diff options
authorFotis Voutsas <>2023-03-14 18:41:36 +0200
committerGitHub <>2023-03-14 09:41:36 -0700
commitaba7e8c064b3b993ce837495bb66d1362b1f21df (patch)
parent2597f4f0354d8b7b746c8095dbf1c0a6e9c7b872 (diff)
Improve guideline docs (#14678)
* merge guideline docs and add info to style guide * Update
3 files changed, 87 insertions, 867 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index d81e0d03be..0000000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,807 +0,0 @@
-# Docs Development Guidelines
-Welcome to our docs developer guidelines!
-We store documentation related to Netdata inside of
-the [`netdata/netdata` repository]( on GitHub.
-The Netdata team aggregates and publishes all documentation at [](/) using
-[Docusaurus]( over at the [`netdata/learn` repository](
-## Before you get started
-Anyone interested in contributing to documentation should first read the [Netdata style guide](#styling-guide) further
-down below and the [Netdata Community Code of Conduct](
-Netdata's documentation uses Markdown syntax. If you're not familiar with Markdown, read
-the [Mastering Markdown]( guide from GitHub for the basics on
-creating paragraphs, styled text, lists, tables, and more, and read further down about some special
-occasions [while writing in MDX](#mdx-and-markdown).
-### Netdata's Documentation structure
-Netdata's documentation is separated into 5 categories.
-- **Getting Started**: This section’s purpose is to present “What is Netdata” and for whom is it for while also
- presenting all the ways Netdata can be deployed. That includes Netdata’s platform support, Standalone deployment,
- Parent-child deployments, deploying on Kubernetes and also deploying on IoT nodes.
- - Stored in **WIP**
- - Published in **WIP**
-- **Concepts**: This section’s purpose is to take a pitch on all the aspects of Netdata. We present the functionality of
- each component/idea and support it with examples but we don’t go deep into technical details.
- - Stored in the `/docs/concepts` directory in the `netdata/netdata` repository.
- - Published in **WIP**
-- **Tasks**: This section's purpose is to break down any operation into a series of fundamental tasks for the Netdata
- solution.
- - Stored in the `/docs/tasks` directory in the `netdata/netdata` repository.
- - Published in **WIP**
-- **References**: This section’s purpose is to explain thoroughly every part of Netdata. That covers settings,
- configurations and so on.
- - Stored near the component they refer to.
- - Published in **WIP**
-- **Collectors References**: This section’s purpose is to explain thoroughly every collector that Netdata supports and
- it's configuration options.
- - Stored in stored near the collector they refer to.
- - Published in **WIP**
-## How to contribute
-The easiest way to contribute to Netdata's documentation is to edit a file directly on GitHub. This is perfect for small
-fixes to a single document, such as fixing a typo or clarifying a confusing sentence.
-Click on the **Edit this page** button on any published document on [Netdata Learn]( Each
-page has two of these buttons: One beneath the table of contents, and another at the end of the document, which take you
-to GitHub's code editor. Make your suggested changes, keeping the [Netdata style guide](#styling-guide)
-in mind, and use the ***Preview changes*** button to ensure your Markdown syntax works as expected.
-Under the **Commit changes** header, write descriptive title for your requested change. Click the **Commit changes**
-button to initiate your pull request (PR).
-Jump down to our instructions on [PRs](#making-a-pull-request) for your next steps.
-### Edit locally
-Editing documentation locally is the preferred method for complex changes that span multiple documents or change the
-documentation's style or structure.
-Create a fork of the Netdata Agent repository by visit the [Netdata repository]( and
-clicking on the **Fork** button.
-GitHub will ask you where you want to clone the repository. When finished, you end up at the index of your forked
-Netdata Agent repository. Clone your fork to your local machine:
-git clone
-Create a new branch using `git checkout -b BRANCH-NAME`. Use your favorite text editor to make your changes, keeping
-the [Netdata style guide]( in mind. Add, commit, and push changes to your fork. When you're
-finished, visit the [Netdata Agent Pull requests]( to create a new pull request
-based on the changes you made in the new branch of your fork.
