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+ <title>ownCloud Planet</title>
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+ <description>The ownCloud blog planet with posts from all ownCloud contributors</description>
+ <pubDate>Thu, 15 May 2014 11:44:27 +0000</pubDate>
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+ <title>ownCloud development in April</title>
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+ <pubDate>Wed, 14 May 2014 19:57:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<div dir="ltr" trbidi="on"><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" height="261" width="320"></a></td></tr><tr><td>Github in action</td></tr></tbody></table>Frank and myself thought it would be nice to have a weekly news report around the ownCloud community. It makes it easier for people to follow what is going on, we can't all follow all mailing lists and git logs and forums and so on. To start this up I went through information sources like the development mailing list, blogs, news and more and compiled an article about the whole month of April. If you all like it, I can start doing this weekly.<br><br>Now I can't follow everything either, of course, so it would be helpful if you, dear readers, could send what YOU know is going on to me! That would ensure I don't miss any cool things. Mail me or ping me over G+, twitter or somewhere else! Any suggestion is welcome.<br><br><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" height="400" width="386"></a></td></tr><tr><td>UI mockups of new features</td></tr></tbody></table><br><h2>Development</h2>So, let's start with what happened in ownCloud development in April, separated by core, cloud and clients. Note that what is below is not guaranteed to end up in a release! We might re-design things, defer to a later release to give it more testing or change the feature otherwise...<br><br><h3>ownCloud core</h3><br><ul><li>Work is happening to refine the oC 7 public API.</li><li>Lots of work on LDAP improvements (much of that landed in 6.0.3, see <a href="">this blog</a>)</li><li>Some work is done for improving support for high dpi screens! See <a href="">PR 1</a> and <a href="">PR 2</a> for details.</li><li>Progress on a tool for <a href="">conversion of data between various databases</a></li><li>Some neat 'ajaxification' in the core, making way for:</li><ul><li><a href="">infinite scrolling for files app</a> got merged!</li><li><a href="">file sorting (by clicking column headers)</a> is under development, needs review and help...</li></ul><li>The new user management from <a href="">this pull request</a> is almost ready to be merged!</li><li>There is a project going on to make the normal ownCloud UI <a href="">more usable on mobile devices</a>. Help is of course very welcome as this is a lot of work!</li></ul><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" height="320" width="229"></a></td></tr><tr><td>Good old fashioned paper mockup</td></tr></tbody></table><h3>ownCloud apps</h3><br><ul><li><a href="">work is going on</a> to improve the view on what happened on your ownCloud in the activity app</li><li>Infinite scrolling &amp; neater layout for pictures app are coming.</li><li>A much improved music app is coming, and a variety of features is under development, like <a href="">new playlist functionality</a>.</li></ul><br><br><h3>ownCloud clients</h3><br><ul><li>The iOS saw work on multiple-downloads support. Not finished yet but a future version should include this. There was also work on the 'favorite files' feature.</li><li>The Android client got the <a href="">InstantUpload video branch</a> finally merged. This means that once released, the client can upload video instantly, either always or only when on wifi. Thanks to <a href="">zerginator</a> for doing the hard work!</li><li>The first beta for the 1.6 release of the desktop client came out and a bunch of bugs got fixed based on the feedback that came in. If you have not tried the new release, help us test it so we can make it even better. Read more about this upcoming release in <a href="">this blog by Danimo</a>.</li></ul><br><div dir="ltr" trbidi="on"><h2>Devel mailing list discussions</h2>The entire month saw lots of bugfixes fly by on the devel mailing list. The news app, for example, now deals better with a host of websites, but also got reworked to be finally independent from the app framework. Meanwhile, there's a <a href="">firefox plugin being developed for the News app</a>, courtesy of our <a href="">Outreach Program for Women participation</a>.