use ansi_term::{ unstyled_len, ANSIString, ANSIStrings, Color::{Fixed, RGB}, Style, }; use zellij_tile::prelude::actions::Action; use zellij_tile::prelude::*; use zellij_tile_utils::palette_match; use crate::{ action_key, action_key_group, style_key_with_modifier, tip::{data::TIPS, TipFn}, LinePart, MORE_MSG, TO_NORMAL, }; fn full_length_shortcut( is_first_shortcut: bool, key: Vec, action: &str, palette: Palette, ) -> LinePart { if key.is_empty() { return LinePart::default(); } let text_color = palette_match!(match palette.theme_hue { ThemeHue::Dark => palette.white, ThemeHue::Light =>, }); let separator = if is_first_shortcut { " " } else { " / " }; let mut bits: Vec = vec![Style::new().fg(text_color).paint(separator)]; bits.extend(style_key_with_modifier(&key, &palette, None)); bits.push( Style::new() .fg(text_color) .bold() .paint(format!(" {}", action)), ); let part = ANSIStrings(&bits); LinePart { part: part.to_string(), len: unstyled_len(&part), } } fn add_shortcut(help: &ModeInfo, linepart: &LinePart, text: &str, keys: Vec) -> LinePart { let shortcut = if linepart.len == 0 { full_length_shortcut(true, keys, text, } else { full_length_shortcut(false, keys, text, }; let mut new_linepart = LinePart::default(); new_linepart.len += linepart.len + shortcut.len; new_linepart.part = format!("{}{}", linepart.part, shortcut); new_linepart } fn full_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help: &ModeInfo) -> LinePart { let mut line_part = LinePart::default(); let keys_and_hints = get_keys_and_hints(help); for (long, _short, keys) in keys_and_hints.into_iter() { line_part = add_shortcut(help, &line_part, &long, keys.to_vec()); } line_part } /// Collect all relevant keybindings and hints to display. /// /// Creates a vector with tuples containing the following entries: /// /// - A String to display for this keybinding when there are no size restrictions, /// - A shortened String (where sensible) to display if the whole second line becomes too long, /// - A `Vec` of the keys that map to this keyhint /// /// This vector is created by iterating over the keybindings for the current [`InputMode`] and /// storing all Keybindings that match pre-defined patterns of `Action`s. For example, the /// `InputMode::Pane` input mode determines which keys to display for the "Move focus" hint by /// searching the keybindings for anything that matches the `Action::MoveFocus(_)` action. Since by /// default multiple keybindings map to some action patterns (e.g. `Action::MoveFocus(_)` is bound /// to "hjkl", the arrow keys and "Alt + "), we deduplicate the vector of all keybindings /// before processing it. /// /// Therefore we sort it by the [`Key`]s of the current keymap and deduplicate the resulting sorted /// vector by the `Vec` action vectors bound to the keys. As such, when multiple keys map /// to the same sequence of actions, the keys that appear first in the [`Key`] structure will be /// displayed. // Please don't let rustfmt play with the formatting. It will stretch out the function to about // three times the length and all the keybinding vectors we generate become virtually unreadable // for humans. #[rustfmt::skip] fn get_keys_and_hints(mi: &ModeInfo) -> Vec<(String, String, Vec)> { use Action as A; use InputMode as IM; use Direction as Dir; use actions::SearchDirection as SDir; use actions::SearchOption as SOpt; let mut old_keymap = mi.get_mode_keybinds(); let s = |string: &str| string.to_string(); // Find a keybinding to get back to "Normal" input mode. In this case we prefer '\n' over other // choices. Do it here before we dedupe the keymap below! let to_normal_keys = action_key(&old_keymap, &[TO_NORMAL]); let to_normal_key = if to_normal_keys.contains(&Key::Char('\n')) { vec![Key::Char('\n')] } else { // Yield `vec![key]` if `to_normal_keys` has at least one key, or an empty vec otherwise. to_normal_keys.into_iter().take(1).collect() }; // Sort and deduplicate the keybindings first. We sort after the `Key`s, and deduplicate by // their `Action` vectors. An unstable sort is fine here because if the user maps anything to // the same key again, anything will happen... old_keymap.sort_unstable_by(|(keya, _), (keyb, _)| keya.partial_cmp(keyb).unwrap()); let mut known_actions: Vec> = vec![]; let mut km = vec![]; for (key, acvec) in old_keymap { if known_actions.contains(&acvec) { // This action is known already continue; } else { known_actions.push(acvec.to_vec()); km.push((key, acvec)); } } if mi.mode == IM::Pane { vec![ (s("New"), s("New"), action_key(&km, &[A::NewPane(None, None), TO_NORMAL])), (s("Change