use highway::{HighwayHash, PortableHash}; use log::{debug, info, warn}; use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize}; use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, process, str::FromStr, sync::{mpsc::Sender, Arc, Mutex}, thread, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use url::Url; use wasmer::{ imports, ChainableNamedResolver, Function, ImportObject, Instance, Module, Store, Value, WasmerEnv, }; use wasmer_wasi::{Pipe, WasiEnv, WasiState}; use crate::{ logging_pipe::LoggingPipe, panes::PaneId, pty::{ClientOrTabIndex, PtyInstruction}, screen::ScreenInstruction, thread_bus::{Bus, ThreadSenders}, ClientId, }; use zellij_utils::{ consts::{VERSION, ZELLIJ_CACHE_DIR, ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR, ZELLIJ_TMP_DIR}, data::{Event, EventType, PluginIds}, errors::{ContextType, PluginContext}, }; use zellij_utils::{ input::command::TerminalAction, input::layout::RunPlugin, input::plugins::{PluginConfig, PluginType, PluginsConfig}, serde, }; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) enum PluginInstruction { Load(Sender, RunPlugin, usize, ClientId), // tx_pid, plugin metadata, tab_index, client_ids Update(Option, Option, Event), // Focused plugin / broadcast, client_id, event data Render(Sender, u32, ClientId, usize, usize), // String buffer, plugin id, client_id, rows, cols Unload(u32), // plugin_id AddClient(ClientId), RemoveClient(ClientId), Exit, } impl From<&PluginInstruction> for PluginContext { fn from(plugin_instruction: &PluginInstruction) -> Self { match *plugin_instruction { PluginInstruction::Load(..) => PluginContext::Load, PluginInstruction::Update(..) => PluginContext::Update, PluginInstruction::Render(..) => PluginContext::Render, PluginInstruction::Unload(..) => PluginContext::Unload, PluginInstruction::Exit => PluginContext::Exit, PluginInstruction::AddClient(_) => PluginContext::AddClient, PluginInstruction::RemoveClient(_) => PluginContext::RemoveClient, } } } #[derive(WasmerEnv, Clone)] pub(crate) struct PluginEnv { pub plugin_id: u32, pub plugin: PluginConfig, pub senders: ThreadSenders, pub wasi_env: WasiEnv, pub subscriptions: Arc>>, pub tab_index: usize, pub client_id: ClientId, #[allow(dead_code)] plugin_own_data_dir: PathBuf, } // Thread main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub(crate) fn wasm_thread_main( bus: Bus, store: Store, data_dir: PathBuf, plugins: PluginsConfig, ) { info!("Wasm main thread starts"); let mut plugin_id = 0; let mut headless_plugins = HashMap::new(); let mut plugin_map: HashMap<(u32, ClientId), (Instance, PluginEnv)> = HashMap::new(); // u32 => pid let mut connected_clients: Vec = vec![]; let plugin_dir = data_dir.join("plugins/"); let plugin_global_data_dir = plugin_dir.join("data"); #[cfg(not(feature = "disable_automatic_asset_installation"))] fs::create_dir_all(&plugin_global_data_dir).unwrap_or_else(|e| log::error!("{:?}", e)); loop { let (event, mut err_ctx) = bus.recv().expect("failed to receive event on channel"); err_ctx.add_call(ContextType::Plugin((&event).into())); match event { PluginInstruction::Load(pid_tx, run, tab_index, client_id) => { let plugin = plugins .get(&run) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Plugin {:?