<br><table align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src="" height="400" width="316"></a></td></tr><tr><td>Visual bugreports with screenshots.</td></tr></tbody></table><br><h3>Listing apps</h3>Jan-Christoph announced that he had put together a page listing the central ownCloud apps as well as mobile and desktop clients. There is also a section 'external apps to integrate with'. With this overview he hopes to encourage collaboration over fragmentation. <a href="">See the page here</a>.<br><br>Vincent Petry brought a <a href="">python client library</a> to the ownCloud list, spawning a discussion about the need for perhaps a JavaScript library as well.<br><br><h2>In other news</h2>The bugfix release <a href="">ownCloud 6.0.3</a> brought new bugfixes and <a href="">improved LDAP performance</a>.<br><br>The wider FOSS world saw Canonical retire Ubuntu One, to which we replied offering Ubuntu users to come and <a href="">try out ownCloud</a>. As Frank wrote when Box announced they'd open source some of the tools they use in-house for system administration and engineering:<br><blockquote>"Depending on a vendor is always risky: the vendor can go bankrupt, be bought or raise prices. In the world of web services it also often happens that vendors decide to discontinue functionality they deem not crucial enough. It could just be something you depend on!"</blockquote>ownCloud can be run on your own servers, not requiring you to move your data to an untrusted, third-party server farm." See <a href="">his blog post</a>.<br><br><h2>Conclusion</h2>I hope you liked the ownCloud news of April! Obviously, the weekly ones should be shorter than this one. Let me know in the comments what you think about doing this every week. If you all think it is a good idea, I'll move this to the ownCloud blog.&nbsp;</div></div>]]></description>
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+ <title>Report: openSUSE conference 2014, Dubrovnik.</title>
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+ <pubDate>Wed, 14 May 2014 10:19:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<center><a href=""><img src="" width="80%" height="80%"></a></center><br>One more fan-freakin-tastik openSUSE conference is over. Thank you <a href="" target="1">Dubrovnik</a> and local organizers for such fantabulous conference. Your city is beautiful. Too bad that the weather wasn't sunny all the time (don't forget that Dubrovnik is touristic city). The old city was dope. I mean it's very cool to stay inside the walls, go to school there. Of course restaurants, bars etc are expensive there, but still it's so cool!!!<br><br>Personally don't understand why everyone in the community linked <a href="" target="1">Dubrovnik with Game of thrones series</a>. It's a Hollywood product. Maybe I'm the only one that don't watch it. On the other hand, I saw the cruelty of civil war during 91-94 and the <a href="" target="1">siege of Dubrovnik</a> that lasted for 7 months. Of course a theme couldn't use that, since it's politics (although Game of Thrones has copyrights and it's better not to use it either). <br><br><center><a href=""><img src="" width="80%" height="80%"></a><br>Greeks, Brazilians, Germans and Czechs.</center><a name="more"></a><br>People there were kind and happy to help us. During the last 2 days of the conference, there was a religious youth festival and the city was too crowded. Good for us to mingle but the transportation to and from the venue was kind of difficult for everyone.<br><br>Now let's talk about the conference. I was volunteer. My duty was to keep social media updated. I didn't have time to attend to many presentations I had to watch if streaming was on, sound was OK and inform the video team if there was a problem.<br>This year, there wasn't an organized press room, so I could do this job from anywhere. So I took my netbook and sometimes I was in the presentations room, sometimes I was sitting at the GNOME Booth. <br><br>I also managed to bring swag and organize the GNOME booth. Thank you <a href="" target="1">Kostas Livieratos</a>, <a href="" target="1">Anna Angelogianni</a>, <a href="" target="1">Apostolis Ntokos</a> and <a href="" target="1">Tobias Mueller</a> that helped to have a great GNOME presence at openSUSE conference.