use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::collections::BTreeMap; use zellij_tile::prelude::*; // This is a fixture plugin used only for tests in Zellij // it is not (and should not!) be included in the mainline executable // it's included here for convenience so that it will be built by the CI #[derive(Default)] struct State { received_events: Vec, received_payload: Option, configuration: BTreeMap, message_to_plugin_payload: Option, } #[derive(Default, Serialize, Deserialize)] struct TestWorker { number_of_messages_received: usize, } impl<'de> ZellijWorker<'de> for TestWorker { fn on_message(&mut self, message: String, payload: String) { if message == "ping" { self.number_of_messages_received += 1; post_message_to_plugin(PluginMessage { worker_name: None, name: "pong".into(), payload: format!( "{}, received {} messages", payload, self.number_of_messages_received ), }); } } } #[cfg(target_family = "wasm")] register_plugin!(State); #[cfg(target_family = "wasm")] register_worker!(TestWorker, test_worker, TEST_WORKER); #[cfg(target_family = "wasm")] impl ZellijPlugin for State { fn load(&mut self, configuration: BTreeMap) { request_permission(&[ PermissionType::ChangeApplicationState, PermissionType::ReadApplicationState, PermissionType::ReadApplicationState, PermissionType::ChangeApplicationState, PermissionType::OpenFiles, PermissionType::RunCommands, PermissionType::OpenTerminalsOrPlugins, PermissionType::WriteToStdin, PermissionType::WebAccess, PermissionType::ReadCliPipes, PermissionType::MessageAndLaunchOtherPlugins, ]); self.configuration = configuration; subscribe(&[ EventType::InputReceived, EventType::Key, EventType::SystemClipboardFailure, EventType::CustomMessage, EventType::FileSystemCreate, EventType::FileSystemUpdate, EventType::FileSystemDelete, ]); } fn update(&mut self, event: Event) -> bool { match &event { Event::Key(key) => match key { Key::Char('a') => { switch_to_input_mode(&InputMode::Tab); }, Key::Char('b') => { new_tabs_with_layout( "layout { tab { pane pane } tab split_direction=\"vertical\" { pane pane } }", ); }, Key::Char('c') => new_tab(), Key::Char('d') => go_to_next_tab(), Key::Char('e') => go_to_previous_tab(), Key::Char('f') => { let resize = Resize::Increase; resize_focused_pane(resize) }, Key::Char('g') => { let resize = Resize::Increase; let direction = Direction::Left; resize_focused_pane_with_direction(resize, direction); }, Key::Char('h') => focus_next_pane(), Key::Char('i') => focus_previous_pane(), Key::Char('j') => { let direction = Direction::Left; move_focus(direction) }, Key::Char('k') => { let direction = Direction::Left; move_focus_or_tab(direction) }, Key::Char('l') => detach(), Key::Char('m') => edit_scrollback(), Key::Char('n') => { let bytes = vec![102, 111, 111]; write(bytes) }, Key::Char('o') => { let chars = "foo"; write_chars(chars); }, Key::Char('p') => toggle_tab(), Key::Char('q') => move_pane(), Key::Char('r') => { let direction = Direction::Left; move_pane_with_direction(direction) }, Key::Char('s') => clear_screen(), Key::Char('t') => scroll_up(), Key::Char('u') => scroll_down(), Key::Char('v') => scroll_to_top(), Key::Char('w') => scroll_to_bottom(), Key::Char('x') => page_scroll_up(), Key::Char('y') => page_scroll_down(), Key::Char('z') => toggle_focus_fullscreen(), Key::Char('1') => toggle_pane_frames(), Key::Char('2') => toggle_pane_embed_or_eject(), Key::Char('3') => undo_rename_pane(), Key::Char('4') => close_focus(), Key::Char('5') => toggle_active_tab_sync(), Key::Char('6') => close_focused_tab(), Key::Char('7') => undo_rename_tab(), Key::Char('8') => quit_zellij(), Key::Ctrl('a') => previous_swap_layout(), Key::Ctrl('b') => next_swap_layout(), Key::Ctrl('c') => { let tab_name = "my tab name"; go_to_tab_name(tab_name) }, Key::Ctrl('d') => { let tab_name = "my tab name"; focus_or_create_tab(tab_name) }, Key::Ctrl('e') => { let tab_index = 2; go_to_tab(tab_index) }, Key::Ctrl('f') => { let plugin_url = "file:/path/to/my/plugin.wasm"; start_or_reload_plugin(plugin_url) }, Key::Ctrl('g') => { open_file(FileToOpen { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('h') => { open_file_floating(FileToOpen { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('i') => { open_file(FileToOpen { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), line_number: Some(42), ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('j') => { open_file_floating(FileToOpen { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), line_number: Some(42), ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('k') => { open_terminal(std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/").as_path()); }, Key::Ctrl('l') => { open_terminal_floating( std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/").as_path(), ); }, Key::Ctrl('m') => { open_command_pane(CommandToRun { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), args: vec!