diff options
authoraristocratos <>2021-02-09 16:54:26 +0100
committeraristocratos <>2021-02-09 16:54:26 +0100
commit4e46f9f2b9571117ad1a446bff9ff0271c633060 (patch)
parent3a8bea25dc0d2fd9498ad6b4069baed399d2c59b (diff)
Poetry update
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 90 deletions
diff --git a/poetry.lock b/poetry.lock
index b13187c..d6fc03e 100644
--- a/poetry.lock
+++ b/poetry.lock
@@ -1,115 +1,124 @@
-name = "astroid"
-version = "2.4.2"
-description = "An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support."
category = "dev"
+description = "An abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support."
+name = "astroid"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "2.4.2"
lazy-object-proxy = ">=1.4.0,<1.5.0"
six = ">=1.12,<2.0"
-typed-ast = {version = ">=1.4.0,<1.5", markers = "implementation_name == \"cpython\" and python_version < \"3.8\""}
wrapt = ">=1.11,<2.0"
+python = "<3.8"
+version = ">=1.4.0,<1.5"
-name = "atomicwrites"
-version = "1.4.0"
-description = "Atomic file writes."
category = "dev"
+description = "Atomic file writes."
+marker = "sys_platform == \"win32\""
+name = "atomicwrites"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "1.4.0"
-name = "attrs"
-version = "20.3.0"
-description = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
category = "dev"
+description = "Classes Without Boilerplate"
+name = "attrs"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "20.3.0"
-dev = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "pre-commit"]
+dev = ["coverage (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "zope.interface", "furo", "sphinx", "pre-commit"]
docs = ["furo", "sphinx", "zope.interface"]
-tests = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "zope.interface"]
-tests_no_zope = ["coverage[toml] (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six"]
+tests = ["coverage (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six", "zope.interface"]
+tests_no_zope = ["coverage (>=5.0.2)", "hypothesis", "pympler", "pytest (>=4.3.0)", "six"]
-name = "colorama"
-version = "0.4.4"
-description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
category = "dev"
+description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
+marker = "sys_platform == \"win32\""
+name = "colorama"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
+version = "0.4.4"
-name = "importlib-metadata"
-version = "3.4.0"
-description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
category = "dev"
+description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
+marker = "python_version < \"3.8\""
+name = "importlib-metadata"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
+version = "3.4.0"
-typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
zipp = ">=0.5"
+python = "<3.8"
+version = ">=3.6.4"
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=8.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"]
-testing = ["pytest (>=3.5,!=3.7.3)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=1.2.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler", "packaging", "pep517", "pyfakefs", "flufl.flake8", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"]
+testing = ["pytest (>=3.5,<3.7.3 || >3.7.3)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=1.2.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler", "packaging", "pep517", "pyfakefs", "flufl.flake8", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"]
-name = "iniconfig"
-version = "1.1.1"
-description = "iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing"
category = "dev"
+description = "iniconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing"
+name = "iniconfig"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = "1.1.1"
-name = "isort"
-version = "5.7.0"
-description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports."
category = "dev"
+description = "A Python utility / library to sort Python imports."
+name = "isort"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6,<4.0"
+version = "5.7.0"
+colors = ["colorama (>=0.4.3,<0.5.0)"]
pipfile_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "requirementslib"]
requirements_deprecated_finder = ["pipreqs", "pip-api"]
-colors = ["colorama (>=0.4.3,<0.5.0)"]
-name = "lazy-object-proxy"
-version = "1.4.3"
-description = "A fast and thorough lazy object proxy."
category = "dev"
+description = "A fast and thorough lazy object proxy."
+name = "lazy-object-proxy"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "1.4.3"
-name = "mccabe"
-version = "0.6.1"
-description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8"
category = "dev"
+description = "McCabe checker, plugin for flake8"
+name = "mccabe"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = "0.6.1"
-name = "more-itertools"
-version = "8.7.0"
-description = "More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools"
category = "dev"
+description = "More routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools"
+name = "more-itertools"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "8.7.0"
-name = "mypy"
-version = "0.790"
-description = "Optional static typing for Python"
category = "dev"
+description = "Optional static typing for Python"
+name = "mypy"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5"
+version = "0.790"
mypy-extensions = ">=0.4.3,<0.5.0"
@@ -120,158 +129,164 @@ typing-extensions = ">=3.7.4"
dmypy = ["psutil (>=4.0)"]
-name = "mypy-extensions"
-version = "0.4.3"
-description = "Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker."
category = "dev"
+description = "Experimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker."