} could not be resolved", run)); let (instance, plugin_env) = start_plugin( plugin_id, client_id, &plugin, tab_index, &bus, &store, &data_dir, ); let mut main_user_instance = instance.clone(); let main_user_env = plugin_env.clone(); load_plugin(&mut main_user_instance); plugin_map.insert((plugin_id, client_id), (main_user_instance, main_user_env)); // clone plugins for the rest of the client ids if they exist for client_id in connected_clients.iter() { let mut new_plugin_env = plugin_env.clone(); new_plugin_env.client_id = *client_id; let module = instance.module().clone(); let wasi = new_plugin_env.wasi_env.import_object(&module).unwrap(); let zellij = zellij_exports(&store, &new_plugin_env); let mut instance = Instance::new(&module, &zellij.chain_back(wasi)).unwrap(); load_plugin(&mut instance); plugin_map.insert((plugin_id, *client_id), (instance, new_plugin_env)); } pid_tx.send(plugin_id).unwrap(); plugin_id += 1; }, PluginInstruction::Update(pid, cid, event) => { for (&(plugin_id, client_id), (instance, plugin_env)) in &plugin_map { let subs = plugin_env.subscriptions.lock().unwrap(); // FIXME: This is very janky... Maybe I should write my own macro for Event -> EventType? let event_type = EventType::from_str(&event.to_string()).unwrap(); if subs.contains(&event_type) && ((pid.is_none() && cid.is_none()) || (pid.is_none() && cid == Some(client_id)) || (cid.is_none() && pid == Some(plugin_id)) || (cid == Some(client_id) && pid == Some(plugin_id))) { let update = instance.exports.get_function("update").unwrap(); wasi_write_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env, &event);[]).unwrap(); } } drop(bus.senders.send_to_screen(ScreenInstruction::Render)); }, PluginInstruction::Render(buf_tx, pid, cid, rows, cols) => { if rows == 0 || cols == 0 { buf_tx.send(String::new()).unwrap(); } else { let (instance, plugin_env) = plugin_map.get(&(pid, cid)).unwrap(); let render = instance.exports.get_function("render").unwrap(); render .call(&[Value::I32(rows as i32), Value::I32(cols as i32)]) .unwrap(); buf_tx.send(wasi_read_string(&plugin_env.wasi_env)).unwrap(); } }, PluginInstruction::Unload(pid) => { info!("Bye from plugin {}", &pid); // TODO: remove plugin's own data directory let ids_in_plugin_map: Vec<(u32, ClientId)> = plugin_map.keys().copied().collect(); for (plugin_id, client_id) in ids_in_plugin_map { if pid == plugin_id { drop(plugin_map.remove(&(plugin_id, client_id))); } } }, PluginInstruction::AddClient(client_id) => { connected_clients.push(client_id); let mut seen = HashSet::new(); let mut new_plugins = HashMap::new(); for (&(plugin_id, _), (instance, plugin_env)) in &plugin_map { if seen.contains(&plugin_id) { continue; } seen.insert(plugin_id); let mut new_plugin_env = plugin_env.clone(); new_plugin_env.client_id = client_id; new_plugins.insert(plugin_id, (instance.module().clone(), new_plugin_env)); } for (plugin_id, (module, mut new_plugin_env)) in new_plugins.drain() { let wasi = new_plugin_env.wasi_env.import_object(&module).unwrap(); let zellij = zellij_exports(&store, &new_plugin_env); let mut instance = Instance::new(&module, &zellij.chain_back(wasi)).unwrap(); load_plugin(&mut instance); plugin_map.insert((plugin_id, client_id), (instance, new_plugin_env)); } // load headless plugins for plugin in plugins.iter() { if let PluginType::Headless = { let (instance, plugin_env) = start_plugin(plugin_id, client_id, plugin, 0, &bus, &store, &data_dir); headless_plugins.insert(plugin_id, (instance, plugin_env)); plugin_id += 1; } } }, PluginInstruction::RemoveClient(client_id) => { connected_clients.retain(|c| c != &client_id); }, PluginInstruction::Exit => break, } } info!("wasm main thread exits"); fs::remove_dir_all(&plugin_global_data_dir).unwrap(); } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] fn start_plugin( plugin_id: u32, client_id: ClientId, plugin: &PluginConfig, tab_index: usize, bus: &Bus, store: &Store, data_dir: &Path, ) -> (Instance, PluginEnv) { if plugin._allow_exec_host_cmd { info!( "Plugin({:?}) is able to run any host command, this may lead to some security issues!", plugin.path ); } let wasm_bytes = plugin .resolve_wasm_bytes(&data_dir.join("plugins/")) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Cannot resolve wasm bytes for plugin {:?