use ansi_term::{unstyled_len, ANSIStrings}; use zellij_tile::prelude::actions::Action; use zellij_tile::prelude::*; use crate::color_elements; use crate::{ action_key, action_key_group, get_common_modifier, style_key_with_modifier, TO_NORMAL, }; use crate::{ColoredElements, LinePart}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] struct KeyShortcut { mode: KeyMode, pub action: KeyAction, key: Option, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum KeyAction { Lock, Pane, Tab, Resize, Search, Quit, Session, Move, Tmux, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum KeyMode { Unselected, UnselectedAlternate, Selected, Disabled, } fn letter_shortcut(key: &Key, with_prefix: bool) -> String { if with_prefix { format!("{}", key) } else { match key { Key::F(c) => format!("{}", c), Key::Ctrl(c) => format!("{}", c), Key::Char(_) => format!("{}", key), Key::Alt(c) => format!("{}", c), _ => String::from("??"), } } } impl KeyShortcut { pub fn new(mode: KeyMode, action: KeyAction, key: Option) -> Self { KeyShortcut { mode, action, key } } pub fn full_text(&self) -> String { match self.action { KeyAction::Lock => String::from("LOCK"), KeyAction::Pane => String::from("PANE"), KeyAction::Tab => String::from("TAB"), KeyAction::Resize => String::from("RESIZE"), KeyAction::Search => String::from("SEARCH"), KeyAction::Quit => String::from("QUIT"), KeyAction::Session => String::from("SESSION"), KeyAction::Move => String::from("MOVE"), KeyAction::Tmux => String::from("TMUX"), } } pub fn letter_shortcut(&self, with_prefix: bool) -> String { let key = match self.key { Some(k) => k, None => return String::from("?"), }; letter_shortcut(&key, with_prefix) } } /// Generate long mode shortcut tile. /// /// A long mode shortcut tile consists of a leading and trailing `separator`, a keybinding enclosed /// in `<>` brackets and the name of the mode displayed in capitalized letters next to it. For /// example, the default long mode shortcut tile for "Locked" mode is: ` LOCK `. /// /// # Arguments /// /// - `key`: A [`KeyShortcut`] that defines how the tile is displayed (active/disabled/...), what /// action it belongs to (roughly equivalent to [`InputMode`]s) and the keybinding to trigger /// this action. /// - `palette`: A structure holding styling information. /// - `separator`: The separator printed before and after the mode shortcut tile. The default is an /// arrow head-like separator. /// - `shared_super`: If set to true, all mode shortcut keybindings share a common modifier (see /// [`get_common_modifier`]) and the modifier belonging to the keybinding is **not** printed in /// the shortcut tile. /// - `first_tile`: If set to true, the leading separator for this tile will be ommited so no gap /// appears on the screen. fn long_mode_shortcut( key: &KeyShortcut, palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, shared_super: bool, first_tile: bool, ) -> LinePart { let key_hint = key.full_text(); let key_binding = match (&key.mode, &key.key) { (KeyMode::Disabled, None) => "".to_string(), (_, None) => return LinePart::default(), (_, Some(_)) => key.letter_shortcut(!shared_super), }; let colors = match key.mode { KeyMode::Unselected => palette.unselected, KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate => palette.unselected_alternate, KeyMode::Selected => palette.selected, KeyMode::Disabled => palette.disabled, }; let start_separator = if !shared_super && first_tile { "" } else { separator }; let prefix_separator = colors.prefix_separator.paint(start_separator); let char_left_separator = colors.char_left_separator.paint(" <".to_string()); let char_shortcut = colors.char_shortcut.paint(key_binding.to_string()); let char_right_separator = colors.char_right_separator.paint("> ".to_string()); let styled_text = colors.styled_text.paint(format!("{} ", key_hint)); let suffix_separator = colors.suffix_separator.paint(separator); LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[ prefix_separator, char_left_separator, char_shortcut, char_right_separator, styled_text, suffix_separator, ]) .to_string(), len: start_separator.chars().count() // Separator + 2 // " <" + key_binding.chars().count() // Key binding + 2 // "> " + key_hint.chars().count() // Key hint (mode) + 1 // " " + separator.chars().count(), // Separator } } /// Generate short mode shortcut tile. /// /// A short mode shortcut tile consists of a leading and trailing `separator` and a keybinding. For /// example, the default short mode shortcut tile for "Locked" mode is: ` g `. /// /// # Arguments /// /// - `key`: A [`KeyShortcut`] that defines how the tile is displayed (active/disabled/...), what /// action it belongs to (roughly equivalent