use crate::data::{Direction, InputMode, Resize}; use crate::setup::Setup; use crate::{ consts::{ZELLIJ_CONFIG_DIR_ENV, ZELLIJ_CONFIG_FILE_ENV}, input::{layout::PluginUserConfiguration, options::CliOptions}, }; use clap::{Parser, Subcommand}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::path::PathBuf; use url::Url; #[derive(Parser, Default, Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[clap(version, name = "zellij")] pub struct CliArgs { /// Maximum panes on screen, caution: opening more panes will close old ones #[clap(long, value_parser)] pub max_panes: Option, /// Change where zellij looks for plugins #[clap(long, value_parser, overrides_with = "data_dir")] pub data_dir: Option, /// Run server listening at the specified socket path #[clap(long, value_parser, hide = true, overrides_with = "server")] pub server: Option, /// Specify name of a new session #[clap(long, short, overrides_with = "session", value_parser)] pub session: Option, /// Name of a predefined layout inside the layout directory or the path to a layout file #[clap(short, long, value_parser, overrides_with = "layout")] pub layout: Option, /// Change where zellij looks for the configuration file #[clap(short, long, overrides_with = "config", env = ZELLIJ_CONFIG_FILE_ENV, value_parser)] pub config: Option, /// Change where zellij looks for the configuration directory #[clap(long, overrides_with = "config_dir", env = ZELLIJ_CONFIG_DIR_ENV, value_parser)] pub config_dir: Option, #[clap(subcommand)] pub command: Option, /// Specify emitting additional debug information #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] pub debug: bool, } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Command { /// Change the behaviour of zellij #[clap(name = "options", value_parser)] Options(CliOptions), /// Setup zellij and check its configuration #[clap(name = "setup", value_parser)] Setup(Setup), /// Explore existing zellij sessions #[clap(flatten)] Sessions(Sessions), } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum SessionCommand { /// Change the behaviour of zellij #[clap(name = "options")] Options(CliOptions), } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum Sessions { /// List active sessions #[clap(visible_alias = "ls")] ListSessions, /// Attach to a session #[clap(visible_alias = "a")] Attach { /// Name of the session to attach to. #[clap(value_parser)] session_name: Option, /// Create a session if one does not exist. #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] create: bool, /// Number of the session index in the active sessions ordered creation date. #[clap(long, value_parser)] index: Option, /// Change the behaviour of zellij #[clap(subcommand, name = "options")] options: Option>, }, /// Kill the specific session #[clap(visible_alias = "k")] KillSession { /// Name of target session #[clap(value_parser)] target_session: Option, }, /// Kill all sessions #[clap(visible_alias = "ka")] KillAllSessions { /// Automatic yes to prompts #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] yes: bool, }, /// Send actions to a specific session #[clap(visible_alias = "ac")] #[clap(subcommand)] Action(CliAction), /// Run a command in a new pane #[clap(visible_alias = "r")] Run { /// Command to run #[clap(last(true), required(true))] command: Vec, /// Direction to open the new pane in #[clap(short, long, value_parser, conflicts_with("floating"))] direction: Option, /// Change the working directory of the new pane #[clap(long, value_parser)] cwd: Option, /// Open the new pane in floating mode #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] floating: bool, /// Name of the new pane #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] name: Option, /// Close the pane immediately when its command exits #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] close_on_exit: bool, /// Start the command suspended, only running after you first presses ENTER #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] start_suspended: bool, }, /// Edit file with default $EDITOR / $VISUAL #[clap(visible_alias = "e")] Edit { file: PathBuf, /// Open the file in the specified line number #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] line_number: Option, /// Direction to open the new pane in #[clap(short, long, value_parser, conflicts_with("floating"))] direction: Option, /// Open the new pane in floating mode #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] floating: bool, /// Change the working directory of the editor #[clap(long, value_parser)] cwd: Option, }, ConvertConfig { old_config_file: PathBuf, }, ConvertLayout { old_layout_file: PathBuf, }, ConvertTheme { old_theme_file: PathBuf, }, } #[derive(Debug, Subcommand, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum CliAction { /// Write bytes to the terminal. Write { bytes: Vec, }, /// Write characters to the terminal. WriteChars { chars: String, }, /// [increase|decrease] the focused panes area at the [left|down|up|right] border. Resize { resize: Resize, direction: Option, }, /// Change focus to the next pane FocusNextPane, /// Change