diff options
authorCosta Tsaousis <>2016-05-16 02:55:00 +0300
committerCosta Tsaousis <>2016-05-16 02:55:00 +0300
commitff91f2d1b765250ae2f345327e4a17b3e7b59f44 (patch)
parentdeb63b90af0e081fc4bd63ffd794d093602dd473 (diff)
parent845a6a9fc1fe325f19fce1fbd34aa240ef70402a (diff)
Merge pull request #418 from ktsaou/master
40% faster AVL searching and DICTIONARY operations
10 files changed, 275 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c b/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c
index 8c414db8e7..61f0d02dda 100644
--- a/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c
+++ b/profile/benchmark-dictionary.c
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ struct myvalue {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if(argc || argv) {;}
if(!dict) fatal("Cannot create dictionary.");
struct rusage start, end;
unsigned long long dt;
char buf[100 + 1];
struct myvalue value, *v;
- int i, max = 100000, max2;
+ int i, max = 10000000, max2;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/profile/benchmark-registry.c b/profile/benchmark-registry.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..68475eae09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/profile/benchmark-registry.c
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+ * compile with
+ * gcc -O1 -ggdb -Wall -Wextra -I ../src/ -I ../ -o benchmark-registry benchmark-registry.c ../src/dictionary.o ../src/log.o ../src/avl.o ../src/common.o ../src/appconfig.o ../src/web_buffer.o ../src/storage_number.o ../src/rrd.o -pthread -luuid -lm -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DVARLIB_DIR="\"/tmp\""
+ */
+char *hostname = "me";
+#include "../src/registry.c"
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int test1(int argc, char **argv) {
+ void print_stats(uint32_t requests, unsigned long long start, unsigned long long end) {
+ fprintf(stderr, " > SPEED: %u requests served in %0.2f seconds ( >>> %llu per second <<< )\n",
+ requests, (end-start) / 1000000.0, (unsigned long long)requests * 1000000ULL / (end-start));
+ fprintf(stderr, " > DB : persons %llu, machines %llu, unique URLs %llu, accesses %llu, URLs: for persons %llu, for machines %llu\n",
+ registry.persons_count, registry.machines_count, registry.urls_count, registry.usages_count,
+ registry.persons_urls_count, registry.machines_urls_count);
+ }
+ (void) argc;
+ (void) argv;
+ uint32_t u, users = 1000000;
+ uint32_t m, machines = 200000;
+ uint32_t machines2 = machines * 2;
+ char **users_guids = malloc(users * sizeof(char *));
+ char **machines_guids = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
+ char **machines_urls = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
+ unsigned long long start;
+ registry_init();
+ fprintf(stderr, "Generating %u machine guids\n", machines2);
+ for(m = 0; m < machines2 ;m++) {
+ uuid_t uuid;
+ machines_guids[m] = malloc(36+1);
+ uuid_generate(uuid);
+ uuid_unparse(uuid, machines_guids[m]);
+ char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", m+1);
+ machines_urls[m] = strdup(buf);
+ // fprintf(stderr, "\tmachine %u: '%s', url: '%s'\n", m + 1, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m]);
+ }
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating %u users accessing %u machines\n", users, machines);
+ m = 0;
+ time_t now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(NULL, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ users_guids[u] = p->guid;
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing again the same %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ m = 0;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing a new server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ m = 1;
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ if(++m == machines) m = 0;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines / RAND_MAX;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of %u servers\n", users, machines2);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
+ if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ for(m = 0; m < 10; m++) {
+ start = timems();
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "\n%u random user accesses to a random server, out of %u servers,\n > using 1/10000 with a random url, 1/1000 with a mismatched url\n",
+ users * 2, machines2);
+ now = time(NULL);
+ for (u = 0; u < users * 2; u++) {
+ uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
+ uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
+ char *url = machines_urls[tm];
+ char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
+ if (random() % 10000 == 1234) {
+ snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", random());
+ url = buf;
+ }
+ else if (random() % 1000 == 123)