to [`InputMode`]s) and the keybinding to trigger /// this action. /// - `palette`: A structure holding styling information. /// - `separator`: The separator printed before and after the mode shortcut tile. The default is an /// arrow head-like separator. /// - `shared_super`: If set to true, all mode shortcut keybindings share a common modifier (see /// [`get_common_modifier`]) and the modifier belonging to the keybinding is **not** printed in /// the shortcut tile. /// - `first_tile`: If set to true, the leading separator for this tile will be ommited so no gap /// appears on the screen. fn short_mode_shortcut( key: &KeyShortcut, palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, shared_super: bool, first_tile: bool, ) -> LinePart { let key_binding = match (&key.mode, &key.key) { (KeyMode::Disabled, None) => "".to_string(), (_, None) => return LinePart::default(), (_, Some(_)) => key.letter_shortcut(!shared_super), }; let colors = match key.mode { KeyMode::Unselected => palette.unselected, KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate => palette.unselected_alternate, KeyMode::Selected => palette.selected, KeyMode::Disabled => palette.disabled, }; let start_separator = if !shared_super && first_tile { "" } else { separator }; let prefix_separator = colors.prefix_separator.paint(start_separator); let char_shortcut = colors.char_shortcut.paint(format!(" {} ", key_binding)); let suffix_separator = colors.suffix_separator.paint(separator); LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[prefix_separator, char_shortcut, suffix_separator]).to_string(), len: separator.chars().count() // Separator + 1 // " " + key_binding.chars().count() // Key binding + 1 // " " + separator.chars().count(), // Separator } } fn short_key_indicators( max_len: usize, keys: &[KeyShortcut], palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, mode_info: &ModeInfo, no_super: bool, ) -> LinePart { let mut line_part = if no_super { LinePart::default() } else { superkey(palette, separator, mode_info) }; let shared_super = if no_super { true } else { line_part.len > 0 }; for ctrl_key in keys { let line_empty = line_part.len == 0; let key = short_mode_shortcut(ctrl_key, palette, separator, shared_super, line_empty); line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, key.part); line_part.len += key.len; } if line_part.len < max_len { return line_part; } // Shortened doesn't fit, print nothing line_part = LinePart::default(); line_part } fn full_key_indicators( keys: &[KeyShortcut], palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, mode_info: &ModeInfo, no_super: bool, ) -> LinePart { // Print full-width hints let mut line_part = if no_super { LinePart::default() } else { superkey(palette, separator, mode_info) }; let shared_super = if no_super { true } else { line_part.len > 0 }; for ctrl_key in keys { let line_empty = line_part.len == 0; let key = long_mode_shortcut(ctrl_key, palette, separator, shared_super, line_empty); line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, key.part); line_part.len += key.len; } line_part } fn key_indicators( max_len: usize, keys: &[KeyShortcut], palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, mode_info: &ModeInfo, ) -> LinePart { // Print full-width hints let mut line_part = superkey(palette, separator, mode_info); let shared_super = line_part.len > 0; for ctrl_key in keys { let line_empty = line_part.len == 0; let key = long_mode_shortcut(ctrl_key, palette, separator, shared_super, line_empty); line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, key.part); line_part.len += key.len; } if line_part.len < max_len { return line_part; } // Full-width doesn't fit, try shortened hints (just keybindings, no meanings/actions) line_part = superkey(palette, separator, mode_info); let shared_super = line_part.len > 0; for ctrl_key in keys { let line_empty = line_part.len == 0; let key = short_mode_shortcut(ctrl_key, palette, separator, shared_super, line_empty); line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, key.part); line_part.len += key.len; } if line_part.len < max_len { return line_part; } // Shortened doesn't fit, print nothing line_part = LinePart::default(); line_part } fn swap_layout_keycode(mode_info: &ModeInfo, palette: &Palette) -> LinePart { let mode_keybinds = mode_info.get_mode_keybinds(); let prev_next_keys = action_key_group( &mode_keybinds, &[&[Action::PreviousSwapLayout], &[Action::NextSwapLayout]], ); let prev_next_keys_indicator = style_key_with_modifier(&prev_next_keys, palette, Some(; let keycode = ANSIStrings(&prev_next_keys_indicator); let len = unstyled_len(&keycode); let part = keycode.to_string(); LinePart { part, len } } fn swap_layout_status( max_len: usize, swap_layout_name: &Option, is_swap_layout_damaged: bool, mode_info: &ModeInfo, colored_elements: ColoredElements, palette: &Palette, separator: &str, ) -> Option { match swap_layout_name { Some(swap_layout_name) => { let mut swap_layout_name = format!