<br><br>Regarding presentations, thank <a href="" target="1">openSUSEtv</a>, I saw them when I got back home. Here some highlights:<br><br>1. Since I'm not tech person, I like almost all Jos' presentations. My fav was the <a href="" target="1">tips about the booths and presence</a>. It was something that I studied and presented at openSUSE conference 2012. If we combine the presentation <a href="" target="1">Social Skills for Geeks</a>, we will have a better result to our community. Also another cool presentation was his tips to <a href="" target="1">build a community in 10 steps</a>. Since I'm passionate <a href="" target="1">about ownCloud</a>, it was good opportunity for me to watch what the new community manager has to say about it.<br><br>2. Of course <a href="" target="1">Tobias' presentation about GNOME</a> was something that I watched (since I didn't make it to see him live). I presented many things that he told us here in Greece. I used the new version 3.12 and I'm very excited about it. Richard Brown told us that new version is in Tumbleweed repos and on a stable repository so users can use it.<br><br>3. A must see presentation is <a href="" target="1">Design and Branding - The Way Forward by Ken Wimer</a>. Branding and new design is what makes the difference to every product (not only software). Typography, fonts, slides and how to present is what matters.<br><br>4. As part of the <a href="" target="1">Travel Support committee</a>, I presented a <a href="" target="1">part about the program</a>, but Ancor's presentation about <a href="" target="1">how to use the TSP application to request for reimbursement</a>, is the presentation we should use for future questions how to use the <a href="" target="1">TSP tool</a>.<br><br>Personal highlights is that I met with Tobias Mueller. We used to mail each other about GNOME. Now I met him AFK. <br><br>Also another highlight was that I met Michal Meeks. He had a <a href="" target="1">keynote presentation about The Document Foundation and LibreOffice</a>.<br><br><center><a href=""><img src="" width="80%" height="80%"></a><br><br>Anna, Apostolis, Wookey, Me, Francoise, Michael, Kostas</center><br>For more pictures you can check <a href="" target="1">Google Plus Greece</a> and <a href="" target="1">Google Plus event page</a>.<br><br>I hope I covered everything. Now the future. Next openSUSE conference will take place in The Hague. Thank to Hans de Raad. I'll see you next year!!!<br><br>I would like to thank openSUSE that sponsored part of my expenses for this conference.]]></description>
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+ <title>ownCloud at re:publica and LinuxTag 2014</title>
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+ <pubDate>Tue, 13 May 2014 07:09:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Last week saw several events in Berlin&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank">Station</a> event location that also featured ownCloud in one way or the other. The first, <a href="" target="_blank">re:publica</a>, is probably mostly known by bloggers and internet activists. Titled <em>Into the wild</em>, an obvious tongue in cheek about the unsafe and well-surveilled place the internet has become, it was a great place to talk about ownCloud. <a href="" target="_blank">Frank</a> took that opportunity and was received by a packed room, to which he delivered a <a href="">talk about ownCloud</a>, despite <a href="">The Hoff</a> performing on Stage 1 at the same time.</p>
+<p></p><div><a href=""><img src="" alt="Jos and Arthur at a freshly set up booth." width="150" height="150"></a><p>Jos and Arthur at a freshly set up booth.</p></div>The last day of re:publica coincided with the first day of <a href="">LinuxTag 2014</a>, which moved from Fairgrounds to Station Berlin. This brought a lot of new people to visit our booth, which ownCloud shared with openSUSE and KDE, courtesy of our new Community Manager <a href="">Jos</a>.
+<p>On Thursday, <strong>Frank and I also got invited and interviewed about ownCloud</strong> by the <em>Sondersendung</em> Podcast. If you can understand German, you can listen to our <a href="" target="_blank">15 minute interview</a> .</p>
+<p></p><div><a href=""><img src="" alt="ownCloud is a proud sponsor of LinuxTag 2014." width="150" height="150"></a><p>ownCloud is a proud sponsor of LinuxTag 2014.</p></div>At the presentation area of our booth, <strong>Arthur and Georg gave workshops on writing your first ownCloud app</strong>, while I was covering the <strong>details of the synchronization process</strong> in depth. Every day of LinuxTag, quite some people took the chance to listen and ask questions.
