path: root/crates/atuin-client/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'crates/atuin-client/src')
29 files changed, 7831 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/crates/atuin-client/src/ b/crates/atuin-client/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f31a796e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/atuin-client/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::env;
+use std::time::Duration;
+use eyre::{bail, Result};
+use reqwest::{
+ header::{HeaderMap, AUTHORIZATION, USER_AGENT},
+ Response, StatusCode, Url,
+use atuin_common::{
+ api::{
+ AddHistoryRequest, ChangePasswordRequest, CountResponse, DeleteHistoryRequest,
+ ErrorResponse, LoginRequest, LoginResponse, MeResponse, RegisterResponse, StatusResponse,
+ SyncHistoryResponse,
+ },
+ record::RecordStatus,
+use atuin_common::{
+ record::{EncryptedData, HostId, Record, RecordIdx},
+use semver::Version;
+use time::format_description::well_known::Rfc3339;
+use time::OffsetDateTime;
+use crate::{history::History, sync::hash_str, utils::get_host_user};
+static APP_USER_AGENT: &str = concat!("atuin/", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"),);
+pub struct Client<'a> {
+ sync_addr: &'a str,
+ client: reqwest::Client,
+pub async fn register(
+ address: &str,
+ username: &str,
+ email: &str,
+ password: &str,
+) -> Result<RegisterResponse> {
+ let mut map = HashMap::new();
+ map.insert("username", username);
+ map.insert("email", email);
+ map.insert("password", password);
+ let url = format!("{address}/user/{username}");
+ let resp = reqwest::get(url).await?;
+ if resp.status().is_success() {
+ bail!("username already in use");
+ }
+ let url = format!("{address}/register");
+ let client = reqwest::Client::new();
+ let resp = client
+ .post(url)
+ .json(&map)
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ if !ensure_version(&resp)? {
+ bail!("could not register user due to version mismatch");
+ }
+ if !resp.status().is_success() {
+ let error = resp.json::<ErrorResponse>().await?;
+ bail!("failed to register user: {}", error.reason);
+ }
+ let session = resp.json::<RegisterResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(session)
+pub async fn login(address: &str, req: LoginRequest) -> Result<LoginResponse> {
+ let url = format!("{address}/login");
+ let client = reqwest::Client::new();
+ let resp = client
+ .post(url)
+ .json(&req)
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ if !ensure_version(&resp)? {
+ bail!("could not login due to version mismatch");
+ }
+ if resp.status() != reqwest::StatusCode::OK {
+ let error = resp.json::<ErrorResponse>().await?;
+ bail!("invalid login details: {}", error.reason);
+ }
+ let session = resp.json::<LoginResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(session)
+#[cfg(feature = "check-update")]
+pub async fn latest_version() -> Result<Version> {
+ use atuin_common::api::IndexResponse;
+ let url = "";
+ let client = reqwest::Client::new();
+ let resp = client
+ .get(url)
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ if resp.status() != reqwest::StatusCode::OK {
+ let error = resp.json::<ErrorResponse>().await?;
+ bail!("failed to check latest version: {}", error.reason);
+ }
+ let index = resp.json::<IndexResponse>().await?;
+ let version = Version::parse(index.version.as_str())?;
+ Ok(version)
+pub fn ensure_version(response: &Response) -> Result<bool> {
+ let version = response.headers().get(ATUIN_HEADER_VERSION);
+ let version = if let Some(version) = version {
+ match version.to_str() {
+ Ok(v) => Version::parse(v),
+ Err(e) => bail!("failed to parse server version: {:?}", e),
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if there is no version header, then the newest this server can possibly be is 17.1.0
+ Version::parse("17.1.0")
+ }?;
+ // If the client is newer than the server
+ if version.major < ATUIN_VERSION.major {
+ println!("Atuin version mismatch! In order to successfully sync, the server needs to run a newer version of Atuin");
+ println!("Client: {}", ATUIN_CARGO_VERSION);
+ println!("Server: {}", version);
+ return Ok(false);
+ }
+ Ok(true)
+async fn handle_resp_error(resp: Response) -> Result<Response> {
+ let status = resp.status();
+ if status == StatusCode::SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE {
+ bail!(
+ "Service unavailable: check (or get in touch with your host)"
+ );
+ }
+ if !status.is_success() {
+ if let Ok(error) = resp.json::<ErrorResponse>().await {
+ let reason = error.reason;
+ if status.is_client_error() {
+ bail!("Could not fetch history, client error {status}: {reason}.")
