diff options
authorKunal Mohan <>2021-03-27 19:55:22 +0530
committerKunal Mohan <>2021-04-14 01:41:33 +0530
commitd1961df5b6b22444789c9b5548faa73993f2c9a9 (patch)
parent6cb229341e1fb84a6c2415d38e93b8596c3ffa13 (diff)
split start into start_server and start_client
12 files changed, 523 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/ b/src/client/
index cba12a46c..f5c77a5bc 100644
--- a/src/client/
+++ b/src/client/
@@ -4,4 +4,488 @@ pub mod pane_resizer;
pub mod panes;
pub mod tab;
-pub fn _start_client() {}
+use std::sync::mpsc;
+use std::thread;
+use std::{collections::HashMap, fs};
+use std::{
+ collections::HashSet,
+ io::Write,
+ str::FromStr,
+ sync::{Arc, Mutex},
+use directories_next::ProjectDirs;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use wasmer::{ChainableNamedResolver, Instance, Module, Store, Value};
+use wasmer_wasi::{Pipe, WasiState};
+use zellij_tile::data::{EventType, InputMode};
+use crate::cli::CliArgs;
+use crate::common::{
+ command_is_executing::CommandIsExecuting,
+ errors::{AppContext, ContextType, PluginContext, ScreenContext},
+ input::handler::input_loop,
+ os_input_output::{ClientOsApi, ServerOsApiInstruction},
+ pty_bus::PtyInstruction,
+ screen::{Screen, ScreenInstruction},
+ wasm_vm::{wasi_stdout, wasi_write_string, zellij_imports, PluginEnv, PluginInstruction},
+ ChannelWithContext, SenderType, SenderWithContext, SyncChannelWithContext, OPENCALLS,
+use crate::layout::Layout;
+use crate::server::ServerInstruction;
+/// Instructions sent from server to client
+#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
+pub enum ClientInstruction {
+ ToScreen(ScreenInstruction),
+ ClosePluginPane(u32),
+ Error(String),
+ DoneClosingPane,
+ Exit,
+/// Instructions related to the client-side application.
+pub enum AppInstruction {
+ Exit,
+ Error(String),
+ ToPty(PtyInstruction),
+ ToScreen(ScreenInstruction),
+ ToPlugin(PluginInstruction),
+ OsApi(ServerOsApiInstruction),
+ DoneClosingPane,
+impl From<ClientInstruction> for AppInstruction {
+ fn from(item: ClientInstruction) -> Self {
+ match item {
+ ClientInstruction::ToScreen(s) => AppInstruction::ToScreen(s),
+ ClientInstruction::Error(e) => AppInstruction::Error(e),
+ ClientInstruction::ClosePluginPane(p) => {
+ AppInstruction::ToPlugin(PluginInstruction::Unload(p))
+ }
+ ClientInstruction::DoneClosingPane => AppInstruction::DoneClosingPane,
+ ClientInstruction::Exit => AppInstruction::Exit,
+ }
+ }
+pub fn start_client(mut os_input: Box<dyn ClientOsApi>, opts: CliArgs) {
+ let take_snapshot = "\u{1b}[?1049h";
+ os_input.unset_raw_mode(0);
+ let _ = os_input
+ .get_stdout_writer()
+ .write(take_snapshot.as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ let mut command_is_executing = CommandIsExecuting::new();
+ let full_screen_ws = os_input.get_terminal_size_using_fd(0);
+ os_input.set_raw_mode(0);
+ let (send_screen_instructions, receive_screen_instructions): ChannelWithContext<
+ ScreenInstruction,
+ > = mpsc::channel();
+ let err_ctx = OPENCALLS.with(|ctx| *ctx.borrow());
+ let mut send_screen_instructions =
+ SenderWithContext::new(err_ctx, SenderType::Sender(send_screen_instructions));
+ let (send_plugin_instructions, receive_plugin_instructions): ChannelWithContext<
+ PluginInstruction,
+ > = mpsc::channel();
+ let send_plugin_instructions =
+ SenderWithContext::new(err_ctx, SenderType::Sender(send_plugin_instructions));
+ let (send_app_instructions, receive_app_instructions): SyncChannelWithContext<AppInstruction> =
+ mpsc::sync_channel(500);
+ let mut send_app_instructions =
+ SenderWithContext::new(err_ctx, SenderType::SyncSender(send_app_instructions));
+ os_input.connect_to_server();
+ #[cfg(not(test))]
+ std::panic::set_hook({
+ use crate::errors::handle_panic;
+ let send_app_instructions = send_app_instructions.clone();
+ Box::new(move |info| {
+ handle_panic(info, &send_app_instructions);
+ })
+ });
+ let screen_thread = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("screen".to_string())
+ .spawn({
