mod line; mod tab; use std::cmp::{max, min}; use std::convert::TryInto; use zellij_tile::prelude::*; use crate::line::tab_line; use crate::tab::tab_style; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct LinePart { part: String, len: usize, } #[derive(Default)] struct State { tabs: Vec, active_tab_idx: usize, mode_info: ModeInfo, mouse_click_pos: usize, should_render: bool, } static ARROW_SEPARATOR: &str = ""; register_plugin!(State); impl ZellijPlugin for State { fn load(&mut self) { set_selectable(false); subscribe(&[ EventType::TabUpdate, EventType::ModeUpdate, EventType::Mouse, ]); } fn update(&mut self, event: Event) { match event { Event::ModeUpdate(mode_info) => self.mode_info = mode_info, Event::TabUpdate(tabs) => { // tabs are indexed starting from 1 so we need to add 1 self.active_tab_idx = tabs.iter().position(|t| + 1; self.tabs = tabs; } Event::Mouse(me) => match me { Mouse::LeftClick(_, col) => { self.mouse_click_pos = col; self.should_render = true; } Mouse::ScrollUp(_) => { switch_tab_to(min(self.active_tab_idx + 1, self.tabs.len()) as u32); } Mouse::ScrollDown(_) => { switch_tab_to(max(self.active_tab_idx.saturating_sub(1), 1) as u32); } _ => {} }, _ => unimplemented!(), // FIXME: This should be unreachable, but this could be cleaner } } fn render(&mut self, _rows: usize, cols: usize) { if self.tabs.is_empty() { return; } let mut all_tabs: Vec = vec![]; let mut active_tab_index = 0; for t in &mut self.tabs { let mut tabname =; if && self.mode_info.mode == InputMode::RenameTab { if tabname.is_empty() { tabname = String::from("Enter name..."); } active_tab_index = t.position; } else if { active_tab_index = t.position; } let tab = tab_style( tabname,, t.is_sync_panes_active, self.mode_info.palette, self.mode_info.capabilities, t.other_focused_clients.as_slice(), ); all_tabs.push(tab); } let tab_line = tab_line( self.mode_info.session_name.as_deref(), all_tabs, active_tab_index, cols.saturating_sub(1), self.mode_info.palette, self.mode_info.capabilities, ); let mut s = String::new(); let mut len_cnt = 0; for (idx, bar_part) in tab_line.iter().enumerate() { s = format!("{}{}", s, &bar_part.part); if self.should_render && self.mouse_click_pos > len_cnt && self.mouse_click_pos <= len_cnt + bar_part.len && idx > 2 { // First three elements of tab_line are "Zellij", session name and empty thing, hence the idx > 2 condition. // Tabs are indexed starting from 1, therefore we need subtract 2 below. switch_tab_to(TryInto::::try_into(idx).unwrap() - 2); } len_cnt += bar_part.len; } match self.mode_info.palette.gray { PaletteColor::Rgb((r, g, b)) => { println!("{}\u{1b}[48;2;{};{};{}m\u{1b}[0K", s, r, g, b); } PaletteColor::EightBit(color) => { println!("{}\u{1b}[48;5;{}m\u{1b}[0K", s, color); } } self.should_render = false; } }