path: root/colour.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'colour.c')
1 files changed, 610 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/colour.c b/colour.c
index ee4b95db..1d1729ca 100644
--- a/colour.c
+++ b/colour.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
+#include <math.h>
#include "tmux.h"
@@ -111,6 +112,9 @@ colour_tostring(int c)
static char s[32];
u_char r, g, b;
+ if (c == -1)
+ return ("invalid");
if (c & COLOUR_FLAG_RGB) {
colour_split_rgb(c, &r, &g, &b);
xsnprintf(s, sizeof s, "#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);
@@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ colour_fromstring(const char *s)
return (96);
if (strcasecmp(s, "brightwhite") == 0 || strcmp(s, "97") == 0)
return (97);
- return (-1);
+ return (colour_byname(s));
/* Convert 256 colour to RGB colour. */
@@ -335,3 +339,608 @@ colour_256to16(int c)
return (table[c & 0xff]);
+/* Get colour by X11 colour name. */
+colour_byname(const char *name)
+ static const struct {
+ const char *name;
+ int c;
+ } colours[] = {
+ { "AliceBlue", 0xf0f8ff },
+ { "AntiqueWhite", 0xfaebd7 },
+ { "AntiqueWhite1", 0xffefdb },
+ { "AntiqueWhite2", 0xeedfcc },
+ { "AntiqueWhite3", 0xcdc0b0 },
+ { "AntiqueWhite4", 0x8b8378 },
+ { "BlanchedAlmond", 0xffebcd },
+ { "BlueViolet", 0x8a2be2 },
+ { "CadetBlue", 0x5f9ea0 },
+ { "CadetBlue1", 0x98f5ff },
+ { "CadetBlue2", 0x8ee5ee },
+ { "CadetBlue3", 0x7ac5cd },
+ { "CadetBlue4", 0x53868b },
+ { "CornflowerBlue", 0x6495ed },
+ { "DarkBlue", 0x00008b },
+ { "DarkCyan", 0x008b8b },
+ { "DarkGoldenrod", 0xb8860b },
+ { "DarkGoldenrod1", 0xffb90f },
+ { "DarkGoldenrod2", 0xeead0e },
+ { "DarkGoldenrod3", 0xcd950c },
+ { "DarkGoldenrod4", 0x8b6508 },
+ { "DarkGray", 0xa9a9a9 },
+ { "DarkGreen", 0x006400 },
+ { "DarkGrey", 0xa9a9a9 },
+ { "DarkKhaki", 0xbdb76b },
+ { "DarkMagenta", 0x8b008b },
+ { "DarkOliveGreen", 0x556b2f },
+ { "DarkOliveGreen1", 0xcaff70 },
+ { "DarkOliveGreen2", 0xbcee68 },
+ { "DarkOliveGreen3", 0xa2cd5a },
+ { "DarkOliveGreen4", 0x6e8b3d },
+ { "DarkOrange", 0xff8c00 },
+ { "DarkOrange1", 0xff7f00 },
+ { "DarkOrange2", 0xee7600 },
+ { "DarkOrange3", 0xcd6600 },
+ { "DarkOrange4", 0x8b4500 },
+ { "DarkOrchid", 0x9932cc },
+ { "DarkOrchid1", 0xbf3eff },
+ { "DarkOrchid2", 0xb23aee },
+ { "DarkOrchid3", 0x9a32cd },
+ { "DarkOrchid4", 0x68228b },
