AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-03-22fix: docs/package.json to reduce vulnerabilitiessnyk-fix-b6fa7c053d2d9c5ea57266d4a1b1d398snyk-bot
2023-08-14chore: file renameLiran Tal
2023-08-14chore: introduce mergify configurationLiran Tal
2023-08-14fix: upgrade glob from 7.2.0 to 7.2.3 (#268)v3.24.1Liran Tal
2023-08-12feat: container utilization wasn't counting cpu cores correctly (#267)v3.24.0Liran Tal
2023-08-12fix: upgrade command-line-args from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 (#263)v3.23.6Liran Tal
2023-08-12fix: upgrade dockerode from 3.3.4 to 3.3.5 (#264)Liran Tal
2023-08-02fix: missing docker image name, when using docker tag name as source (#261)v3.23.5sam
2023-07-29fix: increase limit on event listeners warning (#255)v3.23.4Liran Tal
2023-07-29fix: package.json & yarn.lock to reduce vulnerabilities (#240)v3.23.3Liran Tal
2023-07-29fix: #250 dockly crashes on attempt to display non-existent widget (#254)v3.23.2Liran Tal
2023-07-19fix: prevent splitting on an undefined value (#247)v3.23.1sam
2023-07-07chore: update docker build and publish CI actions (#245)Liran Tal
2023-07-07Container sort (#244)Lawrence B
2023-04-05Update index.js (#236)Liran Tal
2023-02-02chore: use newer github actions versionsLiran Tal
2023-02-02chore: update build workflow nameLiran Tal
2023-02-02build: update worker Node.js versionv3.23.0Liran Tal
2023-02-02build: decouple project ci and docs ci (#229)Liran Tal
2023-02-02fix: downgrade chalk from 5 because its ESM fullyLiran Tal
2023-02-02feat: apply full-depth object information printing + colorize output (#223)Liran Tal
2023-02-02feat: print port bindings in container list (#222)Liran Tal
2023-02-02feat: add vi key bindings support (#220)Liran Tal
2023-02-02fix: upgrade dockerode from 2.5.8 to 3.3.4 (#227)Snyk bot
2023-02-02fix: upgrade chalk from 2.4.2 to 5.2.0 (#226)Snyk bot
2023-02-02fix: upgrade semver from 6.3.0 to 7.3.8 (#225)Snyk bot
2023-02-01fix: docs/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#209)Liran Tal
2023-02-01fix: docs/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#203)Liran Tal
2023-02-01fix: docs/package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#192)Snyk bot
2022-10-11chore: update to current LTS (#206)Liran Tal
2022-08-12fix: reshuffle carbon ads from head to bodyv3.22.2Liran Tal
2022-07-29fix: strip crlf to ensure it doesn't break the table layout (#207)v3.22.1Liran Tal
2022-07-29build: fix so that we always auth to the registryLiran Tal
2022-07-29build: add a pr build tag for the imageLiran Tal
2022-07-29fix: expects a branches fieldv3.22.0Liran Tal
2022-07-29build: fix comment inside text blockLiran Tal
2022-07-29build: always push an image, even if for a PRLiran Tal
2022-07-29build: fix flavor tagging latest in PRLiran Tal
2022-06-21chore: add more claims to signed imageLiran Tal
2022-06-21chore: update tagged value for container imageLiran Tal
2022-06-21chore: sign container imagesLiran Tal
2022-06-01build: update branch namesLiran Tal
2022-06-01build: fix branch names to releaseLiran Tal
2022-06-01docs: update website with carbonads to experimentLiran Tal
2022-04-19build: updating access-token specifier for github actionsLiran Tal
2022-04-19build: deploy to gh-pages static websiteLiran Tal
2022-04-19build: update branch namesLiran Tal
2022-04-19docs: add splitbee analyticsLiran Tal
2022-03-11docs: update badgesLiran Tal
2022-02-27docs: update featured on sectionLiran Tal