-### Making a pull request
-Pull requests (PRs) should be concise and informative. See our [PR guidelines](/contribute/handbook#pr-guidelines) for
-- The title must follow the [imperative mood]( and be no more than ~50
- characters.
-- The description should explain what was changed and why. Verify that you tested any code or processes that you are
- trying to change.
-The Netdata team will review your PR and assesses it for correctness, conciseness, and overall quality. We may point to
-specific sections and ask for additional information or other fixes.
-After merging your PR, the Netdata team rebuilds the [documentation site]( to publish the
-changed documentation.
-## Writing Docs
-We have three main types of Docs: **References**, **Concepts** and **Tasks**.
-### Metadata Tags
-All of the Docs however have what we call "metadata" tags. these help to organize the document upon publishing.
-So let's go through the different necessary metadata tags to get a document properly published on Learn:
-- Docusaurus Specific:\
- These metadata tags are parsed automatically by Docusaurus and are rendered in the published document. **Note**:
- Netdata only uses the Docusaurus metadata tags releveant for our documentation infrastructure.
- - `title: "The title of the document"` : Here we specify the title of our document, which is going to be converted
- to the heading of the published page.
- - `description: "The description of the file"`: Here we give a description of what this file is about.
- - `custom_edit_url:`: Here is an example of
- the link that the user will be redirected to if he clicks the "Edit this page button", as you see it leads
- directly to the edit page of the source file.
-- Netdata Learn specific:
- - `learn_status: "..."`
- - The options for this tag are:
- - `"published"`
- - `"unpublished"`
- - `learn_topic_type: "..."`
- - The options for this tag are:
- - `"Getting Started"`
- - `"Concepts"`
- - `"Tasks"`
- - `"References"`
- - `"Collectors References"`
- - This is the Topic that the file belongs to, and this is going to resemble the start directory of the file's
- path on Learn for example if we write `"Concepts"` in the field, then the file is going to be placed
- under `/Concepts/....` inside Learn.
- - `learn_rel_path: "/example/"`
- - This tag represents the rest of the path, without the filename in the end, so in this case if the file is a
- Concept, it would go under `Concepts/example/`. If you want to place the file under the "root"
- topic folder, input `"/"`.
- - ⚠️ In case any of these "Learn" tags are missing or falsely inputted the file will remain unpublished. This is by
- design to prevent non-properly tagged files from getting published.
-While Docusaurus can make use of more metadata tags than the above, these are the minimum we require to publish the file
-on Learn.
-### Doc Templates
-These are the templates we use for our Documentation files:
-<summary>Reference Docs</summary>
-The template that is used for Reference files is:
- <!--
- title: "Apache monitoring with Netdata"
- description: "Monitor the health and performance of Apache web servers with zero configuration, per-second metric granularity, and interactive visualizations."
- custom_edit_url:
- learn_topic_type: "Collector References"
- learn_rel_path: "/sample_category"
- learn_status: "published"
- -->
-## Configuration files
-### Data collection
-To make changes, see `the ./edit-config task <link>`
-### Alerts
-## Requirements to run this module
-- none
-## Requirement on the monitored application
-- `Apache` with enabled [`mod_status`](
-## Auto detection
-### Single node installation
-. . . we autodetect localhost:port and what configurations are defaults
-### Kubernetes installations
-. . . Service discovery, click here
-## Metrics
-Columns: Context | description (of the context) | units (of the context) | dimensions | alerts
-- Requests in `requests/s`
-- Connections in `connections`
-- Async Connections in `connections`
-- Scoreboard in `connections`
-- Bandwidth in `kilobits/s`
-- Workers in `workers`
-- Lifetime Average Number Of Requests Per Second in `requests/s`
-- Lifetime Average Number Of Bytes Served Per Second in `KiB/s`
-- Lifetime Average Response Size in `KiB`
-### Labels
-just like <>
-## Alerts
-collapsible content for every alert, just like the alert guides
-## Configuration options
-Table with all the configuration options available.