+ { "DarkRed", 0x8b0000 },
+ { "DarkSalmon", 0xe9967a },
+ { "DarkSeaGreen", 0x8fbc8f },
+ { "DarkSeaGreen1", 0xc1ffc1 },
+ { "DarkSeaGreen2", 0xb4eeb4 },
+ { "DarkSeaGreen3", 0x9bcd9b },
+ { "DarkSeaGreen4", 0x698b69 },
+ { "DarkSlateBlue", 0x483d8b },
+ { "DarkSlateGray", 0x2f4f4f },
+ { "DarkSlateGray1", 0x97ffff },
+ { "DarkSlateGray2", 0x8deeee },
+ { "DarkSlateGray3", 0x79cdcd },
+ { "DarkSlateGray4", 0x528b8b },
+ { "DarkSlateGrey", 0x2f4f4f },
+ { "DarkTurquoise", 0x00ced1 },
+ { "DarkViolet", 0x9400d3 },
+ { "DeepPink", 0xff1493 },
+ { "DeepPink1", 0xff1493 },
+ { "DeepPink2", 0xee1289 },
+ { "DeepPink3", 0xcd1076 },
+ { "DeepPink4", 0x8b0a50 },
+ { "DeepSkyBlue", 0x00bfff },
+ { "DeepSkyBlue1", 0x00bfff },
+ { "DeepSkyBlue2", 0x00b2ee },
+ { "DeepSkyBlue3", 0x009acd },
+ { "DeepSkyBlue4", 0x00688b },
+ { "DimGray", 0x696969 },
+ { "DimGrey", 0x696969 },
+ { "DodgerBlue", 0x1e90ff },
+ { "DodgerBlue1", 0x1e90ff },
+ { "DodgerBlue2", 0x1c86ee },
+ { "DodgerBlue3", 0x1874cd },
+ { "DodgerBlue4", 0x104e8b },
+ { "FloralWhite", 0xfffaf0 },
+ { "ForestGreen", 0x228b22 },
+ { "GhostWhite", 0xf8f8ff },
+ { "GreenYellow", 0xadff2f },
+ { "HotPink", 0xff69b4 },
+ { "HotPink1", 0xff6eb4 },
+ { "HotPink2", 0xee6aa7 },
+ { "HotPink3", 0xcd6090 },
+ { "HotPink4", 0x8b3a62 },
+ { "IndianRed", 0xcd5c5c },
+ { "IndianRed1", 0xff6a6a },
+ { "IndianRed2", 0xee6363 },
+ { "IndianRed3", 0xcd5555 },
+ { "IndianRed4", 0x8b3a3a },
+ { "LavenderBlush", 0xfff0f5 },
+ { "LavenderBlush1", 0xfff0f5 },
+ { "LavenderBlush2", 0xeee0e5 },
+ { "LavenderBlush3", 0xcdc1c5 },
+ { "LavenderBlush4", 0x8b8386 },
+ { "LawnGreen", 0x7cfc00 },
+ { "LemonChiffon", 0xfffacd },
+ { "LemonChiffon1", 0xfffacd },
+ { "LemonChiffon2", 0xeee9bf },
+ { "LemonChiffon3", 0xcdc9a5 },
+ { "LemonChiffon4", 0x8b8970 },
+ { "LightBlue", 0xadd8e6 },
+ { "LightBlue1", 0xbfefff },
+ { "LightBlue2", 0xb2dfee },
+ { "LightBlue3", 0x9ac0cd },
+ { "LightBlue4", 0x68838b },
+ { "LightCoral", 0xf08080 },
+ { "LightCyan", 0xe0ffff },
+ { "LightCyan1", 0xe0ffff },
+ { "LightCyan2", 0xd1eeee },
+ { "LightCyan3", 0xb4cdcd },
+ { "LightCyan4", 0x7a8b8b },
+ { "LightGoldenrod", 0xeedd82 },
+ { "LightGoldenrod1", 0xffec8b },
+ { "LightGoldenrod2", 0xeedc82 },
+ { "LightGoldenrod3", 0xcdbe70 },
+ { "LightGoldenrod4", 0x8b814c },
+ { "LightGoldenrodYellow", 0xfafad2 },