+name = "mypy-extensions"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = "0.4.3"
-name = "packaging"
-version = "20.9"
-description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
category = "dev"
+description = "Core utilities for Python packages"
+name = "packaging"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "20.9"
pyparsing = ">=2.0.2"
-name = "pluggy"
-version = "0.13.1"
-description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
category = "dev"
+description = "plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python"
+name = "pluggy"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "0.13.1"
-importlib-metadata = {version = ">=0.12", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
+python = "<3.8"
+version = ">=0.12"
dev = ["pre-commit", "tox"]
-name = "psutil"
-version = "5.8.0"
-description = "Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python."
category = "main"
+description = "Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python."
+name = "psutil"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "5.8.0"
test = ["ipaddress", "mock", "unittest2", "enum34", "pywin32", "wmi"]
-name = "py"
-version = "1.10.0"
-description = "library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities"
category = "dev"
+description = "library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities"
+name = "py"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*"
+version = "1.10.0"
-name = "pylint"
-version = "2.6.0"
-description = "python code static checker"
category = "dev"
+description = "python code static checker"
+name = "pylint"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.5.*"
+version = "2.6.0"
astroid = ">=2.4.0,<=2.5"
-colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
+colorama = "*"
isort = ">=4.2.5,<6"
mccabe = ">=0.6,<0.7"
toml = ">=0.7.1"
-name = "pyparsing"
-version = "2.4.7"
-description = "Python parsing module"
category = "dev"
+description = "Python parsing module"
+name = "pyparsing"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+version = "2.4.7"
-name = "pytest"
-version = "6.2.2"
-description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
category = "dev"
+description = "pytest: simple powerful testing with Python"
+name = "pytest"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
+version = "6.2.2"
-atomicwrites = {version = ">=1.0", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
+atomicwrites = ">=1.0"
attrs = ">=19.2.0"
-colorama = {version = "*", markers = "sys_platform == \"win32\""}
-importlib-metadata = {version = ">=0.12", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
+colorama = "*"
iniconfig = "*"
packaging = "*"
pluggy = ">=0.12,<1.0.0a1"
py = ">=1.8.2"
toml = "*"
+python = "<3.8"
+version = ">=0.12"
testing = ["argcomplete", "hypothesis (>=3.56)", "mock", "nose", "requests", "xmlschema"]
-name = "six"
-version = "1.15.0"
-description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
category = "dev"
+description = "Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities"
+name = "six"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+version = "1.15.0"
-name = "toml"
-version = "0.10.2"
-description = "Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"
category = "dev"
+description = "Python Library for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language"
+name = "toml"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.6, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*"
+version = "0.10.2"
-name = "typed-ast"
-version = "1.4.2"
-description = "a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support"
category = "dev"
+description = "a fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support"
+name = "typed-ast"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = "1.4.2"
-name = "typing-extensions"
-version = ""
-description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+"
category = "dev"
+description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+"
+name = "typing-extensions"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = ""
-name = "wrapt"
-version = "1.12.1"
-description = "Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching."
category = "dev"
+description = "Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching."
+name = "wrapt"
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
+version = "1.12.1"
-name = "zipp"
-version = "3.4.0"
-description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
category = "dev"
+description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
+marker = "python_version < \"3.8\""
+name = "zipp"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
+version = "3.4.0"
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=3.2)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"]
-testing = ["pytest (>=3.5,!=3.7.3)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=1.2.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "jaraco.test (>=3.2.0)", "jaraco.itertools", "func-timeout", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"]
+testing = ["pytest (>=3.5,<3.7.3 || >3.7.3)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=1.2.3)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "jaraco.test (>=3.2.0)", "jaraco.itertools", "func-timeout", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy"]
-lock-version = "1.1"
-python-versions = "^3.7"
content-hash = "b3bd3798e1494ff11c901ea6d6c21d7d42daf0c58cf688edb702430bf977233b"
+lock-version = "1.0"
+python-versions = "^3.7"
astroid = [