path: root/docs/bn-BD/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/bn-BD/')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/bn-BD/ b/docs/bn-BD/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7db34ef61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/bn-BD/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+home: true
+heroImage: /logo.svg
+tagline: আপনার টার্মিনাল এর জন্য একটি সহজ, প্রচণ্ড দ্রুত এবং অশেষভাবে কাস্টমাইজ করার মতো সুবিধাসম্পন্ন একটি প্রম্প্ট!
+actionText: Get Started →
+actionLink: ./guide/
+ -
+ title: Compatibility First
+ details: Works on the most common shells on the most common operating systems. Use it everywhere!
+ -
+ title: Rust-Powered
+ details: Brings the best-in-class speed and safety of Rust, to make your prompt as quick and reliable as possible.
+ -
+ title: Customizable
+ details: Every little detail is customizable to your liking, to make this prompt as minimal or feature-rich as you'd like it to be.
+footer: ISC Licensed | Copyright © 2019-present Starship Contributors
+#Used for the description meta tag, for SEO
+metaTitle: "Starship: Cross-Shell Prompt"
+description: Starship is the minimal, blazing fast, and extremely customizable prompt for any shell! Shows the information you need, while staying sleek and minimal. Quick installation available for Bash, Fish, ZSH, Ion, Tcsh, Elvish, Nu, Xonsh, Cmd, and PowerShell.
+<div class="center">
+ <video class="demo-video" muted autoplay loop playsinline>
+ <source src="/demo.webm" type="video/webm">
+ <source src="/demo.mp4" type="video/mp4">
+ </video>
+### পূর্বশর্ত
+- A [Nerd Font]( installed and enabled in your terminal.
+### Quick Install
+1. Install the **starship** binary:
+ #### Install Latest Version
+ With Shell:
+ ```sh
+ curl -sS | sh
+ ```
+ To update the Starship itself, rerun the above script. It will replace the current version without touching Starship's configuration.
+ #### Install via Package Manager
+ With [Homebrew](
+ ```sh
+ brew install starship
+ ```
+ With [Winget](
+ ```powershell
+ winget install starship
+ ```
+1. Add the init script to your shell's config file:
+ #### Bash
+ `~/.bashrc` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.bashrc
+ eval "$(starship init bash)"
+ ```
+ #### Fish
+ `~/.config/fish/` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.config/fish/
+ starship init fish | source
+ ```
+ #### Zsh
+ `~/.zshrc` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.zshrc
+ eval "$(starship init zsh)"
+ ```
+ #### Powershell
+ Add the following to the end of `Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1`. You can check the location of this file by querying the `$PROFILE` variable in PowerShell. Typically the path is `~\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1` or `~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1` on -Nix.
+ ```sh
+ Invoke-Expression (&starship init powershell)
+ ```
+ #### Ion
+ `~/.config/ion/initrc` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.config/ion/initrc
+ eval $(starship init ion)
+ ```
+ #### Elvish
+ ::: warning
+ Only elvish v0.18 or higher is supported.
+ :::
+ `~/.elvish/rc.elv` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.elvish/rc.elv
+ eval (starship init elvish)
+ ```
+ #### Tcsh
+ `~/.tcshrc` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.tcshrc
+ eval `starship init tcsh`
+ ```
+ #### Nushell
+ ::: warning
+ This will change in the future. Only Nushell v0.78+ is supported.
+ :::
+ আপনার Nushell env ফাইলের (Nushell এ `$nu.env-path` কমান্ডটি রান করে ফাইলটি খুঁজে বের করুন) শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইনগুলি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ mkdir ~/.cache/starship
+ starship init nu | save -f ~/.cache/starship/
+ ```
+ এরপর আপনার Nushell কনফিগের (Nushell এ `$nu.config-path` কমান্ডটি রান করে ফাইলটি খুঁজে বের করুন) শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইনটি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ use ~/.cache/starship/
+ ```
+ #### Xonsh
+ `~/.xonshrc` এর শেষে নিম্নলিখিত লাইন টি যোগ করুন:
+ ```sh
+ # ~/.xonshrc
+ execx($(starship init xonsh))
+ ```
+ #### Cmd
+ আপনাকে Cmd এর সাথে [Clink]( (v1.2.30+) ব্যবহার করতে হবে । Add the following to a file `starship.lua` and place this file in Clink scripts directory:
+ ```lua
+ -- starship.lua
+ load(io.popen('starship init cmd'):read("*a"))()
+ ```