+ { "LightGray", 0xd3d3d3 },
+ { "LightGreen", 0x90ee90 },
+ { "LightGrey", 0xd3d3d3 },
+ { "LightPink", 0xffb6c1 },
+ { "LightPink1", 0xffaeb9 },
+ { "LightPink2", 0xeea2ad },
+ { "LightPink3", 0xcd8c95 },
+ { "LightPink4", 0x8b5f65 },
+ { "LightSalmon", 0xffa07a },
+ { "LightSalmon1", 0xffa07a },
+ { "LightSalmon2", 0xee9572 },
+ { "LightSalmon3", 0xcd8162 },
+ { "LightSalmon4", 0x8b5742 },
+ { "LightSeaGreen", 0x20b2aa },
+ { "LightSkyBlue", 0x87cefa },
+ { "LightSkyBlue1", 0xb0e2ff },
+ { "LightSkyBlue2", 0xa4d3ee },
+ { "LightSkyBlue3", 0x8db6cd },
+ { "LightSkyBlue4", 0x607b8b },
+ { "LightSlateBlue", 0x8470ff },
+ { "LightSlateGray", 0x778899 },
+ { "LightSlateGrey", 0x778899 },
+ { "LightSteelBlue", 0xb0c4de },
+ { "LightSteelBlue1", 0xcae1ff },
+ { "LightSteelBlue2", 0xbcd2ee },
+ { "LightSteelBlue3", 0xa2b5cd },
+ { "LightSteelBlue4", 0x6e7b8b },
+ { "LightYellow", 0xffffe0 },
+ { "LightYellow1", 0xffffe0 },
+ { "LightYellow2", 0xeeeed1 },
+ { "LightYellow3", 0xcdcdb4 },
+ { "LightYellow4", 0x8b8b7a },
+ { "LimeGreen", 0x32cd32 },
+ { "MediumAquamarine", 0x66cdaa },
+ { "MediumBlue", 0x0000cd },
+ { "MediumOrchid", 0xba55d3 },
+ { "MediumOrchid1", 0xe066ff },
+ { "MediumOrchid2", 0xd15fee },
+ { "MediumOrchid3", 0xb452cd },
+ { "MediumOrchid4", 0x7a378b },
+ { "MediumPurple", 0x9370db },
+ { "MediumPurple1", 0xab82ff },
+ { "MediumPurple2", 0x9f79ee },
+ { "MediumPurple3", 0x8968cd },
+ { "MediumPurple4", 0x5d478b },
+ { "MediumSeaGreen", 0x3cb371 },
+ { "MediumSlateBlue", 0x7b68ee },
+ { "MediumSpringGreen", 0x00fa9a },
+ { "MediumTurquoise", 0x48d1cc },
+ { "MediumVioletRed", 0xc71585 },
+ { "MidnightBlue", 0x191970 },
+ { "MintCream", 0xf5fffa },
+ { "MistyRose", 0xffe4e1 },
+ { "MistyRose1", 0xffe4e1 },
+ { "MistyRose2", 0xeed5d2 },
+ { "MistyRose3", 0xcdb7b5 },
+ { "MistyRose4", 0x8b7d7b },
+ { "NavajoWhite", 0xffdead },
+ { "NavajoWhite1", 0xffdead },
+ { "NavajoWhite2", 0xeecfa1 },
+ { "NavajoWhite3", 0xcdb38b },
+ { "NavajoWhite4", 0x8b795e },
+ { "NavyBlue", 0x000080 },
+ { "OldLace", 0xfdf5e6 },
+ { "OliveDrab", 0x6b8e23 },
+ { "OliveDrab1", 0xc0ff3e },
+ { "OliveDrab2", 0xb3ee3a },
+ { "OliveDrab3", 0x9acd32 },
+ { "OliveDrab4", 0x698b22 },
+ { "OrangeRed", 0xff4500 },
+ { "OrangeRed1", 0xff4500 },
+ { "OrangeRed2", 0xee4000 },
+ { "OrangeRed3", 0xcd3700 },
