//! Error context system based on a thread-local representation of the call stack, itself based on //! the instructions that are sent between threads. //! //! # Help wanted //! //! There is an ongoing endeavor to improve the state of error handling in zellij. Currently, many //! functions rely on [`unwrap`]ing [`Result`]s rather than returning and hence propagating //! potential errors. If you're interested in helping to add error handling to zellij, don't //! hesitate to get in touch with us. Additional information can be found in [the docs about error //! handling](https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/tree/main/docs/ERROR_HANDLING.md). use anyhow::Context; use colored::*; use log::error; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::fmt::{Display, Error, Formatter}; use std::path::PathBuf; /// Re-exports of common error-handling code. pub mod prelude { pub use super::FatalError; pub use super::LoggableError; #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))] pub use super::ToAnyhow; pub use super::ZellijError; pub use anyhow::anyhow; pub use anyhow::bail; pub use anyhow::Context; pub use anyhow::Error as anyError; pub use anyhow::Result; } pub trait ErrorInstruction { fn error(err: String) -> Self; } /// Helper trait to easily log error types. /// /// The `print_error` function takes a closure which takes a `&str` and fares with it as necessary /// to log the error to some usable location. For convenience, logging to stdout, stderr and /// `log::error!` is already implemented. /// /// Note that the trait functions pass the error through unmodified, so they can be chained with /// the usual handling of [`std::result::Result`] types. pub trait LoggableError: Sized { /// Gives a formatted error message derived from `self` to the closure `fun` for /// printing/logging as appropriate. /// /// # Examples /// /// ```should_panic /// use anyhow; /// use zellij_utils::errors::LoggableError; /// /// let my_err: anyhow::Result<&str> = Err(anyhow::anyhow!("Test error")); /// my_err /// .print_error(|msg| println!("{msg}")) /// .unwrap(); /// ``` #[track_caller] fn print_error(self, fun: F) -> Self; /// Convenienve function, calls `print_error` and logs the result as error. /// /// This is not a wrapper around `log::error!`, because the `log` crate uses a lot of compile /// time macros from `std` to determine caller locations/module names etc. Since these are /// resolved at compile time in the location they are written, they would always resolve to the /// location in this function where `log::error!` is called, masking the real caller location. /// Hence, we build the log message ourselves. This means that we lose the information about /// the calling module (Because it can only be resolved at compile time), however the callers /// file and line number are preserved. #[track_caller] fn to_log(self) -> Self { let caller = std::panic::Location::caller(); self.print_error(|msg| { // Build the log entry manually // NOTE: The log entry has no module path associated with it. This is because `log` // gets the module path from the `std::module_path!()` macro, which is replaced at // compile time in the location it is written! log::logger().log( &log::Record::builder() .level(log::Level::Error) .args(format_args!("{}", msg)) .file(Some(caller.file())) .line(Some(caller.line())) .module_path(None) .build(), ); }) } /// Convenienve function, calls `print_error` with the closure `|msg| eprintln!("{}", msg)`. fn to_stderr(self) -> Self { self.print_error(|msg| eprintln!("{}", msg)) } /// Convenienve function, calls `print_error` with the closure `|msg| println!("{}", msg)`. fn to_stdout(self) -> Self { self.print_error(|msg| println!("{}", msg)) } } impl LoggableError for anyhow::Result { fn print_error(self, fun: F) -> Self { if let Err(ref err) = self { fun(&format!("{:?