AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-12-18Merge #23v0.8.0bors[bot]
2022-12-18Update version to 0.8.0Matthias Beyer
2022-12-18Add changelog for 0.8.0Matthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #22bors[bot]
2022-12-18Replace failure with thiserrorMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #21bors[bot]
2022-12-18Remove indentationMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Remove "extern crate" declarationsMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Replace serde_derive with serde and derive featureMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #19 #20bors[bot]
2022-12-18Set edition to 2021, resolver to 2Matthias Beyer
2022-12-18Set edition to 2018Matthias Beyer
2022-12-18cargo-fix --editionMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Remove doclinkMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #11bors[bot]
2022-12-18Replace actions-rs with dtolnayMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18gitlint: Do not allow cleanup commitsMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Outsource commit linting to own workflowMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Only build with MSRV and stableMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #12 #13bors[bot]
2022-12-18Merge #14 #15 #16 #17bors[bot]
2022-12-18Merge #18bors[bot]
2022-12-18Update repository urlMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Remove travis badgeMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Update derive_builder requirement from 0.9.0 to 0.12.0dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Update uuid requirement from 0.8 to 1.2dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Update env_logger requirement from 0.7 to 0.10dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Remove default.nixMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Update READMEMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Bump swatinem/rust-cache from 1 to 2dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Bump actions/setup-python from 4.0.0 to 4.3.1dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3dependabot[bot]
2022-12-18Merge #9 #10bors[bot]
2022-12-18Temporarily remove cargo-denyMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Add dependabot configurationMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Format code with latest rustfmtMatthias Beyer
2022-12-18Merge #8bors[bot]
2022-12-18Remove github templatesMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Merge #5bors[bot]
2022-08-09Remove referenceMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Simplify matchesMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Allow function with too many argsMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Simplify object constructionMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Remove lifetime that can be inferredMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Remove redundant closureMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Remove lifetime that can be inferredMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Use anonymous lifetime hereMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Remove ref keywordMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Do use char for pattern instead of strMatthias Beyer
2022-08-09Remove unwrap() callMatthias Beyer