AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-10-23Add bat panic regression test when LiveScript is missingcreate_highlighted_versions-wrong-path-reproMartin Nordholts
2021-10-17Make grep-cli optional dependencyrhysd
2021-10-17update snapshot testsDiva M
2021-10-17changelogDiva M
2021-10-17use saturating substraction to calculate Line rangesDiva M
2021-10-17Sync README header across translations (#1905)i-ky
2021-10-17Add install instructions on OpenBSDRaf Czlonka
2021-10-17Add Русский linkIkko Ashimine
2021-10-16add security vulnerabilities in ko
2021-10-11Add missing style values in fish & zsh completions (#1890)NotWearingPants
2021-10-10update Korean readmeUSER
2021-10-06syntax-tests: Make CpuInfo test actually work (#1887)Martin Nordholts
2021-10-04Deny unsafe code in lib and binMartin Nordholts
2021-10-04CICD: Make the 'cargo fmt' check a toplevel job (#1883)Martin Nordholts
2021-10-03Add Racket syntaxGeorgy Komarov
2021-10-03chore: add funtoo linux instructionsinvakid404
2021-10-03List available Ubuntu packages more precisely.Roneo.Org
2021-10-03Minor rephrasingRoneo.Org
2021-10-03Update the doc for Ubuntu and DebianRoneo.Org
2021-10-03Bump assert_cmd from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1dependabot[bot]
2021-10-03Bump nix from 0.22.1 to 0.23.0dependabot[bot]
2021-10-03Bump MSRV to 1.46Martin Nordholts
2021-10-02Bump assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Julia from `48639e1` to `1e55f32`dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Bump serde_yaml from 0.8.20 to 0.8.21dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Bump unicode-width from 0.1.8 to 0.1.9dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Bump flate2 from 1.0.20 to 1.0.22dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Bump thiserror from 1.0.28 to 1.0.29dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Bump serde from 1.0.127 to 1.0.130dependabot[bot]
2021-10-02Add bash completion to deb packageKuan-Yi Li
2021-09-29src/ Simplify Plain Text fallback codeMartin Nordholts
2021-09-28HighlightingAssets: Turn get_syntax_for_path() into public APIMartin Nordholts
2021-09-28HighlightingAssets: Implement get_syntax_for_file_name() with get_syntax_for_...Martin Nordholts
2021-09-28HighlightingAssets: Extract get_syntax_for_path() methodMartin Nordholts
2021-09-27src/ Extract helper method OpenedInput::path()Martin Nordholts Enable dump of syntax dependencies to Graphviz dot fileMartin Nordholts Ignore explicit contexts when tracking dependenciesMartin Nordholts Sort first to make dependencies.dedup() actually usefulMartin Nordholts
2021-09-22Parallelize syntax regression testsDavid Peter Add code to track dependents of each syntaxMartin Nordholts Make OtherSyntaxLookup come before SyntaxToDependenciesMartin Nordholts Rename 'Dependency' to 'OtherSyntax'Martin Nordholts
2021-09-22src/ Add HighlighterFromSet helperMartin Nordholts
2021-09-22HighlightingAssets: Move common get_extension_syntax() code into find_syntax_...Martin Nordholts
2021-09-22HighlightingAssets: Inline find_syntax_by_file_name() and find_syntax_by_file...Martin Nordholts
2021-09-18src/ Use /// not // for COMPRESS_* constsMartin Nordholts
2021-09-18HighlightingAssets: Inline absolute_pathMartin Nordholts
2021-09-18HighlightingAssets: Simplify absolute_path with .map_or_else()Martin Nordholts
2021-09-18HighlightingAssets: No need for both path and path_strMartin Nordholts
2021-09-16Simplify HighlightingAssets::get_syntax() first_line logic (#1852)Martin Nordholts
2021-09-15Extract some private submodules from 'bat::assets' (#1850)Martin Nordholts