AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-10-12Merge pull request #81 from qkzk/v0.1.22-devv0.1.22qkzk
2023-10-12switch back to a released version of log4rsv0.1.22-devqkzk
2023-10-11Look for nvim listen address in `ss -l` outputqkzk
2023-10-11better name for current path -> current directory pathqkzk
2023-10-11FIX: goto mode from tree node with normal file selected crashes the appqkzk
2023-10-11use a struck for size columnqkzk
2023-10-10method for formating the filename in FileInfo. '.' and '..' have empty filenamesqkzk
2023-10-10preview chardevice with existing methods for fifoqkzk
2023-10-10preview fifo file with lsofqkzk
2023-10-10block device using lsblkqkzk
2023-10-10move const to designated fileqkzk
2023-10-10preview for socket files using ssqkzk
2023-10-09refactor fileinfoqkzk
2023-10-09refactor fileinfoqkzk
2023-10-09size for char & block device with major,minorqkzk
2023-10-09prevent svg preview without rsvg-convertqkzk
2023-10-09requires ffmpeg in path to preview video thumbnailqkzk
2023-10-09prevent font preview if fontimage isn't installedqkzk
2023-10-09preview otf font with fontimageqkzk
2023-10-09refactor main. Use a struct responsible for setup, update, display and quit.qkzk
2023-10-08use a macro to drop every Arc<term>qkzk
2023-10-08refactor sudo commands creation and executionqkzk
2023-10-08refactor sudo command creationqkzk
2023-10-08refactor color parsing from configqkzk
2023-10-08use same signature in main and exitqkzk
2023-10-08refactor main. Split setup, exit and main loop.qkzk
2023-10-08FIX: sort by size use wrong value and order badly 2B > 1Mqkzk
2023-10-08refactor copy move. CopyOrMove is responsible for the setupqkzk
2023-10-07refactor git stringqkzk
2023-10-07move external import after std importqkzk
2023-10-07use display when possibleqkzk
2023-10-07refactor shell parserqkzk
2023-10-07refactor click actionsqkzk
2023-10-06remove useless importqkzk
2023-10-06refactor event dispatchqkzk
2023-10-06use display when availableqkzk
2023-10-05refactor first rowqkzk
2023-10-05improve first rowqkzk
2023-10-05Display filename in first lineqkzk
2023-10-04FIX: symlink aren't displayed at all. Use symlink_metadata and check existanceqkzk
2023-10-04refactor file info format. Use symlink metadataqkzk
2023-10-04Merge pull request #80 from qkzk/v0.1.22-dev-ebookqkzk