path: root/src/tests/fakes/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-01-28chore(deps): bump ratatui from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0 (#348)dependabot[bot]
2023-11-01Bump ratatui to 0.24.0 (#327)cyqsimon
2023-08-25Compact importscyqsimon
2023-08-25Switch from `tui` to `ratatui`cyqsimon
2020-10-15style(clippy): minor fixAram Drevekenin
2019-10-13feat(ui): components, new details and responsive layoutAram Drevekenin
2019-10-09test(ui): new details and responsive layoutAram Drevekenin
2019-09-30refactor(structure): run tests as unit tests and remove lib functionalityAram Drevekenin