+ url = machines_urls[random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX];
+ PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], url, "test", now);
+ if (p->guid != users_guids[tu])
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
+ }
+ print_stats(u, start, timems());
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
+ start = timems();
+ registry_save();
+ print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
+ start = timems();
+ registry_free();
+ print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
+ return 0;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ config_set_boolean("registry", "enabled", 1);
+ //debug_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ test1(argc, argv);
+ exit(0);
+ (void)argc;
+ (void)argv;
+ PERSON *p1, *p2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nINITIALIZATION\n");
+ registry_init();
+ int i = 2;
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access("2c95abd0-1542-11e6-8c66-00508db7e9c9", "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ if(0)
+ while(i--) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
+ p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER PERSON\n");
+ p2 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
+ p2 = registry_request_access(p2->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
+ registry_save();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
+ registry_free();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/src/appconfig.c b/src/appconfig.c
index b43485cc98..0ec4cad322 100644
--- a/src/appconfig.c
+++ b/src/appconfig.c
@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ static inline void config_section_unlock(struct config *co) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// config name-value index
-static int config_value_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int config_value_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((struct config_value *)a)->hash < ((struct config_value *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((struct config_value *)a)->hash > ((struct config_value *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -96,20 +94,17 @@ static int config_value_compare(void* a, void* b) {
#define config_value_index_del(co, cv) avl_remove_lock(&((co)->values_index), (avl *)(cv))
static struct config_value *config_value_index_find(struct config *co, const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
- struct config_value *result = NULL, tmp;
+ struct config_value tmp;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(name); = (char *)name;
- avl_search_lock(&(co->values_index), (avl *) &tmp, config_value_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (struct config_value *)avl_search_lock(&(co->values_index), (avl *) &tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// config sections index
-static int config_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int config_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((struct config *)a)->hash < ((struct config *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((struct config *)a)->hash > ((struct config *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -125,12 +120,11 @@ avl_tree_lock config_root_index = {
#define config_index_del(cfg) avl_remove_lock(&config_root_index, (avl *)(cfg))
static struct config *config_index_find(const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
- struct config *result = NULL, tmp;
+ struct config tmp;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(name); = (char *)name;
- avl_search_lock(&config_root_index, (avl *) &tmp, config_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (struct config *)avl_search_lock(&config_root_index, (avl *) &tmp);
diff --git a/src/apps_plugin.c b/src/apps_plugin.c
index 8a330ae75e..0bcdfcf508 100644
--- a/src/apps_plugin.c
+++ b/src/apps_plugin.c
@@ -1005,7 +1005,7 @@ avl_tree all_files_index = {
static struct file_descriptor *file_descriptor_find(const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
- struct file_descriptor *result = NULL, tmp;
+ struct file_descriptor tmp;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(name); = name;
tmp.count = 0;
@@ -1014,8 +1014,7 @@ static struct file_descriptor *file_descriptor_find(const char *name, uint32_t h
tmp.magic = 0x0BADCAFE;
- avl_search(&all_files_index, (avl *) &tmp, file_descriptor_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (struct file_descriptor *)avl_search(&all_files_index, (avl *) &tmp);
#define file_descriptor_add(fd) avl_insert(&all_files_index, (avl *)(fd))
diff --git a/src/avl.c b/src/avl.c
index db19849453..067b0b3610 100644
--- a/src/avl.c
+++ b/src/avl.c
@@ -309,6 +309,29 @@ int avl_range(avl_tree* t, avl* a, avl* b, int (*iter)(avl*), avl** ret) {