+ let mut command_is_executing = command_is_executing.clone();
+ let os_input = os_input.clone();
+ let send_plugin_instructions = send_plugin_instructions.clone();
+ let send_app_instructions = send_app_instructions.clone();
+ let max_panes = opts.max_panes;
+ move || {
+ let mut screen = Screen::new(
+ receive_screen_instructions,
+ send_plugin_instructions,
+ send_app_instructions,
+ &full_screen_ws,
+ os_input,
+ max_panes,
+ InputMode::Normal,
+ );
+ loop {
+ let (event, mut err_ctx) = screen
+ .receiver
+ .recv()
+ .expect("failed to receive event on channel");
+ err_ctx.add_call(ContextType::Screen(ScreenContext::from(&event)));
+ screen.send_app_instructions.update(err_ctx);
+ match event {
+ ScreenInstruction::Pty(pid, vte_event) => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .handle_pty_event(pid, vte_event);
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::Render => {
+ screen.render();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::NewPane(pid) => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().new_pane(pid);
+ command_is_executing.done_opening_new_pane();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::HorizontalSplit(pid) => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().horizontal_split(pid);
+ command_is_executing.done_opening_new_pane();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::VerticalSplit(pid) => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().vertical_split(pid);
+ command_is_executing.done_opening_new_pane();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::WriteCharacter(bytes) => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .write_to_active_terminal(bytes);
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ResizeLeft => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().resize_left();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ResizeRight => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().resize_right();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ResizeDown => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().resize_down();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ResizeUp => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().resize_up();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::MoveFocus => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().move_focus();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::MoveFocusLeft => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().move_focus_left();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::MoveFocusDown => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().move_focus_down();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::MoveFocusRight => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().move_focus_right();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::MoveFocusUp => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().move_focus_up();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ScrollUp => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .scroll_active_terminal_up();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ScrollDown => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .scroll_active_terminal_down();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ClearScroll => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .clear_active_terminal_scroll();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::CloseFocusedPane => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().close_focused_pane();
+ screen.render();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::SetSelectable(id, selectable) => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .set_pane_selectable(id, selectable);
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::SetMaxHeight(id, max_height) => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .set_pane_max_height(id, max_height);
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::SetInvisibleBorders(id, invisible_borders) => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .set_pane_invisible_borders(id, invisible_borders);
