use crate::{ cli::{CliArgs, Command}, consts::{ FEATURES, SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR, SYSTEM_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR_PREFIX, VERSION, ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR, }, input::{ config::{Config, ConfigError}, layout::{LayoutFromYaml, LayoutFromYamlIntermediate}, options::Options, }, }; use directories_next::BaseDirs; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::{ convert::TryFrom, fmt::Write as FmtWrite, io::Write, path::Path, path::PathBuf, process, }; use structopt::StructOpt; const CONFIG_LOCATION: &str = ".config/zellij"; const CONFIG_NAME: &str = "config.yaml"; static ARROW_SEPARATOR: &str = ""; #[cfg(not(test))] /// Goes through a predefined list and checks for an already /// existing config directory, returns the first match pub fn find_default_config_dir() -> Option { default_config_dirs() .into_iter() .filter(|p| p.is_some()) .find(|p| p.clone().unwrap().exists()) .flatten() } #[cfg(test)] pub fn find_default_config_dir() -> Option { None } /// Order in which config directories are checked fn default_config_dirs() -> Vec> { vec![ home_config_dir(), Some(xdg_config_dir()), Some(Path::new(SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CONFIG_DIR).to_path_buf()), ] } /// Looks for an existing dir, uses that, else returns a /// dir matching the config spec. pub fn get_default_data_dir() -> PathBuf { [ xdg_data_dir(), Path::new(SYSTEM_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR_PREFIX).join("share/zellij"), ] .into_iter() .find(|p| p.exists()) .unwrap_or_else(xdg_data_dir) } pub fn xdg_config_dir() -> PathBuf { ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR.config_dir().to_owned() } pub fn xdg_data_dir() -> PathBuf { ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR.data_dir().to_owned() } pub fn home_config_dir() -> Option { if let Some(user_dirs) = BaseDirs::new() { let config_dir = user_dirs.home_dir().join(CONFIG_LOCATION); Some(config_dir) } else { None } } pub fn get_layout_dir(config_dir: Option) -> Option {|dir| dir.join("layouts")) } pub fn dump_asset(asset: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<()> { std::io::stdout().write_all(asset)?; Ok(()) } pub const DEFAULT_CONFIG: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", "assets/config/default.yaml" )); pub const DEFAULT_LAYOUT: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", "assets/layouts/default.yaml" )); pub const STRIDER_LAYOUT: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", "assets/layouts/strider.yaml" )); pub const NO_STATUS_LAYOUT: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/", "assets/layouts/disable-status-bar.yaml" )); pub fn dump_default_config() -> std::io::Result<()> { dump_asset(DEFAULT_CONFIG) } pub fn dump_specified_layout(layout: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> { match layout { "strider" => dump_asset(STRIDER_LAYOUT), "default" => dump_asset(DEFAULT_LAYOUT), "disable-status" => dump_asset(NO_STATUS_LAYOUT), not_found => Err(std::io::Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Layout: {} not found", not_found), )), } } #[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, StructOpt, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Setup { /// Dump the default configuration file to stdout #[structopt(long)] pub dump_config: bool, /// Disables loading of configuration file at default location, /// loads the defaults that zellij ships with #[structopt(long)] pub clean: bool, /// Checks the configuration of zellij and displays /// currently used directories #[structopt(long)] pub check: bool, /// Dump the specified layout file to stdout #[structopt(long)] pub dump_layout: Option, /// Generates completion for the specified shell #[structopt(long)] pub generate_completion: Option, } impl Setup { /// Entrypoint from main /// Merges options from the config file and the command line options /// into `[Options]`, the command line options superceeding the layout /// file options, superceeding the config file options: /// 1. command line options (`zellij options`) /// 2. layout options /// (`layout.yaml` / `zellij --layout` / `zellij --layout-path`) /// 3. config options (`config.yaml`) pub fn from_options( opts: &CliArgs, ) -> Result<(Config, Option, Options), ConfigError> { let clean = match &opts.command { Some(Command::Setup(ref setup)) => setup.clean, _ => false, }; // setup functions that don't require deserialisation of the config if let Some(Command::Setup(ref setup)) = &opts.command { setup.from_cli().map_or_else( |e| { eprintln!