+ }
+ bail!("There was an error with the atuin sync service, server error {status}: {reason}.\nIf the problem persists, contact the host")
+ }
+ bail!("There was an error with the atuin sync service: Status {status:?}.\nIf the problem persists, contact the host")
+ }
+ Ok(resp)
+impl<'a> Client<'a> {
+ pub fn new(
+ sync_addr: &'a str,
+ session_token: &str,
+ connect_timeout: u64,
+ timeout: u64,
+ ) -> Result<Self> {
+ let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
+ headers.insert(AUTHORIZATION, format!("Token {session_token}").parse()?);
+ // used for semver server check
+ Ok(Client {
+ sync_addr,
+ client: reqwest::Client::builder()
+ .user_agent(APP_USER_AGENT)
+ .default_headers(headers)
+ .connect_timeout(Duration::new(connect_timeout, 0))
+ .timeout(Duration::new(timeout, 0))
+ .build()?,
+ })
+ }
+ pub async fn count(&self) -> Result<i64> {
+ let url = format!("{}/sync/count", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ if !ensure_version(&resp)? {
+ bail!("could not sync due to version mismatch");
+ }
+ if resp.status() != StatusCode::OK {
+ bail!("failed to get count (are you logged in?)");
+ }
+ let count = resp.json::<CountResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(count.count)
+ }
+ pub async fn status(&self) -> Result<StatusResponse> {
+ let url = format!("{}/sync/status", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ if !ensure_version(&resp)? {
+ bail!("could not sync due to version mismatch");
+ }
+ let status = resp.json::<StatusResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(status)
+ }
+ pub async fn me(&self) -> Result<MeResponse> {
+ let url = format!("{}/api/v0/me", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ let status = resp.json::<MeResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(status)
+ }
+ pub async fn get_history(
+ &self,
+ sync_ts: OffsetDateTime,
+ history_ts: OffsetDateTime,
+ host: Option<String>,
+ ) -> Result<SyncHistoryResponse> {
+ let host = host.unwrap_or_else(|| hash_str(&get_host_user()));
+ let url = format!(
+ "{}/sync/history?sync_ts={}&history_ts={}&host={}",
+ self.sync_addr,
+ urlencoding::encode(sync_ts.format(&Rfc3339)?.as_str()),
+ urlencoding::encode(history_ts.format(&Rfc3339)?.as_str()),
+ host,
+ );
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ let history = resp.json::<SyncHistoryResponse>().await?;
+ Ok(history)
+ }
+ pub async fn post_history(&self, history: &[AddHistoryRequest]) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/history", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp =;
+ handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn delete_history(&self, h: History) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/history", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self
+ .client
+ .delete(url)
+ .json(&DeleteHistoryRequest {
+ client_id:,
+ })
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn delete_store(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/api/v0/store", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.delete(url).send().await?;
+ handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn post_records(&self, records: &[Record<EncryptedData>]) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/api/v0/record", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ debug!("uploading {} records to {url}", records.len());
+ let resp =;
+ handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ pub async fn next_records(
+ &self,
+ host: HostId,
+ tag: String,
+ start: RecordIdx,
+ count: u64,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<Record<EncryptedData>>> {
+ debug!(
+ "fetching record/s from host {}/{}/{}",
+ host.0.to_string(),
+ tag,
+ start
+ );
+ let url = format!(
+ "{}/api/v0/record/next?host={}&tag={}&count={}&start={}",
+ self.sync_addr, host.0, tag, count, start
+ );
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ let records = resp.json::<Vec<Record<EncryptedData>>>().await?;
+ Ok(records)
+ }
+ pub async fn record_status(&self) -> Result<RecordStatus> {
+ let url = format!("{}/api/v0/record", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.get(url).send().await?;
+ let resp = handle_resp_error(resp).await?;