-Columns: name | description | default
-## Configuration example
-Needs only `url` to server's `server-status?auto`. Here is an example for 2 servers:
- - name: local
- url:
- - name: remote
- url:
-For all available options please see
-module [configuration file](
-## Troubleshoot
-backlink to the task to run this module in debug mode
-<summary>Task Docs</summary>
-The template that is used for Task files is:
- <!--
- title: "Task title"
- description: "Task description"
- custom_edit_url:
- learn_topic_type: "Tasks"
- learn_rel_path: "/sample_category"
- learn_status: "published"
- -->
-## Description
-A small description of the Task.
-## Prerequisites
-Describe all the information that the user needs to know before proceeding with the task.
-## Context
-Describe the background information of the Task, the purpose of the Task, and what will the user achieve by completing
-## Steps
-A task consists of steps, here provide the actions needed from the user, so he can complete the task correctly.
-## Result
-Describe the expected output/ outcome of the result.
-## Example
-Provide any examples needed for the Task
-<summary>Concept Docs</summary>
-The template of the Concept files is:
- <!--
- title: "Concept title"
- description: "Concept description"
- custom_edit_url:
- learn_topic_type: "Concepts"
- learn_rel_path: "/sample_category"
- learn_status: "published"
- -->
-## Description
-In our concepts we have a more loose structure, the goal is to communicate the "concept" to the user, starting with
-simple language that even a new user can understand, and building from there.
-## Styling Guide
-The *Netdata style guide* establishes editorial guidelines for any writing produced by the Netdata team or the Netdata
-community, including documentation, articles, in-product UX copy, and more. Both internal Netdata teams and external
-contributors to any of Netdata's open-source projects should reference and adhere to this style guide as much as
-Netdata's writing should **empower** and **educate**. You want to help people understand Netdata's value, encourage them
-to learn more, and ultimately use Netdata's products to democratize monitoring in their organizations. To achieve these
-goals, your writing should be:
-- **Clear**. Use simple words and sentences. Use strong, direct, and active language that encourages readers to action.
-- **Concise**. Provide solutions and answers as quickly as possible. Give users the information they need right now,
- along with opportunities to learn more.
-- **Universal**. Think of yourself as a guide giving a tour of Netdata's products, features, and capabilities to a
- diverse group of users. Write to reach the widest possible audience.
-You can achieve these goals by reading and adhering to the principles outlined below.
-## Voice and tone
-One way we write empowering, educational content is by using a consistent voice and an appropriate tone.
-*Voice* is like your personality, which doesn't really change day to day.
-*Tone* is how you express your personality. Your expression changes based on your attitude or mood, or based on who
-you're around. In writing, your reflect tone in your word choice, punctuation, sentence structure, or even the use of
-The same idea about voice and tone applies to organizations, too. Our voice shouldn't change much between two pieces of
-content, no matter who wrote each, but the tone might be quite different based on who we think is reading.
-For example, a [blog post]( and a [press release](
-should have a similar voice, despite most often being written by different people. However, blog posts are relaxed and
-witty, while press releases are focused and academic. You won't see any emoji in a press release.
-### Voice
-Netdata's voice is authentic, passionate, playful, and respectful.
-- **Authentic** writing is honest and fact-driven. Focus on Netdata's strength while accurately communicating what
- Netdata can and cannot do, and emphasize technical accuracy over hard sells and marketing jargon.
-- **Passionate** writing is strong and direct. Be a champion for the product or feature you're writing about, and let
- your unique personality and writing style shine.
-- **Playful** writing is friendly, thoughtful, and engaging. Don't take yourself too seriously, as long as it's not at
- the expense of Netdata or any of its users.
-- **Respectful** writing treats people the way you want to be treated. Prioritize giving solutions and answers as
- quickly as possible.