(" {} ", swap_layout_name); swap_layout_name.make_ascii_uppercase(); let keycode = swap_layout_keycode(mode_info, palette); let swap_layout_name_len = swap_layout_name.len() + 3; // 2 for the arrow separators, one for the screen end buffer // macro_rules! style_swap_layout_indicator { ($style_name:ident) => {{ ( colored_elements .$style_name .prefix_separator .paint(separator), colored_elements .$style_name .styled_text .paint(&swap_layout_name), colored_elements .$style_name .suffix_separator .paint(separator), ) }}; } let (prefix_separator, swap_layout_name, suffix_separator) = if mode_info.mode == InputMode::Locked { style_swap_layout_indicator!(disabled) } else if is_swap_layout_damaged { style_swap_layout_indicator!(unselected) } else { style_swap_layout_indicator!(selected) }; let swap_layout_indicator = format!( "{}{}{}", prefix_separator, swap_layout_name, suffix_separator ); let (part, full_len) = if mode_info.mode == InputMode::Locked { ( format!("{}", swap_layout_indicator), swap_layout_name_len, // 1 is the space between ) } else { ( format!( "{}{}{}{}", keycode, colored_elements.superkey_prefix.paint(" "), swap_layout_indicator, colored_elements.superkey_prefix.paint(" ") ), keycode.len + swap_layout_name_len + 1, // 1 is the space between ) }; let short_len = swap_layout_name_len + 1; // 1 is the space between if full_len <= max_len { Some(LinePart { part, len: full_len, }) } else if short_len <= max_len && mode_info.mode != InputMode::Locked { Some(LinePart { part: swap_layout_indicator, len: short_len, }) } else { None } }, None => None, } } /// Get the keybindings for switching `InputMode`s and `Quit` visible in status bar. /// /// Return a Vector of `Key`s where each `Key` is a shortcut to switch to some `InputMode` or Quit /// zellij. Given the vast amount of things a user can configure in their zellij config, this /// function has some limitations to keep in mind: /// /// - The vector is not deduplicated: If switching to a certain `InputMode` is bound to multiple /// `Key`s, all of these bindings will be part of the returned vector. There is also no /// guaranteed sort order. Which key ends up in the status bar in such a situation isn't defined. /// - The vector will **not** contain the ' ', '\n' and 'Esc' keys: These are the default bindings /// to get back to normal mode from any input mode, but they aren't of interest when searching /// for the super key. If for any input mode the user has bound only these keys to switching back /// to `InputMode::Normal`, a '?' will be displayed as keybinding instead. pub fn mode_switch_keys(mode_info: &ModeInfo) -> Vec { mode_info .get_mode_keybinds() .iter() .filter_map(|(key, vac)| match vac.first() { // No actions defined, ignore None => None, Some(vac) => { // We ignore certain "default" keybindings that switch back to normal InputMode. // These include: ' ', '\n', 'Esc' if matches!(key, Key::Char(' ') | Key::Char('\n') | Key::Esc) { return None; } if let actions::Action::SwitchToMode(mode) = vac { return match mode { // Store the keys that switch to displayed modes InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Locked | InputMode::Pane | InputMode::Tab | InputMode::Resize | InputMode::Move | InputMode::Scroll | InputMode::Session => Some(*key), _ => None, }; } if let actions::Action::Quit = vac { return Some(*key); } // Not a `SwitchToMode` or `Quit` action, ignore None }, }) .collect() } pub fn superkey(palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, mode_info: &ModeInfo) -> LinePart { // Find a common modifier if any let prefix_text = match get_common_modifier(mode_switch_keys(mode_info).iter().collect()) { Some(text) => { if mode_info.capabilities.arrow_fonts { // Add extra space in simplified ui format!(" {} + ", text) } else { format!