path: root/app/src/main/java/app/fedilab/android/mastodon/ui/drawer/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-02-23Allow to disable pronouns support - Default enabledThomas
2024-02-23Add localization for pronons supportThomas
2024-01-30parse html for pronounsThomas
2024-01-29change currentAccount with a getterThomas
2024-01-23Indicator with pronounsThomas
2024-01-19Fix issue #1014 - Wrong profiles when enabling remote conversationsThomas
2024-01-15Fix issue #1017 - Usage frequency of tags when composingThomas
2024-01-12Cached intent for mediaThomas
2024-01-09Some cleaningThomas
2023-12-22Fix issue #894 - Add a search bar for custom emojisThomas
2023-12-21Fix prompt to split asked several times when refusingThomas
2023-12-19Fix #1009 -Hide emoji picker when instance has no custom emojisThomas
2023-12-19Fix a crash when composingThomas
2023-12-15Fix mentions length countimprove_threadThomas
2023-12-15Make links and media clickable when composingThomas
2023-12-15Hyper links clickable in original messages when replyingThomas
2023-12-15clean codeThomas
2023-12-15Change dialog titleThomas
2023-12-15Add options in settings for automatically thread long messages (ASK, Disable,...Thomas
2023-12-14Automatically split long copied/pasted messages into threadsThomas
2023-09-11Merge branch 'fix_500' into developThomas
2023-09-11Fix a crashThomas
2023-09-09Fix Direct messagesThomas
2023-08-16CamelCase Tags when forwarding themThomas
2023-08-15More place for media descriptionThomas
2023-07-27Clean codeThomas
2023-07-12Fix issue #901Thomas
2023-06-01Merge pull request 'Reinstanciate linebreaks in shared content' (#849) from A...Thomas
2023-06-01Fix issue #875 - Visibility of the first message is changed to unlisted when ...Thomas
2023-05-30Release 3.22.0Thomas
2023-05-26Fix a crash when forwarding tagsThomas
2023-04-04Reinstanciate linebreaks in shared contentChristophe Henry
2023-03-13- Open media description when it is missing in the warning dialogThomas
2023-03-08improve media descriptionThomas
2023-02-27Fix issue #810 - Cache issueThomas
2023-02-14some changes for chatThomas
2023-02-13Some improvementsThomas
2023-02-13forward tag set to trueThomas
2023-02-09Update with new languageThomas
2023-02-09Fix issue #788 - Forwarded are added back when deletedThomas
2023-02-09manage tagscamel_tagsThomas
2023-02-07Fix a crash when composingThomas
2023-02-06Fix issue #779 - Focus view for accessibility with visibility when composingThomas
2023-02-05Fix media cannot be downloaded or shared (Android 10)Thomas
2023-02-05Fix forward tags in repliesThomas
2023-02-05Group mentions at the topThomas
2023-02-02Fix crashes when replyingThomas
2023-01-31Fix 103 response code for OGThomas
2023-01-31remove title for media description #771Thomas