-### Tone
-Netdata's tone is fun and playful, but clarity and conciseness comes first. We also tend to be informal, and aren't
-afraid of a playful joke or two.
-While we have general standards for voice and tone, we do want every individual's unique writing style to reflect in
-published content.
-## Universal communication
-Netdata is a global company in every sense, with employees, contributors, and users from around the world. We strive to
-communicate in a way that is clear and easily understood by everyone.
-Here are some guidelines, pointers, and questions to be aware of as you write to ensure your writing is universal. Some
-of these are expanded into individual sections in
-the [language, grammar, and mechanics](#language-grammar-and-mechanics) section below.
-- Would this language make sense to someone who doesn't work here?
-- Could someone quickly scan this document and understand the material?
-- Create an information hierarchy with key information presented first and clearly called out to improve scannability.
-- Avoid directional language like "sidebar on the right of the page" or "header at the top of the page" since
- presentation elements may adapt for devices.
-- Use descriptive links rather than "click here" or "learn more".
-- Include alt text for images and image links.
-- Ensure any information contained within a graphic element is also available as plain text.
-- Avoid idioms that may not be familiar to the user or that may not make sense when translated.
-- Avoid local, cultural, or historical references that may be unfamiliar to users.
-- Prioritize active, direct language.
-- Avoid referring to someone's age unless it is directly relevant; likewise, avoid referring to people with age-related
- descriptors like "young" or "elderly."
-- Avoid disability-related idioms like "lame" or "falling on deaf ears." Don't refer to a person's disability unless
- it’s directly relevant to what you're writing.
-- Don't call groups of people "guys." Don't call women "girls."
-- Avoid gendered terms in favor of neutral alternatives, like "server" instead of "waitress" and "businessperson"
- instead of "businessman."
-- When writing about a person, use their communicated pronouns. When in doubt, just ask or use their name. It's OK to
- use "they" as a singular pronoun.
-> Some of these guidelines were adapted from MailChimp under the Creative Commons license.
-## Language, grammar, and mechanics
-To ensure Netdata's writing is clear, concise, and universal, we have established standards for language, grammar, and
-certain writing mechanics. However, if you're writing about Netdata for an external publication, such as a guest blog
-post, follow that publication's style guide or standards, while keeping
-the [preferred spelling of Netdata terms](#netdata-specific-terms) in mind.
-### Active voice
-Active voice is more concise and easier to understand compared to passive voice. When using active voice, the subject of
-the sentence is action. In passive voice, the subject is acted upon. A famous example of passive voice is the phrase
-"mistakes were made."
-| | |
-| Not recommended | When an alarm is triggered by a metric, a notification is sent by Netdata. |
-| **Recommended** | When a metric triggers an alarm, Netdata sends a notification to your preferred endpoint. |
-### Second person
-Use the second person ("you") to give instructions or "talk" directly to users.
-In these situations, avoid "we," "I," "let's," and "us," particularly in documentation. The "you" pronoun can also be
-implied, depending on your sentence structure.
-One valid exception is when a member of the Netdata team or community wants to write about said team or community.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | To install Netdata, we should try the one-line installer... |
-| **Recommended** | To install Netdata, you should try the one-line installer... |
-| **Recommended**, implied "you" | To install Netdata, try the one-line installer... |
-### "Easy" or "simple"
-Using words that imply the complexity of a task or feature goes against our policy
-of [universal communication](#universal-communication). If you claim that a task is easy and the reader struggles to
-complete it, you may inadvertently discourage them.
-However, if you give users two options and want to relay that one option is genuinely less complex than another, be
-specific about how and why.
-For example, don't write, "Netdata's one-line installer is the easiest way to install Netdata." Instead, you might want
-to say, "Netdata's one-line installer requires fewer steps than manually installing from source."
-### Slang, metaphors, and jargon
-A particular word, phrase, or metaphor you're familiar with might not translate well to the other cultures featured
-among Netdata's global community. We recommended you avoid slang or colloquialisms in your writing.