}", err)); } self } } /// Special trait to mark fatal/non-fatal errors. /// /// This works in tandem with `LoggableError` above and is meant to make reading code easier with /// regard to whether an error is fatal or not (i.e. can be ignored, or at least doesn't make the /// application crash). /// /// This essentially degrades any `std::result::Result<(), _>` to a simple `()`. pub trait FatalError { /// Mark results as being non-fatal. /// /// If the result is an `Err` variant, this will [print the error to the log][`to_log`]. /// Discards the result type afterwards. /// /// [`to_log`]: LoggableError::to_log #[track_caller] fn non_fatal(self); /// Mark results as being fatal. /// /// If the result is an `Err` variant, this will unwrap the error and panic the application. /// If the result is an `Ok` variant, the inner value is unwrapped and returned instead. /// /// # Panics /// /// If the given result is an `Err` variant. #[track_caller] fn fatal(self) -> T; } /// Helper function to silence `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` cargo warnings. Used exclusively in /// `FatalError::non_fatal`! fn discard_result(_arg: anyhow::Result) {} impl FatalError for anyhow::Result { fn non_fatal(self) { if self.is_err() { discard_result(self.context("a non-fatal error occured").to_log()); } } fn fatal(self) -> T { if let Ok(val) = self { val } else { self.context("a fatal error occured") .expect("Program terminates") } } } /// Different types of calls that form an [`ErrorContext`] call stack. /// /// Complex variants store a variant of a related enum, whose variants can be built from /// the corresponding Zellij MSPC instruction enum variants ([`ScreenInstruction`], /// [`PtyInstruction`], [`ClientInstruction`], etc). #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub enum ContextType { /// A screen-related call. Screen(ScreenContext), /// A PTY-related call. Pty(PtyContext), /// A plugin-related call. Plugin(PluginContext), /// An app-related call. Client(ClientContext), /// A server-related call. IPCServer(ServerContext), StdinHandler, AsyncTask, PtyWrite(PtyWriteContext), BackgroundJob(BackgroundJobContext), /// An empty, placeholder call. This should be thought of as representing no call at all. /// A call stack representation filled with these is the representation of an empty call stack. Empty, } impl Display for ContextType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Some((left, right)) = match *self { ContextType::Screen(c) => Some(("screen_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::Pty(c) => Some(("pty_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::Plugin(c) => Some(("plugin_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::Client(c) => Some(("main_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::IPCServer(c) => Some(("ipc_server:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::StdinHandler => Some(("stdin_handler_thread:", "AcceptInput".to_string())), ContextType::AsyncTask => Some(("stream_terminal_bytes:", "AsyncTask".to_string())), ContextType::PtyWrite(c) => Some(("pty_writer_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::BackgroundJob(c) => Some(("background_jobs_thread:", format!("{:?}", c))), ContextType::Empty => None, } { write!(f, "{} {}", left.purple(), right.green()) } else { write!(f, "") } } } // FIXME: Just deriving EnumDiscriminants from strum will remove the need for any of this!!! /// Stack call representations corresponding to the different types of [`ScreenInstruction`]s. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ScreenContext { HandlePtyBytes, PluginBytes, Render, NewPane, OpenInPlaceEditor, ToggleFloatingPanes, ShowFloatingPanes, HideFloatingPanes, TogglePaneEmbedOrFloating, HorizontalSplit, VerticalSplit, WriteCharacter, ResizeIncreaseAll, ResizeIncreaseLeft, ResizeIncreaseDown, ResizeIncreaseUp, ResizeIncreaseRight, ResizeDecreaseAll, ResizeDecreaseLeft, ResizeDecreaseDown, ResizeDecreaseUp, ResizeDecreaseRight, ResizeLeft, ResizeRight, ResizeDown, ResizeUp, ResizeIncrease, ResizeDecrease, SwitchFocus, FocusNextPane, FocusPreviousPane, FocusPaneAt, MoveFocusLeft, MoveFocusLeftOrPreviousTab, MoveFocusDown, MoveFocusUp, MoveFocusRight, MoveFocusRightOrNextTab, MovePane, MovePaneBackwards, MovePaneDown, MovePaneUp, MovePaneRight, MovePaneLeft, Exit, ClearScreen, DumpScreen, DumpLayout, EditScrollback, ScrollUp, ScrollUpAt, ScrollDown, ScrollDownAt, ScrollToBottom, ScrollToTop, PageScrollUp, PageScrollDown, HalfPageScrollUp, HalfPageScrollDown, ClearScroll, CloseFocusedPane, ToggleActiveSyncTab