+ { "OrangeRed4", 0x8b2500 },
+ { "PaleGoldenrod", 0xeee8aa },
+ { "PaleGreen", 0x98fb98 },
+ { "PaleGreen1", 0x9aff9a },
+ { "PaleGreen2", 0x90ee90 },
+ { "PaleGreen3", 0x7ccd7c },
+ { "PaleGreen4", 0x548b54 },
+ { "PaleTurquoise", 0xafeeee },
+ { "PaleTurquoise1", 0xbbffff },
+ { "PaleTurquoise2", 0xaeeeee },
+ { "PaleTurquoise3", 0x96cdcd },
+ { "PaleTurquoise4", 0x668b8b },
+ { "PaleVioletRed", 0xdb7093 },
+ { "PaleVioletRed1", 0xff82ab },
+ { "PaleVioletRed2", 0xee799f },
+ { "PaleVioletRed3", 0xcd6889 },
+ { "PaleVioletRed4", 0x8b475d },
+ { "PapayaWhip", 0xffefd5 },
+ { "PeachPuff", 0xffdab9 },
+ { "PeachPuff1", 0xffdab9 },
+ { "PeachPuff2", 0xeecbad },
+ { "PeachPuff3", 0xcdaf95 },
+ { "PeachPuff4", 0x8b7765 },
+ { "PowderBlue", 0xb0e0e6 },
+ { "RebeccaPurple", 0x663399 },
+ { "RosyBrown", 0xbc8f8f },
+ { "RosyBrown1", 0xffc1c1 },
+ { "RosyBrown2", 0xeeb4b4 },
+ { "RosyBrown3", 0xcd9b9b },
+ { "RosyBrown4", 0x8b6969 },
+ { "RoyalBlue", 0x4169e1 },
+ { "RoyalBlue1", 0x4876ff },
+ { "RoyalBlue2", 0x436eee },
+ { "RoyalBlue3", 0x3a5fcd },
+ { "RoyalBlue4", 0x27408b },
+ { "SaddleBrown", 0x8b4513 },
+ { "SandyBrown", 0xf4a460 },
+ { "SeaGreen", 0x2e8b57 },
+ { "SeaGreen1", 0x54ff9f },
+ { "SeaGreen2", 0x4eee94 },
+ { "SeaGreen3", 0x43cd80 },
+ { "SeaGreen4", 0x2e8b57 },
+ { "SkyBlue", 0x87ceeb },
+ { "SkyBlue1", 0x87ceff },
+ { "SkyBlue2", 0x7ec0ee },
+ { "SkyBlue3", 0x6ca6cd },
+ { "SkyBlue4", 0x4a708b },
+ { "SlateBlue", 0x6a5acd },
+ { "SlateBlue1", 0x836fff },
+ { "SlateBlue2", 0x7a67ee },
+ { "SlateBlue3", 0x6959cd },
+ { "SlateBlue4", 0x473c8b },
+ { "SlateGray", 0x708090 },
+ { "SlateGray1", 0xc6e2ff },
+ { "SlateGray2", 0xb9d3ee },
+ { "SlateGray3", 0x9fb6cd },
+ { "SlateGray4", 0x6c7b8b },
+ { "SlateGrey", 0x708090 },
+ { "SpringGreen", 0x00ff7f },
+ { "SpringGreen1", 0x00ff7f },
+ { "SpringGreen2", 0x00ee76 },
+ { "SpringGreen3", 0x00cd66 },
+ { "SpringGreen4", 0x008b45 },
+ { "SteelBlue", 0x4682b4 },
+ { "SteelBlue1", 0x63b8ff },
+ { "SteelBlue2", 0x5cacee },
+ { "SteelBlue3", 0x4f94cd },
+ { "SteelBlue4", 0x36648b },
+ { "VioletRed", 0xd02090 },
+ { "VioletRed1", 0xff3e96 },
+ { "VioletRed2", 0xee3a8c },
+ { "VioletRed3", 0xcd3278 },
+ { "VioletRed4", 0x8b2252 },
+ { "WebGray", 0x808080 },
+ { "WebGreen", 0x008000 },
+ { "WebGrey", 0x808080 },
+ { "WebMaroon", 0x800000 },