focus to the previous pane FocusPreviousPane, /// Move the focused pane in the specified direction. [right|left|up|down] MoveFocus { direction: Direction, }, /// Move focus to the pane or tab (if on screen edge) in the specified direction /// [right|left|up|down] MoveFocusOrTab { direction: Direction, }, /// Change the location of the focused pane in the specified direction or rotate forwrads /// [right|left|up|down] MovePane { direction: Option, }, /// Rotate the location of the previous pane backwards MovePaneBackwards, /// Clear all buffers for a focused pane Clear, /// Dump the focused pane to a file DumpScreen { path: PathBuf, /// Dump the pane with full scrollback #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] full: bool, }, /// Open the pane scrollback in your default editor EditScrollback, /// Scroll up in the focused pane ScrollUp, /// Scroll down in focus pane. ScrollDown, /// Scroll down to bottom in focus pane. ScrollToBottom, /// Scroll up to top in focus pane. ScrollToTop, /// Scroll up one page in focus pane. PageScrollUp, /// Scroll down one page in focus pane. PageScrollDown, /// Scroll up half page in focus pane. HalfPageScrollUp, /// Scroll down half page in focus pane. HalfPageScrollDown, /// Toggle between fullscreen focus pane and normal layout. ToggleFullscreen, /// Toggle frames around panes in the UI TogglePaneFrames, /// Toggle between sending text commands to all panes on the current tab and normal mode. ToggleActiveSyncTab, /// Open a new pane in the specified direction [right|down] /// If no direction is specified, will try to use the biggest available space. NewPane { /// Direction to open the new pane in #[clap(short, long, value_parser, conflicts_with("floating"))] direction: Option, #[clap(last(true))] command: Vec, #[clap(short, long, conflicts_with("command"), conflicts_with("direction"))] plugin: Option, /// Change the working directory of the new pane #[clap(long, value_parser)] cwd: Option, /// Open the new pane in floating mode #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] floating: bool, /// Name of the new pane #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] name: Option, /// Close the pane immediately when its command exits #[clap( short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false), requires("command") )] close_on_exit: bool, /// Start the command suspended, only running it after the you first press ENTER #[clap( short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false), requires("command") )] start_suspended: bool, #[clap(long, value_parser)] configuration: Option, }, /// Open the specified file in a new zellij pane with your default EDITOR Edit { file: PathBuf, /// Direction to open the new pane in #[clap(short, long, value_parser, conflicts_with("floating"))] direction: Option, /// Open the file in the specified line number #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] line_number: Option, /// Open the new pane in floating mode #[clap(short, long, value_parser, default_value("false"), takes_value(false))] floating: bool, /// Change the working directory of the editor #[clap(long, value_parser)] cwd: Option, }, /// Switch input mode of all connected clients [locked|pane|tab|resize|move|search|session] SwitchMode { input_mode: InputMode, }, /// Embed focused pane if floating or float focused pane if embedded TogglePaneEmbedOrFloating, /// Toggle the visibility of all fdirectionloating panes in the current Tab, open one if none exist ToggleFloatingPanes, /// Close the focused pane. ClosePane, /// Renames the focused pane RenamePane { name: String, }, /// Remove a previously set pane name UndoRenamePane, /// Go to the next tab. GoToNextTab, /// Go to the previous tab. GoToPreviousTab, /// Close the current tab. CloseTab, /// Go to tab with index [index] GoToTab { index: u32, }, /// Go to tab with name [name] GoToTabName { name: String, /// Create a tab if one does not exist. #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] create: bool, }, /// Renames the focused pane RenameTab { name: String, }, /// Remove a previously set tab name UndoRenameTab, /// Create a new tab, optionally with a specified tab layout and name NewTab { /// Layout to use for the new tab #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] layout: Option, /// Default folder to look for layouts #[clap(long, value_parser, requires("layout"))] layout_dir: Option, /// Name of the new tab #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] name: Option, /// Change the working directory of the new tab #[clap(short, long, value_parser, requires("layout"))] cwd: Option, }, PreviousSwapLayout, NextSwapLayout, /// Query all tab names QueryTabNames, StartOrReloadPlugin { url: String, #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] configuration: Option, }, LaunchOrFocusPlugin { #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] floating: bool, #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] move_to_focused_tab: bool, url: Url, #[clap(short, long, value_parser)] configuration: Option, }, }