview[bot]
2020-10-31Merge pull request #1276 from tommilligan/style-ruleEthan P
2020-10-30Highlight ebuild/eclass files with shell syntaxsharkdp
2020-10-30Merge pull request #1331 from priner/masterDavid Peter
2020-10-30Fix trailing newlineDavid Peter
2020-10-30Merge branch 'master' into masterDavid Peter
2020-10-30Add Ninja highlight testJán Priner
2020-10-30Use platform based path concatenationNicholas L
2020-10-30Add extra themes help to outputNicholas L
2020-10-29Add a new 'Feature request' sectionsharkdp
2020-10-29Add new section on Development and New syntaxes/themessharkdp
2020-10-29More detailed description for CHANGELOG sectionsharkdp
2020-10-29Style changes on CONTRIBUTORSAdrian Rivera
2020-10-29Adds a CONTRIBUTORS fileAdrian Rivera