}", plugin)); let hash: String = PortableHash::default() .hash256(&wasm_bytes) .iter() .map(ToString::to_string) .collect(); let cached_path = ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR.cache_dir().join(&hash); let module = unsafe { Module::deserialize_from_file(store, &cached_path).unwrap_or_else(|_| { let m = Module::new(store, &wasm_bytes).unwrap(); fs::create_dir_all(ZELLIJ_PROJ_DIR.cache_dir()).unwrap(); m.serialize_to_file(&cached_path).unwrap(); m }) }; let output = Pipe::new(); let input = Pipe::new(); let stderr = LoggingPipe::new(&plugin.location.to_string(), plugin_id); let plugin_own_data_dir = ZELLIJ_CACHE_DIR.join(Url::from(&plugin.location).to_string()); fs::create_dir_all(&plugin_own_data_dir).unwrap_or_else(|e| { log::error!( "Could not create plugin_own_data_dir in {:?} \n Error: {:?}", &plugin_own_data_dir, e ) }); // ensure tmp dir exists, in case it somehow was deleted (e.g systemd-tmpfiles) fs::create_dir_all(ZELLIJ_TMP_DIR.as_path()).unwrap_or_else(|e| { log::error!( "Could not create ZELLIJ_TMP_DIR at {:?} \n Error: {:?}", &ZELLIJ_TMP_DIR.as_path(), e ) }); let mut wasi_env = WasiState::new("Zellij") .env("CLICOLOR_FORCE", "1") .map_dir("/host", ".") .unwrap() .map_dir("/data", &plugin_own_data_dir) .unwrap() .map_dir("/tmp", ZELLIJ_TMP_DIR.as_path()) .unwrap() .stdin(Box::new(input)) .stdout(Box::new(output)) .stderr(Box::new(stderr)) .finalize() .unwrap(); let wasi = wasi_env.import_object(&module).unwrap(); let mut plugin = plugin.clone(); plugin.set_tab_index(tab_index); let plugin_env = PluginEnv { plugin_id, client_id, plugin, senders: bus.senders.clone(), wasi_env, subscriptions: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::new())), plugin_own_data_dir, tab_index, }; let zellij = zellij_exports(store, &plugin_env); let instance = Instance::new(&module, &zellij.chain_back(wasi)).unwrap(); (instance, plugin_env) } fn load_plugin(instance: &mut Instance) { let load_function = instance.exports.get_function("_start").unwrap(); // This eventually calls the `.load()` method[]).unwrap(); } // Plugin API --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub(crate) fn zellij_exports(store: &Store, plugin_env: &PluginEnv) -> ImportObject { macro_rules! zellij_export { ($($host_function:ident),+ $(,)?) => { imports! { "zellij" => { $(stringify!($host_function) => Function::new_native_with_env(store, plugin_env.clone(), $host_function),)+ } } } } zellij_export! { host_subscribe, host_unsubscribe, host_set_selectable, host_get_plugin_ids, host_get_zellij_version, host_open_file, host_switch_tab_to, host_set_timeout, host_exec_cmd, } } fn host_subscribe(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let mut subscriptions = plugin_env.subscriptions.lock().unwrap(); let new: HashSet = wasi_read_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env); subscriptions.extend(new); } fn host_unsubscribe(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let mut subscriptions = plugin_env.subscriptions.lock().unwrap(); let old: HashSet = wasi_read_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env); subscriptions.retain(|k| !old.contains(k)); } fn host_set_selectable(plugin_env: &PluginEnv, selectable: i32) { match { PluginType::Pane(Some(tab_index)) => { let selectable = selectable != 0; plugin_env .senders .send_to_screen(ScreenInstruction::SetSelectable( PaneId::Plugin(plugin_env.plugin_id), selectable, tab_index, )) .unwrap() }, _ => { debug!