path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-09-09Remove bluebird (#94)Christian Paul
2020-08-17Replace userhome with env-paths (#91)Christian Paul
2020-08-12Add preliminary support for parsing of command line options (#86)Thorkil Værge
2020-05-28Raise the minimum NodeJS version to 10 (#84)Christian Paul
2019-10-13Zoom toward the mouse pointer instead of the map center (#75)Quincy Morgan
2019-10-11:pencil: adding travis badge to readmeMichael Straßburger
2019-10-11:bookmark: bumping 0.2.0v0.2.0Michael Straßburger
2019-07-12fixed optimized (#69)0xflotus
2019-05-13Merge pull request #67 from Self-Perfection/patch-1Christian Paul
2019-03-24Start a dedicated AUTHORS file for copyright purposesChristian Paul
2018-10-17Lower required NodeJS version to 6.14.0 to support the maintained LTS 6Christian Paul
2018-10-17Require the latest LTS of NodeChristian Paul
2018-10-16Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into decaffeinateChristian Paul
2018-07-15Fix typo in READMEAlexander Meshcheryakov
2018-02-12Add the instructions to install the snapLeo Arias
2017-12-23Update package-lock and (removing CoffeeScript)Christian Paul
2017-05-14:memo: adding string-width to readmeMichael Straßburger
2017-05-10:memo: adding reference to PuTTYMichael Straßburger
2017-05-10:memo: adding OSM license to readmeMichael Straßburger
2017-04-30:art: adding hint for -> telnet mapscii.meMichael Straßburger
2017-04-29:memo: kudos to @manuelrothMichael Straßburger
2017-04-29:memo: kudos to @mournerMichael Straßburger
2017-04-29:memo: kudos to @lukasmartinelliMichael Straßburger
2017-04-29:mouse2: welcome back, drop + drag!Michael Straßburger
2017-04-27:memo: opening asciinema in new windowMichael Straßburger
2017-04-27:memo: replacing animated gif with link to assciicastMichael Straßburger
2017-04-26request-promise -> node-fetchJannis R
2017-04-26:arrow_up: adding dependency check for node >=4.5Michael Straßburger
2017-04-26:memo: updating todosMichael Straßburger
2017-04-26:memo: adding animated c-base demo to readmeMichael Straßburger
2016-11-10:art: adding simplify-js to readme, adapting canvasMichael Straßburger
2016-11-08:book: updating readme, cleaning up finished ToDosMichael Straßburger
2016-11-07:runner: converting colors on Tile load, not on every feature drawMichael Straßburger
2016-11-06:non-potable_water: bringing polygon rendering back, todo: holesMichael Straßburger
2016-11-06:runner: removing matrix translations, combinding reduce/move/scale in one loopMichael Straßburger
2016-11-06:construction_worker: cleanup, testing tiles with an extent of 512, config pa...Michael Straßburger
2016-11-05:book: updating readme, adding install & run instructionsMichael Straßburger
2016-11-05:bath: cleaning up, removing obsolete dev tiles and scriptsMichael Straßburger
2016-11-04:mag: limiting tile repetion to x axis, optimizing moveByMichael Straßburger
2016-11-04:house: persiting downloaded tiles in $home/.mapscii/cache/Michael Straßburger
2016-11-03:arrow_right: global linking of 'mapscii'Michael Straßburger
2016-11-03:mag: endless magnification zoomability after max tile zoom level is reachedMichael Straßburger
2016-11-03:green_book: updating modules&todos in READMEMichael Straßburger
2016-10-01:left_right_arrow: adding config for used input/output streamMichael Straßburger
2016-09-30:book: updating readme's todoMichael Strassburger
2016-09-29:art: respecting style.minzoomMichael Straßburger
2016-09-29:mouse2: adding Renderer.featuresAt to return features for mouse positionsMichael Straßburger
2016-09-29:camera: adding screenshot to readmeMichael Straßburger
2016-09-27:mag: using spatial indexing to determain which features to renderMichael Straßburger
2016-09-27:triangular_ruler: using earcut for triangulation, implementing own CanvasMichael Straßburger