AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-04-23Bump release to Durand
2018-03-15Merge pull request #199 from rndmh3ro/consistent_namingWilliam Durand
2018-03-14Change message when frame is removedSebastian Gumprich
2018-03-13Merge pull request #197 from rndmh3ro/patch-1William Durand
2018-03-13Update hacking-docsSebastian Gumprich
2018-01-16Merge pull request #189 from shulard/fix/zsh-autocompleteJulien Maupetit
2018-01-15Update path to frame file on Darwin OS.Stéphane HULARD
2018-01-11Merge pull request #187 from MinchinWeb/tag-spacesJulien Maupetit
2018-01-11Fix cli output when on tags on `stop` and `remove`MinchinWeb
2018-01-10Merge pull request #185 from MinchinWeb/timeframe-allJulien Maupetit
2018-01-09Update Changelog, tab completionsMinchinWeb
2018-01-06For report and log, allow specifying a timeperiod of "all"MinchinWeb
2017-12-21Updated changelogChristopher Arndt
2017-12-21Update Bash completion with latest additions to command optionsChristopher Arndt
2017-12-21add conditional dependicies for older versions of Python on toxMinchinWeb
2017-12-21Fix CLI output spacing if a frame has no tagsMinchinWeb
2017-12-21Update frame modification time when renaming projects and tags (#181)MinchinWeb
2017-12-13Add option for log and report command to (not) output via pagerMinchinWeb
2017-12-11Don't print space before tags if there are no tags (#179)MinchinWeb
2017-12-10Update docs with new command line options to `status` command added in #166Christopher Arndt
2017-12-10Match log daily heading format to elsewhereMinchinWeb
2017-12-09Fix and flake8 complaint (#175)MinchinWeb
2017-12-09Set max versions for pytest and arrow for keeping support for Python 2.7 and 3.3Christopher Arndt
2017-10-13Merge pull request #166 from McKean/masterYannick PÉROUX
2017-09-04Merge pull request #169 from SpotlightKid/enhancement/doc-editorJulien Maupetit
2017-09-04Clarify documentation on setting the editor for the 'edit' commandChristopher Arndt
2017-08-24Merge pull request #167 from rianmcguire/log_as_jsonJulien Maupetit
2017-08-23Avoid indentationRian McGuire
2017-08-22Add --json option to log commandRian McGuire
2017-08-04added optional flags to filter status callChristopher Scott
2017-08-04Download badge does not work anymoreWilliam Durand
2017-08-03Merge pull request #163 from TailorDev/fix-homebrew-docsWilliam Durand
2017-08-02Use wharehouse sha256 sum directlyJulien Maupetit
2017-08-02Merge pull request #162 from TailorDev/prepare-1.5.2Julien Maupetit
2017-08-02Bump release to Maupetit
2017-08-02Merge pull request #161 from TailorDev/fix-watson-configWilliam Durand
2017-08-02Fix watson config commandJulien Maupetit
2017-08-01Merge pull request #160 from TailorDev/prepare-1.5.1William Durand
2017-08-01Bump release to PEROUX
2017-08-01Merge pull request #159 from SpotlightKid/bugfix/158-config-variableYannick PÉROUX
2017-08-01Fix incomplete renaming of variable (fixes #158)Christopher Arndt
2017-07-31Merge pull request #157 from TailorDev/fix-docs-menuJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Fix copyrightJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Add new release docs to the main menuJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Merge pull request #156 from TailorDev/add-release-howtoJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Recommend to use twineJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Improve documentation semanticJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Add changes requested by @willdurandJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Add draft documentation about new release processJulien Maupetit
2017-07-31Add wheel to dev requirementsJulien Maupetit