path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-01-04fix(error): error when 0 interfaces to listen to are found (#69)Aram Drevekenin
2020-01-04refactor(tests): remove code duplications (#55)Simone Robutti
2020-01-04fix(lsof): display 30 chars for process name (#63)Kelvin Zhang
2020-01-04fix(display): use default foreground color instead of white (#65)Naïm Favier
2020-01-03chore(code): Add error message suggesting sudo if permission error (#59) (#67)Tobbeman
2020-01-03fix(os): Use the same select timeout for all OSes (#68)ebroto
2020-01-03fix(os): configure macos network card read_timeout to 1sAram Drevekenin
2020-01-03Remove packet read timeout to fix no traffic error on MacOS (#56)Kelvin Zhang
2020-01-03fix(network): skip interfaces with error (#49)Sergey
2019-12-30chore(rename): what ==> bandwhichAram Drevekenin
2019-12-30fix(display): avoid panic if render takes more than 1 sec (#41)ebroto
2019-12-23fix(dns): keep track of addresses being resolved (#28)ebroto
2019-12-23fix(interfaces): Fix invalid bandwith rate (#27)ebroto
2019-12-20style(code): fix clippy errorsEduardo Broto
2019-12-20docs(interfaces): Add a comment explaining break with label syntaxEduardo Broto
2019-12-20refactor(interfaces): Rename interface to interface_name where appropriateEduardo Broto
2019-12-20test(interfaces): update snapshots to expect the interface nameEduardo Broto
2019-12-20feat(interfaces): listen on all interfaces by defaultEduardo Broto
2019-12-07chore(style): fix clippy errorsEduardo Broto
2019-12-07chore(ci): run rustfmt and clippyEduardo Broto
2019-12-06fix(dns): use more idiomatic cloned in FakeResolverEduardo Broto
2019-11-30feat(dns): resolve hostnames asynchronouslyEduardo Broto
2019-11-30style(format): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-11-30Update procfs dependencyAndrew Chin
2019-11-30refactor(os): shared behaviour (#19)rtulip
2019-11-18refactor(style): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-11-18fix(os): only compiler lsof_utils for macAram Drevekenin
2019-11-18refactor(macos): handle lsof in macos in a different moduleetoledom
2019-11-12fix(package): update pnetAram Drevekenin
2019-11-12feat(platform): support macos (#8)etoledom
2019-11-07fix(packets): take render duration into account so as not to lose any packetsAram Drevekenin
2019-11-05style(clippy): clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-11-05style(fmt): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-11-05feat(raw): machine friendly outputAram Drevekenin
2019-10-28refactor(dns-queue): support potential multithreading of subscriberAram Drevekenin
2019-10-20Address compiler warningsWesley Moore
2019-10-19refactor(dns-queue): better separation of concernsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-18refactor(dns-queue): use vecdequeAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17style(lint): rustfmt + clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17fix(linux): better error when not enough permissionsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17refactor(style): remove unused traitsAram Drevekenin
2019-10-17refactor(styling): betterifyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-16feat(ui): change table orderAram Drevekenin
2019-10-16fix(sigwinch): block when waiting for signalAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14style(code): clippyAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14style(formatting): rustfmtAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14feat(main): error handlingAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(dns): handle premature returning of cvarAram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(winch): subscribe to SIGWINCH rather than checking an atomic boolean cons...Aram Drevekenin
2019-10-14fix(linux): proper timeout so we don't kill the cpuAram Drevekenin