-In addition, don't use abbreviations that have not yet been defined in the content. See our section on
-[abbreviations](#abbreviations-acronyms-and-initialisms) for additional guidance.
-If you must use industry jargon, such as "mean time to resolution," define the term as clearly and concisely as you can.
-> Netdata helps you reduce your organization's mean time to resolution (MTTR), which is the average time the responsible
-> team requires to repair a system and resolve an ongoing incident.
-### Spelling
-While the Netdata team is mostly *not* American, we still aspire to use American spelling whenever possible, as it is
-the standard for the monitoring industry.
-See the [word list](#word-list) for spellings of specific words.
-### Capitalization
-Follow the general [English standards]( for
-capitalization. In summary:
-- Capitalize the first word of every new sentence.
-- Don't use uppercase for emphasis. (Netdata is the BEST!)
-- Capitalize the names of brands, software, products, and companies according to their official guidelines. (Netdata,
- Docker, Apache, NGINX)
-- Avoid camel case (NetData) or all caps (NETDATA).
-Whenever you refer to the company Netdata, Inc., or the open-source monitoring agent the company develops, capitalize
-However, if you are referring to a process, user, or group on a Linux system, use lowercase and fence the word in an
-inline code block: `` `netdata` ``.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | The netdata agent, which spawns the netdata process, is actively maintained by netdata, inc. |
-| **Recommended** | The Netdata Agent, which spawns the `netdata` process, is actively maintained by Netdata, Inc. |
-#### Capitalization of document titles and page headings
-Document titles and page headings should use sentence case. That means you should only capitalize the first word.
-If you need to use the name of a brand, software, product, and company, capitalize it according to their official
-Also, don't put a period (`.`) or colon (`:`) at the end of a title or header.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Getting Started Guide <br />Service Discovery and Auto-Detection: <br />Install netdata with docker |
-| **Recommended** | Getting started guide <br />Service discovery and auto-detection <br />Install Netdata with Docker |
-### Abbreviations (acronyms and initialisms)
-Use abbreviations (including [acronyms and initialisms]( in
-documentation when one exists, when it's widely accepted within the monitoring/sysadmin community, and when it improves
-the readability of a document.
-When introducing an abbreviation to a document for the first time, give the reader both the spelled-out version and the
-shortened version at the same time. For example:
-> Use Netdata to monitor Extended Berkeley Packet Filter (eBPF) metrics in real-time.
-> After you define an abbreviation, don't switch back and forth. Use only the abbreviation for the rest of the document.
-You can also use abbreviations in a document's title to keep the title short and relevant. If you do this, you should
-still introduce the spelled-out name alongside the abbreviation as soon as possible.
-### Clause order
-When instructing users to take action, give them the context first. By placing the context in an initial clause at the
-beginning of the sentence, users can immediately know if they want to read more, follow a link, or skip ahead.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Read the reference guide if you'd like to learn more about custom dashboards. |
-| **Recommended** | If you'd like to learn more about custom dashboards, read the reference guide. |
-### Oxford comma
-The Oxford comma is the comma used after the second-to-last item in a list of three or more items. It appears just
-before "and" or "or."
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Netdata can monitor RAM, disk I/O, MySQL queries per second and lm-sensors. |
-| **Recommended** | Netdata can monitor RAM, disk I/O, MySQL queries per second, and lm-sensors. |
-### Future releases or features
-Do not mention future releases or upcoming features in writing unless they have been previously communicated via a
-public roadmap.
-In particular, documentation must describe, as accurately as possible, the Netdata Agent _as of
-the [latest commit]( in the GitHub repository_. For Netdata Cloud,
-documentation must reflect the *current state* of [production](
-### Informational links
-Every link should clearly state its destination. Don't use words like "here" to describe where a link will take your
-| | |
-| Not recommended | To install Netdata, click [here]( |
-| **Recommended** | To install Netdata, read the [installation instructions]( |
-Use links as often as required to provide necessary context. Blog posts and guides require less hyperlinks than
-documentation. See the section on [linking between documentation](#linking-between-documentation) for guidance on the
-Markdown syntax and path structure of inter-documentation links.
