path: root/app/src/main/java/app/fedilab/android/mastodon/ui/drawer/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-23Allow to disable pronouns support - Default enabledThomas
2024-02-23Add localization for pronons supportThomas
2024-01-30parse html for pronounsThomas
2024-01-29change currentAccount with a getterThomas
2024-01-23Indicator with pronounsThomas
2024-01-23empty space with mediaThomas
2024-01-20Prepare Media3Thomas
2024-01-19Fix issue #1014 - Wrong profiles when enabling remote conversationsThomas
2024-01-17Fix potential crashes when clicking on notificationsThomas
2024-01-16Fix issue #1016 - Content Warning not applied to quoted messagesThomas
2024-01-12Cached intent for mediaThomas
2024-01-10Apply for statusThomas
2024-01-09Some cleaningThomas
2024-01-09All accounts are cached in db before being in IntentThomas
2024-01-09Apply changes when serializing accountsThomas
2023-12-23Fix an issue with pollThomas
2023-12-23Fix custom colors for Android 14Thomas
2023-12-22Fix an issue with poll and PleromaThomas
2023-12-22Improve scroll barThomas
2023-12-19Fix #1007 - Improve account picker when opening a message with another accountThomas
2023-12-18Counters close to button + add full date for messages (default: disabled)Thomas
2023-12-16Fix profilesThomas
2023-12-12Set app Id when sending BroadCastsupdate_14Thomas
2023-09-14Fix pollsThomas
2023-09-04Fix issue #955 - Focus the clicked messages and allow selections for remote c...Thomas
2023-08-21Crash when several gif in same messageThomas
2023-08-16Hide self messagesThomas
2023-08-15Allow to hide self boosts and self repliesThomas
2023-08-09Fix issue #930 - Crash with PixelfedThomas
2023-08-09Fix issue #931 - Click on card does not open Mastodon posts inside the appThomas
2023-08-07Fix maths convertermarkdownThomas
2023-07-27Clean codeThomas
2023-07-22Fix a crash with PixelFedThomas
2023-07-11Pass first messageThomas
2023-07-08Fetch commentsThomas
2023-07-08Add activity for timelinesThomas
2023-03-25Fix issue #838 - Load and display last notifications when clicking on a push ...Thomas
2023-03-22Fix crash with gifThomas
2023-03-21Some fixesThomas
2023-03-14remote infoThomas
2023-03-14Fix a crashThomas
2023-03-13Fix jumps with Akkoma/Pleroma when media preview size is not setThomas
2023-03-11Add fetching messagefetch_indicatorThomas
2023-03-09Fix some crashesThomas
2023-03-09extend media description warning to cross boostThomas
2023-03-09Warn before boosting a message having no media descriptionThomas
2023-03-09Fix issue #824Thomas
2023-03-08some fixesThomas