diff options
9 files changed, 1378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 156f4206..ea770862 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -244,3 +244,6 @@
url =
branch = main
shallow = true
+[submodule "assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Ada"]
+ path = assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Ada
+ url =
diff --git a/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Ada b/assets/syntaxes/02_Extra/Ada
new file mode 160000
+Subproject e2b8fd51756e0cc42172c1c3405832ce9c19b6b
diff --git a/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/click.adb b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/click.adb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2aeb0410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/click.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+with Chests.Ring_Buffers;
+with USB.Device.HID.Keyboard;
+package body Click is
+ ----------------
+ -- DEBOUNCE --
+ ----------------
+ -- Ideally, in a separate package.
+ -- should be [], but not fixed yet in GCC 11.
+ Current_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
+ New_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
+ Since : Natural := 0;
+ -- Nb_Bounce : Natural := 5;
+ function Update (NewS : Key_Matrix) return Boolean is
+ begin
+ -- The new state is the same as the current stable state => Do nothing.
+ if Current_Status = NewS then
+ Since := 0;
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if New_Status /= NewS then
+ -- The new state differs from the previous
+ -- new state (bouncing) => reset
+ New_Status := NewS;
+ Since := 1;
+ else
+ -- The new state hasn't changed since last
+ -- update => towards stabilization.
+ Since := Since + 1;
+ end if;
+ if Since > Nb_Bounce then
+ declare
+ Tmp : constant Key_Matrix := Current_Status;
+ begin
+ -- New state has been stable enough.
+ -- Latch it and notifies caller.
+ Current_Status := New_Status;
+ New_Status := Tmp;
+ Since := 0;
+ end;
+ return True;
+ else
+ -- Not there yet
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end Update;
+ procedure Get_Matrix;
+ -- Could use := []; but GNAT 12 has a bug (fixed in upcoming 13)
+ Read_Status : Key_Matrix := [others => [others => False]];
+ function Get_Events return Events is
+ Num_Evt : Natural := 0;
+ New_S : Key_Matrix renames Read_Status;
+ begin
+ Get_Matrix;
+ if Update (New_S) then
+ for I in Current_Status'Range (1) loop
+ for J in Current_Status'Range (2) loop
+ if (not New_Status (I, J) and then Current_Status (I, J))
+ or else (New_Status (I, J) and then not Current_Status (I, J))
+ then
+ Num_Evt := Num_Evt + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ declare
+ Evts : Events (Natural range 1 .. Num_Evt);
+ Cursor : Natural range 1 .. Num_Evt + 1 := 1;
+ begin
+ for I in Current_Status'Range (1) loop
+ for J in Current_Status'Range (2) loop
+ if not New_Status (I, J)
+ and then Current_Status (I, J)
+ then
+ -- Pressing I, J
+ Evts (Cursor) := [
+ Evt => Press,
+ Col => I,
+ Row => J
+ ];
+ Cursor := Cursor + 1;
+ elsif New_Status (I, J)
+ and then not Current_Status (I, J)
+ then
+ -- Release I, J
+ Evts (Cursor) := [
+ Evt => Release,
+ Col => I,
+ Row => J
+ ];
+ Cursor := Cursor + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ return Evts;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ return [];
+ end Get_Events;
+ procedure Get_Matrix is -- return Key_Matrix is
+ begin
+ for Row in Keys.Rows'Range loop
+ Keys.Rows (Row).Clear;
+ for Col in Keys.Cols'Range loop
+ Read_Status (Col, Row) := not Keys.Cols (Col).Set;
