AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-28settings refactorkolektiv/styleskolektiv/mainAndrew Cherry
2024-02-28initial implementation of customizable styles for tuiAndrew Cherry
2024-02-28feat: add `CTRL+[` binding as `<Esc>` alias (#1787)Zhanibek Adilbekov
2024-02-27feat(stats): add linux sysadmin commands to common_subcommands (#1784)Helmut K. C. Tessarek
2024-02-26feat(stats): Normalize formatting of default config, suggest nix (#1764)Sandro
2024-02-26chore(deps): `cargo update` (#1777)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-26chore(deps): flake.lock: Update (#1780)github-actions[bot]
2024-02-26feat(nix): add update action (#1779)Patrick Jackson
2024-02-26chore(deps): bump debian (#1734)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-26fix(stats): Enable multiple command stats to be shown using unicode_segmentat...Eric Hodel
2024-02-26feat: Add '/', '?', and 'I' bindings to vim-normal mode (#1760)Mike Pastore
2024-02-26feat: Add PHP package manager "composer" to list of default common subcommand...Korvin Szanto
2024-02-26fix(client): no panic on empty inspector (#1768)Helmut K. C. Tessarek
2024-02-26chore(release): prepare for release v18.0.2 (#1775)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-22fix: ensure sync time is saved for sync v2 (#1758)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-22fix: check session file exists for status command (#1756)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-21refactor(alias): Clarify operation result for working with aliases (#1748)David Chocholatý
2024-02-21feat: add alias feedback and list command (#1747)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-21fix(import/zsh-histdb): missing or wrong fields (#1740)Aloxaf
2024-02-21feat: add history prune subcommand (#1743)Xavier Vello
2024-02-21feat(client): add config option keys.scroll_exits (#1744)Helmut K. C. Tessarek
2024-02-20chore(deps): bump lukemathwalker/cargo-chef (#1705)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-20fix: typo (#1741)Onè
2024-02-20refactor(nushell): update `commandline` syntax, closes #1733 (#1735)Steven Xu
2024-02-19feat: change fulltext to do multi substring match (#1660)依云
2024-02-17fix(bash): rework #1509 to recover from the preexec failure (#1729)Koichi Murase
2024-02-17Revert "Revert "fix(bash): avoid unexpected `atuin history start` for keybind...Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-17Revert "fix(bash): avoid unexpected `atuin history start` for keybindings (#1...Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-15fix(xonsh): Add xonsh to auto import, respect $HISTFILE in xonsh import, and ...jfmontanaro
2024-02-15fix: fish init (#1725)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-15feat: support syncing aliases (#1721)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-15feat: add 'ignored_commands' option to stats (#1722)David
2024-02-14feat(search): process Ctrl+m for kitty keyboard protocol (#1720)Koichi Murase
2024-02-13fix(ui): don't preserve for empty space (#1712)依云
2024-02-12feat: Add xonsh history import (#1678)jfmontanaro
2024-02-12perf: optimize history init-store (#1691)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-12feat: Add 'a', 'A', 'h', and 'l' bindings to vim-normal mode (#1697)Caleb Maclennan
2024-02-12docs: minor formatting updates to the default config.toml (#1689)David
2024-02-12feat: use ATUIN_TEST_SQLITE_STORE_TIMEOUT to specify test timeout of SQLite s...Eric Long
2024-02-12chore(release): prepare for release v18.0.1 (#1706)v18.0.1Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-12fix: reorder the exit of enhanced keyboard mode (#1694)Andrew Lee
2024-02-09chore(release): prepare for release v18.0.0 (#1685)v18.0.0Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-08docs(README): clarify prerequisites for Bash (#1686)Koichi Murase
2024-02-08feat: add progress bars to sync and store init (#1684)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-06fix(tests): add Settings::utc() for utc settings (#1677)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-06Add timezone configuration option & CLI overrides (#1517)cyqsimon
2024-02-05chore(deps): bump debian (#1673)dependabot[bot]
2024-02-05chore(ci): run rust build/test/check on 3 platforms (#1675)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-04fix: correct download list for incremental builds (#1672)Ellie Huxtable
2024-02-04feat: disable auto record store init (#1671)Ellie Huxtable