AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-04Make repository a flakemiscadd-flakeMatthias Beyer
2023-10-04Fix: Toolchain file must be tomlrust-toolchain-to-tomlMatthias Beyer
2023-10-03fix: footnote and powershell (#377)mainRuben Arts
2023-10-03bump: use dev version (#370)Ruben Arts
2023-10-03fix: update the --frozen logic to error when there is no lockfile (#373)Ruben Arts
2023-10-03Bump/v0.5.0 (#369)Ruben Arts
2023-10-03fix: don't remove the '.11' from 'python3.11' binary file name (#366)Ruben Arts
2023-10-02docs: small simplification and update of the cli (#365)Ruben Arts
2023-10-02Fix flacky install tests (#368)Ruben Arts
2023-10-02docs: use quotes in cli (#367)Pavel Zwerschke
2023-09-28feat: add --locked and --frozen to getting an up-to-date prefix (#363)Ruben Arts
2023-09-28Create or append to the `.gitignore` and `.gitattributes` files (#359)Ruben Arts
2023-09-28chore: periodic cargo upgrade --all --incompatible (#358)Wolf Vollprecht
2023-09-28bump: 0.5.0-dev and rattler (#361)Bas Zalmstra
2023-09-27Change how `shell` works and make activation more robust (#316)Wolf Vollprecht
2023-09-27Misc/docker example (#353)Ruben Arts
2023-09-26docs: copy from cms (#355)Ruben Arts
2023-09-22bump: add change-log and bump version number (#352)Ruben Arts
2023-09-22Align with latest rattler version `0.9.0` (#350)Ruben Arts
2023-09-20feat: add channel add feature on project subcommand. (#347)Ruben Arts
2023-09-20misc: add tip to resolve virtual package issue (#348)Ruben Arts
2023-09-17add LFortran to (#341)Wolf Vollprecht
2023-09-17Add Ribasim to (#340)Hofer-Julian
2023-09-15DOC: Add new hobby project, xtsci-dist (#339)Rohit Goswami
2023-09-12fix: remove atty and use stdlib (#337)Wolf Vollprecht
2023-09-12feat: add codespell (config, workflow) to catch typos + catch and fix some of...Yaroslav Halchenko
2023-09-11bump: 0.3.0 (#336)Bas Zalmstra
2023-09-11Update all dependencies as well as rattler (#321)Wolf Vollprecht
2023-09-11Add arxiv research to community projects (#335)Pablo Vela
2023-09-11fix: noarch is the only channel that must exist (#333)Bas Zalmstra
2023-09-11fix: simplify quoting logic (#313)Bas Zalmstra
2023-09-11Add `pixi global list` and `pixi global remove` commands (#318)Colin J. Fuller
2023-09-11Add setup-pixi action references (#332)Pavel Zwerschke
2023-09-07Merge pull request #324 from baszalmstra/feat/manifest_path_nameTim de Jager
2023-09-07Merge pull request #310 from baszalmstra/feat/enable_local_certificate_storeTim de Jager
2023-09-06fix: correct pwsh completion install script (#325)Chawye Hsu
2023-09-06Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into feat/manifest_path_nameBas Zalmstra
2023-09-06feat: manifest-path must point to a pixi.tomlBas Zalmstra
2023-08-30Updated (#315)Gokul B. Nair
2023-08-29Merge pull request #307 from baszalmstra/fix/sort_lock_fileBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28Merge pull request #312 from inbinder/grammar/READMEBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28Grammar correction in READMEZachary Manning
2023-08-28fix: pre-commitBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: test reviewBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: precommit changesBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: update project lock file with sortingBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: ros2-nav2 lockfileBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: update lock-files with sortingBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/main' into fix/sort_lock_fileBas Zalmstra
2023-08-28fix: use rattler main branchBas Zalmstra