AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-01Bump flate2 from 1.0.25 to 1.0.26dependabot/cargo/flate2-1.0.26dependabot[bot]
2023-04-14Use valid SPDX license expressionConstantin Nickel
2023-04-14Update `plist` to 1.4Constantin Nickel
2023-04-14Update `predicates` to 3.0Constantin Nickel
2023-04-14Update `serial_test` to 2.0Constantin Nickel
2023-04-06Bump serde from 1.0.152 to 1.0.159dependabot[bot]
2023-04-06Bump bytesize from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0dependabot[bot]
2023-04-05Merge pull request #2530 from nickelc/deps/use_is_terminalDavid Peter
2023-04-05Bump walkdir from 2.3.2 to 2.3.3dependabot[bot]
2023-04-05Bump thiserror from 1.0.38 to 1.0.40dependabot[bot]
2023-04-05Bump tempfile from 3.3.0 to 3.5.0dependabot[bot]
2023-04-05Use the `is-terminal` crate instead of `atty`Constantin Nickel
2023-03-25Merge pull request #2516 from sharkdp/big-ci-syncDavid Peter
2023-03-25Extract crate metadata with cargoDavid Peter
2023-03-25Minor CI improvementsDavid Peter
2023-03-25Merge pull request #2515 from tranzystorek-io/custom-asset-gen-dirDavid Peter
2023-03-25Update CHANGELOG.mdMarcin Puc
2023-03-25Allow customizing output directory for generated assetsMarcin Puc
2023-03-25Minor fix in man pageDavid Peter
2023-03-25New empty CHANGELOG sectionDavid Peter
2023-03-25Update man page regarding --nonprintable-notationv0.23.0David Peter
2023-03-25Merge pull request #2514 from sharkdp/bat-0.23David Peter
2023-03-25Update binary assetsDavid Peter
2023-03-25Bump version to 0.23David Peter
2023-03-25release checklist: fix command to find MSRVDavid Peter
2023-03-24Merge pull request #2406 from cstyles/make-header-an-alias-for-header_filenameDavid Peter
2023-03-24Update CHANGELOG.mdCollin Styles
2023-03-24Make `PrettyPrinter::header` an alias for `header_filename`Collin Styles
2023-03-24Merge pull request #2506 from nickelc/ci-stripDavid Peter
2023-03-24Merge pull request #2509 from sharkdp/crontabDavid Peter
2023-03-24Merge pull request #2513 from nickelc/deps/dirsDavid Peter
2023-03-24Merge pull request #2511 from nickelc/nu-ansi-termDavid Peter
2023-03-24Replace `dirs-next` with the original `dirs` crateConstantin Nickel
2023-03-24Use `nu-ansi-term` instead of `ansi_term`Constantin Nickel
2023-03-17Add crontab syntaxcrontabKeith Hall
2023-03-16Use cargo's `strip` option to remove symbols+debuginfo from the binariesConstantin Nickel
2023-03-16Merge pull request #2505 from nickelc/ci-msrvDavid Peter
2023-03-15Fix `jq` expression for retrieving `rust-version` in MSRV build jobConstantin Nickel
2023-03-15Merge pull request #2504 from nickelc/deps/clapDavid Peter
2023-03-15Update `clap` to 4.1.8Constantin Nickel
2023-03-15Merge pull request #2502 from Enselic/clippy-1.68David Peter
2023-03-15Merge pull request #2503 from nickelc/msrvDavid Peter
2023-03-15Get the MSRV for the build job from the package metadataConstantin Nickel
2023-03-14Set `rust-version` in Cargo metadataConstantin Nickel
2023-03-14Print non-printable characters using caret notation (#2443)einfachIrgendwer0815
2023-03-14Fix clippy warnings with Rust 1.68Martin Nordholts
2023-03-14Merge pull request #2501 from nickelc/ci-actionsDavid Peter
2023-03-14Replace deprecated `set-output` GitHub workflow commandConstantin Nickel
2023-03-14Replace unmaintained GitHub ActionsConstantin Nickel
2023-03-04More consistent scoping in commands section in ManpagesKeith Hall