+ end loop;
+ Keys.Rows (Row).Set;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Matrix;
+ -- End of DEBOUNCE
+ --------------
+ -- Layout --
+ --------------
+ package Events_Ring_Buffers is new Chests.Ring_Buffers
+ (Element_Type => Event,
+ Capacity => 16);
+ Queued_Events : Events_Ring_Buffers.Ring_Buffer;
+ type Statet is (Normal_Key, Layer_Mod, None);
+ type State is record
+ Typ : Statet;
+ Code : Key_Code_T;
+ Layer_Value : Natural;
+ -- Col : ColR;
+ -- Row : RowR;
+ end record;
+ type State_Array is array (ColR, RowR) of State;
+ States : State_Array := [others => [others => (Typ => None, Code => No, Layer_Value => 0)]];
+ function Kw (Code : Key_Code_T) return Action is
+ begin
+ return (T => Key, C => Code, L => 0);
+ end Kw;
+ function Lw (V : Natural) return Action is
+ begin
+ return (T => Layer, C => No, L => V);
+ end Lw;
+ -- FIXME: hardcoded max number of events
+ subtype Events_Range is Natural range 0 .. 60;
+ type Array_Of_Reg_Events is array (Events_Range) of Event;
+ Stamp : Natural := 0;
+ procedure Register_Events (L : Layout; Es : Events) is
+ begin
+ Stamp := Stamp + 1;
+ Log ("Reg events: " & Stamp'Image);
+ Log (Es'Length'Image);
+ for E of Es loop
+ declare
+ begin
+ if Events_Ring_Buffers.Is_Full (Queued_Events) then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Events_Ring_Buffers.Append (Queued_Events, E);
+ end;
+ -- Log ("Reg'ed events:" & Events_Mark'Image);
+ Log ("Reg'ed events:" & Events_Ring_Buffers.Length (Queued_Events)'Image);
+ end loop;
+ end Register_Events;
+ procedure Release (Col: Colr; Row: Rowr) is
+ begin
+ if States (Col, Row).Typ = None then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ States (Col, Row) := (Typ => None, Code => No, Layer_Value => 0);
+ end Release;
+ function Get_Current_Layer return Natural is
+ L : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for S of States loop
+ if S.Typ = Layer_Mod then
+ L := L + S.Layer_Value;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return L;
+ end Get_Current_Layer;
+ -- Tick the event.
+ -- Returns TRUE if it needs to stay in the queued events
+ -- FALSE if the event has been consumed.
+ function Tick (L: Layout; E : in out Event) return Boolean is
+ Current_Layer : Natural := Get_Current_Layer;
+ A : Action renames L (Current_Layer, E.Row, E.Col);
+ begin
+ case E.Evt is
+ when Press =>
+ case A.T is
+ when Key =>
+ States (E.Col, E.Row) :=
+ (Typ => Normal_Key,
+ Code => A.C,
+ Layer_Value => 0);
+ when Layer =>
+ States (E.Col, E.Row) := (Typ => Layer_Mod, Layer_Value => A.L, Code => No);
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ when Release =>
+ Release (E.Col, E.Row);
+ end case;
+ return False;
+ end Tick;
+ Last_Was_Empty_Log : Boolean := False;
+ procedure Tick (L : Layout) is
+ begin
+ for I in 1 .. Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) loop
+ declare
+ E : Event := Events_Ring_Buffers.Last_Element (Queued_Events);
+ begin
+ Events_Ring_Buffers.Delete_Last (Queued_Events);
+ if Tick (L, E) then
+ Events_Ring_Buffers.Prepend (Queued_Events, E);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ if not Last_Was_Empty_Log or else Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) /= 0 then
+ Log ("End Tick layout, events: " & Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events)'Image);
+ Last_Was_Empty_Log := Events_Ring_Buffers.Length(Queued_Events) = 0;
+ end if;
+ end Tick;
+ function Get_Key_Codes return Key_Codes_T is
+ Codes : Key_Codes_T (0 .. 10);
+ Wm: Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for S of States loop
