path: root/sample_files/metadata_1.clj
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sample_files/metadata_1.clj')
1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sample_files/metadata_1.clj b/sample_files/metadata_1.clj
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35cdf07f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sample_files/metadata_1.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+(ns io.aviso.binary
+ "Utilities for formatting binary data (byte arrays) or binary deltas."
+ (:require [io.aviso.ansi :as ansi]
+ [io.aviso.columns :as c]))
+(defprotocol BinaryData
+ "Allows various data sources to be treated as a byte-array data type that
+ supports a length and random access to individual bytes.
+ BinaryData is extended onto byte arrays, onto `String`, and onto nil."
+ (data-length [this] "The total number of bytes available.")
+ (byte-at [this index] "The byte value at a specific offset."))
+(extend-type (Class/forName "[B")
+ BinaryData
+ (data-length [ary] (alength (bytes ary)))
+ (byte-at [ary index] (aget (bytes ary) index)))
+;;; Extends String as a convenience; assumes that the
+;;; String is in utf-8.
+(extend-type String
+ BinaryData
+ (data-length [s] (.length s))
+ (byte-at [s index] (-> s (.charAt index) int byte)))
+(extend-type StringBuilder
+ BinaryData
+ (data-length [sb] (.length sb))
+ (byte-at [sb index]
+ (-> sb (.charAt index) int byte)))
+(extend-type nil
+ BinaryData
+ (data-length [_] 0)
+ (byte-at [_ index] (throw (IndexOutOfBoundsException. "Can't use byte-at with nil."))))
+(def ^:private ^:const bytes-per-diff-line 16)
+(def ^:private ^:const bytes-per-ascii-line 16)
+(def ^:private ^:const bytes-per-line (* 2 bytes-per-diff-line))
+(def ^:private printable-chars
+ (into #{}
+ (map byte (str "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+ "0123456789"
+ " !@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\\|'\";:,./<>?`~"))))
+(def ^:private nonprintable-placeholder (ansi/bold-magenta-bg " "))
+(defn ^:private to-ascii [b]
+ (if (printable-chars b)
+ (char b)
+ nonprintable-placeholder))
+(defn ^:private write-line
+ [formatter write-ascii? offset data line-count]
+ (let [line-bytes (for [i (range line-count)]
+ (byte-at data (+ offset i)))]
+ (formatter
+ (format "%04X" offset)
+ (apply str (interpose " "
+ (map #(format "%02X" %) line-bytes)))
+ (if write-ascii?
+ (apply str (map to-ascii line-bytes))))))
+(def ^:private standard-binary-columns
+ [4
+ ": "
+ :none])
+(defn ^:private ascii-binary-columns [per-line]
+ [4
+ ": "
+ (* 3 per-line)
+ "|"
+ per-line
+ "|"
+ ])
+(defn write-binary
+ "Formats a BinaryData into a hex-dump string, consisting of multiple lines; each line formatted as:
+ 0000: 43 68 6F 6F 73 65 20 69 6D 6D 75 74 61 62 69 6C 69 74 79 2C 20 61 6E 64 20 73 65 65 20 77 68 65
+ 0020: 72 65 20 74 68 61 74 20 74 61 6B 65 73 20 79 6F 75 2E
+ The full version specifies:
+ - [[BinaryData]] to write
+ - option keys and values:
+ :ascii - boolean
+ : true to enable ASCII mode
+ :line-bytes - number
+ : number of bytes per line (defaults to 16 for ASCII, 32 otherwise)
+ In ASCII mode, the output is 16 bytes per line, but each line includes the ASCII printable characters:
+ 0000: 43 68 6F 6F 73 65 20 69 6D 6D 75 74 61 62 69 6C |Choose immutabil|
+ 0010: 69 74 79 2C 20 61 6E 64 20 73 65 65 20 77 68 65 |ity, and see whe|
+ 0020: 72 65 20 74 68 61 74 20 74 61 6B 65 73 20 79 6F |re that takes yo|
+ 0030: 75 2E |u. |
+ A placeholder character (a space with magenta background) is used for any non-printable
+ character."
+ ([data]
+ (write-binary data nil))
+ ([data options]
+ (let [{show-ascii? :ascii
+ per-line-option :line-bytes} options
+ per-line (or per-line-option
+ (if show-ascii? bytes-per-ascii-line bytes-per-line))
+ formatter (apply c/format-columns
+ (if show-ascii?
+ (ascii-binary-columns per-line)
+ standard-binary-columns))]
+ (assert (pos? per-line) "Must be at least one byte per line.")
+ (loop [offset 0]
+ (let [remaining (- (data-length data) offset)]
+ (when (pos? remaining)
+ (write-line formatter show-ascii? offset data (min per-line remaining))
+ (recur (long (+ per-line offset)))))))))
+(defn format-binary
+ "Formats the data using [[write-binary]] and returns the result as a string."
+ ([data]
+ (format-binary data nil))
+ ([data options]
+ (with-out-str
+ (write-binary data options))))
+(defn ^:private match?
+ [byte-offset data-length data alternate-length alternate]
+ (and
+ (< byte-offset data-length)
+ (< byte-offset alternate-length)
+ (== (byte-at data byte-offset) (byte-at alternate byte-offset))))
+(defn ^:private to-hex
+ [byte-array byte-offset]
+ ;; This could be made a lot more efficient!
+ (format "%02X" (byte-at byte-array byte-offset)))
+(defn ^:private write-byte-deltas
+ [ansi-color pad? offset data-length data alternate-length alternate]
+ (doseq [i (range bytes-per-diff-line)]
+ (let [byte-offset (+ offset i)]
+ (cond
+ ;; Exact match on both sides is easy, just print it out.
+ (match? byte-offset data-length data alternate-length alternate) (print (str " " (to-hex data byte-offset)))
+ ;; Some kind of mismatch, so decorate with this side's color
+ (< byte-offset data-length) (print (str " " (ansi-color (to-hex data byte-offset))))
+ ;; Are we out of data on this side? Print a "--" decorated with the color.
+ (< byte-offset alternate-length) (print (str " " (ansi-color "--")))
+ ;; This side must be longer than the alternate side.
+ ;; On the left/green side, we need to pad with spaces
+ ;; On the right/red side, we need nothing.
+ pad? (print " ")))))
+(defn ^:private write-delta-line
+ [offset expected-length ^bytes expected actual-length actual]
+ (printf "%04X:" offset)
+ (write-byte-deltas ansi/bold-green true offset expected-length expected actual-length actual)
+ (print " | ")
+ (write-byte-deltas ansi/bold-red false offset actual-length actual expected-length expected)
+ (println))
+(defn write-binary-delta
+ "Formats a hex dump of the expected data (on the left) and actual data (on the right). Bytes
+ that do not match are highlighted in green on the expected side, and red on the actual side.
+ When one side is shorter than the other, it is padded with `--` placeholders to make this
+ more clearly visible.
+ expected and actual are [[BinaryData]].
+ Display 16 bytes (from each data set) per line."
+ [expected actual]
+ (let [expected-length (data-length expected)
+ actual-length (data-length actual)
+ target-length (max actual-length expected-length)]
+ (loop [offset 0]
+ (when (pos? (- target-length offset))
+ (write-delta-line offset expected-length expected actual-length actual)
+ (recur (long (+ bytes-per-diff-line offset)))))))
+(defn format-binary-delta
+ "Formats the delta using [[write-binary-delta]] and returns the result as a string."
+ [expected actual]
+ (with-out-str
+ (write-binary-delta expected actual)))