+ if !ensure_version(&resp)? {
+ bail!("could not sync records due to version mismatch");
+ }
+ let index = resp.json().await?;
+ debug!("got remote index {:?}", index);
+ Ok(index)
+ }
+ pub async fn delete(&self) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/account", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self.client.delete(url).send().await?;
+ if resp.status() == 403 {
+ bail!("invalid login details");
+ } else if resp.status() == 200 {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ bail!("Unknown error");
+ }
+ }
+ pub async fn change_password(
+ &self,
+ current_password: String,
+ new_password: String,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ let url = format!("{}/account/password", self.sync_addr);
+ let url = Url::parse(url.as_str())?;
+ let resp = self
+ .client
+ .patch(url)
+ .json(&ChangePasswordRequest {
+ current_password,
+ new_password,
+ })
+ .send()
+ .await?;
+ dbg!(&resp);
+ if resp.status() == 401 {
+ bail!("current password is incorrect")
+ } else if resp.status() == 403 {
+ bail!("invalid login details");
+ } else if resp.status() == 200 {
+ Ok(())
+ } else {
+ bail!("Unknown error");
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/crates/atuin-client/src/ b/crates/atuin-client/src/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7faa3802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crates/atuin-client/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+use std::{
+ borrow::Cow,
+ env,
+ path::{Path, PathBuf},
+ str::FromStr,
+ time::Duration,
+use async_trait::async_trait;
+use atuin_common::utils;
+use fs_err as fs;
+use itertools::Itertools;
+use rand::{distributions::Alphanumeric, Rng};
+use sql_builder::{bind::Bind, esc, quote, SqlBuilder, SqlName};
+use sqlx::{
+ sqlite::{
+ SqliteConnectOptions, SqliteJournalMode, SqlitePool, SqlitePoolOptions, SqliteRow,
+ SqliteSynchronous,
+ },
+ Result, Row,
+use time::OffsetDateTime;
+use crate::{
+ history::{HistoryId, HistoryStats},
+ utils::get_host_user,
+use super::{
+ history::History,
+ ordering,
+ settings::{FilterMode, SearchMode, Settings},
+pub struct Context {
+ pub session: String,
+ pub cwd: String,
+ pub hostname: String,
+ pub host_id: String,
+ pub git_root: Option<PathBuf>,
+#[derive(Default, Clone)]
+pub struct OptFilters {
+ pub exit: Option<i64>,
+ pub exclude_exit: Option<i64>,
+ pub cwd: Option<String>,
+ pub exclude_cwd: Option<String>,
+ pub before: Option<String>,
+ pub after: Option<String>,
+ pub limit: Option<i64>,
+ pub offset: Option<i64>,
+ pub reverse: bool,
+pub fn current_context() -> Context {
+ let Ok(session) = env::var("ATUIN_SESSION") else {
+ eprintln!("ERROR: Failed to find $ATUIN_SESSION in the environment. Check that you have correctly set up your shell.");
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ };
+ let hostname = get_host_user();
+ let cwd = utils::get_current_dir();
+ let host_id = Settings::host_id().expect("failed to load host ID");
+ let git_root = utils::in_git_repo(cwd.as_str());
+ Context {
+ session,
+ hostname,
+ cwd,
+ git_root,
+ host_id: host_id.0.as_simple().to_string(),
+ }
+pub trait Database: Send + Sync + 'static {
+ async fn save(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()>;
+ async fn save_bulk(&self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()>;
+ async fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Option<History>>;
+ async fn list(
+ &self,
+ filters: &[FilterMode],
+ context: &Context,
+ max: Option<usize>,
+ unique: bool,
+ include_deleted: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ async fn range(&self, from: OffsetDateTime, to: OffsetDateTime) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ async fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()>;
+ async fn history_count(&self, include_deleted: bool) -> Result<i64>;
+ async fn last(&self) -> Result<Option<History>>;
+ async fn before(&self, timestamp: OffsetDateTime, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ async fn delete(&self, h: History) -> Result<()>;
+ async fn delete_rows(&self, ids: &[HistoryId]) -> Result<()>;
+ async fn deleted(&self) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ // Yes I know, it's a lot.