+ { "WebPurple", 0x800080 },
+ { "WhiteSmoke", 0xf5f5f5 },
+ { "X11Gray", 0xbebebe },
+ { "X11Green", 0x00ff00 },
+ { "X11Grey", 0xbebebe },
+ { "X11Maroon", 0xb03060 },
+ { "X11Purple", 0xa020f0 },
+ { "YellowGreen", 0x9acd32 },
+ { "alice blue", 0xf0f8ff },
+ { "antique white", 0xfaebd7 },
+ { "aqua", 0x00ffff },
+ { "aquamarine", 0x7fffd4 },
+ { "aquamarine1", 0x7fffd4 },
+ { "aquamarine2", 0x76eec6 },
+ { "aquamarine3", 0x66cdaa },
+ { "aquamarine4", 0x458b74 },
+ { "azure", 0xf0ffff },
+ { "azure1", 0xf0ffff },
+ { "azure2", 0xe0eeee },
+ { "azure3", 0xc1cdcd },
+ { "azure4", 0x838b8b },
+ { "beige", 0xf5f5dc },
+ { "bisque", 0xffe4c4 },
+ { "bisque1", 0xffe4c4 },
+ { "bisque2", 0xeed5b7 },
+ { "bisque3", 0xcdb79e },
+ { "bisque4", 0x8b7d6b },
+ { "black", 0x000000 },
+ { "blanched almond", 0xffebcd },
+ { "blue violet", 0x8a2be2 },
+ { "blue", 0x0000ff },
+ { "blue1", 0x0000ff },
+ { "blue2", 0x0000ee },
+ { "blue3", 0x0000cd },
+ { "blue4", 0x00008b },
+ { "brown", 0xa52a2a },
+ { "brown1", 0xff4040 },
+ { "brown2", 0xee3b3b },
+ { "brown3", 0xcd3333 },
+ { "brown4", 0x8b2323 },
+ { "burlywood", 0xdeb887 },
+ { "burlywood1", 0xffd39b },
+ { "burlywood2", 0xeec591 },
+ { "burlywood3", 0xcdaa7d },
+ { "burlywood4", 0x8b7355 },
+ { "cadet blue", 0x5f9ea0 },
+ { "chartreuse", 0x7fff00 },
+ { "chartreuse1", 0x7fff00 },
+ { "chartreuse2", 0x76ee00 },
+ { "chartreuse3", 0x66cd00 },
+ { "chartreuse4", 0x458b00 },
+ { "chocolate", 0xd2691e },
+ { "chocolate1", 0xff7f24 },
+ { "chocolate2", 0xee7621 },
+ { "chocolate3", 0xcd661d },
+ { "chocolate4", 0x8b4513 },
+ { "coral", 0xff7f50 },
+ { "coral1", 0xff7256 },
+ { "coral2", 0xee6a50 },
+ { "coral3", 0xcd5b45 },
+ { "coral4", 0x8b3e2f },
+ { "cornflower blue", 0x6495ed },
+ { "cornsilk", 0xfff8dc },
+ { "cornsilk1", 0xfff8dc },
+ { "cornsilk2", 0xeee8cd },
+ { "cornsilk3", 0xcdc8b1 },
+ { "cornsilk4", 0x8b8878 },
+ { "crimson", 0xdc143c },
+ { "cyan", 0x00ffff },
+ { "cyan1", 0x00ffff },
+ { "cyan2", 0x00eeee },
+ { "cyan3", 0x00cdcd },
+ { "cyan4", 0x008b8b },
+ { "dark blue", 0x00008b },
+ { "dark cyan", 0x008b8b },
+ { "dark goldenrod", 0xb8860b },
+ { "dark gray", 0xa9a9a9 },
+ { "dark green", 0x006400 },
+ { "dark grey", 0xa9a9a9 },
+ { "dark khaki", 0xbdb76b },
+ { "dark magenta", 0x8b008b },
+ { "dark olive green", 0x556b2f },
+ { "dark orange", 0xff8c00 },