, ToggleActiveTerminalFullscreen, TogglePaneFrames, SetSelectable, SetInvisibleBorders, SetFixedHeight, SetFixedWidth, ClosePane, HoldPane, UpdatePaneName, UndoRenamePane, NewTab, ApplyLayout, SwitchTabNext, SwitchTabPrev, CloseTab, GoToTab, GoToTabName, UpdateTabName, UndoRenameTab, TerminalResize, TerminalPixelDimensions, TerminalBackgroundColor, TerminalForegroundColor, TerminalColorRegisters, ChangeMode, ChangeModeForAllClients, LeftClick, RightClick, MiddleClick, LeftMouseRelease, RightMouseRelease, MiddleMouseRelease, MouseHoldLeft, MouseHoldRight, MouseHoldMiddle, Copy, ToggleTab, AddClient, RemoveClient, AddOverlay, RemoveOverlay, ConfirmPrompt, DenyPrompt, UpdateSearch, SearchDown, SearchUp, SearchToggleCaseSensitivity, SearchToggleWholeWord, SearchToggleWrap, AddRedPaneFrameColorOverride, ClearPaneFrameColorOverride, PreviousSwapLayout, NextSwapLayout, QueryTabNames, NewTiledPluginPane, StartOrReloadPluginPane, NewFloatingPluginPane, AddPlugin, UpdatePluginLoadingStage, ProgressPluginLoadingOffset, StartPluginLoadingIndication, RequestStateUpdateForPlugins, LaunchOrFocusPlugin, LaunchPlugin, SuppressPane, FocusPaneWithId, RenamePane, RenameTab, RequestPluginPermissions, BreakPane, BreakPaneRight, BreakPaneLeft, UpdateSessionInfos, ReplacePane, NewInPlacePluginPane, DumpLayoutToHd, RenameSession, } /// Stack call representations corresponding to the different types of [`PtyInstruction`]s. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum PtyContext { SpawnTerminal, OpenInPlaceEditor, SpawnTerminalVertically, SpawnTerminalHorizontally, UpdateActivePane, GoToTab, NewTab, ClosePane, CloseTab, ReRunCommandInPane, DropToShellInPane, SpawnInPlaceTerminal, DumpLayout, LogLayoutToHd, FillPluginCwd, Exit, } /// Stack call representations corresponding to the different types of [`PluginInstruction`]s. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum PluginContext { Load, Update, Render, Unload, Reload, Resize, Exit, AddClient, RemoveClient, NewTab, ApplyCachedEvents, ApplyCachedWorkerMessages, PostMessageToPluginWorker, PostMessageToPlugin, PluginSubscribedToEvents, PermissionRequestResult, DumpLayout, LogLayoutToHd, CliPipe, Message, CachePluginEvents, MessageFromPlugin, UnblockCliPipes, } /// Stack call representations corresponding to the different types of [`ClientInstruction`]s. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ClientContext { Exit, Error, UnblockInputThread, Render, ServerError, SwitchToMode, Connected, ActiveClients, Log, LogError, OwnClientId, StartedParsingStdinQuery, DoneParsingStdinQuery, SwitchSession, SetSynchronisedOutput, UnblockCliPipeInput, CliPipeOutput, } /// Stack call representations corresponding to the different types of [`ServerInstruction`]s. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ServerContext { NewClient, Render, UnblockInputThread, ClientExit, RemoveClient, Error, KillSession, DetachSession, AttachClient, ConnStatus, ActiveClients, Log, LogError, SwitchSession, UnblockCliPipeInput, CliPipeOutput, AssociatePipeWithClient, DisconnectAllClientsExcept, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum PtyWriteContext { Write, ResizePty, StartCachingResizes, ApplyCachedResizes, Exit, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum BackgroundJobContext { DisplayPaneError, AnimatePluginLoading, StopPluginLoadingAnimation, ReadAllSessionInfosOnMachine, ReportSessionInfo, ReportLayoutInfo, RunCommand, WebRequest, Exit, } use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ZellijError { #[error("could not find command '{command}' for terminal {terminal_id}")] CommandNotFound { terminal_id: u32, command: String }, #[error("could not determine default editor")] NoEditorFound, #[error("failed to allocate another terminal id")] NoMoreTerminalIds, #[error("failed to start PTY")] FailedToStartPty, #[error( "This version of zellij was built to load the core plugins from the globally configured plugin directory. However, a plugin wasn't found: Plugin name: '{plugin_path}' Plugin directory: '{plugin_dir}' If you're a user: Please report this error to the distributor of your current zellij version If you're a developer: Either make sure to include the plugins with the application (See feature 'disable_automatic_asset_installation'), or make them available in the plugin directory. Possible fix for your problem: Run `zellij setup --dump-plugins`, and optionally point it to your 'DATA DIR', visible in e.g. the output of `zellij setup --check`. Without further arguments, it will use the default 'DATA DIR'. " )] BuiltinPluginMissing { plugin_path: PathBuf, plugin_dir: PathBuf, #[source] source: anyhow::Error, }, #[error( "It seems you tried to load the following builtin plugin: Plugin name: '{plugin_path}' This is not a builtin plugin known to this version of zellij. If you were using a custom layout, please refer to the layout documentation at: https://zellij.dev/documentation/creating-a-layout.html#plugin If you think this is a bug and the plugin is indeed an internal plugin, please open an issue on GitHub: https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues " )] BuiltinPluginNonexistent { plugin_path: PathBuf, #[source] source: anyhow::Error, }, // this is a temporary hack until we're able to merge custom errors from within the various // crates themselves without having to move their payload types here #[error("Cannot resize fixed panes")] CantResizeFixedPanes { pane_ids: Vec<(u32, bool)> }, // bool: 0 => terminal_pane, 1 => // plugin_pane #[error("Pane size remains unchanged")] PaneSizeUnchanged, #[error("an error occured")] GenericError { source: anyhow::Error }, #[error("Client {client_id} is too slow to handle incoming messages")] ClientTooSlow { client_id: u16 }, #[error("The plugin does not exist")] PluginDoesNotExist, } #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))] pub use not_wasm::*; #[cfg(not(target_family = "wasm"))] mod not_wasm { use super::*; use crate::channels::{SenderWithContext, ASYNCOPENCALLS, OPENCALLS}; use miette::{Diagnostic, GraphicalReportHandler, GraphicalTheme, Report}; use std::panic::PanicInfo; use thiserror::Error as ThisError; /// The maximum amount of calls an [`ErrorContext`] will keep track /// of in its stack representation. This is a per-thread maximum. const MAX_THREAD_CALL_STACK: usize = 6; #[derive(Debug, ThisError, Diagnostic)] #[error("{0}{}", self.show_backtrace())] #[diagnostic(help("{}", self.show_help()))] struct Panic(String); impl Panic { // We already capture a backtrace with `anyhow` using the `backtrace` crate in the background. // The advantage is that this is the backtrace of the real errors source (i.e. where we first // encountered the error and turned it into an `anyhow::Error`), whereas the backtrace recorded // here is the backtrace leading to the call to any `panic`ing function. Since now we propagate // errors up before `unwrap`ing them (e.g. in `zellij_server::screen::screen_thread_main`), the // former is what we really want to diagnose. // We still keep the second one around just in case the first backtrace isn't meaningful or // non-existent in the first place (Which really shouldn't happen, but you never know). fn show_backtrace(&self) -> String { if let Ok(var) = std::env::var("RUST_BACKTRACE") { if !var.is_empty() && var != "0" { return format!("\n\nPanic backtrace:\n{:?}", backtrace::Backtrace::new()); } } "".into() } fn show_help(&self) -> String { format!( "If you are seeing this message, it means that something went wrong. -> To get additional information, check the log at: {} -> To see a backtrace next time, reproduce the error with: RUST_BACKTRACE=1 zellij [...] -> To help us fix this, please open an issue: https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues ", crate::consts::ZELLIJ_TMP_LOG_FILE.display().to_string() ) } } /// Custom panic handler/hook. Prints the [`ErrorContext`]. pub fn handle_panic(info: &PanicInfo<'_>, sender: &SenderWithContext) where T: ErrorInstruction + Clone, { use std::{process, thread}; let thread = thread::current(); let thread = thread.name().unwrap_or("unnamed"); let msg = match info.payload().downcast_ref::<&'static str>() { Some(s) => Some(*s), None => info.payload().downcast_ref::().map(|s| &**s), } .unwrap_or("An unexpected error occurred!"); let err_ctx = OPENCALLS.with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow()); let mut report: Report = Panic(format!