+ screen.render();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ClosePane(id) => {
+ screen.get_active_tab_mut().unwrap().close_pane(id);
+ screen.render();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ToggleActiveTerminalFullscreen => {
+ screen
+ .get_active_tab_mut()
+ .unwrap()
+ .toggle_active_pane_fullscreen();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::NewTab(pane_id) => {
+ screen.new_tab(pane_id);
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::SwitchTabNext => {
+ screen.switch_tab_next();
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::SwitchTabPrev => {
+ screen.switch_tab_prev();
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::CloseTab => {
+ screen.close_tab();
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ApplyLayout((layout, new_pane_pids)) => {
+ screen.apply_layout(Layout::new(layout), new_pane_pids);
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::GoToTab(tab_index) => {
+ screen.go_to_tab(tab_index as usize);
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::UpdateTabName(c) => {
+ screen.update_active_tab_name(c);
+ command_is_executing.done_updating_tabs();
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::ChangeInputMode(input_mode) => {
+ screen.change_input_mode(input_mode);
+ }
+ ScreenInstruction::Exit => {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let wasm_thread = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("wasm".to_string())
+ .spawn({
+ let mut send_screen_instructions = send_screen_instructions.clone();
+ let mut send_app_instructions = send_app_instructions.clone();
+ let store = Store::default();
+ let mut plugin_id = 0;
+ let mut plugin_map = HashMap::new();
+ move || loop {
+ let (event, mut err_ctx) = receive_plugin_instructions
+ .recv()
+ .expect("failed to receive event on channel");
+ err_ctx.add_call(ContextType::Plugin(PluginContext::from(&event)));
+ send_screen_instructions.update(err_ctx);
+ send_app_instructions.update(err_ctx);
+ match event {
+ PluginInstruction::Load(pid_tx, path) => {
+ let project_dirs =
+ ProjectDirs::from("org", "Zellij Contributors", "Zellij").unwrap();
+ let plugin_dir = project_dirs.data_dir().join("plugins/");
+ let wasm_bytes = fs::read(&path)
+ .or_else(|_| fs::read(&path.with_extension("wasm")))
+ .or_else(|_| fs::read(&plugin_dir.join(&path).with_extension("wasm")))
+ .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("cannot find plugin {}", &path.display()));
+ // FIXME: Cache this compiled module on disk. I could use `(de)serialize_to_file()` for that
+ let module = Module::new(&store, &wasm_bytes).unwrap();
+ let output = Pipe::new();
+ let input = Pipe::new();
+ let mut wasi_env = WasiState::new("Zellij")
+ .env("CLICOLOR_FORCE", "1")
+ .preopen(|p| {
+".") // FIXME: Change this to a more meaningful dir
+ .alias(".")
+ .read(true)
+ .write(true)
+ .create(true)
+ })
+ .unwrap()
+ .stdin(Box::new(input))
+ .stdout(Box::new(output))
+ .finalize()
+ .unwrap();
+ let wasi = wasi_env.import_object(&module).unwrap();
+ let plugin_env = PluginEnv {
+ plugin_id,
+ send_screen_instructions: send_screen_instructions.clone(),
+ send_app_instructions: send_app_instructions.clone(),
+ wasi_env,
+ subscriptions: Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashSet::new())),
+ };
+ let zellij = zellij_imports(&store, &plugin_env);
+ let instance = Instance::new(&module, &zellij.chain_back(wasi)).unwrap();
+ let start = instance.exports.get_function("_start").unwrap();
+ // This eventually calls the `.init()` method
+ plugin_map.insert(plugin_id, (instance, plugin_env));
+ pid_tx.send(plugin_id).unwrap();
+ plugin_id += 1;
+ }
+ PluginInstruction::Update(pid, event) => {
+ for (&i, (instance, plugin_env)) in &plugin_map {
+ let subs = plugin_env.subscriptions.lock().unwrap();
+ // FIXME: This is very janky... Maybe I should write my own macro for Event -> EventType?