return c;
+/* high performance searching - by ktsaou */
+avl *avl_search(avl_tree *t, avl *a) {
+ avl *root = t->root;
+ while(root) {
+ int x = t->compar(root, a);
+ if(x > 0) {
+ root = root->left;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(x < 0) {
+ root = root->right;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return root;
+ }
+ return NULL;
void avl_init(avl_tree *t, int (*compar)(void *a, void *b)) {
t->root = NULL;
t->compar = compar;
@@ -366,6 +389,13 @@ void avl_init_lock(avl_tree_lock *t, int (*compar)(void *a, void *b)) {
+avl *avl_search_lock(avl_tree_lock *t, avl *a) {
+ avl_read_lock(t);
+ avl *ret = avl_search(&t->avl_tree, a);
+ avl_unlock(t);
+ return ret;
int avl_range_lock(avl_tree_lock *t, avl *a, avl *b, int (*iter)(avl *), avl **ret) {
int ret2 = avl_range(&t->avl_tree, a, b, iter, ret);
diff --git a/src/avl.h b/src/avl.h
index 04e95ea80c..5397b196e8 100644
--- a/src/avl.h
+++ b/src/avl.h
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ int avl_range(avl_tree *t, avl *a, avl *b, int (*iter)(avl *), avl **ret);
* for each element calls iter(a) until it returns 0
* returns the last value returned by iterator or 0 if there were no calls
-#define avl_search_lock(t, a, iter, ret) avl_range_lock(t, a, a, iter, ret)
-#define avl_search(t, a, iter, ret) avl_range(t, a, a, iter, ret)
+avl *avl_search_lock(avl_tree_lock *t, avl *a);
+avl *avl_search(avl_tree *t, avl *a);
/* Initialize the avl_tree_lock
diff --git a/src/dictionary.c b/src/dictionary.c
index b2151ff6d8..1543f4d0e7 100644
--- a/src/dictionary.c
+++ b/src/dictionary.c
@@ -40,8 +40,6 @@ static inline void dictionary_unlock(DICTIONARY *dict) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// avl index
-static int name_value_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int name_value_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((NAME_VALUE *)a)->hash < ((NAME_VALUE *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((NAME_VALUE *)a)->hash > ((NAME_VALUE *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -52,14 +50,12 @@ static int name_value_compare(void* a, void* b) {
#define dictionary_name_value_index_del_nolock(dict, nv) do { (dict)->deletes++; avl_remove(&(dict->values_index), (avl *)(nv)); } while(0)
static inline NAME_VALUE *dictionary_name_value_index_find_nolock(DICTIONARY *dict, const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
- NAME_VALUE *result = NULL, tmp;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(name); = (char *)name;
- avl_search(&(dict->values_index), (avl *) &tmp, name_value_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (NAME_VALUE *)avl_search(&(dict->values_index), (avl *) &tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/plugin_tc.c b/src/plugin_tc.c
index 511dd1622d..3d3e35217c 100644
--- a/src/plugin_tc.c
+++ b/src/plugin_tc.c
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ struct tc_device *tc_device_root = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// tc_device index
-static int tc_device_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int tc_device_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((struct tc_device *)a)->hash < ((struct tc_device *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((struct tc_device *)a)->hash > ((struct tc_device *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -100,20 +98,17 @@ avl_tree tc_device_root_index = {
#define tc_device_index_del(st) avl_remove(&tc_device_root_index, (avl *)(st))
static inline struct tc_device *tc_device_index_find(const char *id, uint32_t hash) {
- struct tc_device *result = NULL, tmp;
+ struct tc_device tmp; = (char *)id;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(;
- avl_search(&(tc_device_root_index), (avl *) &tmp, tc_device_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (struct tc_device *)avl_search(&(tc_device_root_index), (avl *)&tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// tc_class index
-static int tc_class_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int tc_class_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((struct tc_class *)a)->hash < ((struct tc_class *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((struct tc_class *)a)->hash > ((struct tc_class *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -124,12 +119,11 @@ static int tc_class_compare(void* a, void* b) {
#define tc_class_index_del(st, rd) avl_remove(&((st)->classes_index), (avl *)(rd))
static inline struct tc_class *tc_class_index_find(struct tc_device *st, const char *id, uint32_t hash) {
- struct tc_class *result = NULL, tmp;
+ struct tc_class tmp; = (char *)id;
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(;