+<p>Others just walked up to our demo point for a quick demonstration of ownClouds capabilities and concepts. Some inquired about the improvements from earlier versions they have used, and most were impressed by the progress that ownCloud 6 and ownCloud Client 1.6 represent. Since LinuxTag joined forces with <a href="" target="_blank">droidcon</a>, we also had lots of <strong>questions on our mobile integration</strong> for Android (and iOS, :), for both ownCloud app and calendar/addressbook sync.</p>
+<p>In total, LinuxTag has been a really great show this year, which was mostly owed to the co-location with other events and the more central location. We&rsquo;re looking forward to LinuxTag 2015!</p>
+<div><a href=""><img src="" alt="Arthur explaining how to write your own ownCloud app." width="150" height="150"></a><p>Arthur explaining how to write your own ownCloud app.</p></div>
+<div><a href=""><img src="" alt="The workshop on file synchronization." width="150" height="150"></a><p>The workshop on file synchronization.</p></div>]]></description>
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+ <title>GSoC Week 2</title>
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+ <pubDate>Sat, 10 May 2014 17:41:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Hi all,<br><br>This week I was busy with my lectures and had a little progress on the basic playlist actions.<br><br>However, I created a new branch and Pull Request on music app [0] repository on Github, then managed to fix layout issues that I have experienced during the week.<br><br>Also, since I am new to AngularJS, I had difficulties on using some methods. Today we had a short discussion with my mentor (Morris) on IRC and set up some new debugger tools (Node.js and NPM). Also discussed on problems that I had during the week. We will be solving them on Monday by latest and I am hoping to complete basic actions on playlists by the end of this week.<br><br>[0] <a href=""></a></p>
+<p>Here is how it looks like:</p>
+<p><img src="" alt="new-playlist" width="640" height="331"></p>]]></description>
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+ <title>I’m retracting myself from the ownCloud contributors</title>
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+ <pubDate>Sat, 10 May 2014 12:20:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[As the header says I will no longer be part of the ownCloud contributors. It has been a major - not to say the main - part of of life for the past 2&frac12; years; they do roll by, don't they...<br>
+When I started it was as most hobby-programmers just to scratch my own itch, but it has been a great joy and pleasure to work with the many enthusiatic people.<br>
+When Frank started his company around the project I was just as happy and gladly signed a contributors agreement for my few contributions to ownCloud core.<br><br>
+The ownCloud project was for me both as mentioned to scratch my own itch regarding many points, but also a way for me to heal my own mind with some brainwork that I hadn't been able to do elsewhere. For personal reasons I'd been out of a job - unable to perform it - but after I had my disability pension I could have some peace and let me try to build some strength.<br>
+It helped a lot to work with these great people.<br><br>
+Lately - for the better part of 1&frac12; year - this hasn't been my feeling. I may be wrong but it is my strong feeling that ownCloud Inc. has become the priority, and the community a workbench for improving and taking over the apps.<br>
+If this is not so, keep doing your awesome work.<br>
+For those having the same feeling as me, I urge you to form an ownCloud Foundation. I don't have the strength myself, but I will gladly join and support it.<br>
+Frank, I'd wished you'd seen and supported it<br><br>
+Sorry for all errors in this text; this is for me a very emotional departure.<br><br>
+Edit: I'll explain my reasons for leaving and my wishes for the future of the ownCloud community further soon. At this moment I just need to gather my thoughts first.<br><br>
+Below a redacted excerpt of what triggered it. It may not seem important, but if you know your github-foo your can find find it all<br><br><pre>
+ karlitschek commented 2 days ago
+Sorry but we don&acute;t want to dumb more libraries in the ownCloud core only because they might be useful. Apps are free to ship components like that if they want to use it. At the later stage if 4-5 apps ship the same component in the exact same version then we might consider to add the to the ownCloud core, or not.