("{:?}", e); process::exit(1); }, |_| {}, ); }; let config = if !clean { match Config::try_from(opts) { Ok(config) => config, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } else { Config::default() }; let config_options = Options::from_cli(&config.options, opts.command.clone()); let layout_dir = config_options .layout_dir .clone() .or_else(|| get_layout_dir(opts.config_dir.clone().or_else(find_default_config_dir))); let layout_result = LayoutFromYamlIntermediate::from_path_or_default( opts.layout.as_ref(), opts.layout_path.as_ref(), layout_dir, ); let layout = match layout_result { None => None, Some(Ok(layout)) => Some(layout), Some(Err(e)) => { return Err(e); } }; if let Some(Command::Setup(ref setup)) = &opts.command { setup .from_cli_with_options(opts, &config_options) .map_or_else( |e| { eprintln!("{:?}", e); process::exit(1); }, |_| {}, ); }; Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, layout, config_options) } /// General setup helpers pub fn from_cli(&self) -> std::io::Result<()> { if self.clean { return Ok(()); } if self.dump_config { dump_default_config()?; std::process::exit(0); } if let Some(shell) = &self.generate_completion { Self::generate_completion(shell.into()); std::process::exit(0); } if let Some(layout) = &self.dump_layout { dump_specified_layout(layout)?; std::process::exit(0); } Ok(()) } /// Checks the merged configuration pub fn from_cli_with_options( &self, opts: &CliArgs, config_options: &Options, ) -> std::io::Result<()> { if self.check { Setup::check_defaults_config(opts, config_options)?; std::process::exit(0); } Ok(()) } fn merge_config_with_layout( config: Config, layout: Option, config_options: Options, ) -> Result<(Config, Option, Options), ConfigError> { let (layout, layout_config) = match|l| l.to_layout_and_config()) { None => (None, None), Some((layout, layout_config)) => (Some(layout), layout_config), }; let (config, config_options) = if let Some(layout_config) = layout_config { let config_options = if let Some(options) = layout_config.options.clone() { config_options.merge(options) } else { config_options }; let config = config.merge(layout_config.try_into()?); (config, config_options) } else { (config, config_options) }; Ok((config, layout, config_options)) } pub fn check_defaults_config(opts: &CliArgs, config_options: &Options) -> std::io::Result<()> { let data_dir = opts.data_dir.clone().unwrap_or_else(get_default_data_dir); let config_dir = opts.config_dir.clone().or_else(find_default_config_dir); let plugin_dir = data_dir.join("plugins"); let layout_dir = config_options .layout_dir .clone() .or_else(|| get_layout_dir(config_dir.clone())); let system_data_dir = PathBuf::from(SYSTEM_DEFAULT_DATA_DIR_PREFIX).join("share/zellij"); let config_file = opts .config .clone() .or_else(|| config_dir.clone().map(|p| p.join(CONFIG_NAME))); // according to // let hyperlink_start = "\u{1b}]8;;"; let hyperlink_mid = "\u{1b}\\"; let hyperlink_end = "\u{1b}]8;;\u{1b}\\"; let mut message = String::new(); writeln!(&mut message, "[Version]: {:?}", VERSION).unwrap(); if let Some(config_dir) = config_dir { writeln!(&mut message, "[CONFIG DIR]: {:?}", config_dir).unwrap(); } else { message.push_str("[CONFIG DIR]: Not Found\n"); let mut default_config_dirs = default_config_dirs() .iter() .filter_map(|p| p.clone()) .collect::>(); default_config_dirs.dedup(); message.push_str( " On your system zellij looks in the following config directories by default:\n", ); for dir in default_config_dirs { writeln!(&mut message, " {:?}", dir).unwrap(); } } if let Some(config_file) = config_file { writeln!(&mut message, "[CONFIG FILE]: {:?}", config_file).unwrap(); match Config::new(&config_file) { Ok(_) => message.push_str("[CONFIG FILE]: Well defined.\n"), Err(e) => writeln!(&mut message, "[CONFIG ERROR]: {}", e).unwrap(), } } else { message.push_str("[CONFIG FILE]: Not Found\n"); writeln!( &mut message, " By default zellij looks for a file called [{}] in the configuration directory", CONFIG_NAME ) .unwrap(); } writeln!(&mut message, "[DATA DIR]: {:?}", data_dir).unwrap(); message.push_str(&format!("[PLUGIN DIR]: {:?}\n", plugin_dir)); if let Some(layout_dir) = layout_dir { writeln!(&mut message, "[LAYOUT DIR]: {:?}", layout_dir).unwrap(); } else { message.push_str("[LAYOUT DIR]: Not Found\n"); } writeln!(&mut message, "[SYSTEM DATA DIR]: {:?}", system_data_dir).unwrap(); writeln!(&mut message, "[ARROW SEPARATOR]: {}", ARROW_SEPARATOR).unwrap(); message.push_str(" Is the [ARROW_SEPARATOR] displayed correctly?