-### Contractions
-Contractions like "you'll" or "they're" are acceptable in most Netdata writing. They're both authentic and playful, and
-reinforce the idea that you, as a writer, are guiding users through a particular idea, process, or feature.
-Contractions are generally not used in press releases or other media engagements.
-### Emoji
-Emoji can add fun and character to your writing, but should be used sparingly and only if it matches the content's tone
-and desired audience.
-### Switching Linux users
-Netdata documentation often suggests that users switch from their normal user to the `netdata` user to run specific
-commands. Use the following command to instruct users to make the switch:
-sudo su -s /bin/bash netdata
-### Hostname/IP address of a node
-Use `NODE` instead of an actual or example IP address/hostname when referencing the process of navigating to a dashboard
-or API endpoint in a browser.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Navigate to `` in your browser to see Netdata's dashboard. <br />Navigate to `` in your browser to see Netdata's dashboard. |
-| **Recommended** | Navigate to `http://NODE:19999` in your browser to see Netdata's dashboard. |
-If you worry that `NODE` doesn't provide enough context for the user, particularly in documentation or guides designed
-for beginners, you can provide an explanation:
-> With the Netdata Agent running, visit `http://NODE:19999/api/v1/info` in your browser, replacing `NODE` with the IP
-> address or hostname of your Agent.
-### Paths and running commands
-When instructing users to run a Netdata-specific command, don't assume the path to said command, because not every
-Netdata Agent installation will have commands under the same paths. When applicable, help them navigate to the correct
-path, providing a recommendation or instructions on how to view the running configuration, which includes the correct
-For example, the [configuration]( doc first
-teaches users how to find the Netdata config
-directory and navigate to it, then runs commands from the `/etc/netdata` path so that the instructions are more
-Don't include full paths, beginning from the system's root (`/`), as these might not work on certain systems.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Use `edit-config` to edit Netdata's configuration: `sudo /etc/netdata/edit-config netdata.conf`. |
-| **Recommended** | Use `edit-config` to edit Netdata's configuration by first navigating to your [Netdata config directory](, which is typically at `/etc/netdata`, then running `sudo edit-config netdata.conf`. |
-### `sudo`
-Include `sudo` before a command if you believe most Netdata users will need to elevate privileges to run it. This makes
-our writing more universal, and users on `sudo`-less systems are generally already aware that they need to run commands
-For example, most users need to use `sudo` with the `edit-config` script, because the Netdata config directory is owned
-by the `netdata` user. Same goes for restarting the Netdata Agent with `systemctl`.
-| | |
-| Not recommended | Run `edit-config netdata.conf` to configure the Netdata Agent. <br />Run `systemctl restart netdata` to restart the Netdata Agent. |
-| **Recommended** | Run `sudo edit-config netdata.conf` to configure the Netdata Agent. <br />Run `sudo systemctl restart netdata` to restart the Netdata Agent. |
-## Markdown syntax
-Netdata's documentation uses Markdown syntax.
-If you're not familiar with Markdown, read the [Mastering
-Markdown]( guide from GitHub for the basics on creating
-paragraphs, styled text, lists, tables, and more.
-The following sections describe situations in which a specific syntax is required.
-### Syntax standards (`remark-lint`)
-The Netdata team uses [`remark-lint`]( for Markdown code styling.
-- Use a maximum of 120 characters per line.
-- Begin headings with hashes, such as `# H1 heading`, `## H2 heading`, and so on.
-- Use `_` for italics/emphasis.
-- Use `**` for bold.
-- Use dashes `-` to begin an unordered list, and put a single space after the dash.
-- Tables should be padded so that pipes line up vertically with added whitespace.
-If you want to see all the settings, open the
-[`remarkrc.js`]( file in the `netdata/netdata` repository.