+ karlitschek commented 2 days ago
+I'm not saying this is not useful, secure, good code or in other ways helpful. But this doesn't mean that we should dump all useful code into the core. The design goal of the owncloud core is to be as small as possible. In fact it is already too big. So if this is useful then we should use it for the news app API first and perhaps other apps. This doesn't mean that we have to dump it into the core to make it heavier, difficult to maintain and to keep stable
+ tanghus commented 21 hours ago
+As it has been - wisely - decided to move the AppFramework to core, I am interested in having it both lean, but more importantly usable and secure. Therefore I prefer to have great implementations which are closely scrutinized for security issues.
+A security issue that would be present in at least 3 apps has already been detected. I think that speaks for itself for including it in core.
+ tanghus commented 9 hours ago
+In case my point didn't come clearly thru, as I may sometimes try to soften my views when putting them into words.
+ The design goal of the owncloud core is to be as small as possible. In fact it is already too big.
+Recommendable, but what does that exactly mean? What is not needed in core? archive, migration, memcache, ocs, vobject, activitymanager, api, avatar, backgroundjob, cache, contactsmanager, tags, eventsource or files for that matter? Plus everything else under /apps. Fine, lets scrap it and start from scratch. I can actually mention a few that I wouldn't be missed (including some of my contributions), but that's another matter.
+Design-wise it would probably be good, but we would be left with basically nothing.
+Some of the good decisions that have been made during the past ~1&frac12; year - from my PoV - are
+ The strict adherence to interfaces in new contributions
+ The introduction of the Server "container"
+ The (partly) inclusion of the AppFramework.
+Those - and other - changes can make it possible to actually move towards a mature, trustworthy codebase.
+I have no special attachments to including CORS middleware, but I understand from several parties, that I trust, that it is a small, yet important part to include, and rejecting it as bloat is both disrespectful and counter-productive. So my rant is not about CORS - it's about the culture and attitude that I sometimes see in this community. What I seen is community members reluctant to voice their opinions for improvements.
+To say it straight out: The community should have priority over both "The Inc." and "The Founder". Otherwise it's not a community anymore, and I don't see a place for myself in it.
+Alternatively the two quoted nouns could find better ways for making compromises - without compromising the project - pun intended ;)
+If none of those objects are met I frighten for the future culture of this project, but so be it; I find another place to try to keep my mind sound, because quite honestly recently it has done quite the opposite[*]
+[*] With exceptions of course. No one mentioned, no one forgotten.
+PS: I've tried to keep this rant in a sober tone, although my state might not be so (otherwise I probably wouldn't have written it) and I expect any responses to it to be made in public.
+Frank Karlitschek
+karlitschek commented 2 hours ago
+@tanghus Thanks a lot. I don&acute;t think this has anything to do with Inc. or anything else.
+This is purely about the long term maintainability of the core. And this is something anything who wants that ownCloud still exists in 5-10 years should care about.
+We all know several other projects where this framework/libraries bloat went wrong.
+Frank Karlitschek
+karlitschek commented 2 hours ago
+O.K. Let&acute;s put this into core under this conditions:
+ Full documentation how this should be used by app developers is available on at the same time.
+ At least two independent apps are fully ported to use this.
+ @Raydiation maintains this for the time being exactly as the rest of the app framework.
+ Someone actively
+ Someone starts to port other pieces of ownCloud to use this so that we don&acute;t have code duplication.
+Additionally we should also regularly check which code, frameworks or dependencies in core can be removed. Otherwise we run into a long term problem.
+ tanghus commented an hour ago
+ Full documentation how this should be used by app developers is available on
+ at the same time.
+Reasonable and preferable.
+ At least two independent apps are fully ported to use this.
+I believe that should be the case for oC7 or oC8. Longterm dev is of essence.
+ @Raydiation maintains this for the time being exactly as the rest of the app framework.
+I think this should be rephrased to "there must always be an active, responsible maintainer." which is documented in the source file. I don't know if there's a @maintainer tag in ?
+That it should always be @Raydiation counts out the bus-factor ;)
+Also where would that that place all other core developers including you Frank? We have git blame and I've been personally hit by that recently ;)
+ Someone actively
+Meaning what? If it's correct it doesn't have to change. This correlates with the maintainer or other developers related to this.