( "{} - Calling method 'host_set_selectable' does nothing for headless plugins", plugin_env.plugin.location ) }, } } fn host_get_plugin_ids(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let ids = PluginIds { plugin_id: plugin_env.plugin_id, zellij_pid: process::id(), }; wasi_write_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env, &ids); } fn host_get_zellij_version(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { wasi_write_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env, VERSION); } fn host_open_file(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let path: PathBuf = wasi_read_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env); plugin_env .senders .send_to_pty(PtyInstruction::SpawnTerminal( Some(TerminalAction::OpenFile(path, None)), ClientOrTabIndex::TabIndex(plugin_env.tab_index), )) .unwrap(); } fn host_switch_tab_to(plugin_env: &PluginEnv, tab_idx: u32) { plugin_env .senders .send_to_screen(ScreenInstruction::GoToTab( tab_idx, Some(plugin_env.client_id), )) .unwrap(); } fn host_set_timeout(plugin_env: &PluginEnv, secs: f64) { // There is a fancy, high-performance way to do this with zero additional threads: // If the plugin thread keeps a BinaryHeap of timer structs, it can manage multiple and easily `.peek()` at the // next time to trigger in O(1) time. Once the wake-up time is known, the `wasm` thread can use `recv_timeout()` // to wait for an event with the timeout set to be the time of the next wake up. If events come in in the meantime, // they are handled, but if the timeout triggers, we replace the event from `recv()` with an // `Update(pid, TimerEvent)` and pop the timer from the Heap (or reschedule it). No additional threads for as many // timers as we'd like. // // But that's a lot of code, and this is a few lines: let send_plugin_instructions = plugin_env.senders.to_plugin.clone(); let update_target = Some(plugin_env.plugin_id); let client_id = plugin_env.client_id; thread::spawn(move || { let start_time = Instant::now(); thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs_f64(secs)); // FIXME: The way that elapsed time is being calculated here is not exact; it doesn't take into account the // time it takes an event to actually reach the plugin after it's sent to the `wasm` thread. let elapsed_time = Instant::now().duration_since(start_time).as_secs_f64(); send_plugin_instructions .unwrap() .send(PluginInstruction::Update( update_target, Some(client_id), Event::Timer(elapsed_time), )) .unwrap(); }); } fn host_exec_cmd(plugin_env: &PluginEnv) { let mut cmdline: Vec = wasi_read_object(&plugin_env.wasi_env); let command = cmdline.remove(0); // Bail out if we're forbidden to run command if !plugin_env.plugin._allow_exec_host_cmd { warn!("This plugin isn't allow to run command in host side, skip running this command: '{cmd} {args}'.", cmd = command, args = cmdline.join(" ")); return; } // Here, we don't wait the command to finish process::Command::new(command) .args(cmdline) .spawn() .unwrap(); } // Helper Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn wasi_read_string(wasi_env: &WasiEnv) -> String { let mut state = wasi_env.state(); let wasi_file = state.fs.stdout_mut().unwrap().as_mut().unwrap(); let mut buf = String::new(); wasi_file.read_to_string(&mut buf).unwrap(); buf } pub fn wasi_write_string(wasi_env: &WasiEnv, buf: &str) { let mut state = wasi_env.state(); let wasi_file = state.fs.stdin_mut().unwrap().as_mut().unwrap(); writeln!(wasi_file, "{}\r", buf).unwrap(); } pub fn wasi_write_object(wasi_env: &WasiEnv, object: &(impl Serialize + ?Sized)) { wasi_write_string(wasi_env, &serde_json::to_string(&object).unwrap()); } pub fn wasi_read_object(wasi_env: &WasiEnv) -> T { let json = wasi_read_string(wasi_env); serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap() }