\n"); message.push_str(" If not you may want to either start zellij with a compatible mode: 'zellij options --simplified-ui true'\n"); let mut hyperlink_compat = String::new(); hyperlink_compat.push_str(hyperlink_start); hyperlink_compat.push_str(""); hyperlink_compat.push_str(hyperlink_mid); hyperlink_compat.push_str(""); hyperlink_compat.push_str(hyperlink_end); write!( &mut message, " Or check the font that is in use:\n {}\n", hyperlink_compat ) .unwrap(); message.push_str("[MOUSE INTERACTION]: \n"); message.push_str(" Can be temporarily disabled through pressing the [SHIFT] key.\n"); message.push_str(" If that doesn't fix any issues consider to disable the mouse handling of zellij: 'zellij options --disable-mouse-mode'\n"); writeln!(&mut message, "[FEATURES]: {:?}", FEATURES).unwrap(); let mut hyperlink = String::new(); hyperlink.push_str(hyperlink_start); hyperlink.push_str(""); hyperlink.push_str(hyperlink_mid); hyperlink.push_str(""); hyperlink.push_str(hyperlink_end); writeln!(&mut message, "[DOCUMENTATION]: {}", hyperlink).unwrap(); //printf '\e]8;;\e\\This is a link\e]8;;\e\\\n' std::io::stdout().write_all(message.as_bytes())?; Ok(()) } fn generate_completion(shell: String) { let shell = match shell.parse() { Ok(shell) => shell, _ => { eprintln!("Unsupported shell: {}", shell); std::process::exit(1); } }; let mut out = std::io::stdout(); CliArgs::clap().gen_completions_to("zellij", shell, &mut out); } } #[cfg(test)] mod setup_test { use super::Setup; use crate::input::{ config::{Config, ConfigError}, layout::LayoutFromYamlIntermediate, options::Options, }; fn deserialise_config_and_layout( config: &str, layout: &str, ) -> Result<(Config, LayoutFromYamlIntermediate), ConfigError> { let config = Config::from_yaml(config)?; let layout = LayoutFromYamlIntermediate::from_yaml(layout)?; Ok((config, layout)) } #[test] fn empty_config_empty_layout() { let goal = Config::default(); let config = r""; let layout = r""; let config_layout_result = deserialise_config_and_layout(config, layout); let (config, layout) = config_layout_result.unwrap(); let config_options = Options::default(); let (config, _layout, _config_options) = Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, Some(layout), config_options).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config, goal); } #[test] fn config_empty_layout() { let mut goal = Config::default(); goal.options.default_shell = Some(std::path::PathBuf::from("fish")); let config = r"--- default_shell: fish"; let layout = r""; let config_layout_result = deserialise_config_and_layout(config, layout); let (config, layout) = config_layout_result.unwrap(); let config_options = Options::default(); let (config, _layout, _config_options) = Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, Some(layout), config_options).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config, goal); } #[test] fn layout_overwrites_config() { let mut goal = Config::default(); goal.options.default_shell = Some(std::path::PathBuf::from("bash")); let config = r"--- default_shell: fish"; let layout = r"--- default_shell: bash"; let config_layout_result = deserialise_config_and_layout(config, layout); let (config, layout) = config_layout_result.unwrap(); let config_options = Options::default(); let (config, _layout, _config_options) = Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, Some(layout), config_options).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config, goal); } #[test] fn empty_config_nonempty_layout() { let mut goal = Config::default(); goal.options.default_shell = Some(std::path::PathBuf::from("bash")); let config = r""; let layout = r"--- default_shell: bash"; let config_layout_result = deserialise_config_and_layout(config, layout); let (config, layout) = config_layout_result.unwrap(); let config_options = Options::default(); let (config, _layout, _config_options) = Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, Some(layout), config_options).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config, goal); } #[test] fn nonempty_config_nonempty_layout() { let mut goal = Config::default(); goal.options.default_shell = Some(std::path::PathBuf::from("bash")); goal.options.default_mode = Some(zellij_tile::prelude::InputMode::Locked); let config = r"--- default_mode: locked"; let layout = r"--- default_shell: bash"; let config_layout_result = deserialise_config_and_layout(config, layout); let (config, layout) = config_layout_result.unwrap(); let config_options = Options::default(); let (config, _layout, _config_options) = Setup::merge_config_with_layout(config, Some(layout), config_options).unwrap(); assert_eq!(config, goal); } }