(" {} +", text) } }, _ => return LinePart::default(), }; let prefix = palette.superkey_prefix.paint(&prefix_text); let suffix_separator = palette.superkey_suffix_separator.paint(separator); LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[prefix, suffix_separator]).to_string(), len: prefix_text.chars().count() + separator.chars().count(), } } fn standby_mode_shortcut_key(help: &ModeInfo) -> Key { let binds = &help.get_mode_keybinds(); match help.mode { InputMode::Locked => to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Normal)], )), _ => to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Locked)], )), } .unwrap_or(Key::Char('?')) } fn standby_mode_ui_indication( has_shared_super: bool, standby_mode: &InputMode, standby_mode_shortcut_key: Key, colored_elements: ColoredElements, separator: &str, ) -> LinePart { let mut line_part = LinePart::default(); let standby_mode_shortcut = standby_mode_single_letter_selected( has_shared_super, standby_mode_shortcut_key, colored_elements, separator, ); // standby mode text hint let key_shortcut = KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, input_mode_to_key_action(&standby_mode), None, ); let styled_text = colored_elements .unselected .styled_text .paint(format!(" {} ", key_shortcut.full_text())); let suffix_separator = colored_elements .unselected .suffix_separator .paint(separator); let standby_mode_text = LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[styled_text, suffix_separator]).to_string(), len: key_shortcut.full_text().chars().count() + separator.chars().count() + 2, // 2 padding }; line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, standby_mode_shortcut.part); line_part.len += standby_mode_shortcut.len; line_part.part = format!("{}{}", line_part.part, standby_mode_text.part); line_part.len += standby_mode_text.len; line_part } fn standby_mode_single_letter_unselected( has_shared_super: bool, shortcut_key: Key, palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, ) -> LinePart { let prefix_separator = palette.unselected.prefix_separator.paint(separator); let char_shortcut = palette.unselected.char_shortcut.paint(format!( " {} ", letter_shortcut(&shortcut_key, has_shared_super) )); let suffix_separator = palette.unselected.suffix_separator.paint(separator); let len = prefix_separator.chars().count() + char_shortcut.chars().count() + suffix_separator.chars().count(); LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[prefix_separator, char_shortcut, suffix_separator]).to_string(), len, } } fn standby_mode_single_letter_selected( has_shared_super: bool, shortcut_key: Key, palette: ColoredElements, separator: &str, ) -> LinePart { let prefix_separator = palette .selected_standby_shortcut .prefix_separator .paint(separator); let char_shortcut = palette .selected_standby_shortcut .char_shortcut .paint(format!( " {} ", letter_shortcut(&shortcut_key, has_shared_super) )); let suffix_separator = palette .selected_standby_shortcut .suffix_separator .paint(separator); let len = prefix_separator.chars().count() + char_shortcut.chars().count() + suffix_separator.chars().count(); LinePart { part: ANSIStrings(&[prefix_separator, char_shortcut, suffix_separator]).to_string(), len, } } pub fn to_char(kv: Vec) -> Option { let key = kv .iter() .filter(|key| { // These are general "keybindings" to get back to normal, they aren't interesting here. !matches!(key, Key::Char('\n') | Key::Char(' ') | Key::Esc) }) .collect::>() .into_iter() .next(); // Maybe the user bound one of the ignored keys? if key.is_none() { return kv.first().cloned(); } key.cloned() } fn input_mode_to_key_action(input_mode: &InputMode) -> KeyAction { match input_mode { InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Prompt | InputMode::Tmux => KeyAction::Lock, InputMode::Locked => KeyAction::Lock, InputMode::Pane | InputMode::RenamePane => KeyAction::Pane, InputMode::Tab | InputMode::RenameTab => KeyAction::Tab, InputMode::Resize => KeyAction::Resize, InputMode::Move => KeyAction::Move, InputMode::Scroll | InputMode::Search | InputMode::EnterSearch => KeyAction::Search, InputMode::Session => KeyAction::Session, } } /// Get the [`KeyShortcut`] for a specific [`InputMode`]. /// /// Iterates over the contents of `shortcuts` to find the [`KeyShortcut`] with the [`KeyAction`] /// matching the [`InputMode`]. Returns a mutable reference to the entry in `shortcuts` if a match /// is found or `None` otherwise. /// /// In case multiple entries in `shortcuts` match `mode` (which shouldn't happen), the first match /// is returned. fn get_key_shortcut_for_mode<'a>( shortcuts: &'a mut [KeyShortcut], mode: &InputMode, ) -> Option<&'a mut KeyShortcut> { let key_action = match mode { InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Prompt | InputMode::Tmux => return None, InputMode::Locked => KeyAction::Lock, InputMode::Pane | InputMode::RenamePane => KeyAction::Pane, InputMode::Tab | InputMode::RenameTab => KeyAction::Tab, InputMode::Resize => KeyAction::Resize, InputMode::Move => KeyAction::Move, InputMode::Scroll | InputMode::Search | InputMode::EnterSearch => KeyAction::Search, InputMode::Session => KeyAction::Session, }; for shortcut in shortcuts.iter_mut() { if shortcut.action == key_action { return Some(shortcut); } } None } pub fn first_line_supermode( standby_mode: &InputMode, help: &ModeInfo, tab_info: Option<&TabInfo>, max_len: usize, separator: &str, ) -> LinePart { let supports_arrow_fonts = !help.capabilities.arrow_fonts; let colored_elements = color_elements(, !supports_arrow_fonts); let standby_mode_shortcut_key = standby_mode_shortcut_key(&help); let mut line = superkey(colored_elements, separator, help); let has_shared_super = line.len == 0; let max_len_without_superkey = max_len.saturating_sub(line.len); let mut append_to_line = |line_part_to_append: LinePart| { line.part = format!