path: root/default-plugins/strider/src/search/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'default-plugins/strider/src/search/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/default-plugins/strider/src/search/ b/default-plugins/strider/src/search/
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d03941d..000000000
--- a/default-plugins/strider/src/search/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-use crate::search::search_results::SearchResult;
-use crate::search::{MessageToSearch, ResultsOfSearch};
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use zellij_tile::prelude::{
- hide_self, open_file, open_file_floating, open_terminal, open_terminal_floating,
- post_message_to, FileToOpen, Key, PluginMessage,
-pub const CURRENT_SEARCH_TERM: &str = "/data/current_search_term";
-pub struct SearchState {
- pub search_term: String,
- pub file_name_search_results: Vec<SearchResult>,
- pub file_contents_search_results: Vec<SearchResult>,
- pub loading: bool,
- pub loading_animation_offset: u8,
- pub selected_search_result: usize,
- pub should_open_floating: bool,
- pub search_filter: SearchType,
- pub display_rows: usize,
- pub display_columns: usize,
- pub displayed_search_results: (usize, Vec<SearchResult>), // usize is selected index
-impl SearchState {
- pub fn handle_key(&mut self, key: Key) {
- match key {
- Key::Down => self.move_search_selection_down(),
- Key::Up => self.move_search_selection_up(),
- Key::Char('\n') => self.open_search_result_in_editor(),
- Key::BackTab => self.open_search_result_in_terminal(),
- Key::Ctrl('f') => {
- self.should_open_floating = !self.should_open_floating;
- },
- Key::Ctrl('r') => self.toggle_search_filter(),
- Key::Esc => {
- if !self.search_term.is_empty() {
- self.clear_state();
- } else {
- hide_self();
- }
- },
- _ => self.append_to_search_term(key),
- }
- }
- pub fn update_file_name_search_results(&mut self, mut results_of_search: ResultsOfSearch) {
- if self.search_term == results_of_search.search_term {
- self.file_name_search_results = results_of_search.search_results.drain(..).collect();
- self.update_displayed_search_results();
- }
- }
- pub fn update_file_contents_search_results(&mut self, mut results_of_search: ResultsOfSearch) {
- if self.search_term == results_of_search.search_term {
- self.file_contents_search_results =
- results_of_search.search_results.drain(..).collect();
- self.update_displayed_search_results();
- }
- }
- pub fn change_size(&mut self, rows: usize, cols: usize) {
- self.display_rows = rows;
- self.display_columns = cols;
- }
- pub fn progress_animation(&mut self) {
- if self.loading_animation_offset == u8::MAX {
- self.loading_animation_offset = 0;
- } else {
- self.loading_animation_offset = self.loading_animation_offset.saturating_add(1);
- }
- }
- pub fn number_of_lines_in_displayed_search_results(&self) -> usize {
- self.displayed_search_results
- .1
- .iter()
- .map(|l| l.rendered_height())
- .sum()
- }
- fn move_search_selection_down(&mut self) {
- if self.displayed_search_results.0 < self.max_search_selection_index() {
- self.displayed_search_results.0 += 1;
- }
- }
- fn move_search_selection_up(&mut self) {
- self.displayed_search_results.0 = self.displayed_search_results.0.saturating_sub(1);
- }
- fn open_search_result_in_editor(&mut self) {
- match self.selected_search_result_entry() {
- Some(SearchResult::File { path, .. }) => {
- if self.should_open_floating {
- open_file_floating(
- FileToOpen {
- path: PathBuf::from(path),
- ..Default::default()
- },
- None,
- );
- } else {
- open_file(FileToOpen {
- path: PathBuf::from(path),
- ..Default::default()
- });
- }
- },
- Some(SearchResult::LineInFile {
- path, line_number, ..