+ { "dark orchid", 0x9932cc },
+ { "dark red", 0x8b0000 },
+ { "dark salmon", 0xe9967a },
+ { "dark sea green", 0x8fbc8f },
+ { "dark slate blue", 0x483d8b },
+ { "dark slate gray", 0x2f4f4f },
+ { "dark slate grey", 0x2f4f4f },
+ { "dark turquoise", 0x00ced1 },
+ { "dark violet", 0x9400d3 },
+ { "deep pink", 0xff1493 },
+ { "deep sky blue", 0x00bfff },
+ { "dim gray", 0x696969 },
+ { "dim grey", 0x696969 },
+ { "dodger blue", 0x1e90ff },
+ { "firebrick", 0xb22222 },
+ { "firebrick1", 0xff3030 },
+ { "firebrick2", 0xee2c2c },
+ { "firebrick3", 0xcd2626 },
+ { "firebrick4", 0x8b1a1a },
+ { "floral white", 0xfffaf0 },
+ { "forest green", 0x228b22 },
+ { "fuchsia", 0xff00ff },
+ { "gainsboro", 0xdcdcdc },
+ { "ghost white", 0xf8f8ff },
+ { "gold", 0xffd700 },
+ { "gold1", 0xffd700 },
+ { "gold2", 0xeec900 },
+ { "gold3", 0xcdad00 },
+ { "gold4", 0x8b7500 },
+ { "goldenrod", 0xdaa520 },
+ { "goldenrod1", 0xffc125 },
+ { "goldenrod2", 0xeeb422 },
+ { "goldenrod3", 0xcd9b1d },
+ { "goldenrod4", 0x8b6914 },
+ { "green yellow", 0xadff2f },
+ { "green", 0x00ff00 },
+ { "green1", 0x00ff00 },
+ { "green2", 0x00ee00 },
+ { "green3", 0x00cd00 },
+ { "green4", 0x008b00 },
+ { "honeydew", 0xf0fff0 },
+ { "honeydew1", 0xf0fff0 },
+ { "honeydew2", 0xe0eee0 },
+ { "honeydew3", 0xc1cdc1 },
+ { "honeydew4", 0x838b83 },
+ { "hot pink", 0xff69b4 },
+ { "indian red", 0xcd5c5c },
+ { "indigo", 0x4b0082 },
+ { "ivory", 0xfffff0 },
+ { "ivory1", 0xfffff0 },
+ { "ivory2", 0xeeeee0 },
+ { "ivory3", 0xcdcdc1 },
+ { "ivory4", 0x8b8b83 },
+ { "khaki", 0xf0e68c },
+ { "khaki1", 0xfff68f },
+ { "khaki2", 0xeee685 },
+ { "khaki3", 0xcdc673 },
+ { "khaki4", 0x8b864e },
+ { "lavender blush", 0xfff0f5 },
+ { "lavender", 0xe6e6fa },
+ { "lawn green", 0x7cfc00 },
+ { "lemon chiffon", 0xfffacd },
+ { "light blue", 0xadd8e6 },
+ { "light coral", 0xf08080 },
+ { "light cyan", 0xe0ffff },
+ { "light goldenrod yellow", 0xfafad2 },
+ { "light goldenrod", 0xeedd82 },
+ { "light gray", 0xd3d3d3 },
+ { "light green", 0x90ee90 },
+ { "light grey", 0xd3d3d3 },
+ { "light pink", 0xffb6c1 },
+ { "light salmon", 0xffa07a },
+ { "light sea green", 0x20b2aa },
+ { "light sky blue", 0x87cefa },
+ { "light slate blue", 0x8470ff },
+ { "light slate gray", 0x778899 },
+ { "light slate grey", 0x778899 },
+ { "light steel blue", 0xb0c4de },