- avl_search(&(st->classes_index), (avl *) &tmp, tc_class_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (struct tc_class *)avl_search(&(st->classes_index), (avl *) &tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/src/registry.c b/src/registry.c
index 410d3a48bb..f39ce3e2ed 100644
--- a/src/registry.c
+++ b/src/registry.c
@@ -1836,221 +1836,3 @@ void registry_statistics(void) {
rrddim_set(stm, "machines_urls", registry.machines_urls_memory + registry.machines_count * sizeof(DICTIONARY) + registry.machines_urls_count * sizeof(NAME_VALUE));
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int test1(int argc, char **argv) {
- void print_stats(uint32_t requests, unsigned long long start, unsigned long long end) {
- fprintf(stderr, " > SPEED: %u requests served in %0.2f seconds ( >>> %llu per second <<< )\n",
- requests, (end-start) / 1000000.0, (unsigned long long)requests * 1000000ULL / (end-start));
- fprintf(stderr, " > DB : persons %llu, machines %llu, unique URLs %llu, accesses %llu, URLs: for persons %llu, for machines %llu\n",
- registry.persons_count, registry.machines_count, registry.urls_count, registry.usages_count,
- registry.persons_urls_count, registry.machines_urls_count);
- }
- (void) argc;
- (void) argv;
- uint32_t u, users = 1000000;
- uint32_t m, machines = 200000;
- uint32_t machines2 = machines * 2;
- char **users_guids = malloc(users * sizeof(char *));
- char **machines_guids = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
- char **machines_urls = malloc(machines2 * sizeof(char *));
- unsigned long long start;
- registry_init();
- fprintf(stderr, "Generating %u machine guids\n", machines2);
- for(m = 0; m < machines2 ;m++) {
- uuid_t uuid;
- machines_guids[m] = malloc(36+1);
- uuid_generate(uuid);
- uuid_unparse(uuid, machines_guids[m]);
- char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
- snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", m+1);
- machines_urls[m] = strdup(buf);
- // fprintf(stderr, "\tmachine %u: '%s', url: '%s'\n", m + 1, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m]);
- }
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating %u users accessing %u machines\n", users, machines);
- m = 0;
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
- if(++m == machines) m = 0;
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(NULL, machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
- users_guids[u] = p->guid;
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing again the same %u servers\n", users, machines);
- m = 0;
- now = time(NULL);
- for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
- if(++m == machines) m = 0;
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
- if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr, "\nAll %u users accessing a new server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
- m = 1;
- now = time(NULL);
- for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
- if(++m == machines) m = 0;
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[u], machines_guids[m], machines_urls[m], "test", now);
- if(p->guid != users_guids[u])
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[u], p->guid);
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of the %u servers\n", users, machines);
- now = time(NULL);
- for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
- uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
- uint32_t tm = random() * machines / RAND_MAX;
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
- if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n%u random users accessing a random server, out of %u servers\n", users, machines2);
- now = time(NULL);
- for(u = 0; u < users ; u++) {
- uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
- uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], machines_urls[tm], "test", now);
- if(p->guid != users_guids[tu])
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- for(m = 0; m < 10; m++) {
- start = timems();
- fprintf(stderr,
- "\n%u random user accesses to a random server, out of %u servers,\n > using 1/10000 with a random url, 1/1000 with a mismatched url\n",
- users * 2, machines2);
- now = time(NULL);
- for (u = 0; u < users * 2; u++) {
- uint32_t tu = random() * users / RAND_MAX;
- uint32_t tm = random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX;
- char *url = machines_urls[tm];
- char buf[FILENAME_MAX + 1];
- if (random() % 10000 == 1234) {
- snprintfz(buf, FILENAME_MAX, "", random());
- url = buf;
- }
- else if (random() % 1000 == 123)
- url = machines_urls[random() * machines2 / RAND_MAX];
- PERSON *p = registry_request_access(users_guids[tu], machines_guids[tm], url, "test", now);
- if (p->guid != users_guids[tu])
- fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: expected to get user guid '%s' but git '%s'", users_guids[tu], p->guid);