+ Someone starts to port other pieces of ownCloud to use this so that we don&acute;t have code duplication.
+ Additionally we should also regularly check which code, frameworks or dependencies in core can be removed. Otherwise we run into a long term problem.
+This should be addressed in a separate issue and I'm sorry @XXX that I kinda hijacked this issue for that.
+ tanghus commented 19 minutes ago
+ This is purely about the long term maintainability of the core. And this is something anything who wants that ownCloud still exists in 5-10 years should care about.
+To be very forthright I'm not not sure which ownCloud you mean here? Is it to be sure independent developers can produce efficient and secure code, or is it to secure that the Inc. have less dependencies when they use their paid work force to make solid apps for paying customers?
+The arguments and motives have become too opaque for me, and after 2&frac12; years of mostly enjoying this project, I'll have to retract myself from it.
+@XXX sorry for misusing this PR.
+Frank Karlitschek
+karlitschek commented 11 minutes ago
+@tanghus I&acute;m not really sure what you mean here. Like I said this has nothing to do with Inc. or anything else.
+We all have invested a lot of time and energy into ownCloud. So it is in our all interested that the ownCloud core and the apps will be maintainable and stable and working and mostly bugfree for as long as possible. Because of that we have to do some quality check when architectural changes are done in the core. I think this is good maintainership in general.
+</pre> <p><a href=";id=220491&amp;md5=cda553fc4023aad6b70ec74539f5ee80" title="Flattr" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="flattr this!"></a></p>]]></description>
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+ <title>Get-involved workshops at the KDE/ownCloud/openSUSE booth at LinuxTag</title>
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+ <pubDate>Wed, 07 May 2014 09:40:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<div dir="ltr" trbidi="on"><div><a href="" imageanchor="1"><img border="0" src=""></a></div>Tomorrow, 9:45, <a href="">LinuxTag</a> and <a href="">DroidCon</a> open the doors in Berlin. The even presents a staggering number of sessions (see <a href="">LinuxTag on Thursday alone</a> featuring 57 talks). This is in part due to the addition of evening sessions, which are open for the public (no ticket needed). My own <a href="">talk about the relevance of the Linux Desktop</a> is one of these evening sessions. This is in parallel with LinuxNacht so we'll have to see how many people will choose talks over beer...<br><br><h2>Workshops</h2>At the combined openSUSE/ownCloud/KDE booth I've organized short workshops, given by contributors to these projects, designed to help you get involved with these (and other!) Free Software projects. There is only room for about 10-12 people per workshop so you will get some real attention from the developer doing the workshop. It also means you should make sure to be there on time to secure a spot!<br><br>We try to give the workshops tree times so if one is full, you can come back the next day (due to availability of people this didn't work for all workshops).<br><br><h3>The program</h3><b>Thursday</b><br><table border="0" cellspacing="0"><colgroup width="55"></colgroup><colgroup width="500"></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">10:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Testing Linux with openQA</b><br>(Bernhard Wiedemann)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">11:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Introduction to hacking ownCloud file synchronization</b><br>(Daniel Molkentin)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">12:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>AppArmor Crash Course</b><br>(Christian Boltz)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="16" valign="TOP">13:00</td><td align="LEFT"></td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">14:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Build your first ownCloud App</b><br>(Arthur Schiwon)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">15:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Writing your first KDE application</b><br>(Sebastian Gottfried)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">16:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Packaging with the Open Build Service</b><br>(Marcel K&uuml;hlhorn)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">17:00</td><td align="LEFT"><b>Internal security mechanisms used by the German eID card</b><br>(Joerg Schilling)</td> </tr></tbody></table><br><b>Friday</b><br><table border="0" cellspacing="0"><colgroup width="55"></colgroup><colgroup width="500"></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">10:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Testing Linux with openQA</b><br>(Bernhard Wiedemann)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">11:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Introduction