+ if S.Typ = Normal_Key and then
+ (S.Code < LCtrl or else S.Code > RGui)
+ then
+ Codes (Wm) := S.Code;
+ Wm := Wm + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Wm = 0 then
+ return [];
+ else
+ return Codes (0 .. Wm - 1);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Key_Codes;
+ function Get_Modifiers return Key_Modifiers is
+ use USB.Device.HID.Keyboard;
+ KM : Key_Modifiers (1..8);
+ I : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for S of States loop
+ if S.Typ = Normal_Key then
+ I := I + 1;
+ case S.Code is
+ when LCtrl =>
+ KM(I) := Ctrl_Left;
+ when RCtrl =>
+ KM(I) := Ctrl_Right;
+ when LShift =>
+ KM(I) := Shift_Left;
+ when RShift =>
+ KM(I) := Shift_Right;
+ when LAlt =>
+ KM(I) := Alt_Left;
+ when RAlt =>
+ KM(I) := Alt_Right;
+ when LGui =>
+ KM(I) := Meta_Left;
+ when RGui =>
+ KM(I) := Meta_Right;
+ when others =>
+ I := I - 1;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return KM (1..I);
+ end Get_Modifiers;
+ procedure Init is
+ begin
+ Events_Ring_Buffers.Clear (Queued_Events);
+ end Init;
+end Click;
diff --git a/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/ b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..412735ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/syntax-tests/highlighted/Ada/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+with HAL.GPIO;
+with USB.Device.HID.Keyboard;
+ Nb_Bounce : Natural;
+ type ColR is (<>);
+ type RowR is (<>);
+ type GPIOP is new HAL.GPIO.GPIO_Point with private;
+ type Cols_T is array (ColR) of GPIOP;
+ type Rows_T is array (RowR) of GPIOP;
+ Cols : Cols_T;
+ Rows : Rows_T;
+ Num_Layers : Natural;
+ with procedure Log (S : String; L : Integer := 1; Deindent : Integer := 0);
+package Click is
+ type Keys_T is record
+ Cols : Cols_T;
+ Rows : Rows_T;
+ end record;
+ Keys : Keys_T :=
+ (Rows => Rows, Cols => Cols);
+ type Key_Matrix is array (ColR, RowR) of Boolean;
+ --------------------------
+ -- Events & Debouncing --
+ --------------------------
+ MaxEvents : constant Positive := 20;
+ type EventT is (Press, Release);
+ type Event is record
+ Evt : EventT;
+ Col : ColR;
+ Row : RowR;
+ end record;
+ type Events is array (Natural range <>) of Event;
+ function Get_Events return Events;
+ function Update (NewS : Key_Matrix) return Boolean;
+ -------------
+ -- Layout --
+ -------------
+ ---------------
+ -- Keycodes --
+ ---------------
+ -- Keycodes copy/pasted from the excelent Keyberon Rust firmware:
+ --
+ type Key_Code_T is
+ (
+ -- The "no" key, a placeholder to express nothing.
+ No, -- = 0x00,
+ -- / Error if too much keys are pressed at
+ -- the same time.
+ ErrorRollOver,
+ -- / The POST fail error.
+ PostFail,
+ -- / An undefined error occured.
+ ErrorUndefined,
+ -- / `a` and `A`.
+ A,
+ B,
+ C,
+ D,
+ E,
+ F,
+ G,
+ H,
+ I,
+ J,
+ K,
+ L,
+ M, -- 0x10
+ N,
+ O,
+ P,
+ Q,
+ R,
+ S,
+ T,
+ U,
+ V,
+ W,
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Z,
+ -- `1` and `!`.
+ Kb1,
+ -- `2` and `@`.
+ Kb2,
+ -- `3` and `#`.
+ Kb3, -- 0x20
+ -- / `4` and `$`.
+ Kb4,
+ -- `5` and `%`.
+ Kb5,
+ -- `6` and `^`.
+ Kb6,
+ -- `7` and `&`.
+ Kb7,
+ -- `8` and `*`.
+ Kb8,
+ -- `9` and `(`.
+ Kb9,
+ -- `0` and `)`.
+ Kb0,
+ Enter,
+ Escape,
+ BSpace,
+ Tab,
+ Space,
+ -- `-` and `_`.
+ Minus,
+ -- `=` and `+`.
+ Equal,
+ -- `[` and `{`.
+ LBracket,
+ -- `]` and `}`.
+ RBracket, -- 0x30
+ -- / `\` and `|`.
+ Bslash,
+ -- Non-US `#` and `~` (Typically near the Enter key).
+ NonUsHash,
+ -- `;` and `:`.
+ SColon,
+ -- `'` and `"`.
+ Quote,
+ -- How to have ` as code?
+ -- \` and `~`.