+ let event_type = EventType::from_str(&event.to_string()).unwrap();
+ if (pid.is_none() || pid == Some(i)) && subs.contains(&event_type) {
+ let update = instance.exports.get_function("update").unwrap();
+ wasi_write_string(
+ &plugin_env.wasi_env,
+ &serde_json::to_string(&event).unwrap(),
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ drop(send_screen_instructions.send(ScreenInstruction::Render));
+ }
+ PluginInstruction::Render(buf_tx, pid, rows, cols) => {
+ let (instance, plugin_env) = plugin_map.get(&pid).unwrap();
+ let render = instance.exports.get_function("render").unwrap();
+ render
+ .call(&[Value::I32(rows as i32), Value::I32(cols as i32)])
+ .unwrap();
+ buf_tx.send(wasi_stdout(&plugin_env.wasi_env)).unwrap();
+ }
+ PluginInstruction::Unload(pid) => drop(plugin_map.remove(&pid)),
+ PluginInstruction::Exit => break,
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ let _stdin_thread = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("stdin_handler".to_string())
+ .spawn({
+ let send_screen_instructions = send_screen_instructions.clone();
+ let send_plugin_instructions = send_plugin_instructions.clone();
+ let send_app_instructions = send_app_instructions.clone();
+ let command_is_executing = command_is_executing.clone();
+ let os_input = os_input.clone();
+ move || {
+ input_loop(
+ os_input,
+ command_is_executing,
+ send_screen_instructions,
+ send_plugin_instructions,
+ send_app_instructions,
+ )
+ }
+ });
+ let router_thread = thread::Builder::new()
+ .name("router".to_string())
+ .spawn({
+ let os_input = os_input.clone();
+ move || loop {
+ let (instruction, err_ctx) = os_input.client_recv();
+ send_app_instructions.update(err_ctx);
+ match instruction {
+ ClientInstruction::Exit => break,
+ _ => {
+ send_app_instructions
+ .send(AppInstruction::from(instruction))
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ .unwrap();
+ #[warn(clippy::never_loop)]
+ loop {
+ let (app_instruction, mut err_ctx) = receive_app_instructions
+ .recv()
+ .expect("failed to receive app instruction on channel");
+ err_ctx.add_call(ContextType::App(AppContext::from(&app_instruction)));
+ send_screen_instructions.update(err_ctx);
+ os_input.update_senders(err_ctx);
+ match app_instruction {
+ AppInstruction::Exit => break,
+ AppInstruction::Error(backtrace) => {
+ let _ = os_input.send_to_server(ServerInstruction::ClientExit);
+ let _ = send_screen_instructions.send(ScreenInstruction::Exit);
+ let _ = send_plugin_instructions.send(PluginInstruction::Exit);
+ let _ = screen_thread.join();
+ let _ = wasm_thread.join();
+ os_input.unset_raw_mode(0);
+ let goto_start_of_last_line = format!("\u{1b}[{};{}H", full_screen_ws.rows, 1);
+ let error = format!("{}\n{}", goto_start_of_last_line, backtrace);
+ let _ = os_input
+ .get_stdout_writer()
+ .write(error.as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ std::process::exit(1);
+ }
+ AppInstruction::ToScreen(instruction) => {
+ send_screen_instructions.send(instruction).unwrap();
+ }
+ AppInstruction::ToPlugin(instruction) => {
+ send_plugin_instructions.send(instruction).unwrap();
+ }
+ AppInstruction::ToPty(instruction) => {
+ let _ = os_input.send_to_server(ServerInstruction::ToPty(instruction));
+ }
+ AppInstruction::OsApi(instruction) => {
+ let _ = os_input.send_to_server(ServerInstruction::OsApi(instruction));
+ }
+ AppInstruction::DoneClosingPane => command_is_executing.done_closing_pane(),
+ }
+ }
+ let _ = os_input.send_to_server(ServerInstruction::ClientExit);
+ let _ = send_screen_instructions.send(ScreenInstruction::Exit);
+ let _ = send_plugin_instructions.send(PluginInstruction::Exit);
+ screen_thread.join().unwrap();
+ wasm_thread.join().unwrap();
+ router_thread.join().unwrap();
+ // cleanup();
+ let reset_style = "\u{1b}[m";
+ let show_cursor = "\u{1b}[?25h";
+ let restore_snapshot = "\u{1b}[?1049l";
+ let goto_start_of_last_line = format!("\u{1b}[{};{}H", full_screen_ws.rows, 1);
+ let goodbye_message = format!(
+ "{}\n{}{}{}Bye from Zellij!\n",
+ goto_start_of_last_line, restore_snapshot, reset_style, show_cursor
+ );
+ os_input.unset_raw_mode(0);
+ let _ = os_input
+ .get_stdout_writer()
+ .write(goodbye_message.as_bytes())
+ .unwrap();
+ os_input.get_stdout_writer().flush().unwrap();
diff --git a/src/client/ b/src/client/
index 681624770..7ebd5bb08 100644
--- a/src/client/
+++ b/src/client/
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
//! as well as how they should be resized
use crate::boundaries::colors;
-use crate::client::pane_resizer::PaneResizer;
-use crate::common::{input::handler::parse_keys, AppInstruction, SenderWithContext};
+use crate::client::AppInstruction;
+use crate::common::{input::handler::parse_keys, SenderWithContext};
use crate::layout::Layout;
use crate::os_input_output::{ClientOsApi, ServerOsApiInstruction};
use crate::panes::{PaneId, PositionAndSize, TerminalPane};
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index 90b7a3058..c5ff0d183 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
//! Error context system based on a thread-local representation of the call stack, itself based on
//! the instructions that are sent between threads.