to hacking ownCloud file synchronization</b><br>(Daniel Molkentin)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">12:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Hacking PostfixAdmin</b><br>(Christian Boltz)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">13:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Bareos Backup - Rear Disaster Recovery workshop</b><br>(Maik Au&szlig;endorf and Gratien D'haese)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">14:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Build your first ownCloud App</b><br>(Georg Erhke)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">15:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Writing your first KDE application</b><br>(Sebastian Gottfried)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">16:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Packaging with the Open Build Service</b><br>(Marcel K&uuml;hlhorn)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">17:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Internal security mechanisms used by the German eID card</b><br>(Joerg Schilling)</td> </tr></tbody></table><br><b>Saturday</b><br><table border="0" cellspacing="0"><colgroup width="55"></colgroup><colgroup width="500"></colgroup><tbody><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">10:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Testing Linux with openQA</b><br>(Bernhard Wiedemann)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">11:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Introduction to hacking ownCloud file synchronization</b><br>(Daniel Molkentin)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">12:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>AppArmor Crash Course</b><br>(Christian Boltz)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">13:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Bareos Backup - Rear Disaster Recovery workshop</b><br>(Maik Au&szlig;endorf)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">14:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Build your first ownCloud App</b><br>(Georg Erhke)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">15:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Writing your first KDE application</b><br>(Sebastian Gottfried)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">16:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Packaging with the Open Build Service</b><br>(Marcel K&uuml;hlhorn)</td> </tr><tr><td align="LEFT" height="32" valign="TOP">17:00</td> <td align="LEFT"><b>Internal security mechanisms used by the German eID card</b><br>(Joerg Schilling)</td> </tr></tbody></table><br>Participants to the workshops get a Club Mate to keep them awake and quench their thirst.<br><br>Our booth space is in Hall 6, Number D11 - next to the LinuxTag info stand. See you there tomorrow!</div>]]></description>
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+ <title>GSoC and ownCloud</title>
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+ <pubDate>Sun, 04 May 2014 14:53:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<p>Hi!<br><br>In this category, I will be posting the progress that I am on with <strong>GSoC</strong> and <strong>ownCloud</strong>.<br><br>First, I should tell more about <a href="" target="_blank">GSoC</a>. GSoC (Google Summer of Code) is a program supported by Google to encourage students to code for Open Source software. And this year is the tenth year of this program. There are <a href="" target="_blank">190 open source organizations</a> and more than 1300 students ready to code for open source. And me... I am one of them this year.</p>
+<p>It is my first time in GSoC and I am so glad to be a part of a great community: <a href="" target="_blank">ownCloud</a>.<br><br>Just after I have heard about <strong>ownCloud</strong> as an open source replacement of Dropbox/GoogleDrive/SkyDrive, I was totally amazed and installed on my Kubuntu laptop.</p>
+<p>Just like the excitement after buying a new phone, I started playing with it to learn as many features as possible. Here, I am not gonna talk about how powerful and great software it is, but the development status of my project in GSoC: Playlist Functionality for ownCloud Music App.<br><br>The following part is copy/paste from my proposal:</p>
+<p><strong>ownCloud</strong> is an open source file sync and share software for everyone. Its features can be expanded by installing applications. One of the applications of ownCloud is a Music Application which collects the music files on the user's folder and plays them.<br><br>My idea is to add a playlist functionality to this application. This functionality will have the following features:<br><br></p>
+<ul><li>Use your browser to play your songs using created playlists</li>
+<li>Basic playlist operations can be done by web interface: Create/rename/remove playlists.</li>
+<li>Drag and drop files</li>
