path: root/src/
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authorMario Krehl <>2017-12-10 19:06:59 +0100
committerMario Krehl <>2017-12-10 19:06:59 +0100
commit952bfe1567882ee84a9162383f47550714a26477 (patch)
tree0fbbedaed47aae239c962dd689c0447a451970f0 /src/
parent99a29eac890713df039a199bec183e50ace92803 (diff)
Document functions and add newlines for readability in
Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 6bd119c..6a84be1 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -32,17 +32,26 @@ use simplelog::{SimpleLogger, LogLevelFilter, Config as LogConfig};
mod api;
mod config;
mod error;
use api::*;
use config::{Config, LogItem};
use error::*;
fn index() -> &'static str {
+ //! grafana only needs a "200 Ok" on /
"Hello there!"
#[post("/search", format = "application/json", data = "<data>")]
fn search(data : Json<Search>, config: State<Config>) -> Json<SearchResponse> {
+ //! /search is used to query what metrics are offered.
+ //! In this case, those are the `alias.capturegroup_name` configured by
+ //! the user of this programm.
debug!("handling search request: {:?}", data.0);
@@ -53,9 +62,31 @@ fn search(data : Json<Search>, config: State<Config>) -> Json<SearchResponse> {
#[post("/query", format = "application/json", data = "<data>")]
fn query(data: Json<Query>, config: State<Config>) -> Result<Json<QueryResponse>> {
+ //! /query needs to return actual data (if available).
+ //! the required metrics are sent by grafana in the `targets` field, as
+ //! well as is the wanted timerange.
+ //! The only sort of response written here is a `Series`, basically an
+ //! Array/Vector of two float-values, the second being a timestamp.
+ //! Returning a table is not implemented.
debug!("handling query: {:?}", data.0);
let targets = data.0.targets;
debug!("targets: {:?}", targets);
+ // If there are several targets, it is possible they would different data
+ // from the same file;
+ // this HashMap is created for the sole purpose of being able to read and
+ // apply a regex on a potentially huge file only once.
+ // HashMap
+ // |------- Alias : &String
+ // \
+ // Tuple
+ // |------- &LogItem
+ // |------- Vector of Tuple
+ // |--- capturegroup name : String
+ // |--- target/metric
let mut target_hash : HashMap<&String, (&LogItem, Vec<(String, String)>)> = HashMap::new();
for li in config.items() {
for t in targets.clone() {
@@ -89,44 +120,71 @@ fn query(data: Json<Query>, config: State<Config>) -> Result<Json<QueryResponse>
let date_from = data.0.range.from.timestamp();
let date_to =;
let mut response : Vec<TargetData> = Vec::new();
+ // iterate the HashMap
for (_alias, &(logitem, ref cns)) in target_hash.iter() {
+ // prepare an empty Vector of Series
let mut series_vec = Vec::new();
for &(_, ref t) in cns.iter() {
series_vec.push(Series{ target : (*t).clone(), datapoints : Vec::new() });
+ // open the current file for reading
let mut line_iter = BufReader::new(
.chain_err(|| format!("antikoerper log file could not be opened: {}", logitem.file()))?
+ // read the file line by line...
while let Some(Ok(line)) = {
+ // ...and apply the configured regex to it.
if let Some(capture_groups) = logitem.regex().captures_iter(&line).next() {
+ // save the timestamp for later
let timestamp = capture_groups["ts"]
.chain_err(|| "Failed to parse the filestamp")?;
+ // ignore every entry not in the timerange
if (timestamp as i64) > date_from && (timestamp as i64) < date_to {
+ // Multiple Vectors need to be accessed with the same
+ // index, so no iterator here.
for i in 0..cns.len() {
+ // get the current metric and parse its content as a
+ // float
let captured = capture_groups[
.ok_or(Error::from("out of bounds: capture_groups"))?
.chain_err(|| "failed to parse the capture group")?;
+ // put the current metric and timestamp into the right
+ // Series
.ok_or(Error::from("out of bounds: series_vec"))?
+ // grafana requires ms
timestamp * 1000.0
+ // fill the prepared vector with all Series's
for series in series_vec.iter() {
@@ -136,6 +194,7 @@ fn query(data: Json<Query>, config: State<Config>) -> Result<Json<QueryResponse>
fn main() {
let matches = App::new("aklog-server")
.author("Mario Krehl <>")
@@ -154,6 +213,7 @@ fn main() {
+ // Set level of verbosity and initialize the logger
match matches.occurrences_of("verbosity") {
0 => SimpleLogger::init(LogLevelFilter::Warn, LogConfig::default()).unwrap(),
1 => SimpleLogger::init(LogLevelFilter::Info, LogConfig::default()).unwrap(),