-use super::{
- os_input_output::ServerOsApiInstruction, AppInstruction, ServerInstruction, OPENCALLS,
+use super::{os_input_output::ServerOsApiInstruction, ServerInstruction, OPENCALLS};
+use crate::client::AppInstruction;
use crate::pty_bus::PtyInstruction;
use crate::screen::ScreenInstruction;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
diff --git a/src/common/input/ b/src/common/input/
index 10736bcc6..fe8e50df8 100644
--- a/src/common/input/
+++ b/src/common/input/
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
//! Main input logic.
use super::actions::Action;
-use super::keybinds::Keybinds;
-use crate::common::input::config::Config;
-use crate::common::{AppInstruction, SenderWithContext, OPENCALLS};
+use super::keybinds::get_default_keybinds;
+use crate::client::AppInstruction;
+use crate::common::{SenderWithContext, OPENCALLS};
use crate::errors::ContextType;
use crate::os_input_output::ClientOsApi;
use crate::pty_bus::PtyInstruction;
diff --git a/src/common/ b/src/common/
index 3960ee32c..fb11538ed 100644
--- a/src/common/
+++ b/src/common/
@@ -9,44 +9,11 @@ pub mod screen;
pub mod utils;
pub mod wasm_vm;
+use crate::panes::PaneId;
+use crate::server::ServerInstruction;
+use errors::ErrorContext;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::sync::mpsc;
-use std::thread;
-use std::{collections::HashMap, fs};
-use std::{
- collections::HashSet,
- io::Write,
- str::FromStr,
- sync::{Arc, Mutex},
-use crate::cli::CliArgs;
-use crate::layout::Layout;
-use crate::panes::PaneId;
-use crate::server::{start_server, ServerInstruction};
-use command_is_executing::CommandIsExecuting;
-use directories_next::ProjectDirs;
-use errors::{AppContext, ContextType, ErrorContext, PluginContext, ScreenContext};
-use input::handler::input_loop;
-use os_input_output::{ClientOsApi, ServerOsApi, ServerOsApiInstruction};
-use pty_bus::PtyInstruction;
-use screen::{Screen, ScreenInstruction};
-use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
-use wasm_vm::PluginEnv;
-use wasm_vm::{wasi_stdout, wasi_write_string, zellij_imports, PluginInstruction};
-use wasmer::{ChainableNamedResolver, Instance, Module, Store, Value};
-use wasmer_wasi::{Pipe, WasiState};
-use zellij_tile::data::{EventType, InputMode};
-/// Instructions sent from server to client
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)]
-pub enum ClientInstruction {
- ToScreen(ScreenInstruction),
- ClosePluginPane(u32),
- Error(String),
- DoneClosingPane,
- Exit,
/// An [MPSC](mpsc) asynchronous channel with added error context.
pub type ChannelWithContext<T> = (
@@ -97,481 +64,5 @@ unsafe impl<T: Clone> Sync for SenderWithContext<T> {}
/// A key to some thread local storage (TLS) that holds a representation of the thread's call
/// stack in the form of an [`ErrorContext`].
- static OPENCALLS: RefCell<ErrorContext> = RefCell::default()
+ pub static OPENCALLS: RefCell<ErrorContext> = RefCell::default()