AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-21chore(deps): bump rustls from 0.21.11 to 0.23.5dependabot/cargo/rustls-0.23.5dependabot[bot]
2024-04-21chore(deps): bump rustls from 0.21.10 to 0.21.11 in the cargo group (#1962)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-19fix: support not-mac for default shell (#1960)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-18chore: fix atuin crate readme (#1959)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-18chore: move crates into crates/ dir (#1958)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-18feat: show preview auto (#1804)Helmut K. C. Tessarek
2024-04-18feat: allow ignoring failed commands (#1957)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-17feat(gui): work on home page, sort state (#1956)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-17chore(deps): bump debian (#1947)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-17chore(deps): bump lukemathwalker/cargo-chef (#1948)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-17feat(doctor): detect active preexec framework (#1955)Koichi Murase
2024-04-16feat(server): add me endpoint (#1954)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-15chore(release): prepare for release v18.2.0 (#1950)v18.2.0Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-15docs: add missing cli help text (#1945)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-12fix: use spawn_blocking for file access during async context (#1936)Conrad Ludgate
2024-04-11chore(gui): cargo update (#1943)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-11feat(gui): add base structure (#1935)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-10feat(bash/blesh): use _ble_exec_time_ata for duration even in bash < 5 (#1940)Koichi Murase
2024-04-10feat(dotfiles): add alias import (#1938)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-09chore(deps): bump lukemathwalker/cargo-chef (#1929)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-09docs(bash-preexec): describe the limitation of missing commands (#1937)Koichi Murase
2024-04-09feat: prevents stderr from going to the screen (#1933)YummyOreo
2024-04-08docs: add install instructions for cave/exherbo linux in (#1927)David Legrand
2024-04-08fix(bash): do not use "return" to cancel initialization (#1928)Koichi Murase
2024-04-08chore(deps): bump regex from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 (#1930)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-05chore(ci): Add codespell support (config, workflow) and make it fix some typo...Yaroslav Halchenko
2024-04-03perf(dotfiles): cache aliases and read straight from file (#1918)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-03feat: add 'ctrl-a a' to jump to beginning of line (#1917)Helmut K. C. Tessarek
2024-04-02fix: report non-decodable errors correctly (#1915)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-02fix(install): install script echo (#1899)Ivan Toriya
2024-04-02feat: sync v2 default for new installs (#1914)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-02feat(search): add better search scoring (#1885)Ellie Huxtable
2024-04-02chore(deps): bump sysinfo from 0.30.6 to 0.30.7 (#1888)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-02fix(doctor): detect preexec plugin using env ATUIN_PREEXEC_BACKEND (#1856)Koichi Murase
2024-04-02chore(deps): flake.lock: Update (#1910)github-actions[bot]
2024-04-02chore(deps): bump lukemathwalker/cargo-chef (#1901)dependabot[bot]
2024-04-02feat(install): Update to support KDE Neon (#1908)Diego Carrasco Gubernatis
2024-04-02fix(nu): Update to resolve 0.92 deprecation (#1913)Wind
2024-03-15fix(search): case insensitive hostname filtering (#1883)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-13feat: add atuin prefix binding (#1875)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-13fix: pass search query in via env for *Nushell* (#1874)Steven Xu
2024-03-13chore: add section to issue form (#1873)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-13chore: require atuin doctor in issue form (#1872)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-13chore: add issue form (#1871)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-12feat(server): check PG version before running migrations (#1868)Xavier Vello
2024-03-12docs: add security contact (#1867)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-12fix: pass search query in via env (#1865)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-12fix(search): allow empty search (#1866)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-12feat(search): allow specifying search query as an env var (#1863)Ellie Huxtable
2024-03-11fix(crate): add missing description (#1861)Ellie Huxtable