-### MDX and markdown
-While writing in Docusaurus, you might want to take leverage of it's features that are supported in MDX formatted files.
-One of those that we use is [Tabs]( They use an HTML syntax,
-which requires some changes in the way we write markdown inside them.
-In detail:
-Due to a bug with docusaurus, we prefer to use `<h1>heading</h1> instead of # H1` so that docusaurus doesn't render the
-contents of all Tabs on the right hand side, while not being able to navigate
-them [relative link](
-You can use markdown syntax for every other styling you want to do except Admonitions:
-For admonitions, follow [this]( guide to use
-admonitions inside JSX. While writing in JSX, all the markdown stylings have to be in HTML format to be rendered
-### Frontmatter
-Every document must begin with frontmatter, followed by an H1 (`#`) heading.
-Unlike typical Markdown frontmatter, Netdata uses HTML comments (`<!--`, `-->`) to begin and end the frontmatter block.
-These HTML comments are later converted into typical frontmatter syntax when building [Netdata
-Frontmatter *must* contain the following variables:
-- A `title` that quickly and distinctly describes the document's content.
-- A `description` that elaborates on the purpose or goal of the document using no less than 100 characters and no more
- than 155 characters.
-- A `custom_edit_url` that links directly to the GitHub URL where another user could suggest additional changes to the
- published document.
-Some documents, like the Ansible guide and others in the `/docs/guides` folder, require an `image` variable as well. In
-this case, replace `/docs` with `/img/seo`, and then rebuild the remainder of the path to the document in question. End
-the path with `.png`. A member of the Netdata team will assist in creating the image when publishing the content.
-For example, here is the frontmatter for the guide
-about [deploying the Netdata Agent with Ansible](
-<img width="751" alt="image" src="">
-Questions about frontmatter in documentation? [Ask on our community
-### Admonitions
-In addition to basic markdown syntax, we also encourage the use of admonition syntax, which allows for a more
-aesthetically seamless presentation of supplemental information. For general instructions on using admonitions, feel
-free to read this [feature guide](
-We encourage the use of **Note** admonitions to provide important supplemental information to a user within a task step,
-reference item, or concept passage.
-Additionally, you should use a **Caution** admonition to provide necessary information to present any risk to a user's
-setup or data.
-**Danger** admonitions should be avoided, as these admonitions are typically applied to reduce physical or bodily harm
-to an individual.
-### Linking between documentation
-Documentation should link to relevant pages whenever it's relevant and provides valuable context to the reader.
-We link between markdown documents by using its GitHub absolute link for
-instance `[short description of what we reference](`
-### References to UI elements
-When referencing a user interface (UI) element in Netdata, reference the label text of the link/button with Markdown's
-(`**bold text**`) tag.
-Click the **Sign in** button.
-Avoid directional language whenever possible. Not every user can use instructions like "look at the top-left corner" to
-find their way around an interface, and interfaces often change between devices. If you must use directional language,
-try to supplement the text with an [image](#images).
-### Images
-Don't rely on images to convey features, ideas, or instructions. Accompany every image with descriptive alt text.
-In Markdown, use the standard image syntax, `![](/docs/agent/contributing)`, and place the alt text between the
-brackets `[]`. Here's an example
-using our logo:
-![The Netdata logo](/docs/agent/web/gui/static/img/netdata-logomark.svg)
-Reference in-product text, code samples, and terminal output with actual text content, not screen captures or other
-images. Place the text in an appropriate element, such as a blockquote or code block, so all users can parse the
-### Syntax highlighting
-Our documentation site at []( uses
-[Prism]( for syntax highlighting. Netdata
-documentation will use the following for the most part: `c`, `python`, `js`, `shell`, `markdown`, `bash`, `css`, `html`,
-and `go`. If no language is specified, Prism tries to guess the language based on its content.
-Include the language directly after the three backticks (```` ``` ````) that start the code block. For highlighting C
-code, for example: