path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-20Merge branch 'master' into python-compat-versionsAmjith Ramanujam
2022-01-18Upgrade cli_helpers to workaround the Pygments regression. (#129)Amjith Ramanujam
2022-01-17Drop support for Python 3.6Krzysztof Błażewicz
2022-01-17Add support for Python 3.10Krzysztof Błażewicz
2022-01-17Update compatible Python versionsKrzysztof Błażewicz
2022-01-10Workaround pygments issue.Amjith Ramanujam
2020-07-26set markdown as long description format.Amjith Ramanujam
2020-03-30Include csv files in the tests folder to package.Amjith Ramanujam
2020-03-11Remove the version pinning of sqlparse.Amjith Ramanujam
2020-02-06Upgrade python-prompt-toolkit.Leon Jacobs
2018-11-30Fix the broken testing infra.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-11-29Update Ramanujam
2018-11-27Add the lint task in setup.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-11-27Remove dependency on cryptography.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-11-21Clean up the AUTHORS file.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-11-21Reformat all files using black.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-11-21prompt-toolkit 2.0 upgrade.Amjith Ramanujam
2018-10-29Fix README name on setup.pyDelgermurun Purevkhuu
2018-10-24./ test command worksDelgermurun Purevkhuu
2018-06-18copied files from mycli and rename mycli into litecliDelgermurun Purevkhuu
2018-05-13Initial commit.Thomas Roten