+ { "light yellow", 0xffffe0 },
+ { "lime green", 0x32cd32 },
+ { "lime", 0x00ff00 },
+ { "linen", 0xfaf0e6 },
+ { "magenta", 0xff00ff },
+ { "magenta1", 0xff00ff },
+ { "magenta2", 0xee00ee },
+ { "magenta3", 0xcd00cd },
+ { "magenta4", 0x8b008b },
+ { "maroon", 0xb03060 },
+ { "maroon1", 0xff34b3 },
+ { "maroon2", 0xee30a7 },
+ { "maroon3", 0xcd2990 },
+ { "maroon4", 0x8b1c62 },
+ { "medium aquamarine", 0x66cdaa },
+ { "medium blue", 0x0000cd },
+ { "medium orchid", 0xba55d3 },
+ { "medium purple", 0x9370db },
+ { "medium sea green", 0x3cb371 },
+ { "medium slate blue", 0x7b68ee },
+ { "medium spring green", 0x00fa9a },
+ { "medium turquoise", 0x48d1cc },
+ { "medium violet red", 0xc71585 },
+ { "midnight blue", 0x191970 },
+ { "mint cream", 0xf5fffa },
+ { "misty rose", 0xffe4e1 },
+ { "moccasin", 0xffe4b5 },
+ { "navajo white", 0xffdead },
+ { "navy blue", 0x000080 },
+ { "navy", 0x000080 },
+ { "old lace", 0xfdf5e6 },
+ { "olive drab", 0x6b8e23 },
+ { "olive", 0x808000 },
+ { "orange red", 0xff4500 },
+ { "orange", 0xffa500 },
+ { "orange1", 0xffa500 },
+ { "orange2", 0xee9a00 },
+ { "orange3", 0xcd8500 },
+ { "orange4", 0x8b5a00 },
+ { "orchid", 0xda70d6 },
+ { "orchid1", 0xff83fa },
+ { "orchid2", 0xee7ae9 },
+ { "orchid3", 0xcd69c9 },
+ { "orchid4", 0x8b4789 },
+ { "pale goldenrod", 0xeee8aa },
+ { "pale green", 0x98fb98 },
+ { "pale turquoise", 0xafeeee },
+ { "pale violet red", 0xdb7093 },
+ { "papaya whip", 0xffefd5 },
+ { "peach puff", 0xffdab9 },
+ { "peru", 0xcd853f },
+ { "pink", 0xffc0cb },
+ { "pink1", 0xffb5c5 },
+ { "pink2", 0xeea9b8 },
+ { "pink3", 0xcd919e },
+ { "pink4", 0x8b636c },
+ { "plum", 0xdda0dd },
+ { "plum1", 0xffbbff },
+ { "plum2", 0xeeaeee },
+ { "plum3", 0xcd96cd },
+ { "plum4", 0x8b668b },
+ { "powder blue", 0xb0e0e6 },
+ { "purple", 0xa020f0 },
+ { "purple1", 0x9b30ff },
+ { "purple2", 0x912cee },
+ { "purple3", 0x7d26cd },
+ { "purple4", 0x551a8b },
+ { "rebecca purple", 0x663399 },
+ { "red", 0xff0000 },
+ { "red1", 0xff0000 },
+ { "red2", 0xee0000 },
+ { "red3", 0xcd0000 },
+ { "red4", 0x8b0000 },
+ { "rosy brown", 0xbc8f8f },
+ { "royal blue", 0x4169e1 },
+ { "saddle brown", 0x8b4513 },
+ { "salmon", 0xfa8072 },
+ { "salmon1", 0xff8c69 },
+ { "salmon2", 0xee8262 },
+ { "salmon3", 0xcd7054 },
+ { "salmon4", 0x8b4c39 },
+ { "sandy brown", 0xf4a460 },
+ { "sea green", 0x2e8b57 },