("\u{1b}[0;31m{}\u{1b}[0;0m", msg)).into(); let mut location_string = String::new(); if let Some(location) = info.location() { location_string = format!( "At {}:{}:{}", location.file(), location.line(), location.column() ); report = report.wrap_err(location_string.clone()); } if !err_ctx.is_empty() { report = report.wrap_err(format!("{}", err_ctx)); } report = report.wrap_err(format!( "Thread '\u{1b}[0;31m{}\u{1b}[0;0m' panicked.", thread )); error!( "{}", format!( "Panic occured: thread: {} location: {} message: {}", thread, location_string, msg ) ); if thread == "main" { // here we only show the first line because the backtrace is not readable otherwise // a better solution would be to escape raw mode before we do this, but it's not trivial // to get os_input here println!("\u{1b}[2J{}", fmt_report(report)); process::exit(1); } else { let _ = sender.send(T::error(fmt_report(report))); } } pub fn get_current_ctx() -> ErrorContext { ASYNCOPENCALLS .try_with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow()) .unwrap_or_else(|_| OPENCALLS.with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow())) } fn fmt_report(diag: Report) -> String { let mut out = String::new(); GraphicalReportHandler::new_themed(GraphicalTheme::unicode()) .render_report(&mut out, diag.as_ref()) .unwrap(); out } /// A representation of the call stack. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)] pub struct ErrorContext { calls: [ContextType; MAX_THREAD_CALL_STACK], } impl ErrorContext { /// Returns a new, blank [`ErrorContext`] containing only [`Empty`](ContextType::Empty) /// calls. pub fn new() -> Self { Self { calls: [ContextType::Empty; MAX_THREAD_CALL_STACK], } } /// Returns `true` if the calls has all [`Empty`](ContextType::Empty) calls. pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.calls.iter().all(|c| c == &ContextType::Empty) } /// Adds a call to this [`ErrorContext`]'s call stack representation. pub fn add_call(&mut self, call: ContextType) { for ctx in &mut self.calls { if let ContextType::Empty = ctx { *ctx = call; break; } } self.update_thread_ctx() } /// Updates the thread local [`ErrorContext`]. pub fn update_thread_ctx(&self) { ASYNCOPENCALLS .try_with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow_mut() = *self) .unwrap_or_else(|_| OPENCALLS.with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow_mut() = *self)); } } impl Default for ErrorContext { fn default() -> Self { Self::new() } } impl Display for ErrorContext { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result<(), Error> { writeln!(f, "Originating Thread(s)")?; for (index, ctx) in self.calls.iter().enumerate() { if *ctx == ContextType::Empty { break; } writeln!(f, "\t\u{1b}[0;0m{}. {}", index + 1, ctx)?; } Ok(()) } } /// Helper trait to convert error types that don't satisfy `anyhow`s trait requirements to /// anyhow errors. pub trait ToAnyhow { fn to_anyhow(self) -> crate::anyhow::Result; } /// `SendError` doesn't satisfy `anyhow`s trait requirements due to `T` possibly being a /// `PluginInstruction` type, which wraps an `mpsc::Send` and isn't `Sync`. Due to this, in turn, /// the whole error type isn't `Sync` and doesn't work with `anyhow` (or pretty much any other /// error handling crate). /// /// Takes the `SendError` and creates an `anyhow` error type with the message that was sent /// (formatted as string), attaching the [`ErrorContext`] as anyhow context to it. impl ToAnyhow for Result> { fn to_anyhow(self) -> crate::anyhow::Result { match self { Ok(val) => crate::anyhow::Ok(val), Err(e) => { let (msg, context) = e.into_inner(); if *crate::consts::DEBUG_MODE.get().unwrap_or(&true) { Err(crate::anyhow::anyhow!( "failed to send message to channel: {:#?}", msg )) .with_context(|| context.to_string()) } else { Err(crate::anyhow::anyhow!("failed to send message to channel")) .with_context(|| context.to_string()) } }, } } } impl ToAnyhow for Result> { fn to_anyhow(self) -> crate::anyhow::Result { match self { Ok(val) => crate::anyhow::Ok(val), Err(e) => { if *crate::consts::DEBUG_MODE.get().unwrap_or(&true) { Err(crate::anyhow::anyhow!( "cannot acquire poisoned lock for {e:#?}" )) } else { Err(crate::anyhow::anyhow!("cannot acquire poisoned lock")) } }, } } } }