Focus"), s("Move"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Left)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Down)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Up)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Right)]])), (s("Close"), s("Close"), action_key(&km, &[A::CloseFocus, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Rename"), s("Rename"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::RenamePane), A::PaneNameInput(vec![0])])), (s("Toggle Fullscreen"), s("Fullscreen"), action_key(&km, &[A::ToggleFocusFullscreen, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Toggle Floating"), s("Floating"), action_key(&km, &[A::ToggleFloatingPanes, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Toggle Embed"), s("Embed"), action_key(&km, &[A::TogglePaneEmbedOrFloating, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Tab { // With the default bindings, "Move focus" for tabs is tricky: It binds all the arrow keys // to moving tabs focus (left/up go left, right/down go right). Since we sort the keys // above and then dedpulicate based on the actions, we will end up with LeftArrow for // "left" and DownArrow for "right". What we really expect is to see LeftArrow and // RightArrow. // FIXME: So for lack of a better idea we just check this case manually here. let old_keymap = mi.get_mode_keybinds(); let focus_keys_full: Vec = action_key_group(&old_keymap, &[&[A::GoToPreviousTab], &[A::GoToNextTab]]); let focus_keys = if focus_keys_full.contains(&Key::Left) && focus_keys_full.contains(&Key::Right) { vec![Key::Left, Key::Right] } else { action_key_group(&km, &[&[A::GoToPreviousTab], &[A::GoToNextTab]]) }; vec![ (s("New"), s("New"), action_key(&km, &[A::NewTab(None, vec![], None, None, None), TO_NORMAL])), (s("Change focus"), s("Move"), focus_keys), (s("Close"), s("Close"), action_key(&km, &[A::CloseTab, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Rename"), s("Rename"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::RenameTab), A::TabNameInput(vec![0])])), (s("Sync"), s("Sync"), action_key(&km, &[A::ToggleActiveSyncTab, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Toggle"), s("Toggle"), action_key(&km, &[A::ToggleTab])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Resize { vec![ (s("Increase/Decrease size"), s("Increase/Decrease"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[A::Resize(Resize::Increase, None)], &[A::Resize(Resize::Decrease, None)] ])), (s("Increase to"), s("Increase"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[A::Resize(Resize::Increase, Some(Dir::Left))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Increase, Some(Dir::Down))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Increase, Some(Dir::Up))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Increase, Some(Dir::Right))] ])), (s("Decrease from"), s("Decrease"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[A::Resize(Resize::Decrease, Some(Dir::Left))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Decrease, Some(Dir::Down))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Decrease, Some(Dir::Up))], &[A::Resize(Resize::Decrease, Some(Dir::Right))] ])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Move { vec![ (s("Switch Location"), s("Move"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[Action::MovePane(Some(Dir::Left))], &[Action::MovePane(Some(Dir::Down))], &[Action::MovePane(Some(Dir::Up))], &[Action::MovePane(Some(Dir::Right))]])), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Scroll { vec![ (s("Enter search term"), s("Search"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::EnterSearch), A::SearchInput(vec![0])])), (s("Scroll"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::ScrollDown], &[Action::ScrollUp]])), (s("Scroll page"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::PageScrollDown], &[Action::PageScrollUp]])), (s("Scroll half page"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::HalfPageScrollDown], &[Action::HalfPageScrollUp]])), (s("Edit scrollback in default editor"), s("Edit"), action_key(&km, &[Action::EditScrollback, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::EnterSearch { vec![ (s("When done"), s("Done"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::Search)])), (s("Cancel"), s("Cancel"), action_key(&km, &[A::SearchInput(vec![27]), A::SwitchToMode(IM::Scroll)])), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Search { vec![ (s("Enter Search term"), s("Search"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::EnterSearch), A::SearchInput(vec![0])])), (s("Scroll"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::ScrollDown], &[Action::ScrollUp]])), (s("Scroll