+ { "seashell", 0xfff5ee },
+ { "seashell1", 0xfff5ee },
+ { "seashell2", 0xeee5de },
+ { "seashell3", 0xcdc5bf },
+ { "seashell4", 0x8b8682 },
+ { "sienna", 0xa0522d },
+ { "sienna1", 0xff8247 },
+ { "sienna2", 0xee7942 },
+ { "sienna3", 0xcd6839 },
+ { "sienna4", 0x8b4726 },
+ { "silver", 0xc0c0c0 },
+ { "sky blue", 0x87ceeb },
+ { "slate blue", 0x6a5acd },
+ { "slate gray", 0x708090 },
+ { "slate grey", 0x708090 },
+ { "snow", 0xfffafa },
+ { "snow1", 0xfffafa },
+ { "snow2", 0xeee9e9 },
+ { "snow3", 0xcdc9c9 },
+ { "snow4", 0x8b8989 },
+ { "spring green", 0x00ff7f },
+ { "steel blue", 0x4682b4 },
+ { "tan", 0xd2b48c },
+ { "tan1", 0xffa54f },
+ { "tan2", 0xee9a49 },
+ { "tan3", 0xcd853f },
+ { "tan4", 0x8b5a2b },
+ { "teal", 0x008080 },
+ { "thistle", 0xd8bfd8 },
+ { "thistle1", 0xffe1ff },
+ { "thistle2", 0xeed2ee },
+ { "thistle3", 0xcdb5cd },
+ { "thistle4", 0x8b7b8b },
+ { "tomato", 0xff6347 },
+ { "tomato1", 0xff6347 },
+ { "tomato2", 0xee5c42 },
+ { "tomato3", 0xcd4f39 },
+ { "tomato4", 0x8b3626 },
+ { "turquoise", 0x40e0d0 },
+ { "turquoise1", 0x00f5ff },
+ { "turquoise2", 0x00e5ee },
+ { "turquoise3", 0x00c5cd },
+ { "turquoise4", 0x00868b },
+ { "violet red", 0xd02090 },
+ { "violet", 0xee82ee },
+ { "web gray", 0x808080 },
+ { "web green", 0x008000 },
+ { "web grey", 0x808080 },
+ { "web maroon", 0x800000 },
+ { "web purple", 0x800080 },
+ { "wheat", 0xf5deb3 },
+ { "wheat1", 0xffe7ba },
+ { "wheat2", 0xeed8ae },
+ { "wheat3", 0xcdba96 },
+ { "wheat4", 0x8b7e66 },
+ { "white smoke", 0xf5f5f5 },
+ { "white", 0xffffff },
+ { "x11 gray", 0xbebebe },
+ { "x11 green", 0x00ff00 },
+ { "x11 grey", 0xbebebe },
+ { "x11 maroon", 0xb03060 },
+ { "x11 purple", 0xa020f0 },
+ { "yellow green", 0x9acd32 },
+ { "yellow", 0xffff00 },
+ { "yellow1", 0xffff00 },
+ { "yellow2", 0xeeee00 },
+ { "yellow3", 0xcdcd00 },
+ { "yellow4", 0x8b8b00 }
+ };
+ u_int i;
+ int c;
+ if (strncmp(name, "grey", 4) == 0 || strncmp(name, "gray", 4) == 0) {
+ if (!isdigit((u_char)name[4]))
+ return (0xbebebe|COLOUR_FLAG_RGB);
+ c = round(2.55 * atoi(name + 4));
+ if (c < 0 || c > 255)
+ return (-1);
+ return (colour_join_rgb(c, c, c));
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < nitems(colours); i++) {
+ if (strcasecmp(colours[i].name, name) == 0)
+ return (colours[i].c|COLOUR_FLAG_RGB);
+ }
+ return (-1);