["arg1".to_owned(), "arg2".to_owned()], ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('n') => { open_command_pane_floating(CommandToRun { path: std::path::PathBuf::from("/path/to/my/"), args: vec!["arg1".to_owned(), "arg2".to_owned()], ..Default::default() }); }, Key::Ctrl('o') => { switch_tab_to(1); }, Key::Ctrl('p') => { hide_self(); }, Key::Ctrl('q') => { let should_float_if_hidden = false; show_self(should_float_if_hidden); }, Key::Ctrl('r') => { close_terminal_pane(1); }, Key::Ctrl('s') => { close_plugin_pane(1); }, Key::Ctrl('t') => { let should_float_if_hidden = false; focus_terminal_pane(1, should_float_if_hidden); }, Key::Ctrl('u') => { let should_float_if_hidden = false; focus_plugin_pane(1, should_float_if_hidden); }, Key::Ctrl('v') => { rename_terminal_pane(1, "new terminal_pane_name"); }, Key::Ctrl('w') => { rename_plugin_pane(1, "new plugin_pane_name"); }, Key::Ctrl('x') => { rename_tab(1, "new tab name"); }, Key::Ctrl('z') => { go_to_tab_name(&format!("{:?}", self.configuration)); }, Key::Ctrl('1') => { request_permission(&[PermissionType::ReadApplicationState]); }, Key::Ctrl('2') => { let mut context = BTreeMap::new(); context.insert("user_key_1".to_owned(), "user_value_1".to_owned()); run_command(&["ls", "-l"], context); }, Key::Ctrl('3') => { let mut context = BTreeMap::new(); context.insert("user_key_2".to_owned(), "user_value_2".to_owned()); let mut env_vars = BTreeMap::new(); env_vars.insert("VAR1".to_owned(), "some_value".to_owned()); run_command_with_env_variables_and_cwd( &["ls", "-l"], env_vars, std::path::PathBuf::from("/some/custom/folder"), context, ); }, Key::Ctrl('4') => { let mut headers = BTreeMap::new(); let mut context = BTreeMap::new(); let body = vec![1, 2, 3]; headers.insert("header1".to_owned(), "value1".to_owned()); headers.insert("header2".to_owned(), "value2".to_owned()); context.insert("user_key_1".to_owned(), "user_value1".to_owned()); context.insert("user_key_2".to_owned(), "user_value2".to_owned()); web_request( "", HttpVerb::Post, headers, body, context, ); }, Key::Ctrl('5') => { switch_session(Some("my_new_session")); }, Key::Ctrl('6') => disconnect_other_clients(), Key::Ctrl('7') => { switch_session_with_layout( Some("my_other_new_session"), LayoutInfo::BuiltIn("compact".to_owned()), ); }, _ => {}, }, Event::CustomMessage(message, payload) => { if message == "pong" { self.received_payload = Some(payload.clone()); } }, Event::SystemClipboardFailure => { // this is just to trigger the worker message post_message_to(PluginMessage { worker_name: Some("test".into()), name: "ping".into(), payload: "gimme_back_my_payload".into(), }); }, _ => {}, } let should_render = true; self.received_events.push(event); should_render } fn pipe(&mut self, pipe_message: PipeMessage) -> bool { let input_pipe_id = match pipe_message.source { PipeSource::Cli(id) => id.clone(), PipeSource::Plugin(id) => format!("{}", id), }; let name =; let payload = pipe_message.payload; if name == "message_name" && payload == Some("message_payload".to_owned()) { unblock_cli_pipe_input(&input_pipe_id); } else if name == "message_name_block" { block_cli_pipe_input(&input_pipe_id); } else if name == "pipe_output" { cli_pipe_output(&name, "this_is_my_output"); } else if name == "pipe_message_to_plugin" { pipe_message_to_plugin( MessageToPlugin::new("message_to_plugin").with_payload("my_cool_payload"), ); } else if name == "message_to_plugin" { self.message_to_plugin_payload = payload.clone(); } let should_render = true; should_render } fn render(&mut self, rows: usize, cols: usize) { if let Some(payload) = self.received_payload.as_ref() { println!("Payload from worker: {:?}", payload); } else if let Some(payload) = self.message_to_plugin_payload.take() { println!("Payload from self: {:?}", payload); } else { println!( "Rows: {:?}, Cols: {:?}, Received events: {:?}", rows, cols, self.received_events ); } } }