page"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::PageScrollDown], &[Action::PageScrollUp]])), (s("Scroll half page"), s("Scroll"), action_key_group(&km, &[&[Action::HalfPageScrollDown], &[Action::HalfPageScrollUp]])), (s("Search down"), s("Down"), action_key(&km, &[A::Search(SDir::Down)])), (s("Search up"), s("Up"), action_key(&km, &[A::Search(SDir::Up)])), (s("Case sensitive"), s("Case"), action_key(&km, &[A::SearchToggleOption(SOpt::CaseSensitivity)])), (s("Wrap"), s("Wrap"), action_key(&km, &[A::SearchToggleOption(SOpt::Wrap)])), (s("Whole words"), s("Whole"), action_key(&km, &[A::SearchToggleOption(SOpt::WholeWord)])), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Session { vec![ (s("Detach"), s("Detach"), action_key(&km, &[Action::Detach])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if mi.mode == IM::Tmux { vec![ (s("Move focus"), s("Move"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Left)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Down)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Up)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Right)]])), (s("Split down"), s("Down"), action_key(&km, &[A::NewPane(Some(Dir::Down), None), TO_NORMAL])), (s("Split right"), s("Right"), action_key(&km, &[A::NewPane(Some(Dir::Right), None), TO_NORMAL])), (s("Fullscreen"), s("Fullscreen"), action_key(&km, &[A::ToggleFocusFullscreen, TO_NORMAL])), (s("New tab"), s("New"), action_key(&km, &[A::NewTab(None, vec![], None, None, None), TO_NORMAL])), (s("Rename tab"), s("Rename"), action_key(&km, &[A::SwitchToMode(IM::RenameTab), A::TabNameInput(vec![0])])), (s("Previous Tab"), s("Previous"), action_key(&km, &[A::GoToPreviousTab, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Next Tab"), s("Next"), action_key(&km, &[A::GoToNextTab, TO_NORMAL])), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), to_normal_key), ]} else if matches!(mi.mode, IM::RenamePane | IM::RenameTab) { vec![ (s("When done"), s("Done"), to_normal_key), (s("Select pane"), s("Select"), action_key_group(&km, &[ &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Left)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Down)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Up)], &[A::MoveFocus(Dir::Right)]])), ]} else { vec![] } } fn full_shortcut_list(help: &ModeInfo, tip: TipFn) -> LinePart { match help.mode { InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Locked => tip(help), _ => full_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help), } } fn shortened_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help: &ModeInfo) -> LinePart { let mut line_part = LinePart::default(); let keys_and_hints = get_keys_and_hints(help); for (_, short, keys) in keys_and_hints.into_iter() { line_part = add_shortcut(help, &line_part, &short, keys.to_vec()); } line_part } fn shortened_shortcut_list(help: &ModeInfo, tip: TipFn) -> LinePart { match help.mode { InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Locked => tip(help), _ => shortened_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help), } } fn best_effort_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help: &ModeInfo, max_len: usize) -> LinePart { let mut line_part = LinePart::default(); let keys_and_hints = get_keys_and_hints(help); for (_, short, keys) in keys_and_hints.into_iter() { let new_line_part = add_shortcut(help, &line_part, &short, keys.to_vec()); if new_line_part.len + MORE_MSG.chars().count() > max_len { line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, MORE_MSG); line_part.len += MORE_MSG.chars().count(); break; } line_part = new_line_part; } line_part } fn best_effort_shortcut_list(help: &ModeInfo, tip: TipFn, max_len: usize) -> LinePart { match help.mode { InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Locked => { let line_part = tip(help); if line_part.len <= max_len { line_part } else { LinePart::default() } }, _ => best_effort_shortcut_list_nonstandard_mode(help, max_len), } } pub fn keybinds(help: &ModeInfo, tip_name: &str, max_width: usize) -> LinePart { // It is assumed that there is at least one TIP data in the TIPS HasMap. let tip_body = TIPS .get(tip_name) .unwrap_or_else(|| TIPS.get("quicknav").unwrap()); let full_shortcut_list = full_shortcut_list(help, tip_body.full); if full_shortcut_list.len <= max_width { return full_shortcut_list; } let shortened_shortcut_list = shortened_shortcut_list(help, tip_body.medium); if shortened_shortcut_list.len <= max_width { return shortened_shortcut_list; } best_effort_shortcut_list(help, tip_body.short, max_width) } pub fn text_copied_hint(palette: &Palette, copy_destination: CopyDestination) -> LinePart { let green_color = palette_match!