- }) => {
- if self.should_open_floating {
- open_file_floating(
- FileToOpen {
- path: PathBuf::from(path),
- line_number: Some(line_number),
- ..Default::default()
- },
- None,
- );
- } else {
- open_file(FileToOpen {
- path: PathBuf::from(path),
- line_number: Some(line_number),
- ..Default::default()
- });
- }
- },
- None => eprintln!("Search results not found"),
- }
- }
- fn open_search_result_in_terminal(&mut self) {
- let dir_path_of_result = |path: &str| -> PathBuf {
- let file_path = PathBuf::from(path);
- let mut dir_path = file_path.components();
- dir_path.next_back(); // remove file name to stay with just the folder
- dir_path.as_path().into()
- };
- let selected_search_result_entry = self.selected_search_result_entry();
- if let Some(SearchResult::File { path, .. }) | Some(SearchResult::LineInFile { path, .. }) =
- selected_search_result_entry
- {
- let dir_path = dir_path_of_result(&path);
- if self.should_open_floating {
- open_terminal_floating(&dir_path, None);
- } else {
- open_terminal(&dir_path);
- }
- }
- }
- fn toggle_search_filter(&mut self) {
- self.search_filter.progress();
- self.send_search_query();
- }
- fn clear_state(&mut self) {
- self.file_name_search_results.clear();
- self.file_contents_search_results.clear();
- self.displayed_search_results = (0, vec![]);
- self.search_term.clear();
- }
- fn append_to_search_term(&mut self, key: Key) {
- match key {
- Key::Char(character) => {
- self.search_term.push(character);
- },
- Key::Backspace => {
- self.search_term.pop();
- if self.search_term.len() == 0 {
- self.clear_state();
- }
- },
- _ => {},
- }
- self.send_search_query();
- }
- fn send_search_query(&mut self) {
- match std::fs::write(CURRENT_SEARCH_TERM, &self.search_term) {
- Ok(_) => {
- if !self.search_term.is_empty() {
- post_message_to(PluginMessage {
- worker_name: Some("file_name_search".into()),
- name: serde_json::to_string(&MessageToSearch::Search).unwrap(),
- payload: "".into(),
- });
- post_message_to(PluginMessage {
- worker_name: Some("file_contents_search".into()),
- name: serde_json::to_string(&MessageToSearch::Search).unwrap(),
- payload: "".into(),
- });
- self.file_name_search_results.clear();
- self.file_contents_search_results.clear();
- }
- },
- Err(e) => eprintln!("Failed to write search term to HD, aborting search: {}", e),
- }
- }
- fn max_search_selection_index(&self) -> usize {
- self.displayed_search_results.1.len().saturating_sub(1)
- }
- fn update_displayed_search_results(&mut self) {
- if self.search_term.is_empty() {
- self.clear_state();
- return;
- }
- let mut search_results_of_interest = match self.search_filter {
- SearchType::NamesAndContents => {
- let mut all_search_results = self.file_name_search_results.clone();
- all_search_results.append(&mut self.file_contents_search_results.clone());
- all_search_results.sort_by(|a, b| b.score().cmp(&a.score()));
- all_search_results
- },
- SearchType::Names => self.file_name_search_results.clone(),
- SearchType::Contents => self.file_contents_search_results.clone(),
- };
- let mut height_taken_up_by_results = 0;
- let mut displayed_search_results = vec![];
- for search_result in search_results_of_interest.drain(..) {
- if height_taken_up_by_results + search_result.rendered_height()
- > self.rows_for_results()
- {
- break;
- }
- height_taken_up_by_results += search_result.rendered_height();
- displayed_search_results.push(search_result);
- }
- let new_index = self
- .selected_search_result_entry()
- .and_then(|currently_selected_search_result| {
- displayed_search_results
- .iter()
- .position(|r| r.is_same_entry(&currently_selected_search_result))
- })
- .unwrap_or(0);
- self.displayed_search_results = (new_index, displayed_search_results);
- }
- fn selected_search_result_entry(&self) -> Option<SearchResult> {
- self.displayed_search_results
- .1
- .get(self.displayed_search_results.0)
- .cloned()
- }
- pub fn rows_for_results(&self) -> usize {
- self.display_rows.saturating_sub(3) // search line and 2 controls lines
- }
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
-pub enum SearchType {
- NamesAndContents,
- Names,
- Contents,
-impl SearchType {
- pub fn progress(&mut self) {
- match &self {
- &SearchType::NamesAndContents => *self = SearchType::Names,
- &SearchType::Names => *self = SearchType::Contents,
- &SearchType::Contents => *self = SearchType::NamesAndContents,
- }
- }
-impl Default for SearchType {
- fn default() -> Self {
- SearchType::NamesAndContents
- }