+ // Could maybe break it down to a searchparams struct or smth but that feels a little... pointless.
+ // Been debating maybe a DSL for search? eg "before:time limit:1 the query"
+ #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
+ async fn search(
+ &self,
+ search_mode: SearchMode,
+ filter: FilterMode,
+ context: &Context,
+ query: &str,
+ filter_options: OptFilters,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ async fn query_history(&self, query: &str) -> Result<Vec<History>>;
+ async fn all_with_count(&self) -> Result<Vec<(History, i32)>>;
+ async fn stats(&self, h: &History) -> Result<HistoryStats>;
+// Intended for use on a developer machine and not a sync server.
+// TODO: implement IntoIterator
+pub struct Sqlite {
+ pub pool: SqlitePool,
+impl Sqlite {
+ pub async fn new(path: impl AsRef<Path>, timeout: f64) -> Result<Self> {
+ let path = path.as_ref();
+ debug!("opening sqlite database at {:?}", path);
+ let create = !path.exists();
+ if create {
+ if let Some(dir) = path.parent() {
+ fs::create_dir_all(dir)?;
+ }
+ }
+ let opts = SqliteConnectOptions::from_str(path.as_os_str().to_str().unwrap())?
+ .journal_mode(SqliteJournalMode::Wal)
+ .optimize_on_close(true, None)
+ .synchronous(SqliteSynchronous::Normal)
+ .with_regexp()
+ .create_if_missing(true);
+ let pool = SqlitePoolOptions::new()
+ .acquire_timeout(Duration::from_secs_f64(timeout))
+ .connect_with(opts)
+ .await?;
+ Self::setup_db(&pool).await?;
+ Ok(Self { pool })
+ }
+ async fn setup_db(pool: &SqlitePool) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("running sqlite database setup");
+ sqlx::migrate!("./migrations").run(pool).await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn save_raw(tx: &mut sqlx::Transaction<'_, sqlx::Sqlite>, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ sqlx::query(
+ "insert or ignore into history(id, timestamp, duration, exit, command, cwd, session, hostname, deleted_at)
+ values(?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7, ?8, ?9)",
+ )
+ .bind(
+ .bind(h.timestamp.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64)
+ .bind(h.duration)
+ .bind(h.exit)
+ .bind(h.command.as_str())
+ .bind(h.cwd.as_str())
+ .bind(h.session.as_str())
+ .bind(h.hostname.as_str())
+ .bind(|t|t.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64))
+ .execute(&mut **tx)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn delete_row_raw(
+ tx: &mut sqlx::Transaction<'_, sqlx::Sqlite>,
+ id: HistoryId,
+ ) -> Result<()> {
+ sqlx::query("delete from history where id = ?1")
+ .bind(id.0.as_str())
+ .execute(&mut **tx)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ fn query_history(row: SqliteRow) -> History {
+ let deleted_at: Option<i64> = row.get("deleted_at");
+ History::from_db()
+ .id(row.get("id"))
+ .timestamp(
+ OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos(row.get::<i64, _>("timestamp") as i128)
+ .unwrap(),
+ )
+ .duration(row.get("duration"))
+ .exit(row.get("exit"))
+ .command(row.get("command"))
+ .cwd(row.get("cwd"))
+ .session(row.get("session"))
+ .hostname(row.get("hostname"))
+ .deleted_at(
+ deleted_at.and_then(|t| OffsetDateTime::from_unix_timestamp_nanos(t as i128).ok()),
+ )
+ .build()
+ .into()
+ }
+impl Database for Sqlite {
+ async fn save(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("saving history to sqlite");
+ let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?;
+ Self::save_raw(&mut tx, h).await?;
+ tx.commit().await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn save_bulk(&self, h: &[History]) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("saving history to sqlite");
+ let mut tx = self.pool.begin().await?;
+ for i in h {
+ Self::save_raw(&mut tx, i).await?;
+ }
+ tx.commit().await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ async fn load(&self, id: &str) -> Result<Option<History>> {
+ debug!("loading history item {}", id);
+ let res = sqlx::query("select * from history where id = ?1")
+ .bind(id)