- }
- print_stats(u, start, timems());
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
- start = timems();
- registry_save();
- print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
- start = timems();
- registry_free();
- print_stats(registry.persons_count, start, timems());
- return 0;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
- // debug_flags = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- // test1(argc, argv);
- // exit(0);
- (void)argc;
- (void)argv;
- PERSON *p1, *p2;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nINITIALIZATION\n");
- registry_init();
- int i = 2;
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
- p1 = registry_request_access("2c95abd0-1542-11e6-8c66-00508db7e9c9", "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- if(0)
- while(i--) {
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ENTRY\n");
- p1 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
- p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "", "test", time(NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER URL\n");
- p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
- p1 = registry_request_access(p1->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c1", "http://my.server:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER PERSON\n");
- p2 = registry_request_access(NULL, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nADDING ANOTHER MACHINE\n");
- p2 = registry_request_access(p2->guid, "7c173980-145c-11e6-b86f-00508db7e9c3", "http://localhost:19999/", "test", time(NULL));
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nSAVE\n");
- registry_save();
- fprintf(stderr, "\n\nCLEANUP\n");
- registry_free();
- return 0;
diff --git a/src/rrd.c b/src/rrd.c
index 5971afb2f7..ee23da0c2e 100644
--- a/src/rrd.c
+++ b/src/rrd.c
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ int rrd_memory_mode = RRD_MEMORY_MODE_SAVE;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RRDSET index
-static int rrdset_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int rrdset_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((RRDSET *)a)->hash < ((RRDSET *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((RRDSET *)a)->hash > ((RRDSET *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -59,12 +57,11 @@ avl_tree_lock rrdset_root_index = {
#define rrdset_index_del(st) avl_remove_lock(&rrdset_root_index, (avl *)(st))
static RRDSET *rrdset_index_find(const char *id, uint32_t hash) {
- RRDSET *result = NULL, tmp;
+ RRDSET tmp;
strncpyz(, id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX);
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(;
- avl_search_lock(&(rrdset_root_index), (avl *) &tmp, rrdset_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (RRDSET *)avl_search_lock(&(rrdset_root_index), (avl *) &tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -72,8 +69,6 @@ static RRDSET *rrdset_index_find(const char *id, uint32_t hash) {
#define rrdset_from_avlname(avlname_ptr) ((RRDSET *)((avlname_ptr) - offsetof(RRDSET, avlname)))
-static int rrdset_iterator_name(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int rrdset_compare_name(void* a, void* b) {
RRDSET *A = rrdset_from_avlname(a);
RRDSET *B = rrdset_from_avlname(b);
@@ -104,7 +99,7 @@ static RRDSET *rrdset_index_find_name(const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
tmp.hash_name = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(;
// fprintf(stderr, "SEARCHING: %s\n", name);
- avl_search_lock(&(rrdset_root_index_name), (avl *) (&(tmp.avlname)), rrdset_iterator_name, (avl **) &result);
+ result = avl_search_lock(&(rrdset_root_index_name), (avl *) (&(tmp.avlname)));
if(result) {
RRDSET *st = rrdset_from_avlname(result);
if(strcmp(st->magic, RRDSET_MAGIC))
@@ -121,8 +116,6 @@ static RRDSET *rrdset_index_find_name(const char *name, uint32_t hash) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RRDDIM index
-static int rrddim_iterator(avl *a) { if(a) {}; return 0; }
static int rrddim_compare(void* a, void* b) {
if(((RRDDIM *)a)->hash < ((RRDDIM *)b)->hash) return -1;
else if(((RRDDIM *)a)->hash > ((RRDDIM *)b)->hash) return 1;
@@ -133,12 +126,11 @@ static int rrddim_compare(void* a, void* b) {
#define rrddim_index_del(st,rd ) avl_remove_lock(&((st)->dimensions_index), (avl *)(rd))
static RRDDIM *rrddim_index_find(RRDSET *st, const char *id, uint32_t hash) {
- RRDDIM *result = NULL, tmp;
+ RRDDIM tmp;
strncpyz(, id, RRD_ID_LENGTH_MAX);
tmp.hash = (hash)?hash:simple_hash(;
- avl_search_lock(&(st->dimensions_index), (avl *) &tmp, rrddim_iterator, (avl **) &result);
- return result;
+ return (RRDDIM *)avl_search_lock(&(st->dimensions_index), (avl *) &tmp);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------