+<li>Since ownCloud is being used in all browsers, it will be only possible to play MP3 and maybe OGG files to support all of them.</li>
+</ul><p>In the future, these playlists could be shared to public or specific users for music streaming like online radio stations. Also, other file formats could be played after conversion with usage of some libraries.<br><br>From next week, I will be posting more detailed report about my progress. Until next time...<br><br>Happy hacking!<br><br></p>]]></description>
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+ <title>Meta Blogging</title>
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+ <pubDate>Tue, 29 Apr 2014 10:37:00 +0000</pubDate>
+ <description><![CDATA[<div dir="ltr" trbidi="on">Today, I blog about blogging. My goal is to convince you, hard working contributor to KDE, ownCloud or openSUSE, that you should regularly blog about the awesome you do.<br><h2>Blogging is great</h2>Contributors blogging about what they do is awesome, really. This way, we:<br><ul><li>Share knowledge <small>so others don't have to re-invent the wheel</small></li><li>Share ideas <small>so others know what we're up to and can help improve plans</small></li><li>Get help <small>so readers might feel compelled to help out!</small></li><li>Give help <small>so using ownCloud/KDE/openSUSE/etc becomes easier for people</small></li><li>Increase our visibility <small>so users/developers know who to <strike>beat up</strike> talk to</small></li><li>Create some noise for the outside <small>forums, news sites, magazines etc - press in general</small></li></ul><br>And that's all absolutely awesome. I even bet there are at least 3 more reasons why blogging is good for your community and I hereby offer cookies for whoever shares three other reasons in the comments section.<br><br>But let's be honest. Who cares about how it benefits whatever? It's the age of <em>me me</em> and more <em>me</em>!<br><a href="" title="Balsa de pardelas by Paco Lopez, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="213" alt="Balsa de pardelas"></a><br><h2>But what really matters...</h2>So I want to make clear that <strong>YOU benefit</strong>. Taking time off to write down what you're working on, putting ideas in order&mdash;this is incredibly useful. You will not only become a better writer but also a better thinker. Better at expressing your ideas but also better at putting them in order, examining them, refining them.<br><br>Blogging makes you stop and <em>think</em> about what you are doing. You take a little time to dive a bit deeper in what drives you, why you work on what you work on and how you can do better.<br><br>This should make clear that the idea of "I have nothing to say" makes no sense. If you are doing things, you must be thinking about them. Blogging is just thinking out loud. Which helps YOU think and, as I pointed out above, helps others see what you think about and give you input.<br><div><a href="" title="London phone box. by Locksley McPherson Jnr, on Flickr"><img src="" width="240" height="240" alt="London phone box."></a></div><h2>HOW to do it then?</h2>I'm not going to say writing is simple. If you look up the first posts on my blog, well, let's just say it didn't come by itself for me either. You might be looking at a blank page for a while. But it gets easy when you have something to say! If you're enthusiastic about something or pondering a complicated problem, <b>that</b> is the moment to start. Open your favorite text editor and just blurt down your thoughts, why you're happy/angry/enthusiastic/etc.<br><br>Then structure it a bit, try to explain the things. You might have learned this in the past already: explaining something complicated to somebody else is awesome, because you learn from doing that yourself. Maybe even more than the person you're explaining to!<br>Then make it more presentable. Add a few headers above big paragraphs to break it up, maybe add a picture. Flickr is a great source of pics and it makes your blog a bit lighter, but it is not mandatory at all. Then just publish. Because, really, you can polish forever but it will never be perfect. And you learn while writing. So write, publish, and write some more!<br><br>On the idea of "you must do regular writing": <b>a myth</b>. Yes, writing about what you did last week is helpful. It gives a base to start with, keeps your life organized. But it is <strong>not</strong> The Only Way To Success when it comes to blogging. You need a bit of inspiration. I've gone months without blogs, and had weeks with several. That might not be awesome from a '<i>social media</i>' perspective but really, who gives a rats' ass about that? I know I don't.<br><br>Write when you are thinking about something, when you're inspired. That's enough.<br><h2>Conclusion</h2>Blogging is helpful. Most people don't feel compelled to share their expertise, knowledge and ideas. That is OK, of course - but if you are willing to blog, please do it! It isn't as hard as it sometimes feels and it is more helpful for yourse