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_optional(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn update(&self, h: &History) -> Result<()> {
+ debug!("updating sqlite history");
+ sqlx::query(
+ "update history
+ set timestamp = ?2, duration = ?3, exit = ?4, command = ?5, cwd = ?6, session = ?7, hostname = ?8, deleted_at = ?9
+ where id = ?1",
+ )
+ .bind(
+ .bind(h.timestamp.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64)
+ .bind(h.duration)
+ .bind(h.exit)
+ .bind(h.command.as_str())
+ .bind(h.cwd.as_str())
+ .bind(h.session.as_str())
+ .bind(h.hostname.as_str())
+ .bind(|t|t.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64))
+ .execute(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(())
+ }
+ // make a unique list, that only shows the *newest* version of things
+ async fn list(
+ &self,
+ filters: &[FilterMode],
+ context: &Context,
+ max: Option<usize>,
+ unique: bool,
+ include_deleted: bool,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ debug!("listing history");
+ let mut query = SqlBuilder::select_from(SqlName::new("history").alias("h").baquoted());
+ query.field("*").order_desc("timestamp");
+ if !include_deleted {
+ query.and_where_is_null("deleted_at");
+ }
+ let git_root = if let Some(git_root) = context.git_root.clone() {
+ git_root.to_str().unwrap_or("/").to_string()
+ } else {
+ context.cwd.clone()
+ };
+ for filter in filters {
+ match filter {
+ FilterMode::Global => &mut query,
+ FilterMode::Host => query.and_where_eq("hostname", quote(&context.hostname)),
+ FilterMode::Session => query.and_where_eq("session", quote(&context.session)),
+ FilterMode::Directory => query.and_where_eq("cwd", quote(&context.cwd)),
+ FilterMode::Workspace => query.and_where_like_left("cwd", &git_root),
+ };
+ }
+ if unique {
+ query.group_by("command").having("max(timestamp)");
+ }
+ if let Some(max) = max {
+ query.limit(max);
+ }
+ let query = query.sql().expect("bug in list query. please report");
+ let res = sqlx::query(&query)
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_all(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn range(&self, from: OffsetDateTime, to: OffsetDateTime) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ debug!("listing history from {:?} to {:?}", from, to);
+ let res = sqlx::query(
+ "select * from history where timestamp >= ?1 and timestamp <= ?2 order by timestamp asc",
+ )
+ .bind(from.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64)
+ .bind(to.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64)
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_all(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn last(&self) -> Result<Option<History>> {
+ let res = sqlx::query(
+ "select * from history where duration >= 0 order by timestamp desc limit 1",
+ )
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_optional(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn before(&self, timestamp: OffsetDateTime, count: i64) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ let res = sqlx::query(
+ "select * from history where timestamp < ?1 order by timestamp desc limit ?2",
+ )
+ .bind(timestamp.unix_timestamp_nanos() as i64)
+ .bind(count)
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_all(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn deleted(&self) -> Result<Vec<History>> {
+ let res = sqlx::query("select * from history where deleted_at is not null")
+ .map(Self::query_history)
+ .fetch_all(&self.pool)
+ .await?;
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+ async fn history_count(&self, include_deleted: bool) -> Result<i64> {
+ let query = if include_deleted {
+ "select count(1) from history"
+ } else {
+ "select count(1) from history where deleted_at is null"
+ };
+ let res: (i64,) = sqlx::query_as(query).fetch_one(&self.pool).await?;
+ Ok(res.0)
+ }
+ async fn search(
+ &self,
+ search_mode: SearchMode,
+ filter: FilterMode,
+ context: &Context,
+ query: &str,
+ filter_options: OptFilters,
+ ) -> Result<Vec<H