path: root/app/src/main/java/app/fedilab/android/mastodon/activities/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-21Create QR-Code for profile URLThomas
2024-01-29change currentAccount with a getterThomas
2024-01-19Allow to display banner as a mediaThomas
2024-01-12Cached intent for mediaThomas
2024-01-09Some cleaningThomas
2024-01-09All accounts are cached in db before being in IntentThomas
2024-01-09Apply changes when serializing accountsThomas
2023-12-22Fix issue #996 - Crashes with profilesThomas
2023-12-17Fix a crashThomas
2023-12-16Fix profilesThomas
2023-12-14some cleaningThomas
2023-12-12Set app Id when sending BroadCastsupdate_14Thomas
2023-12-12Use ContextCompatThomas
2023-12-12Upgrade for Android 14+Thomas
2023-09-09Fix Direct messagesThomas
2023-08-26Change tabs in profilesThomas
2023-08-12Fix issue #932 - Crash when user is not in a listThomas
2023-07-07Add timeline actionThomas
2023-03-22Fix issue #831 - Filter messages in profilesThomas
2023-03-09Follow Request ByThomas
2023-02-27#803 - Accessibility for profilesThomas
2023-02-03record cache workThomas
2023-01-30Fix dynamic colorsThomas