(; let hint = match copy_destination { CopyDestination::Command => "Text piped to external command", #[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))] CopyDestination::Primary => "Text copied to system primary selection", #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] // primary selection does not exist on macos CopyDestination::Primary => "Text copied to system clipboard", CopyDestination::System => "Text copied to system clipboard", }; LinePart { part: Style::new().fg(green_color).bold().paint(hint).to_string(), len: hint.len(), } } pub fn system_clipboard_error(palette: &Palette) -> LinePart { let hint = " Error using the system clipboard."; let red_color = palette_match!(; LinePart { part: Style::new().fg(red_color).bold().paint(hint).to_string(), len: hint.len(), } } pub fn fullscreen_panes_to_hide(palette: &Palette, panes_to_hide: usize) -> LinePart { let text_color = palette_match!(match palette.theme_hue { ThemeHue::Dark => palette.white, ThemeHue::Light =>, }); let green_color = palette_match!(; let orange_color = palette_match!(; let shortcut_left_separator = Style::new().fg(text_color).bold().paint(" ("); let shortcut_right_separator = Style::new().fg(text_color).bold().paint("): "); let fullscreen = "FULLSCREEN"; let puls = "+ "; let panes = panes_to_hide.to_string(); let hide = " hidden panes"; let len = fullscreen.chars().count() + puls.chars().count() + panes.chars().count() + hide.chars().count() + 5; // 3 for ():'s around shortcut, 2 for the space LinePart { part: format!( "{}{}{}{}{}{}", shortcut_left_separator, Style::new().fg(orange_color).bold().paint(fullscreen), shortcut_right_separator, Style::new().fg(text_color).bold().paint(puls), Style::new().fg(green_color).bold().paint(panes), Style::new().fg(text_color).bold().paint(hide) ), len, } } pub fn floating_panes_are_visible(mode_info: &ModeInfo) -> LinePart { let palette =; let km = &mode_info.get_mode_keybinds(); let white_color = match palette.white { PaletteColor::Rgb((r, g, b)) => RGB(r, g, b), PaletteColor::EightBit(color) => Fixed(color), }; let green_color = match { PaletteColor::Rgb((r, g, b)) => RGB(r, g, b), PaletteColor::EightBit(color) => Fixed(color), }; let orange_color = match { PaletteColor::Rgb((r, g, b)) => RGB(r, g, b), PaletteColor::EightBit(color) => Fixed(color), }; let shortcut_left_separator = Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(" ("); let shortcut_right_separator = Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint("): "); let floating_panes = "FLOATING PANES VISIBLE"; let press = "Press "; let pane_mode = format!( "{}", action_key(km, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]) .first() .unwrap_or(&Key::Char('?')) ); let plus = ", "; let p_left_separator = "<"; let p = format!( "{}", action_key( &mode_info.get_keybinds_for_mode(InputMode::Pane), &[Action::ToggleFloatingPanes, TO_NORMAL] ) .first() .unwrap_or(&Key::Char('?')) ); let p_right_separator = "> "; let to_hide = "to hide."; let len = floating_panes.chars().count() + press.chars().count() + pane_mode.chars().count() + plus.chars().count() + p_left_separator.chars().count() + p.chars().count() + p_right_separator.chars().count() + to_hide.chars().count() + 5; // 3 for ():'s around floating_panes, 2 for the space LinePart { part: format!( "{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}", shortcut_left_separator, Style::new().fg(orange_color).bold().paint(floating_panes), shortcut_right_separator, Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(press), Style::new().fg(green_color).bold().paint(pane_mode), Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(plus), Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(p_left_separator), Style::new().fg(green_color).bold().paint(p), Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(p_right_separator), Style::new().fg(white_color).bold().paint(to_hide), ), len, } } #[cfg(test)] /// Unit tests. /// /// Note that we cheat a little here, because the number of things one may want to test is endless, /// and creating a Mockup of [`ModeInfo`] by hand for all these testcases is nothing less than /// torture. Hence, we test the most atomic unit thoroughly ([`full_length_shortcut`] and then test /// the public API ([`keybinds`]) to ensure correct operation. mod tests { use super::*; // Strip style information from `LinePart` and return a raw String instead fn unstyle(line_part: LinePart) -> String { let string = line_part.to_string(); let re = regex::Regex::new(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*m").unwrap(); let string = re.replace_all(&string, "".to_string()); string.to_string() } fn get_palette() -> Palette { Palette::default() } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_key() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Char('a')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_key_first_element() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Char('a')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(true, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " Foobar"); } #[test] // When there is no binding, we print no shortcut either fn full_length_shortcut_without_key() { let keyvec = vec![]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, ""); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_key_unprintable_1() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Char('\n')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_key_unprintable_2() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Backspace]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_ctrl_key() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Ctrl('a')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Ctrl + Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_alt_key() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Alt(CharOrArrow::Char('a'))]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Alt + Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_homogenous_key_group() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Char('a'), Key::Char('b'), Key::Char('c')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_heterogenous_key_group() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Char('a'), Key::Ctrl('b'), Key::Char('\n')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Foobar"); } #[test] fn full_length_shortcut_with_key_group_shared_ctrl_modifier() { let keyvec = vec![Key::Ctrl('a'), Key::Ctrl('b'), Key::Ctrl('c')]; let palette = get_palette(); let ret = full_length_shortcut(false, keyvec, "Foobar", palette); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " / Ctrl + Foobar"); } #[test] // Note how it leaves out elements that don't exist! fn keybinds_wide() { let mode_info = ModeInfo { mode: InputMode::Pane, keybinds: vec![( InputMode::Pane, vec![ (Key::Left, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Left)]), (Key::Down, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Down)]), (Key::Up, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Up)]), (Key::Right, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Right)]), (Key::Char('n'), vec![Action::NewPane(None, None), TO_NORMAL]), (Key::Char('x'), vec![Action::CloseFocus, TO_NORMAL]), ( Key::Char('f'), vec![Action::ToggleFocusFullscreen, TO_NORMAL], ), ], )], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = keybinds(&mode_info, "quicknav", 500); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!( ret, " New / <←↓↑→> Change Focus / Close / Toggle Fullscreen", ); } #[test] // Note how "Move focus" becomes "Move" fn keybinds_tight_width() { let mode_info = ModeInfo { mode: InputMode::Pane, keybinds: vec![( InputMode::Pane, vec![ (Key::Left, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Left)]), (Key::Down, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Down)]), (Key::Up, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Up)]), (Key::Right, vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Right)]), (Key::Char('n'), vec![Action::NewPane(None, None), TO_NORMAL]), (Key::Char('x'), vec![Action::CloseFocus, TO_NORMAL]), ( Key::Char('f'), vec![Action::ToggleFocusFullscreen, TO_NORMAL], ), ], )], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = keybinds(&mode_info, "quicknav", 35); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " New / <←↓↑→> Move ... "); } #[test] fn keybinds_wide_weird_keys() { let mode_info = ModeInfo { mode: InputMode::Pane, keybinds: vec![( InputMode::Pane, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Left)]), (Key::Ctrl('\n'), vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Down)]), (Key::Ctrl('1'), vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Up)]), (Key::Ctrl(' '), vec![Action::MoveFocus(Direction::Right)]), (Key::Backspace, vec![Action::NewPane(None, None), TO_NORMAL]), (Key::Esc, vec![Action::CloseFocus, TO_NORMAL]), (Key::End, vec![Action::ToggleFocusFullscreen, TO_NORMAL]), ], )], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = keybinds(&mode_info, "quicknav", 500); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!( ret, " New / Ctrl + Change Focus / Close / Toggle Fullscreen" ); } }