("{}{}", line.part, line_part_to_append.part); line.len += line_part_to_append.len; }; match help.mode { InputMode::Locked => { let standby_mode_shortcut = standby_mode_single_letter_unselected( has_shared_super, standby_mode_shortcut_key, colored_elements, separator, ); append_to_line(standby_mode_shortcut); line }, _ => { let mut default_keys = generate_default_keys(help); default_keys.remove(0); // remove locked mode which is not relevant to the supermode ui if let Some(position) = default_keys .iter() .position(|d| d.action == input_mode_to_key_action(standby_mode)) { let standby_mode_ui_ribbon = standby_mode_ui_indication( has_shared_super, &standby_mode, standby_mode_shortcut_key, colored_elements, separator, ); let first_keybinds: Vec = default_keys.iter().cloned().take(position).collect(); let second_keybinds: Vec = default_keys.iter().cloned().skip(position + 1).collect(); let first_key_indicators = full_key_indicators(&first_keybinds, colored_elements, separator, help, true); let second_key_indicators = full_key_indicators(&second_keybinds, colored_elements, separator, help, true); if first_key_indicators.len + standby_mode_ui_ribbon.len + second_key_indicators.len < max_len_without_superkey { append_to_line(first_key_indicators); append_to_line(standby_mode_ui_ribbon); append_to_line(second_key_indicators); } else { let length_of_each_half = max_len_without_superkey.saturating_sub(standby_mode_ui_ribbon.len) / 2; let first_key_indicators = short_key_indicators( length_of_each_half, &first_keybinds, colored_elements, separator, help, true, ); let second_key_indicators = short_key_indicators( length_of_each_half, &second_keybinds, colored_elements, separator, help, true, ); append_to_line(first_key_indicators); append_to_line(standby_mode_ui_ribbon); append_to_line(second_key_indicators); } if line.len < max_len { if let Some(tab_info) = tab_info { let remaining_space = max_len.saturating_sub(line.len); line.append(&swap_layout_status_and_padding( &tab_info, remaining_space, separator, colored_elements, help, )); } } } line }, } } fn swap_layout_status_and_padding( tab_info: &TabInfo, mut remaining_space: usize, separator: &str, colored_elements: ColoredElements, help: &ModeInfo, ) -> LinePart { let mut line = LinePart::default(); if let Some(swap_layout_status) = swap_layout_status( remaining_space, &tab_info.active_swap_layout_name, tab_info.is_swap_layout_dirty, help, colored_elements, &, separator, ) { remaining_space -= swap_layout_status.len; for _ in 0..remaining_space { line.part .push_str(&ANSIStrings(&[colored_elements.superkey_prefix.paint(" ")]).to_string()); line.len += 1; } line.append(&swap_layout_status); } line } fn generate_default_keys(help: &ModeInfo) -> Vec { let binds = &help.get_mode_keybinds(); vec![ KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Lock, to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Locked)], )), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Pane, to_char(action_key(binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)])), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Tab, to_char(action_key(binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Tab)])), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Resize, to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)], )), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Move, to_char(action_key(binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)])), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Search, to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Scroll)], )), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Session, to_char(action_key( binds, &[Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Session)], )), ), KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Quit, to_char(action_key(binds, &[Action::Quit])), ), ] } pub fn first_line( help: &ModeInfo, tab_info: Option<&TabInfo>, max_len: usize, separator: &str, ) -> LinePart { let supports_arrow_fonts = !help.capabilities.arrow_fonts; let colored_elements = color_elements(, !supports_arrow_fonts); let binds = &help.get_mode_keybinds(); // Unselect all by default let mut default_keys = generate_default_keys(help); // TODO: check that this still works if let Some(key_shortcut) = get_key_shortcut_for_mode(&mut default_keys, &help.mode) { key_shortcut.mode = KeyMode::Selected; key_shortcut.key = to_char(action_key(binds, &[TO_NORMAL])); } // In locked mode we must disable all other mode keybindings if help.mode == InputMode::Locked { for key in default_keys.iter_mut().skip(1) { key.mode = KeyMode::Disabled; } } if help.mode == InputMode::Tmux { // Tmux tile is hidden by default default_keys.push(KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Tmux, to_char(action_key(binds, &[TO_NORMAL])), )); } let mut key_indicators = key_indicators(max_len, &default_keys, colored_elements, separator, help); if key_indicators.len < max_len { if let Some(tab_info) = tab_info { let remaining_space = max_len - key_indicators.len; key_indicators.append(&swap_layout_status_and_padding( &tab_info, remaining_space, separator, colored_elements, help, )); } } key_indicators } #[cfg(test)] /// Unit tests. /// /// Note that we cheat a little here, because the number of things one may want to test is endless, /// and creating a Mockup of [`ModeInfo`] by hand for all these testcases is nothing less than /// torture. Hence, we test the most atomic units thoroughly ([`long_mode_shortcut`] and /// [`short_mode_shortcut`]) and then test the public API ([`first_line`]) to ensure correct /// operation. mod tests { use super::*; fn colored_elements() -> ColoredElements { let palette = Palette::default(); color_elements(palette, false) } // Strip style information from `LinePart` and return a raw String instead fn unstyle(line_part: LinePart) -> String { let string = line_part.to_string(); let re = regex::Regex::new(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*m").unwrap(); let string = re.replace_all(&string, "".to_string()); string.to_string() } #[test] fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Displayed like selected(alternate), but different styling fn long_mode_shortcut_unselected_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0')), ); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Treat exactly like "unselected" variant fn long_mode_shortcut_unselected_alternate_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0')), ); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // KeyShortcuts without binding are only displayed when "disabled" (for locked mode indications) fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "".to_string()); } #[test] // First tile doesn't print a starting separator fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_with_binding_first_tile() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, true); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Modifier is the superkey, mustn't appear in angled brackets fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_with_ctrl_binding_shared_superkey() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Ctrl('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", true, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Modifier must be in the angled brackets fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_with_ctrl_binding_no_shared_superkey() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Ctrl('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Must be displayed as usual, but it is styled to be greyed out which we don't test here fn long_mode_shortcut_disabled_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Disabled, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Must be displayed but without keybinding fn long_mode_shortcut_disabled_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Disabled, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] // Test all at once // Note that when "shared_super" is true, the tile **cannot** be the first on the line, so we // ignore **first** here. fn long_mode_shortcut_selected_with_ctrl_binding_and_shared_super_and_first_tile() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Ctrl('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = long_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", true, true); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ <0> SESSION +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_selected_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_selected_with_ctrl_binding_no_shared_super() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Ctrl('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ Ctrl+0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_selected_with_ctrl_binding_shared_super() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Ctrl('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", true, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_selected_with_binding_first_tile() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, true); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_unselected_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0')), ); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_unselected_alternate_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new( KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0')), ); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_disabled_with_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, Some(Key::Char('0'))); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "+ 0 +".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_selected_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_unselected_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Unselected, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_unselected_alternate_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::UnselectedAlternate, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "".to_string()); } #[test] fn short_mode_shortcut_disabled_without_binding() { let key = KeyShortcut::new(KeyMode::Selected, KeyAction::Session, None); let color = colored_elements(); let ret = short_mode_shortcut(&key, color, "+", false, false); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, "".to_string()); } #[test] // Observe: Modes missing in between aren't displayed! fn first_line_default_layout_shared_super() { #[rustfmt::skip] let mode_info = ModeInfo{ mode: InputMode::Normal, keybinds : vec![ (InputMode::Normal, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]), (Key::Ctrl('b'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)]), (Key::Ctrl('c'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)]), ]), ], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = first_line(&mode_info, None, 500, ">"); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!( ret, " Ctrl + >> PANE >> RESIZE >> MOVE >".to_string() ); } #[test] fn first_line_default_layout_no_shared_super() { #[rustfmt::skip] let mode_info = ModeInfo{ mode: InputMode::Normal, keybinds : vec![ (InputMode::Normal, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]), (Key::Ctrl('b'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)]), (Key::Char('c'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)]), ]), ], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = first_line(&mode_info, None, 500, ">"); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!( ret, " PANE >> RESIZE >> MOVE >".to_string() ); } #[test] fn first_line_default_layout_unprintables() { #[rustfmt::skip] let mode_info = ModeInfo{ mode: InputMode::Normal, keybinds : vec![ (InputMode::Normal, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Locked)]), (Key::Backspace, vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]), (Key::Char('\n'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Tab)]), (Key::Char('\t'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)]), (Key::Left, vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)]), ]), ], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = first_line(&mode_info, None, 500, ">"); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!( ret, " LOCK >> PANE >> TAB >> RESIZE >> <←> MOVE >" .to_string() ); } #[test] fn first_line_short_layout_shared_super() { #[rustfmt::skip] let mode_info = ModeInfo{ mode: InputMode::Normal, keybinds : vec![ (InputMode::Normal, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Locked)]), (Key::Ctrl('b'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]), (Key::Ctrl('c'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Tab)]), (Key::Ctrl('d'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)]), (Key::Ctrl('e'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)]), ]), ], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = first_line(&mode_info, None, 50, ">"); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " Ctrl + >> a >> b >> c >> d >> e >".to_string()); } #[test] fn first_line_short_simplified_ui_shared_super() { #[rustfmt::skip] let mode_info = ModeInfo{ mode: InputMode::Normal, keybinds : vec![ (InputMode::Normal, vec![ (Key::Ctrl('a'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Pane)]), (Key::Ctrl('b'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Resize)]), (Key::Ctrl('c'), vec![Action::SwitchToMode(InputMode::Move)]), ]), ], ..ModeInfo::default() }; let ret = first_line(&mode_info, None, 30, ""); let ret = unstyle(ret); assert_eq!(ret, " Ctrl + a b c ".to_string()); } }